[JOYnet] Generosity. something that God taught me

2003-03-17 Thread Binu Asokan
Hi joyful people,
A few weeks back, something happened after our parish prayer meeting,
which I feel is worth sharing. Sheena came with a plate with biscuits,
and started distributing. I was talking to someone when it came to me. I
took one or two and continued my talking. Then Sheena said, Hey, you
are supposed to pass it to others. Not just taking your piece My
God, it's true. Actually I was just thinking of myself alone. I forgot
that I had to pass it to others.
Beautiful!!! God has taught me something from that. I tend to be
selfish. God has given me so many things. I have forgotten to pass it to
others. Sometimes He gives me surplus, and I tend to take how much ever
I want, and then say to the Lord, Lord, thank you, I had enough. You
are too good. Now I don't want it any more. But what God wants me is to
accept the generosity of God with humility, and do my duty. Ie. To give
it to those in need; for whom God has given it. And to be like Him, ie.
Generous. It's easy to give if we understand how God is delighted when
it comes to giving. That's why He has declared reward of 100 fold on
earth, and eternal life forever.
Binu Asokan
Fractal Technologies Ltd.
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[JOYnet] Generosity

2003-03-10 Thread tomsons
Hi All,

An interesting thoughtthis was the gist of a homily I heard recently.

''There is not much generosity in helping those who deserve help. That is your
Geneoristy is in helping those who don't deserve help''.

So friends, be generous and help out all those who seek your help whether they
deserve it or not. Don't wait your whole life searching for deserving people
to show generosity.

With Prayers

For your reading

Mathew 5: 41, 42
Mathew 6: 1-4
2 Cor 8: 14, 15

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[JOYnet] Generosity..what the poor granny taught me...

2003-03-06 Thread sindhu
Hello family,

My family was known to be a very generous kind  amongst our relatives and in
our neighbourhood.My parents always found one some one who needed help and
through out my childhood we had so many people living with us in our home. It
doesn't mean that we were very rich and had a huge home. We never had any bank
balance and our home was smaller than our present apartment here. And most
often we kids had to sleep on floor !!So we all saw how easy it is to give ,if
we really want to . I can't thank my parents enough for teaching us all this

So some times when we used to come home from school,some more people used to
be with us..beggers.and my mom always used to call them amma or acha or mone
I still remember one of the poor old grannies we had like that.She was a
gentle Tamilian widow abandoned by her famiy, so she found a home in the
streets. My mom had told her , if she doesn;t get any thing during any day she
should come to our home,And so she used to visit us often and she had nice
time with my mom who was fluent in tamil.Some of our neighbours even used to
advice my mom that she is coming with intention to steal some  thing.But my
mom paid no attention to that.

Once it so happened that  we didn't see her for a long time.After few months
one fine evening there stands our grannie and as usual my mom gave her
coffeeand they had chit chat. She told that she went to her home town in Tamil
Nadu, that;s why she couldn't visit us for a long time. When it was time to
leave, she took some thing packed in torn papers..which she was hiding some
where in a pouch in her torn saree.She gave it to my mom and looking  at us
kids said ..This is some  sweets i bought from my home town ,for the
kids...will you accept it..? As my mom opened the small packet we found a
bunch of naranga mittai(those who grew in country side in kerala would know
that it was the cheepest sweet available in all small shops by roadside). All
of us had tears in our eyes when we saw that.My mom with tears of joy in her
eyes ,embraced the poor old lady and told in Tamil that she was so delighted
and thankful towards her in remebering us in such a sweet way during her trip
to Tamil Nadu.

After she left, my mom ,still with tears in her eyes ,told us...makkalae
(children)this is the most precious gift you have ever got ... you should
never forget this  in your life and should remeber to tell your future
generation too about this precious gift.. And that's what i'm doing right
now...sharing it with you all.

I don't know how you guys feel about it. But it has taught me much and that
old granny taught us how we can give even when we have only little...and what
a joy it is to receive such gifts... A living example of the  poor widow in
the Bible.

And this lady ,still ,stands tall infront of me ..and i guess  will continue
to do so till the end of my life challenging me 

In joyful communion,
Chicago, USA.

