2011/12/29 Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com>

> That bug from 2008 pointed to my problem.  I was using an old jre.
> Don't do that.  :-)
Maybe we can do something about it in JOSM.
First I have updated this wiki page:

To point out the more recent bugs caused by an old JRE version.

Next, I propose to update the Main.checkJava6() to issue a warning when
JOSM runs with an old JRE 6.
We'd just have to define what "old" is. It must be at least 14 (the update
fixing this issue), but we have the following versions of openjdk-6-jre in
- Debian stable: 18
- Ubuntu stable: 23

So, I'd suggest 18, to start with ?
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