[jQuery] Re: tableFilter Beta 2 is now live

2007-05-30 Thread Daemach

I posted a zip this evening that contains the source code and support
files for tableFilter.  You can find it here:


On May 29, 11:30 am, Daemach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The short answer is absolutely.  If you're not in a serious rush I
 would appreciate you giving me a day to let me get the code cleaned up
 - I decided to rebuild my domain over the weekend, so I'm still coming
 up to speed.  There is a lot of cruft there now from trial-and-
 erroring IE performance improvements and I would rather you not have
 to fight through all of that.

 On May 28, 10:52 am, Michael Haggerty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there a way to get a straight up download oftableFilter? I realize it is
  in beta but would like to use what's there now in an internal project. I
  have tried pulling scripts out of the demo page, but the scripts are
  erroring out when I try to put them in my project. Using jquery 1.1.2.

  Thank you,
  Michael Haggerty
  Managing Partner
  Trellon, LLChttp://www.trellon.com
  (p) 301-577-6162
  (c) 240-643-6561
  (f) 413-691-9114
  (aim) haggerty321

   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Daemach
   Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 3:32 PM
   To: jQuery (English)
   Subject: [jQuery]tableFilterBeta 2 is now live

   For those of you who are interested, I just uploaded another beta of
   mytableFilterplugin.  New features include performance improvements,
   saving (some..more later) settings in a cookie, support for plugins,
   and an increased number of I hate IE comments in the code.

   I did two plugins to test the architecture - one is called
   Aggregator, creatively enough, and it automatically aggregates data
   for numeric columns based on your filters.  (sum/avg/min/max)

   The second is called ColumnStyles which is the best I could come up
   with at the time.  It allows you to apply CSS styles to entire columns
   instantly.  bold, italic, underline, and alignment at the moment.
   Again, these were proof-of-concepts, so they aren't that cool yet.

   For those of you that haven't heard of this plugin, it allows you to
   do automatic paging, and sorting/filtering on multiple table columns
   simultaneously.  All of this with one line of code: $

   More info and demos here:  http://ideamill.synaptrixgroup.com/?p=13

   (plugins are disabled by default - enable them using the menu in the
   bottom row...)

[jQuery] Re: trigger $(document).ready manually

2007-05-30 Thread MathiasBank

Well, I have an ajax call to the server. The sever decides what to do.
Normally, there is just one small part of the page, which will be
changed per json. But there is one possibility, which needs to refresh
nearly the complete page. No I have to recall ready. There are three

1. I can send a special state which will reload the complete page.
This method is stupid, because I need an additional server request (I
can send the data with the first response).
2. I can write a special function, which will be called in $
(ducument).ready(). But this is just a workaround
3. ready can be called. I think, that's the most obvious way, the
problem can be solved. And it is the easiest. If it is not possible
yet, it's a feature request ;)


[jQuery] Re: trigger $(document).ready manually

2007-05-30 Thread MathiasBank

Ok, it's quite easy to recall ready:

Don't register your ready functions like this:


Register it like this:


Now, trigger the ready event:


This works. I think, it's a bit confusing, because $(document).ready
is an event (at least in the api). So, I expect, that it can be called
like an event.


[jQuery] Where is the button plugin ?

2007-05-30 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

visual jquery is describing a button plugin, but I cant find it on the
plugin page.
Does anybody know where to find it ?


[jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] jQuery powered plazes.com relaunched

2007-05-30 Thread Klaus Hartl


I have the pleasure to announce that the jQuery powered plazes.com has 

plazes.com is using Thickbox Reloaded, Tabs, jCarousel, rating and the 
form plugin and a tiny bit of Interface so far... and standard jQuery of 
course for unobtrusive DOM manipulation, effects and Ajax.

I went ahead and created a jQuery group you can join if you like:




[jQuery] Interface: Rearranging a table by drag and drop

2007-05-30 Thread Gordon

I am trying to implement a system whereby a user can rearrange rows in
a table by draggign and dropping them.  I quickly made something
rather basic with the interface draggables and droppables but it's not
ideal.  I suspect I'm not using it properly as I've seen drag and drop
tables before.  Here's the code I'm using.

$(document).ready (function ()
$('.favRow').Draggable ({
containment : 'parent',
snapDistance: 10,
opacity : 0.7
$('.favRow').Droppable ({
accept  : 'favRow',
ondrop  : function (dragged)
console.log (this);
console.log (dragged);
$(this).after (dragged);

.favRow is the class attached to each row in the table I want to
drag.  Each row also has a unique ID.  The problems are mainly with
the first and second items in the table.  They sometimes don't swap

[jQuery] Re: Interface: Rearranging a table by drag and drop

2007-05-30 Thread Gordon

I did look at the sortables interface module, but that seems like
overkill for what I need.  I think all I really need to be able to do
is have a tipping point at half the height of the cell that gets
dropped on.  If it's below it the nuse after, if above it, then use
before.  I guess you can access the mouse position with mouseX and
mouseY (I seem to remember reading somewhere that jQuery normalizes
them so you don't have to start mucking around writing your own mouse
handling code).

On May 30, 11:00 am, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to implement a system whereby a user can rearrange rows in
 a table by draggign and dropping them.  I quickly made something
 rather basic with the interface draggables and droppables but it's not
 ideal.  I suspect I'm not using it properly as I've seen drag and drop
 tables before.  Here's the code I'm using.

 $(document).ready (function ()
 $('.favRow').Draggable ({
 containment : 'parent',
 snapDistance: 10,
 opacity : 0.7
 $('.favRow').Droppable ({
 accept  : 'favRow',
 ondrop  : function (dragged)
 console.log (this);
 console.log (dragged);
 $(this).after (dragged);


 .favRow is the class attached to each row in the table I want to
 drag.  Each row also has a unique ID.  The problems are mainly with
 the first and second items in the table.  They sometimes don't swap

[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread Luc Pestille
I think I've found a bug in jQuery with regards to IE -a blank .html
page, with just the latest uncompressed jquery.js and a script file
(linked in the header) that looks like this:
/* ![CDATA[ */
// when the DOM is ready to be manipulated do some voodoo.
$(document).ready( function(){
$(.search-advanced #classtest).hide();
/* ]] */
produces an error in IE6 and IE7 (the line number is different in IE7);
Line 968
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
however, these selectors produce no such error;
$(#search-advanced .classtest).hide();
$(.search-advanced .classtest).hide();
So it looks like IE doesn't like double ID selectors, or an ID selector
after a space. Anyone seen this before, or can reproduce it? I'd rather
not have to re-write bits of my site to use classes instead of IDs.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 29 May 2007 09:51
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error?

Anyone have any idea on this? Non-existant selctors are breaking IE,
which is fairly bad news for me!
Luc Pestille
Web Designer

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 23 May 2007 15:19
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] IE selector bug/error?

I've found something that I can't get around; in IE6, these
selectors won't do anything for me;
1. $(#admin-jobs #discipline_client_row).hide();
2. $(#admin-jobs  #discipline_client_row).hide();
whereas this works fine (as you'd expect);
3. $(#discipline_client_row).hide();
In IE, number 1 gives me the error (when that div doesn't exist on the
Line: 184
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
but number 2 reports no error, despite not finding the div on the page.
Has anyone come across this before? Any help would be appreciated, IE is
starting to drive me in to a coma.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


Thames House
Mere Park
Dedmere Road
Tel 01628 899700
Fax 01628 899701
i: www.in2.co.uk http://www.in2.co.uk/ 

This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of
jquery-en@googlegroups.com and may contain information that is
confidential, subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret. If you
are not jquery-en@googlegroups.com you are hereby notified that any
dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files
associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying
to the message and deleting it from your computer. Messages sent to and
from us may be monitored. Any views or opinions presented are solely
those of the author [EMAIL PROTECTED] and do not necessarily
represent those of the company. 


