30th  MARCH   2003


ABBOT  CONFESSOR  (  c.525-605)


           Syrian  by  birth,  he  lived  in  a  cave -hermitage  at  the  foot  of 
Mount  Sinai  in  the   desert   of  Thola,  studying  the  lives  of  the  Saints   
and  gaining   a  reputation   for  profound  learning.When  he  was  75  years  of  
age  ,  the  mount  Sinai  monks  elected  him Abbot ,  and  such  was  his  holiness  
  and  wisdom  ,  that  even  Pope St Gregory    the  Great  was  informed  of  it  
and  send  him  a  contribution  for  his  hospital  and  pilgrimes  hostel  and  
asked  for  his  prayers.  St john   resigned  his  office  after  four  years  in  
order  to  returned  to his  hermitage    and  prepare  himself  for   death.

              The   most  important  of  his  writings  is  entitled ` Ladder  to  
Paradise`,  and  from  its  latin  title  "climax"  has  been  derived  his  
surname.This  ascetical treatise  ,  which  attained  great  popularity  throughout  
the  church   7  was  transalated  into  many  languages, its  30  chapters  -  in  
memory  of  our  Lord`s  30  yeras   of  hidden  life  - treat  of  the  vices  to  be 
 subdued &  the  virtues  to  be  cultivated  in  order  to  attain  the  greatest   
spiritual perfection.The  practical  application  of  the  percepts  is  richly 
illustrated    with  parables  and  historical  facts.

   He   died  in his  hermitage   on  March  30,  605  .


                   A man is truly dispassionate -- and is known to be such -- when he 
has cleansed his flesh of all corruption; when he has lifted his mind above everything 
created, and has made it master of all the senses; when he keeps his soul continually 
in the presence of the Lord and reaches out beyond the borderline of strength to 
Him... Its effect is to sanctify the mind and to detach it from material things, and 
it does so in such a way that, after entering this heavenly harbor, a man, for most of 
his earthly life, is enraptured, like someone already in heaven, and he is lifted up 
to the contemplation of God. 


A man who has embraced poverty offers up prayer that is pure, while a man who loves 
possessions prays to material images. 



**O Jesus ! Who for love of me, 
Didst bear Thy Cross to Calvary ; 
In Thy sweet mercy grant to me 
To suffer & die with Thee...** 

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