[JOYnet] TODAY`S SAINT........

2003-02-13 Thread rose maria
FEBRUARY  13  , 2003


Virgin (1522-1590)



Alexandra  Romola   was  born  on  23rd  April  1522  at  Florence ,Italy,the  
daughter  of  an  old  patrician  family..Her  mother died when Catherine was an 
infant; she was raised by her godmother, but considered Our Lady her true mother, and 
developed a great devotion. As a child, she could speak to her guardian angel, and the 
angel taught her prayers for the rosary. At age 6 she moved to the convent school of 
Montecelli; her aunt was the abbess. Catherine developed a devotion to the Passion. 
Her father, Peter, objected to her plans to join a convent, then relented, then 
changed his mind again. Catherine continued her prayers at home, but when he changed 
his mind she fell ill. It was only when he at last agreed on her vocation that she 

When  she  enetered  into  Dominician   covent  she  took   the  name  of  
Catherine. After  five  years  , during  which  she  was  much  misunderstood  
calumniated  ,  her  holiness  was  recognised she  aws  advanced  to   novice 
mistress,  then  sub-prioress  and  finally to prioress. 

She received visions and had ecstacies, but these caused some problems and doubts 
among her sisters - outwardly she seemed asleep or dully stupid when the visions were 
upon her. Catherine though everyone received these visions as part of their lives with 
God. She was stricken with a series of painful ailments that permanently damaged her 
health. Catherine met Philip Neri in a vision while he was alive in Rome; they 
corresponded. Could bi-locate. Said to have received a ring from the Lord as a sign of 
her espousal to him; to her it appeared as gold set with a diamond; everyone else saw 
a red lozenge and a circlet around her finger. 

Permanent stigmatist. At 20 she began a 12-year cycle of weekly ecstasies of the 
Passion from noon Thursday til 4:00 p.m. Friday, often accompanied by serious wounds. 
Her sisters could follow the course of the Passion, as the wounds appeared in order 
from the scourging and crowning with thorns. At the end she was covered with wounds 
and her shoulder was indented from the Cross. The first time, during Lent 1542, she 
meditated so completely on the crucifixion of Jesus that she became ill, and was 
healed by a vision of the Risen Lord talking with Mary Magdalene. Crowds came to see 
her, skeptics and sinners being converted by the sight. The crowds became to numerous 
and constant that the sisters prayed that the wounds become less visible; He made them 
so 1554. Three future popes (Cardinals Cervini, Pope Marcellus II; Alexander de 
Medici, Pope Leo XI; Aldobrandini, Pope Clement VIII) were among the thousands who 
sought her prayers. . Correspondent with Saint Charles Borromeo and !
Pope Saint Pius V.  

 St.Catherine  de  Ricci  died  after  a  long  illness  on  february  
1590.Canonized  in  1746  by  Pope  Benedict  XIV



Body  illness,  sickness, sick  people.


 :No one has ever claimed that imagination could produce wounds in a 
normal subject; it is true that this faculty can act slightly on the body, as Benedict 
XIV said, it may accelerate or retard the nerve-currents, but there is no instance of 
its action on the tissues (De canoniz., III, xxxiii, n. 31). But with regard to 
persons in an abnormal condition, such as ecstasy or hypnosis, the question is more 
difficult; and, despite numerous attempts, hypnotism has not produced very clear 
results. At most, and in exceedingly rare cases, it has induced exudations or a sweat 
more or less coloured, but this is a very imperfect imitation. Moreover, no 
explanation has been offered of three circumstances presented by the stigmata of the 
saints:Physicians do not succeed in curing these wounds with remedies.On the other 
hand, unlike natural wounds of a certain duration, those of stigmatics do not give 
forth a fetid odour.Sometimes these wounds give forth perfumes.



**  All  of  us  can  attain  to  christian  virtue  and  holiness  ,  
no  matter  in  what  condition  of  life  we  live  and  no  matter  what  our  
life-work  may  be.** St.Francis  de  Sales.



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RE: [JOYnet] Prayer Intention

2003-02-13 Thread Subhadaa Reddimasi
Thanks for all your messages and support. I do know the reason why he drifted out. I 
wanted to share this with all of you as you should know the background when you are 
praying for my brother.

It happened so about more than 2 years ago. Cecil used to have problems of not being 
able to sleep. He used to have a choking sensation in the nights where he used to find 
somebody sitting on his chest and strangling his throat. He wouldn't even be able to 
stretch his arm to wake up my mother who is sleeping just at an arms' distance. For 
days he couldn't sleep (Trust me it happened for days). He used to fear getting to 
bed. He heard weird sounds as a lady walking with anklets and also peeping through the 
window which none of us could see/hear. We thought he was being troubled by some 
satanic forces and suggested going to the Charismatic priests at Hyderabad (Muthangi). 
He went there and also tried to visit many other Catholic priests to seek their 
prayers. But all he got was waiting. Probably God was testing him to see his 
patience. That's what we used to tell him at least. 