[jQuery] Re: Interface: Rearranging a table by drag and drop

2007-05-30 Thread Gordon

Actually it's looking like this approach doesn't work at all well.
The drop seems to work okay in IE7, bt you don't see a ghosted element
on drag.  In opera 8.5 nothing happens at all (though no javascript
errors are thrown).  The only browser it appears to work properly in
is Firefox 1.5, the primary development browser.

Here's some example code and a test page:

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /
titleTaking Care of Your Business/title
script type=text/javascript src=/js/jquery/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=/js/jquery/interface.js/script
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready (function ()
$('.favRow').Draggable ({
containment : 'parent',
revert  : true,
ghosting: true,
opacity : 0.75,
snapDistance: 10
$('.favRow').Droppable ({
accept  : 'favRow',
ondrop  : function (dropped)
thisElem= $(this);
droppedElem = $(dropped);

//console.log (this);
//console.log (dropped);

if (thisElem.attr ('id') != droppedElem.attr ('id'))
thisElem.before (dropped);
link rel=shortcut icon href=/products/devel.ico /
meta name=keywords content= /
form id=foo method=post action=#
  table width=75% border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2
class=favourites id=userfav
th class=descProduct/th
thPrice per unit/th
thAdd to Order/th
  tr bgcolor=#00 class=favRow id=row1
tdbutton class=sortUp type=buttonimg src=/ui/
moveup.gif alt=Move Up //button
  button class=sortDown type=buttonimg src=/ui/
movedown.gif alt=Move Down //button/td
td class=desca href=/catalogue/item/APMBP09Apple
MacBook Pro strongAPMBP09/strong/a/td
td 10 in stock br /
  11 in 2ndash;3 days /td
td£1,445.00 (abbr title=excludingex./abbr acronym
title=Value Added TaxVAT/acronym)/td
tdbutton class=delete type=buttonimg src=/ui/
delete.gif alt=Delete //button
  input name=code-1 value=APMBP09 type=hidden /
  input name=bundle-1 value= type=hidden /
  input type=hidden value= name=remove-1 /
tdinput name=quantity-1 value=1 class=text
type=text //td
tdinput name=picked-1 type=checkbox //td
  tr bgcolor=#00FF00 class=favRow id=row2
tdbutton class=sortUp type=buttonimg src=/ui/
moveup.gif alt=Move Up //button
  button class=sortDown type=buttonimg src=/ui/
movedown.gif alt=Move Down //button/td
td class=desca href=/catalogue/item/INTPR349Intel Core
2 Duo E6700 Dual Core Processor strongINTPR349/strong/a/td
td 0 in stock br /
  129 in 2ndash;3 days /td
td£177.04 (abbr title=excludingex./abbr acronym
title=Value Added TaxVAT/acronym)/td
tdbutton class=delete type=buttonimg src=/ui/
delete.gif alt=Delete //button
  input name=code-2 value=INTPR349 type=hidden /
  input name=bundle-2 value= type=hidden /
  input type=hidden value= name=remove-2 /
tdinput name=quantity-2 value=1 class=text
type=text //td
tdinput name=picked-2 type=checkbox //td
  tr bgcolor=#00 class=favRow id=row3
tdbutton class=sortUp type=buttonimg src=/ui/
moveup.gif alt=Move Up //button
  button class=sortDown type=buttonimg src=/ui/
movedown.gif alt=Move Down //button/td
td class=desca href=/catalogue/item/NOKN95Nokia N95
td 0 in stock br /
  Usually 4 days /td
td£450.00 (abbr title=excludingex./abbr acronym
title=Value Added TaxVAT/acronym)/td
tdbutton class=delete type=buttonimg src=/ui/
delete.gif alt=Delete //button
  input name=code-3 value=NOKN95 type=hidden /
  input name=bundle-3 value= type=hidden /
  input type=hidden value= name=remove-3 /
tdinput name=quantity-3 value=1 class=text
type=text //td
tdinput name=picked-3 type=checkbox //td
  tr bgcolor=#00FF00 class=favRow id=row4
tdbutton class=sortUp type=buttonimg src=/ui/
moveup.gif alt=Move Up //button
  button class=sortDown type=buttonimg src=/ui/
movedown.gif alt=Move Down //button/td
td class=desca 

[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread Luc Pestille
Following on, I was testing something unrelated, after moving back to
FF, and it seems that the bug is the same in FF - ID selectors after a
space break anything! Someone tell me I'm not going mad?
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 30 May 2007 11:53
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Cc: John Resig
Subject: [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

I think I've found a bug in jQuery with regards to IE -a blank .html
page, with just the latest uncompressed jquery.js and a script file
(linked in the header) that looks like this:
/* ![CDATA[ */
// when the DOM is ready to be manipulated do some voodoo.
$(document).ready( function(){
$(.search-advanced #classtest).hide();
/* ]] */
produces an error in IE6 and IE7 (the line number is different in IE7);
Line 968
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
however, these selectors produce no such error;
$(#search-advanced .classtest).hide();
$(.search-advanced .classtest).hide();
So it looks like IE doesn't like double ID selectors, or an ID selector
after a space. Anyone seen this before, or can reproduce it? I'd rather
not have to re-write bits of my site to use classes instead of IDs.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 29 May 2007 09:51
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error?

Anyone have any idea on this? Non-existant selctors are breaking IE,
which is fairly bad news for me!
Luc Pestille
Web Designer

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 23 May 2007 15:19
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] IE selector bug/error?

I've found something that I can't get around; in IE6, these
selectors won't do anything for me;
1. $(#admin-jobs #discipline_client_row).hide();
2. $(#admin-jobs  #discipline_client_row).hide();
whereas this works fine (as you'd expect);
3. $(#discipline_client_row).hide();
In IE, number 1 gives me the error (when that div doesn't exist on the
Line: 184
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
but number 2 reports no error, despite not finding the div on the page.
Has anyone come across this before? Any help would be appreciated, IE is
starting to drive me in to a coma.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


Thames House
Mere Park
Dedmere Road
Tel 01628 899700
Fax 01628 899701
i: www.in2.co.uk http://www.in2.co.uk/ 

This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of
jquery-en@googlegroups.com and may contain information that is
confidential, subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret. If you
are not jquery-en@googlegroups.com you are hereby notified that any
dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files
associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying
to the message and deleting it from your computer. Messages sent to and
from us may be monitored. Any views or opinions presented are solely
those of the author [EMAIL PROTECTED] and do not necessarily
represent those of the company. 


[jQuery] Problem with each on IE7

2007-05-30 Thread elkdanger


I've got a problem with using the each function and IE7. The code I
have works fine in Firefox, but not IE7.

The basic problem I'm trying to overcome is I have one drop-down list
holding a list of car manufacturers, and a second one which contains a
list of cars by a manufacturer. The second box is populated based on
the choice of the first box. Specifically, when the first box is
changed, it fires an onChange event which retrieves the list of cars
for that manufacturer using $.post and populates the second list.

