Re: [josm-dev] Dynamic buttons in side menus

2011-10-16 Thread Lennard

On 16-10-2011 13:53, Dirk Stöcker wrote:

Actually I don't think thats a good idea. While this may be good for
experienced users, a novice probably needs ages to find such a hidden

Like the selection and search history! People are still amazed when I 
tell them that it exists and where they can find it.

BTW: That's #4869


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] validator question, multipolygons

2011-03-05 Thread Lennard

On 5-3-2011 18:37, Mike N wrote:

On 3/5/2011 12:05 PM, Russ Nelson wrote:

I agree. What might work for better nannying is to only run the
validator on things they've changed. Otherwise they get asked to fix
everything within the bounding box they downloaded.

? It already works this way for me.

When you hit upload, yes. If you click Validate in the validator, it 
checks every object.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Microsoft gains access to aerial imagery

2010-11-24 Thread Lennard
> 2010/11/24 Frederik Ramm :
> in case of a constant offset at given locations (and not some warping
> problem), it would be cool to store (and possibly collect in an OSM /
> JOSM-database) those locations with their offsets for corrections, so
> that a user wouldn't have to adjust it manually everytime.

Such a system would also be extremely helpful for other image providers. I
keep moving yahoo to its right position whenever I edit something in my
local area. Having JOSM store that offset locally or even remotely so
others can benefit would be something to consider.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] validator warning for touching inner multipolygon-ways

2010-08-23 Thread Lennard

On 23-8-2010 11:38, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Frederik pointed out in a recent discussion (sorry for not quoting
precisely) that OSM generally supports/encourages touching inner ways
of multipolygons (which I think is a good idea because it happens all
them time, and saves us lots of double ways).

My point now: JOSM validator gives a warning on those. Could we get
rid of this warning?

Not only touching inner ways. The validator will generally 'warn' about 
any area 'overlapping' another area, when in reality they are only 
touching along part of the way. It makes this warning generally useless.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [OSM-talk] RFC: what are empty nodes and how should we use them?

2010-08-16 Thread Lennard

Adding josm-dev to the list. Please post technical follow-ups there.

On 16-8-2010 12:15, Peter Körner wrote:

The POST /api/0.6/changeset/#id/upload call is atomic in a transaction.
Why not split your upload into multiple OSC Parts and post thems via
this call. That way no imcomplete data would be visible to other users
at any time.

Uploading 30k+ objects in a single chunk with JOSM(1) is just too 
unreliable to make that workable. So either we have to split the data in 
smaller chunks by hand, or use JOSM's native chunked upload mode. If you 
have 40k nodes and 5k ways, and upload in 5k chunks, you will upload 8 
chunks with nodes, and 1 chunk with ways. Each chunk is atomic, and 
that's where atomicity ends, as far as the API is involved.

JOSM makes no attempt to sort the data in a smart way, to keep all nodes 
and associated ways and relations close together, in the same chunk when 
possible. I asked about such a feature before(2), but nothing has come 
of it as of yet.

If such a sorting feature is added to JOSM, the chunk size should be a 
soft size, able to vary slightly if that means related objects end up in 
the same chunk. May I point out as an example?

Sorted uploads would mostly prevent these 'fields of empty nodes' that 
appear to other mappers during a chunked upload, limiting the 
opportunity they have to wreak havoc on an ongoing upload by 'helpfully' 
deleting the nodes.

JOSM's chunked upload mode is an answer to API timeout issues, but it 
does have its own issues to keep in mind.

(1) It's not exactly more reliable with dedicated bulk upload scripts 
either. If the API takes too long to check the uploaded osmChange for 
validity, the TCP session appears to timeout. The script/JOSM never 
receives the OK from the API, including the new object IDs. The next 
time you hit upload to resume, it will reupload that failed chunk in its 
entirety, leading to (in my example) 5k duplicate objects on the server.



josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Opening File from mobile Device

2010-06-06 Thread Lennard
On 6-6-2010 21:26, Thomas Ineichen wrote:

> I use a Windows Mobile Device with OSMtracker for mapping. When I plug it
> to my PC (Windows 7) via USB, the device appears under "My Computer" as a
> Mobile Device ('Tragbare Geräte', no drive letter assigned). With JOSM, the
> Open-Dialog only shows my harddisk- and DVD-drives. Thus I have to copy my
> tracks to the HDD first and then open it in JOSM.
> Is that a general Java-problem and/or is there any workaround?

It's due to the way the device appears under Windows. You can also not 
directly open pictures on the device storage, for instance, but have to 
copy them off first.

Some devices (like mine) can have the storage card appear as a true USB 
storage device, and then you can use it from within JOSM as well.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Where are the slippy map chooser tiles cached?

2010-04-08 Thread Lennard
On 8-4-2010 23:31, MP wrote:

> No. This is where WMS tiles are cached. Slippy map chooser caches it
> in temporary directory (/tmp on unixes, %TEMP% on Windows machines,
> which is usually "C:\Documents and Settings\\Temp") and it
> creates
> "JMapViewerTiles_" directory there in which it stores the
> cached tiles.

On my machine, I can find them in:
"%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\JMapViewerTiles_%USERNAME%\Mapnik"

The way the tiles are stored (all in a flat dir) makes any file 
operations in the Windows Explorer (in XP) almost impossible, because it 
incurs very long delays in processing the dir.

Mine a few weeks after clearing: 41877 files, 174700223 bytes

Fortunately, clearing them from the command prompt is still fast. I 
wonder why they cannot be stored one dir per zoom, or in another hashing 


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Josm "Preparing data set..." message

2010-03-27 Thread Lennard
Maarten Deen wrote:
> I was wondering, when you have an incomplete relation in JOSM and you 
> download 
> the missing parts, the download dialog box at some point switches to 
> "Preparing 
> data set...".
> What is JOSM doing then? Is it downloading more data or is it doing something 
> like organizing the data it downloaded?