Later due to one of his so called Muslim friends he managed to reach one such person 
who was a Muslim (Baba) and had prayed for him and only after that he could sleep 
peacefully. This is the entire incident that happened. 
Now he spends 6-7 hours a day in prayer. We do not know what he prays, he started 
studying religion, and he speaks about Muslim religion in comparison to Christianity 
(relating it to the Old Testament). But he is not the same. We want to see him come 
back to Christianity and are very troubled with his current state.

Now knowing this reason, Please help and guide us how to work with him on this to find 
the savior. 

Thanks for your support.


-Original Message-
From: Anil Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:48 AM
To: Subhadaa Reddimasi; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [JOYnet] Prayer Intention


   See, nobody suddenly starts searching for god. Please find out what
prompted your brother to take the decision to turn to God, and why
(inspite of being a catholic) he did not seek Jesus(The obvious choice).
There must be some reason(or some
Close friend may be influencing him) which he may not be telling you.  Spend
some time with him and/or ask his close friends. Try to help him with his

Simply telling him about Jesus will not help you(He may get irritated and
try to keep away from you).
We are praying for your brother. But along with prayer, we need to help him
deal with his problems.

Your friend in Christ

-Original Message-
From: Subhadaa Reddimasi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:04 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Prayer Intention

Please pray for my brother Cecil.

Context: We are a catholic family at Hyderabad, India. My brother suddenly
search of God went totally deviated from him and is seeking Muslim religion.
The entire family is very upset and worried for him.

Lord Jesus! Please help Cecil to find your love for him and also guide him
understand you and discover you in his life. Help him to realize that you
the one and only true living God.

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Re: [JOYnet] Theme of the 1/2 Month : The Magic Word : 3 days to Go

2003-02-13 Thread anitha dsouza
Dear Friends,

I was not really able to concentrate properly on
joynet for the past few days, because of the very very
busy schedule, and i guess i thought i could very well
get along with it, being just a passive reader in
joynet,until Jasons mail seemed to wake me up.

Yeah!He was talking about thankfulness i
guess.with a very clever reference to the
ungrateful lepers.

Well!  In the present scenario, i think i would be the
most ungrateful person if i failed to mention the
wonderful blessings he has been bestowing upon me.

Yesterday, was the most nervous day of my life; ie my
engagement day; my sister still has not stopped
teasing me about how my hands were trembling as i was
putting an engagement ring on Michaels finger...
Well!  I have got 2 more days of independence...ie;
upto 15ththank God for after that i am going to
get bound in an wedlock with Michael..(On 16th)..I
really do not know how i will stand a wedding day, if
i was so nervous on the engagement itself.

Well!  Before i drift too far, let me tell you all
about this unique mystery which amazes both Michael
and me.
This wedding proposal was being proceeded forward,
after having rejected so many people, not necesarily
because there could have been any fault with the
persons, but just because something in me always used
to tell me'no, he is not the one'.  But, then, when i
met Michael, it was totally different; when we first
saw each other, we knew it was meant for us to be
united; ever since, there were so many hurdles,
confusions and so many other things, but, all along,
the problems kept getting solved without our putting
too much of an effort;  and then, there is this
special feeling we both seem to experience in our
personal prayer; ie; as if God is planning something
for us; as if He is preparing and leading us to
fulfill some purpose of his;  and now, as the days are
running in short for u to get united in matrimony, we
both find ourselves, growing in deep prayer and an
intimacy with the Lord which we had never experienced
Sorry for the long mail; do keep us in your prayers,
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[JOYnet] It's good, it's good, it's good to give thanks to the Lord

2003-02-13 Thread Abraham Joseph
Hello all!

Yesterday four of my JY friends came to my place for dinner and they brought
a tray of chocolates for my elder son, Josh. He forgot to say thanks to the
uncle and aunt who gave him the present and happily munched one chocolate.
Now his amma saw all this and asked him did you say thanks to uncle? he
made a funny face and said no. Then amma insisted that he said thanks to
uncle and so he came and said thanks. The whole incident reminded me that I
have not made any contribution to the discussion on thankfulness.

Most of the time like Josh I also forget to say thanks to our father in
heaven as I more busy enjoying the blessing (gifts) that he gave me. Today
when I got into the car the music again reminded me to write a mail to
JOYnet ...it went its good, its good, its good to give thanks to the Lord.
So here is my brief (!!) thank you note to Abba Father.