The AJAX call returns an xml list of cars for that manufacturer, that
looks like:

models count='2'
   model id='1'Focus/model
   model id='2'Ka/model

And the code to retrieve it looks like:

$.post(/actions/getModels_xml.php, { make: selectedMake },

selModelText = option value='' selected='selected'Select a 

$(model, xml).each(function()
selModelText += option value= + 
$(this).attr(id) +  + $
(this).text() + /option;


// Select the first item in the list we just populated.
var frm = document.getElementById(frmMakeModel);
frm.model.selectedIndex = 0;


Now, in IE7 as soon as the code reaches the .each call execution seems
to stop. I've tried putting in alert()'s inside the .each and after
it, which don't execute. If I put one before the .each call, it works.

Does anyone have any initial ideas? I've only posted the relevant
code. The above javascript is wrapped in a function called
'addChangeHandlers()' and is called using $

Any help would be much appreciated.

[jQuery] thickbox window to be opened automatically after page loaded

2007-05-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,
is there any way how to open thickbox window after page is loaded?
For example invoke thickbox with something like body
onLoad=open_thickbox(); - how to define function open_thickbox() or
other way how to provide automatic click on a href=''
class='thickbox' tag after page is loaded?

... tryinng to solve something like new window to be opened after page
is loaded, but I don't want to open new page, but thickbox window over
loaded page.
Thanks for some howtos.

[jQuery] Re: Select multiple widget

2007-05-30 Thread Rob Desbois


The following function is one I use to achieve this effect:

/** Moves highlighted option elements between listboxes.
* @param from The ID of the listbox to move selections from.
* @param to The ID of the listbox to move the selections to.
function MoveOptions(from, to)
   var destination = $(#+to)[0];

   $(#+from+ option:selected).each(function()
 .attr('selected', false)

You can then use it with the following:

select id='select1' multiple='multiple' size='6'
ondblclick=MoveOptions('select1', 'select2')
   optionItem 1/optionoptionItem 2/optionoptionItem
3/optionoptionItem 4/option

a href='javascript:MoveOptions(select1, select2)'--gt;/a

a href='javascript:MoveOptions(select2, select1)'lt;--/a

select id='select2' multiple='multiple' size='6'
ondblclick=MoveOptions('select2', 'select1')

It's a bit ugly but it's not much effort to get it looking nice. Bear in
mind that option elements are not sorted in any way when transferred from
one box to the other.


On 5/30/07, Olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I did not find any plugin that would convert a select multiple box
into 2 select multiple
with the ability to move an item from the one to the other by clicking
on an item.

Do you have such function or any clue on how to achieve that ?

I have tried hard by creating a second list which contains the
selected item(s) and by hiding (option.css(display,none)) them in
the original one,
but I did not succeed in selecting the item in the original list
without unselecting the ones that are already selected.

It seems that nothing happens when I do
option.attr(selected,selected) or option.select().

Any idea ?


Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jQuery powered plazes.com relaunched

2007-05-30 Thread Giuliano Marcangelo

Congratulations Klaus,

very nice user experience.ah

On 30/05/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Cool.  Congratulations, Klaus!

 I have the pleasure to announce that the jQuery powered plazes.com has

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jQuery powered plazes.com relaunched

2007-05-30 Thread Karl Swedberg
Excellent! Congratulations, Klaus! I took Plazes for a spin recently,  
and I was really impressed by what a top-notch web app it is. Can't  
wait to see all the new stuff! :)

Karl Swedberg

On May 30, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Klaus Hartl wrote:


I have the pleasure to announce that the jQuery powered plazes.com  
has relaunched.

plazes.com is using Thickbox Reloaded, Tabs, jCarousel, rating and  
the form plugin and a tiny bit of Interface so far... and standard  
jQuery of course for unobtrusive DOM manipulation, effects and Ajax.

I went ahead and created a jQuery group you can join if you like:




[jQuery] Re: Block UI when user submits a slow page

2007-05-30 Thread Web Specialist

Thanx Jonathan. I'll try your suggestion and include an iframe.


2007/5/29, Jonathan Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You can't block across requests. You may achieve your desired effect if
your page is within an iframe and the blockui is in the parent document.

In short you can block when the user clicks submit but at an arbitrary
point in time the browser will clear the screen as it receives the response.
So there isn't really a way to do what you want.


On 5/29/07, Web Specialist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all

 do you know any example using BlockUI with normal form(otherwise

 I have a very slow form(processing text files). I'll want to block UI
 when user submits that form and, after execute that page, unblock again.


[jQuery] $(document).ready limits

2007-05-30 Thread weepy


I have a project where I am using Ajax to squirt some HTML and script
into the DOM.

The script currently has a document.ready around it which appears to
fire ok when in FF but not in IE

Does any one have any experience of this ?


[jQuery] Re: trigger $(document).ready manually

2007-05-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Don't register your ready functions like this:


Register it like this:


Now, trigger the ready event:


This works. I think, it's a bit confusing, because $(document).ready
is an event (at least in the api). So, I expect, that it can be called
like an event.

As already suggested, I think the *best* method is:

function initPage(){
// do stuff

// call the initPage when the DOM is ready

Now all you need to do is re-run the initPage() whenever you want to re-run
that code.

Plus you stated you need to which needs to refresh *nearly* the complete
page. This even more feels like you're best to break off the code that does
need to be refreshed from that code that does not need to be refreshed. This
means this method would even be better:

// init new DOM elements
function initDomFrag(){
// do stuff here

$(document).ready( function (){
// stuff only needed to be run on initial page load

// reinit DOM fragment

I'd just isolate the exact code that needs to be re-used into it's own
function. That seems like the purest solution to me. Re-running the
$(document).ready seems hackish to me.


[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread Brandon Aaron

I'm not able to reproduce this in FF. Your using jQuery 1.1.3a? Is your HTML
valid? Could you post up the test page for the group to look at?

A workaround might be to use .find().


Brandon Aaron

On 5/30/07, Luc Pestille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Following on, I was testing something unrelated, after moving back to FF,
and it seems that the bug is the same in FF - ID selectors after a space
break anything! Someone tell me I'm not going mad?

*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Luc Pestille
*Sent:* 30 May 2007 11:53
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Cc:* John Resig
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

 I think I've found a bug in jQuery with regards to IE -a blank .html
page, with just the latest uncompressed jquery.js and a script file
(linked in the header) that looks like this:

/* ![CDATA[ */
// when the DOM is ready to be manipulated do some voodoo.
$(document).ready( function(){
$(.search-advanced #classtest).hide();
/* ]] */

produces an error in IE6 and IE7 (the line number is different in IE7);

Line 968
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object

however, these selectors produce no such error;

$(#search-advanced .classtest).hide();
$(.search-advanced .classtest).hide();

So it looks like IE doesn't like double ID selectors, or an ID selector
after a space. Anyone seen this before, or can reproduce it? I'd rather not
have to re-write bits of my site to use classes instead of IDs.

*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer
*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Luc Pestille
*Sent:* 29 May 2007 09:51
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error?

 Anyone have any idea on this? Non-existant selctors are breaking IE,
which is fairly bad news for me!

*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer
*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Luc Pestille
*Sent:* 23 May 2007 15:19
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] IE selector bug/error?

 I've found something that I can't get around; in IE6, these selectors
won't do anything for me;

1. $(#admin-jobs #discipline_client_row).hide();
2. $(#admin-jobs  #discipline_client_row).hide();

whereas this works fine (as you'd expect);

3. $(#discipline_client_row).hide();

In IE, number 1 gives me the error (when that div doesn't exist on the
Line: 184
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object

but number 2 reports no error, despite not finding the div on the page. Has
anyone come across this before? Any help would be appreciated, IE is
starting to drive me in to a coma.


