[JOYnet] Joined USS TVm..Thanks for your prayers....

2003-03-22 Thread pradeep george
Hi My dear In Jesus,

First of al i would like to tell my sincre thanks to you for your prayers.
Infact it  your prayers that strengthen me...

I joined the US SOFT training  two weeks back.
I am having a very tight schedule there.
I could not check /send ,mails for the last two weeks.
I had sent one mail to JY before starting to tvm.But I am not sure it
whether it reached the net or not.

Pls remember me in your prayers.
I am having a tough time now.

MAy GOD bless you...
regards and prayres
pradeep george

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[JOYnet] Apology, Thanks and Again Begging for Your Prayers.

2003-02-24 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Hi My Dear in Jesus,

First of all  I would Like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who
prayed for my interview last week.I had sent a mail immedailty after that ,
describing how much helpful  your prayers was for me.I wanted to send personal
mails to all those who offered their prayer support to me.But i could not do
that due to two resaons.Firstly my mail id used in joynet at that time
([EMAIL PROTECTED])  became not accessible for me.Also i left my home to my
workplace at tcr the very nextday morning.So could not use my system there
after..( NOW I have Shitfed to my new id  [EMAIL PROTECTED])

That  interview day was filled with blessings for me.I could really feel the
power of prayers.

I could really feel that there is a big loving family to prayer for me.That
gave me very much confidence.

I could do  my best performace there.I really  felt the blessings of Holy
Spirit and Help of OUr divine mother.I   could recoganize the presence of Most
Holy Trinity and Our Divine MOther with me.ALL of these are due to your

Today I got a call from the company and they informed that i have cleared that
interview..Praise the lord.I have  to attend one more interview (i think
this  will be the final)on This WEdnessday(26 th) 11.45 am. I Once again BEG
your kind prayer help.I am sure that if all you pray for me , i'll get it. If
possible please pray a hail mary for me.

ALso please pray for me after you receive our lords blood and flesh  in holy
mass.I know how much powerfull that prayer is 

Also Please do n't forget to pray Holy Spirit  to give me his kind guidance
thruough the interview day...

Hope that you  would pray to strengthen me.

Thank you very much and wish you all blessings,

regards and prayers
pradeep george

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[JOYnet] urgent prayer request

2003-02-18 Thread pradeep george
Hi Dear  Bro' and sis' in jesus,

As i wrote in my last mail ,i was waiting for  a call from US Software and i
just got it now.
I am having a group discussion and interview tomm.The reporting time is 11
am tomm.
Please pray for me.Especailly during the Holy Mass tomm.(pls try to remember
me after you recieve jesus in blood and flesh, I know your prayer at that
time will so powerful.)
Please pray specailly to Holy spirit to guide me through out the process.
Please pray to Holy Mother to give me her protection.

regards and prayers
pradeep george

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[JOYnet] prayer to H.spirit my experinces .an urgent prayer request.

2003-02-12 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Dear Bro.  sis'.  in jesus,

We all belive Holy spirit is  always with us to strengthen our ways. ...And it
is true in all sense...
Pray to HolySpirit  for all people we meet in our day to day life ..We can
experience the amazing results... Especially when we need a favour from
another person, pray to holyspirit to bless him.Then ask him for the favour or
help.Sure it is granted always..Becasue it is no one but HolySpirit is guiding
him..So how can the decision  be aganist us?

I have experienced the power of prayer to HOLY Spirit, when dealing with some
govt. offices.

I had to approach a few govt officers and offices,  three years back for
clearing some papers.As  we all know getting things done thru proper channel
in time  is not very easy in govt. offices here.Further more some of the
offices I had to approach was notorious for  bribery. What I  did all time
was, just before talking to the officer , I  did pray for him to Holy Spirit.I
begged Holy Spirit to shower his blessings to the concerned person.The Result
was wonderful!!!  I did never experience a problem Every thing was very
smooth before me..

When we are travelling on a vehicle pray for the driver Pray to Holyspirit
to control his thoughts and decisions.When you are driving pray for  other
drivers and all things on the road that you  are going to meet.Our Journey
will be so safe.sure.Because it is no one but Holyspirit is guiding
all of them

Now a prayer request too

I know we have a mailing address dedicated for prayer request.But I think the
reqeusts there are consolidated and given to joynet once in a week or so.I
need your prayer help  very urgently ,that is why i am sending this mail

Now I request your kind prayer support for my interview in one software
company in technopark TVM.
Last saturday we had a test (infact more than fifteen thousand applicants were
there  and they had called nealy  thousand people for the test).Today the
company people called  my home (KTM) and  enquired whether it is possible for
me to attend an interview tomm 11 pm.As I am now at thrissur, my parents told,
it is not be possible for me  to  reach TVM  by that time.So the authorities
told  that they would be calling me another day.

I am very much thankful to  the God Almighty for getting a call from the
company.The crowd was so high for the test and i did  n't  expect that i would
clear the test.SO it is really a blessing..

