FEBRUARY  18TH  2003


BISHOP   MARTYR  ( c,8 B.C--c,112 A..D.)



      St.Simeon,  the son  of  Cleophas,  is  called  a  brother  of  our  Lord  in  
the  gospels  of  St.Mathew   and  Mark,that  possibly  a  first  cousin. As  one  of  
the 72  disciples  he  was  present  at  Christ`s  Ascention   and  at  the   Descent  
of  the  Holy spirit  at  Pentecost; he  is  also  thought  to  have   been  one of  
the  two men  whom  Christ  joined  on the  road  to  Emmaus  after   his  

               At  Easter  in  the  year 62,  his  brother    St.James  the  Less, the 
 first  Bishop  of  Jerusalem,  was  killed  by  the  jews, at  St.Simon  ,  who had  
not  hesitated  to  reproach  fearlessly  the  Jews  for  their  action, was  
thereupon  elected  to  succeed  him.

          In  the  year  66  God  warned St  Simeon  of  the  impending   destruction  
of  Jerusalem,  and  the  Bishop  accordingly  moved  his  faithful  to  Pella,  some 
65  miles  away,  on  the  opposite  shore  of  Jordan. Four  years  later Titus`  
army  enetered   Judea  in  order  to  suppress  the  jewish  uprisings  &  laid siege 
 to  Jerusalem  for  five  months  before  taking &  destroying  it  inthe  year 70.At 
 that  time  600,000  Jews  lost  their  lives; but  the  Cenacle,  which  had  been 
the  scene  of  the  Last  supper  &  the  descent  of  the  Holy  spirit,  
providentially  escaped  the  general  destruction  and  later  became  dedicated  as  
a  church.  the  christian  community  &  thier Bishop were  believed  to  have  
returned  to  the  ruined  city &   to  have  lived  ther until Hardian in  134  razed 
 it  completely  to  the  ground.

       St  Simeon    was  able  to  survive  the  persecutions   of  Vespasian  and  
Domitian,  when  every  descendant  of  the  house  of  David  was    supposed  to  
have  been  put  to  daeth, but  in  the  yaer  112  when  Trajan  took  up  the  
persecution  of  the  church,  some  Jewish  heretics  denounced  St.Simeon  as  a  
relative  of  our  Lord  and  a  christian.  As  a  result  he  was  imprisoned,  most 
 atrociously  tortured   for  several days  and in  the  end  crucified.

        He  had  attained the  venerable  age  of  about  120  years.  With  his  
death  we  arrive  at  the  close  of  the  so  called  apostolic  age,  for  he  is  
believed  to  have  been  the  last  survivor  of  the  disciples who  had  actually  
seen  &  conversed  with  our  Lord.


             When  you  practice  your " apostolate  of  discretion and  confidence, " 
dont  tell me  that  you  dont know  what  to  say.  For with  the  Psalmist  ,  I  
will  remind  you; "Dominus   dabit verbum  evangelizantibus  virtute  multa"--"the 
Lord  placed  on  his  apostles` lips  words  filled  with  efficacy"

  ----St.Josemaria  Escriva

Oh!  sweet  Eucharist  ! &   beloved  Mother     keep  me  as  thy  own.....

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