*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer

Thames House
Mere Park
Dedmere Road
Tel 01628 899700
Fax 01628 899701
i: www.in2.co.uk

This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of
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[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready limits

2007-05-30 Thread Brandon Aaron

Are you using the defer attribute on any of your scripts?

Brandon Aaron

On 5/30/07, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a project where I am using Ajax to squirt some HTML and script
into the DOM.

The script currently has a document.ready around it which appears to
fire ok when in FF but not in IE

Does any one have any experience of this ?


[jQuery] Re: How to pass variable from link

2007-05-30 Thread qt

Hello MikeR

Thank you for your reply.
I read the article about $.ajax but somehow could not figure out a
working  peace of code.

Do you have an example?

In PHP/HTML the link to do this would look something like this:
a href=edit.php?id=2edit/a

What do I have to put into the a-container and what does the jquery-
function look like?

Any snippet would be highly appreciated!


On May 29, 4:18 pm, MikeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 http://docs.jquery.com/Ajaxwould be a good start =).

 You'll want to make an Ajax call ($.ajax, $.get, $.post... whichever)
 and use data to pass back data to PHP.

 qt wrote:
  Hello list

  Let's say I have a list of items (retrieved from a mysql-db with PHP).

  To edit the records, one has to click a link (a href=# ...item 1/
  a) which opens a form (achieved with the show/hide jquery).

  How can I pass the id of an item back to php.

  I guess I have to use the $.get or $.post function, but I am stuck on

  All help is highly appreciated!


[jQuery] ajax request error

2007-05-30 Thread debussy007


I am calling an Ajax request to the server (J2ee, Struts Action) to get a
number :


var html = $.ajax({
url: ATBAjaxHandler.do,
data: service-name=nb_places_availabledate=+date+flight=+flight

alert(HTML = +html);
document.getElementById('nbPlacesAller').innerHtml = html;

in IE the last alert is never shown, in Mozilla it shows HTML =  followed
by an empty string

I am returning the number like this in the server :


Is there any way to know what is the actual error ?
I am really clueless on what to do.
Do you have any debugging tips ?

Thank you very much.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: New in JQuery! Prototype PeriodicalUpdater in JQuery? How?

2007-05-30 Thread Jason Levine

Would this help?


(I haven't had the chance to update it to JQuery 1.1.x so it might need a
tweak or two or the Compatibility plugin.)
View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery featured POTM

2007-05-30 Thread Benjamin Sterling

Very well written; kept things simple, I like that. :)

Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: thickbox window to be opened automatically after page loaded

2007-05-30 Thread Benjamin Sterling

I would do something like:

Assuming you have:
a href=mypage.php class=thickbox rel=lauchonload/a

In your head:
!-- all your javascript includes --
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').trigger('click');

this assumes that the thickbox's .read() gets executed before your
.ready().  If it does not:

$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').trigger('click');

None of this is tested, so let me know what if it works.

Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jQuery powered plazes.com relaunched

2007-05-30 Thread John Resig

Great work Klaus. It's been fun watching Plazes grow up with jQuery.
I'll just echo the thoughts of others in this thread concerning the
user experience - you guys have done an excellent job! Keep up the
great work.


On 5/30/07, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have the pleasure to announce that the jQuery powered plazes.com has

plazes.com is using Thickbox Reloaded, Tabs, jCarousel, rating and the
form plugin and a tiny bit of Interface so far... and standard jQuery of
course for unobtrusive DOM manipulation, effects and Ajax.

I went ahead and created a jQuery group you can join if you like:




[jQuery] Re: Forcing a select box to select a specified option

2007-05-30 Thread Andy Matthews


That doesn't work. I think you might have misunderstood me though. I want to
force the selected attribute of the second option element.

I tried this too:
$('#RedMakeSelect:first-child option:nth-child(1)').attr('selected','true');

And that didn't work either. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dan G. Switzer, II
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5:54 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Forcing a select box to select a specified option


$('#RedMakeSelect:first-child [EMAIL PROTECTED]')

I believe IE always has the value attribute defined--even if it's not
defined in your markup (ie. it essentially adds a value= to your tag.) If
you know the 2nd element should have a value attribute if it's present, then
I'd just do:

$('#RedMakeSelect:first-child option:nth-child(1)')


[jQuery] Re: ajax request error

2007-05-30 Thread Jake McGraw

You need to set the callback, not just access the XHR object, because it may
not (definitely won't) be ready immediately after you call $.ajax, try:

var html = $.ajax({
  url: ATBAjaxHandler.do,
  success: function(html) {
alert(HTML = +html);

I also jQuerized your success function.

- jake

On 5/30/07, debussy007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am calling an Ajax request to the server (J2ee, Struts Action) to get a
number :


var html = $.ajax({
url: ATBAjaxHandler.do,

alert(HTML = +html);
document.getElementById('nbPlacesAller').innerHtml = html;

in IE the last alert is never shown, in Mozilla it shows HTML = 
by an empty string

I am returning the number like this in the server :


Is there any way to know what is the actual error ?
I am really clueless on what to do.
Do you have any debugging tips ?

Thank you very much.
View this message in context:
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: ajax request error

2007-05-30 Thread Jake McGraw

Actually, you don't need var html at all so:

  url: ATBAjaxHandler.do,
  success: function(html) {
 alert(HTML = +html);
  } });

Will work fine.

- jake

On 5/30/07, Jake McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You need to set the callback, not just access the XHR object, because it
may not (definitely won't) be ready immediately after you call $.ajax, try:

var html = $.ajax({
   url: ATBAjaxHandler.do,
   success: function(html) {
 alert(HTML = +html);

I also jQuerized your success function.

- jake

On 5/30/07, debussy007  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am calling an Ajax request to the server (J2ee, Struts Action) to get
 number :


 var html = $.ajax({
 url: ATBAjaxHandler.do,

 alert(HTML = +html);
 document.getElementById('nbPlacesAller').innerHtml = html;


 in IE the last alert is never shown, in Mozilla it shows HTML = 
 by an empty string

 I am returning the number like this in the server :


 Is there any way to know what is the actual error ?
 I am really clueless on what to do.
 Do you have any debugging tips ?

 Thank you very much.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready limits

2007-05-30 Thread weepy

no - is defer an IE thing ?

On May 30, 1:36 pm, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you using the defer attribute on any of your scripts?

 Brandon Aaron

 On 5/30/07, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I have a project where I am using Ajax to squirt some HTML and script
  into the DOM.

  The script currently has a document.ready around it which appears to
  fire ok when in FF but not in IE

  Does any one have any experience of this ?


[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready limits

2007-05-30 Thread Brandon Aaron

Yes it is. It has been known to cause problems when used in
conjunction with jQuery scripts that use ready.

It is rare that the ready method doesn't work properly in IE. Could
you maybe post up a simplified test case? Try to narrow it down.

Brandon Aaron

On 5/30/07, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

no - is defer an IE thing ?

On May 30, 1:36 pm, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you using the defer attribute on any of your scripts?

 Brandon Aaron

 On 5/30/07, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I have a project where I am using Ajax to squirt some HTML and script
  into the DOM.

  The script currently has a document.ready around it which appears to
  fire ok when in FF but not in IE

  Does any one have any experience of this ?