So now I am waiting for a call from them within  one-two days.Please pray for
me to  get the call again in time  and clear the interview if it is good for
me and the company and if it is there for me in HIS plan.

Please pray for me and all the concerned people in the company .
Please pray to Holy Spirit to bless me and company people to take right

Especailly please pray for the interview board

Infact I am not sure about how to approach  the interview...Some problems are
there before me regarding my qualifications. I have got  two-three reputed
certifications.Some of my friends who  are in the industry told me  that
sometimes these certifications can make me overqualified when trying for
freshers openings..So I am in a confusion that , should I produce these things
during my interview or not...? Please pray for me to take right decisions in
all these matters.
If you have any suggestions, I will be very mcuh happy to hear it from
you...and thanking you in advance for the same.
pls mail me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  , if possible.

I had very actively took part in the discussions regarding the Jobposting in
Joynet .At last as directed by administrators i did the  thing possible for me
.I have created  a page and a mailing list at  coollist.com for jobpostings
alone . The  details are  given to Mathew Joseph on last SUnday itself and is
under his review now.

regards and prayers

pradeep george

To Soajn Joseph(DUbai): I lost  your id .Infact it is there in my system
at home.Now i am away from home.I could not do anything for you in the
requested matter ,except prayers..sorry...

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Re: [JOYnet] pray for the out reach

2003-02-05 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Prayers of all the members of our JYnet family will be with you.

Infact  professional colleges are the places  which needs special attention
from  us thru prayers  and any other possible way.

Wish you all the blessings thru out your work at Adoor Eng.college.
May holy trinity bless you and Holy spirit be with you in all your words and
and work there.

pradeep geroge

- Original Message -
From: jomina john [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 10:28 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] pray for the out reach

 hello bros and sis,

 we at chengannur engineering college are planning for an out reach to
Adoor engineering college and our desire is to help them in forming a prayer
group there.there are a few commited girls who very much long for a group

 so plz do pray that we be guided by holyspirit and do what jesus wants us
to do


 jomina john

 chengannur engg college
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Re: [JOYnet] Joynet monthly prayer day

2003-02-05 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Let us Listen to OUR LADY's  asking for prayer for world peace.
As told by Sindhu chechi we all will be in prayer for World peace  at 6.pm
IST 7 th feb.(It is first friday...all  members of our famiy will be in good
spirit.At least some of us will be in fasting  so   our prayer as on
soul  will be so powerfullet us try not to forget ...becasue it is
so important.

pradeep geroge

- Original Message -
From: sindhu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 12:53 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Joynet monthly prayer day

 Hello Family,
 Since  we got only one reply regarding topic for our monthly prayer ,let's
 stick by that.
 Kurien Uncle (again!!) suggested the theme to be World Peace.
 Actually ,i was also thinking the same,ever since i am hearing daily about
 USA's  war plans
 And above all our dear Mother Mary,Lady of Good councel, Seat of Wisdom,is
 also asking us to pray and bear witness to peace.
 Message of January 25, 2003 ,From Our Lady of Medjugorje
 Dear children! With this message I call you anew to pray for peace.
 Particularly now when peace is in crisis, you be those who pray and bear
 witness to peace. Little children, be peace in this peaceless world. Thank
 for having responded to my call.
 Let us respond to Our Mother's call.And pray for World peace on the first
 friday ,february 7th ,at 6.00 pm IST.
 And any volunteers to prepare a prayer as we did before ,when we prayed
for an
 end to Terrorism ?

 Web team can you upload this intention in our web site too?

 Let us pray for this prayer time also daily that all will remember to pray
 ,not only once a month but thru out the month.

 In joyful communion,


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[JOYnet] Fw: [ JOYnet] RE: REJob Vacancy - do not delete --- to help is divine.

2003-02-05 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
- Original Message -
To: JoYNet
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 9:20 PM
Subject: [ JOYnet] RE: REJob Vacancy - do not delete --- to help is divine.

Hi all dear bro  sis' ,

First I thought I would not take part in this discussion regarding the posting
of job oppertunities in Joynet.Later I realise that if i  did n't say
something  I am doing injustice to those people who had posted some job
oppertunities here.

Ofcourse I agree that Joynet is not intended for posting jobs or finding
friends Sure , there are other places  only for these purposes.

As we  all know  thousands of appllicants are wandering around these days.Most
Companies do not publish their job opennings in the jobsites.Most of the posts
are  filled thru internal employee references now a days.

Job seekers, who are not having   personal contacts with employees in
companies would not even know about the opennings.I would like to invite your
kind attention to two recent postings in the Joynet.
One was by jobi varghese and the other one was from stanly kulangara.Jobi's
posting was about an openning in his company (Oracle) and he did give his
company id.No where else the comapny published the job opening and you can
apply only thru employees.That means if you do n't have a contact in Oracle
you are not eligible for applying.In this cirumstance what he did is a Divine
help,  I have no doubt to  call it as  divine help.I can n't find something
wrong in helping others in any circustnace by any means.Also I think a  good
number of JOYnet members will benifit from such postings.If you do n't need
why can n't you simply delete it upon reading the subject.?
How such mails can fill the Inboxes? When The text mails are normally of size
less than 50 k.