It's downloading all the nodes that are part of the member ways. If you 
have the console open, you can see this. There is no progress dialog at 
this point, and you have to guess how long it will take.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM is the editor with the best user retention

2009-12-08 Thread Lennard
Paul Johnson wrote:

> created_by= tags get stomped by Potlatch, JOSM leaves it alone if it's
> already set (unless, of course, a JOSM user deliberately deletes the
> existing created_by tags).  This would give severely skewed results in
> favor of Potlatch.

You would be correct, if you would've said it about 6 months ago.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] How to: Running JOSM from an USB stick - without JAVA installed on the target machine!!!

2009-09-14 Thread Lennard
Ulf Lamping wrote:

> That made me think if it might be possible to install JAVA and JOSM on 
> an USB stick and run JOSM on any suitable Windows machine without any 
> further installation on the target machine.
> It seems to be possible!

It is, I had this working last year. I followed the guide on 


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Undefined element 'bound' found in input stream

2009-09-14 Thread Lennard
Frederik Ramm wrote:

> has something recently changed with regard to reading .osm files 
> that contain a  element? Stricter XML validation or something? A 
> user has complained about getting an error message when trying to open 
> one of these.

But that only changed it from an exception to a warning.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM adds double ways to relations?

2009-07-24 Thread Lennard
Maarten Deen wrote:

> That's a serious issue. I've seen that all the double ways appear in the 
> "edit 
> relation" box with "->->" or "<-<-" in the "linked" column. But if I then 
> remove 
> one of those lines, both ways get removed from the relation.
> Surely that is not intentional?

I got bitten by that before, and the answer I got was: "You're using the 
wrong delete button". I kid you not, I never noticed the other Delete 
button before that. :-)

But the relation editor received a major overhaul in the past weeks, so 
some things may not work as before, yet.

> Has someone already though of a "distinct" feature in the relation editor? 
> Either a "remove double entries" or also a button "add selected distinct 
> entries"?

PS: s/double/duplicate/


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Relation member sort cleanup

2009-07-09 Thread Lennard
Dirk Stöcker wrote:

> Currently route relations are the relation type which needs sorting most 
> (at least from my point of view).

I would expect so, but don't discount areas so easily:

I'm working extensively with importing and editing boundary data, and it 
would be very handy if multipolygon sorts would work, too. There have 
been a few times where I missed adding a short way to the relation. 
There was then a gap, and osm2pgsql subsequently didn't create a polygon 
in the postgis db, and I would have nothing to render.

Having a nicely working sort feature, would make spotting complete rings 
(of closed ways) easy.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Missing ways and additional conflicts

2009-06-24 Thread Lennard
Peter Herison wrote:

> Confirmed. I only saw a difference in the last digit of one coordinate
> in the conflict-list.
> JOSM V1609

1609 is five weeks old. A lot of bugfixes have gone in relating to API 
0.6, conflict detection and resolution.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Disable "move whole way"?

2009-06-04 Thread Lennard
Michael Kugelmann wrote:

>> don't want to move the connection with other nodes.
> +1
> I also would appreciate to disable moving complete ways (or to make it 
> happen only e.g. by key pressing).

If something like this were to be implemented in JOSM (or any other 
editor for that matter!), may I propose that it not be limited to this 
single example?

I would like to be able to lock all kind of data, and for some types I 
won't even mind if it's the default and I have to explicitly acknowledge 
a popup when I want to edit it. Boundary data comes to mind, as one of 
the best examples of the latter scenario.

But really, currently it's just too easy to inadvertently connect a road 
way to a landuse way or a boundary way. Not that that's in any way 
'illegal' if you really want to do it, but a 'cautious editing' mode in 
the editor could really help with a lot of these inadvertent or (dare I 
say it?) newbie mistakes.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] ewmsplugin on win32

2008-10-12 Thread Lennard
Rui Correia wrote:

> I've been using JOSM with wmsplugin in winxp for quite some time already but 
> now
> I need to finally move on to FF 3.0+.

'Move on' in the sense that you no longer want FF2 anywhere on your 
system, or in the sense that you want to install FF3 and work with that 
as your regular browser?

If the latter: It's perfectly doable to have both FF2 and FF3 installed, 
with FF2 only used for JOSM, and FF3 for everything else. I have such a 


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Bug 595 - Virtual nodes - Comments requested

2008-08-19 Thread Lennard
David Earl wrote:

> I wonder - are you worrying that having added a node there is an elastic 
> line emanating from it? This is only indicating what _will_ happen if 
> you were to click, not what has happened already. You can just ignore 
> the line, e.g. if the next thing you do is to press the "Add Tag" 
> button. If you hold shift down, the elastic line goes away, indicating 
> that the action will then be to create an unconnected node. If the 
> elastic lines are worrying you, why not turn them off? Personally I find 
> them helpful because they show me what will happen next with the various 
> modifier keys.

Now we're hitting on something here. Psychology.

I too find the elastic band disturbing at some level. I realise no map 
element is really there yet, but still I find myself routinely hitting 
'S' to get rid of it, even if I don't have to. Apparently I like a clean 
slate before I perform more actions.

Perhaps the vi editor influenced me to *always* be sure of my keys and 
edit mode, before I do the next action. ;)


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Bug 595 - Virtual nodes - Comments requested

2008-08-18 Thread Lennard voor den Dag
Dirk Stöcker wrote:

> - Implement drawing ways in select mode and Add is no longer required and
>you have modeless editing. Start drawing mode using a key and ESC to
>stop is probably the best way to do this. Is C like "C"reate already

'C'ombine Ways


josm-dev mailing list