[jQuery] jQuery.noConflict() problem

2007-05-30 Thread Arne-Kolja Bachstein
Hi there,


I am trying to get jQuery to work with DNN (DotNetNuke) and assume there is
a conflict between jQuery and all those DNN js thingys, because when I load
jQuery at least one JS driven function of DNN does not work any more. So I
looked for a way around this and found the function noConflict. But when
trying to call noConflict it returns jQuery is not defined -
jQuery.noConflict();. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am already using
the latest (packed) version of jQuery atm.


Thanks in advance,






[jQuery] Having difficulty binding keypress handler in IE 6 7

2007-05-30 Thread Stuart

I'm trying to bind a keypress event handler to the input element in
the last cell of a table row. In the real application this will be
used to check for a tab key and call a function to add another row to
the table. I have it working in FF but apparently the keypress event
never gets bound in IE 6 or 7. I've created a small table and some
simple code to target the desired element and attempt to add the bound
function. I've been messing with this for a while so I'm suspecting
that I've developed code blindness, you know what I mean, when one
couldn't spot an obvious error if it was in bold italics. I think I've
stripped it to the bare essentials but I can't, for the life of me,
even get the alert to fire. I've attached the code below and would
greatly appreciate someone taking a look, because I'm obviously
missing something.


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {

var table = document.getElementById(test);
var rows = table.getElementsByTagName(tbody)

for (var rowNum = 0; rowNum = 2; ++rowNum) {

var cells = rows[rowNum].getElementsByTagName(td);

var currentTarget = cells[cells.length - 1].firstChild;
$(currentTarget).one(keypress, {type: debug}, 
function(event) {
alert(event.data.type +  :  + event.keyCode);
titleIE Bind() Test/title
form id=form1 name=form1 method=post action=whatever
table id=test border=1
tdSome crap here/td
tdSome crap here/td
tdSome crap here/td
tdSome crap here/td
tdinput name=textfield0 type=text 
id=textfield0 //td
tdSome more crap here/td
tdSome more crap here/td
tdSome more crap here/td
tdSome more crap here/td
tdinput name=textfield1 type=text 
id=textfield1 //td
tdEven more crap here/td
tdEven more crap here/td
tdEven more crap here/td
tdEven more crap here/td
tdinput name=textfield2 type=text 
id=textfield2 //td

[jQuery] Re: Forcing a select box to select a specified option

2007-05-30 Thread Andy Matthews

That did it Dan. Thanks!

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dan G. Switzer, II
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:56 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Forcing a select box to select a specified option



That doesn't work. I think you might have misunderstood me though. I 
want to force the selected attribute of the second option element.

I tried this too:
$('#RedMakeSelect:first-child option:nth- 

And that didn't work either.

I can't remember if the nth-child() starts at 0 or 1. If it starts at 1,
you'd need to use the value 2.

However, now that you've said you're just trying to select the second item,
I'd do what was previously suggested an go straight to the DOM:

$('#RedMakeSelect:first-child option)[1].selected = true;


[jQuery] Re: menuing recommendation?

2007-05-30 Thread Jonathan Sharp

Hi Jack,

jdMenu does just about everything you're looking for.

1) The on/off images are all handled in CSS (unless I misunderstand what
you're trying to achieve) The foreground images can be handled with a simple
hover in jQuery.

2) There's no reason that this wouldn't work. Doesn't matter if it's text or
images in the top level.

3) This is also addressed and fixed in jdMenu.


On 5/29/07, Jack Killpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

I'm looking for a jquery based menuing plugin ala:


It has to be able to do the following:

1. allow on/off images for top level menu items: either background
images or both foreground and background images (for typeset foregrounds)

2. have a means to style the current (currently selected) top level
menu item, also allowing images (back/fore). I can hack up something for
current items, but it'd be nice if it was natively supported. Must
allow images, though.

3. work in ie6+, ff 1.x+, safari: including hovers and SELECT (see
through) blocking

Does such a critter exist?


[jQuery] Re: Having difficulty binding keypress handler in IE 6 7

2007-05-30 Thread Richard D. Worth

On 5/30/07, Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to bind a keypress event handler to the input element in
the last cell of a table row. In the real application this will be
used to check for a tab key and call a function to add another row to
the table. I have it working in FF but apparently the keypress event
never gets bound in IE 6 or 7.

The problem is not that the event doesn't get bound in IE, it's that IE
doesn't fire keypress for the TAB key. See:


You'll want to use keydown instead. For more info, see:


- Richard D. Worth

[jQuery] ANNOUNCE new plugin jqMultiSelects: move options between select boxes

2007-05-30 Thread Rob Desbois

Hi all,

I've consolidated my code for moving option elements between select
boxes into a jQuery plugin.
It is currently very simple and is the first release, available from

Any suggestions would be most welcome :-)


[jQuery] Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

2007-05-30 Thread Gordon

Not strictly speaking a jQuery question but I thought somebody on here
might have some insight into this. :)

The Powers That Be have asked me for a system whereby the contents of
a form is automatically saved to the server whenever the user leaves
the page.  I looked into onunload but from what I can asertain by the
time that event fires the form already no longer exists and can't be
submitted to the server.  Doing an AJAX post whenever the form changes
isn't acceptible because that would generate too much database
traffic, so I'm kind of stuck.  I did suggest preservign the data in a
cookie instead of the database but that is apparently not acceptable

Is there some other way I could have the form submitted when the user
leaves the page?

[jQuery] Re: Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

2007-05-30 Thread Andy Matthews

If you find this out, let me know because I'd love to have similar

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gordon
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 9:27 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

Not strictly speaking a jQuery question but I thought somebody on here might
have some insight into this. :)

The Powers That Be have asked me for a system whereby the contents of a form
is automatically saved to the server whenever the user leaves the page.  I
looked into onunload but from what I can asertain by the time that event
fires the form already no longer exists and can't be submitted to the
server.  Doing an AJAX post whenever the form changes isn't acceptible
because that would generate too much database traffic, so I'm kind of stuck.
I did suggest preservign the data in a cookie instead of the database but
that is apparently not acceptable either.

Is there some other way I could have the form submitted when the user leaves
the page?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery featured POTM

2007-05-30 Thread John Resig

Quick note: The main problem with Prototype is that is tries to turn
Javascript into Java.  isn't terribly correct - if anything, they're
trying to make JavaScript behave more like Ruby (since it's primarily
used by users of Ruby on Rails, and written to help those users as


On 5/30/07, Larry Garfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please forgive the self-advertisement, but I just wanted to share that I've
added jQuery to the list of featured projects I've been coordinating this


For the rest of the featured projects, see here:


Thanks John and everyone for an awesome project!

Larry Garfield  AIM: LOLG42

If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea,
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.  -- Thomas

[jQuery] Re: $().load() not working in Opera?

2007-05-30 Thread Jean Nascimento

Here is working, but u can do better with the design no? =P

On 5/30/07, warlock24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Could someone could tell me why my page menu (http://
warlock24.googlepages.com/index.html#) not working in Opera?  I use $
().load() to load subpages into DIV.



[]´s Jean

  Ethereal Agency

[jQuery] Using close images

2007-05-30 Thread Jean Nascimento

I´m trying do that
$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).click(function() {
alert('u can do it!');
fechar = close

Even with a alert do nothing, where is wrong??


[]´s Jean

  Ethereal Agency

[jQuery] Re: Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

2007-05-30 Thread Jake McGraw

Best you can probably do is to have a timer fire every 15 - 20 seconds,
check if an update has been made, if so send the new information. This is
how Gmail Drafts works. Otherwise, maybe you can store the form values in
a JavaScript object onchange, then onunload submit the object. From what
I've read onunload should complete as fast as possible, so, I'm not exactly
sure you want to attach an Ajax Post to this event.