Not all can survive in this world dedicating all  their time for spiritual
works.But for most us spiritual life is a most important PART of our
life.Those who   argued aganist job posting, i think are already enjoying good

I think I did n't hurt any oneMy humble opinion is that  we  should post
important openings (especailly those are not available in any other place) in


regards and prayers

pradeep george

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[JOYnet] Tithing-whom Should I Give? a few humble words...

2003-01-31 Thread pradeep george

I think it is very difficult to  define to whom  should we  give our 10 % income.But 
one  will mostly be true..We should give it those about  whom  we feel that they  need 
our help.Some times we may feel this about a poor fellow we meet  across  the road 
side,In some  other times it may be  evnageliser who need our money  to carry on his 
In some other cases it may be a priest who want money to help  some other 
persons(Please remember that many of our  parish priests are helping  poor people a 
lot .)

In some othertimes it may be a poor  student who need money to buy a book..

I think if we are ready to give with a  happy mind then it would reach only really 
deserving hands.BECAUSE IT IS GODS MONEY..and he would not let it to go in any other 
way.He will tell us  where to/whom to  give   it.We need  to have only a mind to 
listen to his words.Let pray for Holyspirit to guide us in this matter  too.

pradeep george
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[JOYnet] Tithing--i did n\'t expect a wide discussion when i sent my first mail.

2003-01-31 Thread pradeep george
That was my second mail( with a subject--spend 10 % your income to others --you 
will see miracles)   to JOYNET after i subscribed to this wonderful, more correct to 
say blessed commutnity.
When i saw responses with subject \tithes\ ,first i did n\'t understand that it is 
something connected with the \ 10 % \ .I am so happy  to see a discussion going on 
the group on such an important matter.

pradeep george

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[JOYnet] spend atleast 10 % your income for deserving people-- you will see the miracle

2003-01-28 Thread pradeep george
hi all friends in jesus

If you are an earning person please  try to spend atleast 10 %  your total income for 
the benefit of  the people who need and deserve it.You will get in return 100 times of 
the amount you spent.This is literarily true.. Infact I am having a number of  
examples for the proof, in my own family and among my friends.

Last Sunday during his speech in the middle of  Holy Mass  priest told  about an 
incident to substantiate the  fact.It touched  me very much ,because I too had a very 
similar experience two years back.I would like to share the experience here for all 

Fr. told during his speech, story of a high school teacher in his parish. In that 
parish , they have been  constructing houses for poor people.One House per month or so 
is their target.To collect money they have kept a box in each and every house and each 
 every member of the family are expected to put  his/her own contribution in that box.

During the last X\'mas time  that teacher decided to put 100/- in the box.She had a 
lot expenses during the X\'mas and New year season, still she decided to give that 
contribution on the occasion  of the birth day of infant Jesus.

A few days later ,  her two children received DD s for $100 each from one of their 
relative in US as gift.It was quite unexpected and that was the first time they 
receive  such a gift from their relative.He ( the Fr.)was sure that we all might have  
got  such experiences.The words touched me very much.Because as I said I too had very 
similar experience two years back.
It happened just after a Major surgery  for my father.We had a lot expenses at that 
time.One day our Vicar asked us to spend an amount of around 1000/- for a good 
thing.Even though we were not having plenty of money that time, we decided to spend 
it.Just a few days later  we got a letter from one cousin of my mother ,in US along 
with a DD for $ 200/-.That was unexpected in all manner.We were really wondered to see 
a  draft with their mail.Because even  though   they are my mothers close relatives we 
did n\'t had such a close attachment with them  to send  such an amount...Soon we all 
realized that  it is nothing but GOD \'s hand worked there

So help  the poor  You will get reward in this earth itselfand that too with 
in no time!!!

thank GOD.

with prayers.

pradeep george

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[JOYnet] a new member -requesting your prayers and friendship

2003-01-27 Thread pradeep george
I am pradeep.I  registered in JOYNET a few days back.It is now only I  started reading 
mails that come thru it.Now  realize that some of them are really rare Gems to find.So 
striking and so influencing.So decided to read as much as possible in the coming days. 

Infact I am not active member of JY,but a silent partner.My area of religious  work is 
my parish itself.God by his grace  permited me to serve a Catechism teacher, a small 
service i can offer ..and i have been doing it for the past seven years 

I heared about the site from my friend Navin  Thomas (former Campus 
coordinator).Thanks to him . A few people like  Dr.Sindhu etc.. of JY are familiar to 
me through his words.
Hope all of you would accept me as one among you...

with lots prayers..

pradeep george

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