My biggest thankyou is for knitting me together in my mothers womb and for
protecting me all these years. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord for my mother
who carried me for nine months and that too when she had another kid, my
sister who was just 3-4 months old when I was conceived in her womb.

Third thank you is for my dad and mom who looked afer me in my early years
helping me in my studies for all the guidance that they gave. next thanks to
the Lord comes for my sister and younger brother who gave me company in my
youth. We used to live in a huge family home and so together with my
sibilings come my cousins in my thankyou list. I also thank the Lord for my
grand parents with whom I stayed a big part of my teenage years.

School was not a place I relished much but the plan of the Lord was such
that I start loving it through his plan. I was a big ozhappan (lazy
fellow) and it was through the prayers of my mother that I changed (and
according to her the prayers of Bishop James Pazhayattil as we used to live
behind the bishop palace), and you will not believe, Lord took me to a batch
in the college where I was the one with highest marks and I had no other
option but to buckle up and study, though it felt a lot better :). I thank
Lord for planning my life. I thank also for all the teachers in school who
patiently taught me and for all the teachers who encouraged me in college.
Lord gave me a bunch of good friends when it mattered most and I thank him
for that.

When I lost my dad all of a sudden, Lord took my mom into renewal and
through her example we also became part of the renewal movement in 1990. I
thank Lord for allowing me to be part of this though Fr. Epraim and his team
at Calicut.

I thank Lord for all the days in which he protected me from danger. I used
to cycle around in the busy streets/roads of Madras and many times I have
heard abuses from car and lorry drivers but all those days he protected me.
Here I thank the Lord for giving me Mother Mary, because it was through her
intercession that I was able to to clear my exams, she helped me through one
memorare then, now she helps our JY group here though the rosary, Divya
Jyothi to be precise.

These days I thank the Lord for my family and for the JY group here. First
for giving me Pallavi as my life partner and then for the two kids he addded
on to our life, Josh and Georgie (those are the name Pallavi gave, I prefer
to call them Ouseppachan and Varkiachan:)). The joy that the kids are
giving, even though it is tiring at times, is something we (Pallavi and me)
thank the Lord for every day. The JY group here on that other hand
strengthened me in my relation with Lord, I thank him again and again for
these blessings.

Think if I sit and type this list will never end. So let me stop, with a big
thank you to the lord for this JOYful fellowship called JOYnet.

Thank you Lord. Thankyou all!

Its good..., its good..., its good to give thanks to the Lord

Take care and God bless

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-02-13 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (February 14).

baiju jose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
simi jacob elizabeth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Please include place and Country in JY correspondences

2003-02-13 Thread Anil Thomas
Hi All,
I feel that we should include our location (country  place)in our
correspondence to Joynet(It is in the JY site, but I used to neglect it.
Many are following the suit). It helps us to have an idea about the JYs in
our locality, keep contact with them and arrange programs/get support. It
also helps us to avoid sending mails requesting for JY contacts in some area
or the other.

Your friend in Christ


(Bangalore - India)

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[JOYnet] Thanks

2003-02-13 Thread Anto Simon Kollannur
Thank you Lord for loving me.

Thank you Lord for you grant me life;

Thank you Lord for you shown your love thru my parents;

Thank you Lord for you nourish my  soul with sacraments;

Thank you Lord for you died for me at Calvary;

Thank you Lord for you forgive my sins;

Thank you Lord for you filled me with your Holy Spirit;

Thank you Lord for you are leading me through out my life;

Thank you Lord for you are talking to me thru your living words;

Thank you Lord for you grant me wisdom to study your word;

Thank you Lord for you are living in me;

You give me eyes:  so I can see you in my brothers;

You give me ears:  so I can hear you thru my brothers;

You give me sound:  so I can talk to my brothers about you;

You give me arms:  so I can work for you;

You give me foot:  so I can walk for you;

You give me soul:  so I can praise you:

Thanking Lord for Loving Me.

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 14.02.2003

2003-02-13 Thread Biji Thomas
You will say to me then, Why does He still find fault? For who has
resisted His will?  But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against ?
Will the thing formed say to him who formed it,Why have you made me like
this?  Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump
to make one vessel for honour and another for dishonour?  Romans 9 : 19 -
21 May the Almighty Lord Bless you.  Have a nice day

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[JOYnet] Columbia Disaster!

2003-02-13 Thread Wilson Thomas
Columbia Disaster!

This incident is a warning to search for God's will - Pope John Paul II
We should listen to what God tells us from this incident - George Bush
This is a pre-intimation from God. America should rethink about war -
Cardinal MacKarik

Let us pray, esp along with the people of Iraq pledged against war, for
world peace.
Join the war against the power of this world with Rosary in hand.
Mother Mary, Mother of this world, please save us from war.

Wilson Thomas

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