- jake

On 5/30/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you find this out, let me know because I'd love to have similar

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gordon
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 9:27 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

Not strictly speaking a jQuery question but I thought somebody on here
have some insight into this. :)

The Powers That Be have asked me for a system whereby the contents of a
is automatically saved to the server whenever the user leaves the page.  I
looked into onunload but from what I can asertain by the time that event
fires the form already no longer exists and can't be submitted to the
server.  Doing an AJAX post whenever the form changes isn't acceptible
because that would generate too much database traffic, so I'm kind of
I did suggest preservign the data in a cookie instead of the database but
that is apparently not acceptable either.

Is there some other way I could have the form submitted when the user
the page?

[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread SeViR

I don't think that .class #id generates an error it was a bug of 
jQuery because,

simply it is an error this string

#id .class  -  get the element with id id only if has the class 
class but..
.class #id  ¿?¿?¿? If you can get the element with id id, why don't 
you select directly? #id

The id is unique so you don't need preselect a class first. Also, if you 
want select the element #id

and all the elements .class, then .class, #id works.

Luc Pestille escribió:
I think I've found a bug in jQuery with regards to IE -a blank .html 
page, with just the latest uncompressed jquery.js and a script file 
(linked in the header) that looks like this:
/* ![CDATA[ */

// when the DOM is ready to be manipulated do some voodoo.
$(document).ready( function(){
$(.search-advanced #classtest).hide();
/* ]] */
produces an error in IE6 and IE7 (the line number is different in IE7);

Line 968
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
however, these selectors produce no such error;
$(#search-advanced .classtest).hide();

$(.search-advanced .classtest).hide();
So it looks like IE doesn't like double ID selectors, or an ID 
selector after a space. Anyone seen this before, or can reproduce it? 
I'd rather not have to re-write bits of my site to use classes instead 
of IDs.

*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*On Behalf Of *Luc Pestille

*Sent:* 29 May 2007 09:51
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error?

Anyone have any idea on this? Non-existant selctors are breaking IE, 
which is fairly bad news for me!


*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*On Behalf Of *Luc Pestille

*Sent:* 23 May 2007 15:19
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] IE selector bug/error?

I've found something that I can't get around; in IE6, these selectors 
won't do anything for me;
1. $(#admin-jobs #discipline_client_row).hide();

2. $(#admin-jobs  #discipline_client_row).hide();
whereas this works fine (as you'd expect);
3. $(#discipline_client_row).hide();
In IE, number 1 gives me the error (when that div doesn't exist on the 

Line: 184
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
but number 2 reports no error, despite not finding the div on the 
page. Has anyone come across this before? Any help would be 
appreciated, IE is starting to drive me in to a coma.

*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer


Thames House
Mere Park
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Tel 01628 899700
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This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use 
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in2 logo

Best Regards,
José Francisco Rives Lirola sevir1ATgmail.com

SeViR CW · Computer Design
Murcia - Spain

[jQuery] TreeView

2007-05-30 Thread sean

i have some problems with the treeview plugin. It works quite well
with FF and Opera, but in IE6 everything breaks.

Examples of this behaviour can be found at

As the examples in the repository seem to work, it probably has to do
with the enclosing div. I have hardly any experience with IE bugs,
so maybe somebody could take a short look at the page and give me a
hint on what might be wrong.

cheers, Sean

[jQuery] how to the pass element to a plugin ?

2007-05-30 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve


I am calling my plugin this way :


my plugin gets the param this way :

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
 jQuery(accordion+' [EMAIL PROTECTED], #'+accordion+'

How to do in order to call the plugin this way :




[jQuery] Re: Having difficulty binding keypress handler in IE 6 7

2007-05-30 Thread Stuart

You are absolutely right Richard. I can't believe I didn't remember
that because I just re-read Peter-Paul Koch's entire events section
over at Quirksmode just a few weeks ago. Thank you for being my
second set of eyes in this case.

Greatly appreciated my friend!

On May 30, 9:16 am, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/30/07, Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to bind a keypress event handler to the input element in
  the last cell of a table row. In the real application this will be
  used to check for a tab key and call a function to add another row to
  the table. I have it working in FF but apparently the keypress event
  never gets bound in IE 6 or 7.

 The problem is not that the event doesn't get bound in IE, it's that IE
 doesn't fire keypress for the TAB key. See:


 You'll want to use keydown instead. For more info, see:


 - Richard D. Worth

[jQuery] $.getJSON manipulation

2007-05-30 Thread philguillard

Hi all,

I use $.getJSON with flickr REST API, unfortunately flickr is answering:
jsonFlickrApi({photos:{page:1, pages:10, perpage:100, 
total:938, photo:[{id:

I guess i should remove jsonFlickrApi( header to get the json 
interpreted. So i tried:

$.get(url, function(response){
response = response.split(jsonFlickrApi()[1];
response= response.substr(0,response.length-1);
//var json = JSON.parse(response);

but don't knoe how to parse the remaining data as an object

Somebody can help?



[jQuery] Re: how to the pass element to a plugin ?

2007-05-30 Thread Rob Desbois


If you call $(...).accordionQuizz() then the jQuery object (result of
$(...)) is accessible via the 'this' object in your function:

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion) {

  alert(this.length); // use the jQuery object

If you call that with:


then in your accordionQuizz() function, 'this' is the same as


On 5/30/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am calling my plugin this way :


my plugin gets the param this way :

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
  jQuery(accordion+' [EMAIL PROTECTED], #'+accordion+'

How to do in order to call the plugin this way :




Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

2007-05-30 Thread Brian Miller

Web browsers simply don't do this well.  It breaks the whole
non-persistent model.  No matter what you do, you'll have to deal with
network latency.  Also, Browsers react differently when the user closes
the browser window.  I don't think that the onunload event is reliable for
all the use cases.

Having a 15-second autosave is going to be your best fallback.  I only
hope that your management is going to be flexible on this.  Unfortunately,
what they want is outside the scope of what browsers can generally

- Brian

 Not strictly speaking a jQuery question but I thought somebody on here
 might have some insight into this. :)

 The Powers That Be have asked me for a system whereby the contents of
 a form is automatically saved to the server whenever the user leaves
 the page.  I looked into onunload but from what I can asertain by the
 time that event fires the form already no longer exists and can't be
 submitted to the server.  Doing an AJAX post whenever the form changes
 isn't acceptible because that would generate too much database
 traffic, so I'm kind of stuck.  I did suggest preservign the data in a
 cookie instead of the database but that is apparently not acceptable

 Is there some other way I could have the form submitted when the user
 leaves the page?

[jQuery] IE not evaluating script tags in get

2007-05-30 Thread weepy


I'm using $.get like such :

function ajaxLoad(x) {
  $.get(x, {dataType : html}, function(html) {
ajaxLoaded(html, )

the HTML loaded contains some script and some tags.

in FF the script runs fine, but in IE it silently fails.

any ideas what the problem is ?


[jQuery] Re: $.getJSON manipulation

2007-05-30 Thread Emil Ivanov


Actually, it very simple:
Flickr gives you something like this:
stat: ok,
blogs: {
blog: [
id: 73,
name  : Bloxus test,
needspassword : 0,
url   : http://remote.bloxus.com/;
id: 74,
name  : Manila Test,
needspassword : 1,
url   : 
all you need to do is define the jsonFlickrApi function. For example:
function jsonFlickrApi(data) {
 return data;

After you eval the response you'll have this function called and it
will give you the data.
(Note: I haven't tested this, so it might contain errors, but you can
see the point).

