Dear Friends,

we have discussed in great lengths on the topic of marriage and love
before and after it. I would like to share what I have learnt in life.
God has loved each and every one of us, and He made us unique, and
therefore His plans for us all are different.. it is also unique... we
cannot compare it and judge it.

I had read the story of a man in reader's digest. He was a humble person
and prayed to God to help him find his life partner, that night the man
saw a dream in which he saw a lady dressed in green. In the next week,
his friend introduced him to a lady and she was dressed in green dress,
green cap and green shoes.. and after a week he proposed to her and she
accepted it. now they are happily married with kids.

We all meet our partners in different ways, in different situations,
sometimes we may know and like the person before marraige and sometimes,
it may be after marriage that we may love him/her. But in all conditions
we must be close to God and ask for His direction and the grace for
discerning His will .

God Knows the way we are brought up, He understands our cultures and our
way of thinking, and therefore He brings  each of us a partner in a way
that is known and acceptable to us...but provided we don't stray away
from him.

Jesus Loves You.


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