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[JOYnet] Generosity - rules set out by St. Ignatius for Alms giving

2003-03-05 Thread Abraham Joseph
As for those who in the present are are rich, command them not to be
or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who
richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good,
be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for
themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they
take hold of the life that really is life. I Timothy 6: 17 - 19

Hello All!

Now that we are into the Generosity fortnight thought I would share what I
came across regarding this topic. There are certain rules set out by St.
Ignatius in his Spiritual Exercises regarding alms giving. I will paste
the first rule word for word and then summarize the others, as it is a bit

1. If I make the distribution to relatives or friends, or to persons for
whom I have an affection, I shall have four things to see to, of which
mention was made, in part, in the matter of Election. The first is, that
that love which moves me and makes me give the alms, should descend from
above, from the love of God our Lord, so that I feel first in me that the
love, more or less, which I have to such persons is for God; and that in the
reason why I love them more, God appears.

St. Ignatius then asks us to bring into mind a person who has been given the
job of distribution. He asks us to bring to mind what all qualities that we
will see in that man, whose job is distribution for the greater glory of God
and greater perfection of his soul. St. Ignatius asks us to use this person
as the yardstick in our acts of distribution. (Rule 2)

Other standards suggested by the St. Ignatius are our achievements in our
office of distribution
At the time of death and (rule 3)
On the day of Judgment (rule 4)
He asks us to bring to mind what we want to be at these situations and to
keep them now.

The fifth rule set out by him is pasted below

5. When some person feels himself inclined and drawn to some persons to
whom he wants to distribute alms, let him hold himself back and ponder well
the above-mentioned four Rules, examining and testing his affection by them;
and not give the alms until, conformably to them, he has in all dismissed
and cast out his disordered inclination.

St. Ignatius suggests the use of the same rules for persons who are in the
ministry of distributing goods of God our Lord so as to avoid confusions
regarding quantity of what he/she has to take and apply to him/herself out
of what he/she has to give to others.

Finally he asks us to spare more and diminish what touches ones person and
condition of life and to approach more to our High Priest, our model and
rule who is Christ our Lord. He cites the example of St. Joachim and of
St. Ann, who, dividing their means into three parts, gave the first to the
poor, and the second to the ministry and service of the Temple, and took the
third for the support of themselves and of their household.

As Michelle in her mail pointed out the Ignatian retreat is really good for
the betterment of our spiritual life. There is series (13 talks) on the EWTN
audio library Ignatian Retreat: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of
Loyola - Fr. Raymond Gawronski S.J. which is excellent.

Wishing you a joyful season of prayer, fasting and ALMS GIVING.
Take care and God bless
Fujairah, UAE.

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[JOYnet] generosity.......

2003-03-02 Thread rose maria
   hi   friends  of  christ,,

i  lay  down   some  true  facts...

   As   i   started  to  think   about  generosity  thesepenetrating  
lines  of  St.Josemaria  came  on my  way..***Is  there   any  greater   madness  than 
 scattering   the  golden  wheat   over  the  ground  to  let  it  rot ?  But  without 
 that  generous   madness  there   would  be  no  harvestSon  ,  how  do   you 
 stand  in  regard   to  generosity??.

I   tried   my  best   to  find  out   generosity  in  
me,,no   ..no way  so  farhonestly ,  i  cant  think   of  me  being  generous,,,i 
 cant  remember  any  situation  or any  persons  i  have  been  generous  to,,,bow  
my  head  and  say,,,Oh,,no   even   to  My  God   ,i  havent..,,,But   i  was 
  astonished  to   find  that,   all  the   persons   i  have  met  in  my   days  of  
lifehas been   generous  to  me  in  one  or  the  other  way.even   to  these 
 Britishners,,,   from  the  day  1.i  wonder  how  can  i  thank  them  all   for 
 thier  abundance.

  i  `m  unable  to  look  on  to - the  Man   on  the  Cross,,His  

  i   hear  the  saint   saying ,,** Selfish !   you  always  looking  
out  for  urself...You  seem  unable  to   feel  the  brotherhood  of  christ.And  
when  you  are  down,  you  will  expect others  to treat  you   with  the  charity  
you  are  unwilling  to  show  them***(st.Josemaria)..

   I  confess   to  Almighty,  and  beg  you  my  brothers  and  sisters   to  
pray   for  me  to  the  Lord  Our  God

we   adoreThee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world!

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