Emil Ivanov

Then you can just use $.get and have the

On May 31, 1:08 am, philguillard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I use $.getJSON with flickr REST API, unfortunately flickr is answering:
 jsonFlickrApi({photos:{page:1, pages:10, perpage:100,
 total:938, photo:[{id:

 I guess i should remove jsonFlickrApi( header to get the json
 interpreted. So i tried:

 $.get(url, function(response){
 response = response.split(jsonFlickrApi()[1];
 response= response.substr(0,response.length-1);
 //var json = JSON.parse(response);


 but don't knoe how to parse the remaining data as an object

 Somebody can help?



[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

On May 30, 2007, at 10:53 AM, SeViR wrote:

#id .class  -  get the element with id id only if has the class  
class but..
.class #id  ¿?¿?¿? If you can get the element with id id, why  
don't you select directly? #id

The id is unique so you don't need preselect a class first. Also,  
if you want select the element #id

and all the elements .class, then .class, #id works.

This paragraph from the reference section of the upcoming Learning  
jQuery book might help explain why someone would want or need to  
preselect a class first. It discusses specifying a tag name rather  
than a class, but the same principle applies:

It might not be immediately clear why someone might want to specify  
a tag name associated with a particular id, since that id needs to  
be unique anyway. However, some situations in which parts of the  
DOM are user-generated may require a more specific expression to  
avoid false positives. Furthermore, when the same script is run on  
more than one page, it might be necessary to identify the id's  
element, since the pages could be associating the same id with  
different elements. For example, Page A might have h1 id='title'  
while Page B has h2 id='title'.

As to the bug -- Luc, what version of jQuery are you using? I seem to  
recall this bug being fixed at some point, though my memory could be  
deceiving me.

If you test it with 1.1.3a and it still produces the error, perhaps  
you could log it in the bug tracker?



Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Using close images

2007-05-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Jean,

Try switching the = and the ^ around. So, the selector expression  
should look like this:


That is, if you selecting all images that have a id that starts with  

Karl Swedberg

On May 30, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Jean Nascimento wrote:

I´m trying do that
$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).click(function() {
alert('u can do it!');
fechar = close

Even with a alert do nothing, where is wrong??


[]´s Jean

  Ethereal Agency

[jQuery] Re: Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

2007-05-30 Thread Stuart

What you want to do is bind a function to the onbeforeunload event of
the window object (ie. window.onbeforeunload = someFunction;). The
onbeforeunload event fires before onunload as the name implies. Here's
a couple artices that should get you on track:
http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/disableclose.html and
http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/100604-1.shtml, just remember
that you can't prevent a user from unloading a page, you can only
throw up a confirm dialog and use the hook to do your final

On May 30, 10:26 am, Brian Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Web browsers simply don't do this well.  It breaks the whole
 non-persistent model.  No matter what you do, you'll have to deal with
 network latency.  Also, Browsers react differently when the user closes
 the browser window.  I don't think that the onunload event is reliable for
 all the use cases.

 Having a 15-second autosave is going to be your best fallback.  I only
 hope that your management is going to be flexible on this.  Unfortunately,
 what they want is outside the scope of what browsers can generally

 - Brian

  Not strictly speaking a jQuery question but I thought somebody on here
  might have some insight into this. :)

  The Powers That Be have asked me for a system whereby the contents of
  a form is automatically saved to the server whenever the user leaves
  the page.  I looked into onunload but from what I can asertain by the
  time that event fires the form already no longer exists and can't be
  submitted to the server.  Doing an AJAX post whenever the form changes
  isn't acceptible because that would generate too much database
  traffic, so I'm kind of stuck.  I did suggest preservign the data in a
  cookie instead of the database but that is apparently not acceptable

  Is there some other way I could have the form submitted when the user
  leaves the page?

[jQuery] Re: how to the pass element to a plugin ?

2007-05-30 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

I dont get it working properly. I tried:


jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
 jQuery(this+' [EMAIL PROTECTED], '+this+'

I guess that here this is returning the object,  wheras I need the
selector name.
the plugin should apply to to radio inputs and their labels within an
element such as #accordion.


On 5/30/07, Rob Desbois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


If you call $(...).accordionQuizz() then the jQuery object (result of
$(...)) is accessible via the 'this' object in your function:

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion) {

   alert(this.length); // use the jQuery object

If you call that with:


then in your accordionQuizz() function, 'this' is the same as


On 5/30/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am calling my plugin this way :


 my plugin gets the param this way :

 jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
   jQuery(accordion+' [EMAIL PROTECTED], #'+accordion+'

 How to do in order to call the plugin this way :




Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Coldfusion 8 Public Beta now available

2007-05-30 Thread Andy Matthews
For any of you that have been wanting to try Coldfusion, THIS is the email
for you.
Coldfusion 8 is going to be a HUGE release, the first with Adobe, and I
predict that it will make major waves in the web development community.
Get it while it's hot!

Andy Matthews
Senior Coldfusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249
www.dealerskins.com http://www.dealerskins.com/ 

[jQuery] Re: Coldfusion 8 Public Beta now available

2007-05-30 Thread Andy Matthews

Oh...and to top that, HostMySite.com is offering FREE Coldfusion 8

I'm guessing that it's only for the duration of the public beta, but
still. It's a good way to dip your toes into the warm goodness that is
Coldfusion 8. You literally have nothing to lose.

On May 30, 10:51 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For any of you that have been wanting to try Coldfusion, THIS is the email
 for you.

 Coldfusion 8 is going to be a HUGE release, the first with Adobe, and I
 predict that it will make major waves in the web development community.

 Get it while it's hot!



 Andy Matthews
 Senior Coldfusion Developer

 Office:  877.707.5467 x747
 Direct:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.dealerskins.com/


[jQuery] Re: how to the pass element to a plugin ?

2007-05-30 Thread Rob Desbois

Yes you're absolutely correct.

Try this:

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion) {
  this.children('[EMAIL PROTECTED], label').each(function(){

I haven't tested it though.

On 5/30/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I dont get it working properly. I tried:


jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
  jQuery(this+' [EMAIL PROTECTED], '+this+'

I guess that here this is returning the object,  wheras I need the
selector name.
the plugin should apply to to radio inputs and their labels within an
element such as #accordion.


On 5/30/07, Rob Desbois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 If you call $(...).accordionQuizz() then the jQuery object (result of
 $(...)) is accessible via the 'this' object in your function:

 jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion) {
alert(this.length); // use the jQuery object

 If you call that with:


 then in your accordionQuizz() function, 'this' is the same as


 On 5/30/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am calling my plugin this way :
  my plugin gets the param this way :
  jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
jQuery(accordion+' [EMAIL PROTECTED], #'+accordion+'
  How to do in order to call the plugin this way :

 Rob Desbois
 Tel: 01452 760631
 Mob: 07946 705987
 There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
 whale was in full view.
 ...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: Coldfusion 8 Public Beta now available

2007-05-30 Thread Rey Bango

Also, for everyone's edification, while CF does require a server license 
for dedicated server usage, you can install any version of ColdFusion as 
a free developer edition. The ColdFusion MX Developer Edition supports 
localhost plus two IP connections and does not expire which should allow 
anyone to develop CF applications on their local box with ease.


Andy Matthews wrote:
For any of you that have been wanting to try Coldfusion, THIS is the 
email for you.
Coldfusion 8 is going to be a HUGE release, the first with Adobe, and I 
predict that it will make major waves in the web development community.
Get it while it's hot!

