Dear Bro. & sis'.  in jesus,

We all belive Holy spirit is  always with us to strengthen our ways. ...And it
is true in all sense.......
Pray to HolySpirit  for all people we meet in our day to day life ..We can
experience the amazing results... Especially when we need a favour from
another person, pray to holyspirit to bless him.Then ask him for the favour or
help.Sure it is granted always..Becasue it is no one but HolySpirit is guiding
him..So how can the decision  be aganist us?

I have experienced the power of prayer to HOLY Spirit, when dealing with some
govt. offices.

I had to approach a few govt officers and offices,  three years back for
clearing some papers.As  we all know getting things done thru proper channel
in time  is not very easy in govt. offices here.Further more some of the
offices I had to approach was notorious for  bribery. What I  did all time
was, just before talking to the officer , I  did pray for him to Holy Spirit.I
begged Holy Spirit to shower his blessings to the concerned person.The Result
was wonderful!!!  I did never experience a problem ....Every thing was very
smooth before me......

When we are travelling on a vehicle pray for the driver ....Pray to Holyspirit
to control his thoughts and decisions.When you are driving pray for  other
drivers and all things on the road that you  are going to meet.....Our Journey
will be so safe.....sure.....Because it is no one but Holyspirit is guiding
all of them....

Now a prayer request too........

I know we have a mailing address dedicated for prayer request.But I think the
reqeusts there are consolidated and given to joynet once in a week or so.I
need your prayer help  very urgently ,that is why i am sending this mail

Now I request your kind prayer support for my interview in one software
company in technopark TVM.
Last saturday we had a test (infact more than fifteen thousand applicants were
there  and they had called nealy  thousand people for the test).Today the
company people called  my home (KTM) and  enquired whether it is possible for
me to attend an interview tomm 11 pm.As I am now at thrissur, my parents told,
it is not be possible for me  to  reach TVM  by that time.So the authorities
told  that they would be calling me another day.

I am very much thankful to  the God Almighty for getting a call from the
company.The crowd was so high for the test and i did  n't  expect that i would
clear the test.SO it is really a blessing......

So now I am waiting for a call from them within  one-two days.Please pray for
me to  get the call again in time  and clear the interview if it is good for
me and the company and if it is there for me in HIS plan.

Please pray for me and all the concerned people in the company .
Please pray to Holy Spirit to bless me and company people to take right

Especailly please pray for the interview board....

Infact I am not sure about how to approach  the interview...Some problems are
there before me regarding my qualifications. I have got  two-three reputed
certifications.Some of my friends who  are in the industry told me  that
sometimes these certifications can make me overqualified when trying for
freshers openings..So I am in a confusion that , should I produce these things
during my interview or not...? Please pray for me to take right decisions in
all these matters.....
If you have any suggestions, I will be very mcuh happy to hear it from
you...and thanking you in advance for the same.
pls mail me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  , if possible.

I had very actively took part in the discussions regarding the Jobposting in
Joynet .At last as directed by administrators i did the  thing possible for me
.I have created  a page and a mailing list at for jobpostings
alone . The  details are  given to Mathew Joseph on last SUnday itself and is
under his review now.

regards and prayers

pradeep george

To Soajn Joseph(DUbai): I lost  your id .....Infact it is there in my system
at home.Now i am away from home.I could not do anything for you in the
requested matter ,except prayers..sorry...

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