Hi all,

We are all made so beautiful na? When we were born, it gave so much of joy to our parents. Our brothers & sisters were so excited. God used us to bring joy to our loved ones. Thank you Jesus, my Creator.

Whenever I was in need, our parents where more than ready to help me, nourish me with love, affection, care, support and whatever they had. Amma & Achan (Mom and Dad), thank you. Jesus I thank you for my family.

Chetan & chechi (elder brother & sister) were always there to guide me. To teach me so many new and wonderful things. They appreciated me and encouraged me when I learnt things from them.

I was good at studies, pencil drawing, singing. Though I failed to thank Him for giving these and so many other gifts, He continues to give them. Jesus, sorry yaar, but now on I thank you.

I am blessed with so many good friends, who really care. I thank Hormise, my friend and class-mate who led me to my greatest gift, JESUS. I thank Sony chechi who started our college prayer group, for God really changed my life through it. I thank Julie, Jisa, Cini, Siju, Sudha, Rajesh, Jim and so many other Prayer Group members who like loving parents guided me and nourished me with the Word of God. Also all who served the Lord for conducting various JY programmes, retreats that I attended and especially the preachers of the Word.

I am now a part of many small prayer fellowships. To my great surprise, God has used me to inspire others, sometimes heal others. Jesus, thank you for this undeserving providence.

Jesus, You gave me so much of faith, love, hope, patience, endurance, peace. You taught me how beautiful Your ways are, and that You turn everything for our good. You taught me of the richness of the Catholic faith. You gave me Mary, and all the saints and angels as my friends and guardians.

I thank Jesus for people like Anna, Jilly, Sheena, Joppan, Siby, Kuriappen uncle and so many who are a source of inspiration for me.

I thank Mathew Joseph and all you zealous JOYNETTERS who have taken pains to build this loving fellowship in Jesus.

God, bless all those whom you used to show how much You care for us.
Lord, help us to learn to be thankful to You, and to see Your providence in everything we see.

In Jesus,
Binu Asokan

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