Andy Matthews

*Senior Coldfusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249
www.dealerskins.com http://www.dealerskins.com/

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread Luc Pestille
Karl - I'm using 1.1.2 (from the front page of jQuery.com) - I'll try 1.1.3a 
tomorrow and see if it fixes things (although I've reverted to .classname 
.classname as a selector in the meantime to appease the IE gods.
I think I might have confused the issue with my initial .classname #id 
selector, it was merely to highlight the #id as the second in a string, #id 
#id2 gives the same error - and yes, there is a reason to double-dip with ids, 
I need the specificity.
Brandon - it's not a question of HTML validity - the error shows up even with 
the most basic of HTML page. It might be a moot point though, 1.1.13a might 
have already fixed it...
Thanks all.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Karl 
Sent: 30 May 2007 16:32
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

On May 30, 2007, at 10:53 AM, SeViR wrote:

#id .class  -  get the element with id id only if has the class 
class but..

.class #id  ¿?¿?¿? If you can get the element with id id, why don't 
you select directly? #id

The id is unique so you don't need preselect a class first. Also, if 
you want select the element #id

and all the elements .class, then .class, #id works.

This paragraph from the reference section of the upcoming Learning jQuery book 
might help explain why someone would want or need to preselect a class first. 
It discusses specifying a tag name rather than a class, but the same principle 

It might not be immediately clear why someone might want to specify a 
tag name associated with a particular id, since that id needs to be unique 
anyway. However, some situations in which parts of the DOM are user-generated 
may require a more specific expression to avoid false positives. Furthermore, 
when the same script is run on more than one page, it might be necessary to 
identify the id's element, since the pages could be associating the same id 
with different elements. For example, Page A might have h1 id='title' while 
Page B has h2 id='title'. 

As to the bug -- Luc, what version of jQuery are you using? I seem to recall 
this bug being fixed at some point, though my memory could be deceiving me. 

If you test it with 1.1.3a and it still produces the error, perhaps you could 
log it in the bug tracker?


Karl Swedberg


in2, Thames House, Mere Park, Dedmere Road, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 1PB
tel: +44 (1628) 899700  |  fax: +44 (1628) 899701  |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
|  web: www.in2.co.uk
This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of 
jquery-en@googlegroups.com and may contain information that is confidential, 
subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret. If you are not 
jquery-en@googlegroups.com you are hereby notified that any dissemination, 
copying or distribution of this message, or files associated with this message, 
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please 
notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your 
computer. Messages sent to and from us may be monitored. Any views or opinions 
presented are solely those of the author jquery-en@googlegroups.com and do not 
necessarily represent those of the company.
inline: in2logo_long.gif

[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread Brandon Aaron

On 5/30/07, Luc Pestille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Brandon - it's not a question of HTML validity - the  error shows up even

with the most basic of HTML page. It might be a moot point  though,
1.1.13amight have already fixed it...

Could you please post or attach that most basic HTML page where the error
shows up?

Brandon Aaron

[jQuery] Re: Coldfusion 8 Public Beta now available

2007-05-30 Thread Christopher Jordan

... warm goodness m

Andy Matthews wrote:

Oh...and to top that, HostMySite.com is offering FREE Coldfusion 8

I'm guessing that it's only for the duration of the public beta, but
still. It's a good way to dip your toes into the warm goodness that is
Coldfusion 8. You literally have nothing to lose.

On May 30, 10:51 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For any of you that have been wanting to try Coldfusion, THIS is the email
for you.

Coldfusion 8 is going to be a HUGE release, the first with Adobe, and I
predict that it will make major waves in the web development community.

Get it while it's hot!


Andy Matthews
Senior Coldfusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.dealerskins.com/




[jQuery] Re: Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

2007-05-30 Thread Gordon

I looked up beforeunload, but I ruled it out because it's currently
only supported in IE and FireFox/Mozilla, and the latter implements
different behaviour for it than IE does.  Opera and Safari don't
support it at all.  The script has to be cross-browser.

On May 30, 4:43 pm, Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What you want to do is bind a function to the onbeforeunload event of
 the window object (ie. window.onbeforeunload = someFunction;). The
 onbeforeunload event fires before onunload as the name implies. Here's
 a couple artices that should get you on 
  just remember
 that you can't prevent a user from unloading a page, you can only
 throw up a confirm dialog and use the hook to do your final

 On May 30, 10:26 am, Brian Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Web browsers simply don't do this well.  It breaks the whole
  non-persistent model.  No matter what you do, you'll have to deal with
  network latency.  Also, Browsers react differently when the user closes
  the browser window.  I don't think that the onunload event is reliable for
  all the use cases.

  Having a 15-second autosave is going to be your best fallback.  I only
  hope that your management is going to be flexible on this.  Unfortunately,
  what they want is outside the scope of what browsers can generally

  - Brian

   Not strictly speaking a jQuery question but I thought somebody on here
   might have some insight into this. :)

   The Powers That Be have asked me for a system whereby the contents of
   a form is automatically saved to the server whenever the user leaves
   the page.  I looked into onunload but from what I can asertain by the
   time that event fires the form already no longer exists and can't be
   submitted to the server.  Doing an AJAX post whenever the form changes
   isn't acceptible because that would generate too much database
   traffic, so I'm kind of stuck.  I did suggest preservign the data in a
   cookie instead of the database but that is apparently not acceptable

   Is there some other way I could have the form submitted when the user
   leaves the page?

[jQuery] Re: Quick javascript question (not jQuery)

2007-05-30 Thread Gordon

If in doubt, fake it out :)

I'm toying with the following idea, assuming that management will go
for it.  Whenever a change occurs on the page that I need to log,
store the result in a persistant cookie.  Don't do anything on unload,
but the next time the user returns to the side, submit whatever is in
the cookie to the database on load.  A bit of a fudge but one that I'm
pretty sure would work more or less universally (as in in modern
standards compliant browsers).  It's just a matter of determining if
I'm allowed to use a cookie.

On May 30, 4:26 pm, Brian Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Web browsers simply don't do this well.  It breaks the whole
 non-persistent model.  No matter what you do, you'll have to deal with
 network latency.  Also, Browsers react differently when the user closes
 the browser window.  I don't think that the onunload event is reliable for
 all the use cases.

 Having a 15-second autosave is going to be your best fallback.  I only
 hope that your management is going to be flexible on this.  Unfortunately,
 what they want is outside the scope of what browsers can generally

 - Brian

  Not strictly speaking a jQuery question but I thought somebody on here
  might have some insight into this. :)

  The Powers That Be have asked me for a system whereby the contents of
  a form is automatically saved to the server whenever the user leaves
  the page.  I looked into onunload but from what I can asertain by the
  time that event fires the form already no longer exists and can't be
  submitted to the server.  Doing an AJAX post whenever the form changes
  isn't acceptible because that would generate too much database
  traffic, so I'm kind of stuck.  I did suggest preservign the data in a
  cookie instead of the database but that is apparently not acceptable

  Is there some other way I could have the form submitted when the user
  leaves the page?

[jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

2007-05-30 Thread John Resig

I think I recognize the bug that you're talking about, and I'm fairly
certain it was fixed in 1.1.3a. Let us know once you've had an opportunity
to verify this.


On 5/30/07, Luc Pestille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Karl - I'm using 1.1.2 (from the front page of jQuery.com) - I'll try
1.1.3a tomorrow and see if it fixes things (although I've reverted to
.classname .classname as a selector in the meantime to appease the IE

I think I might have confused the issue with my initial .classname #id
selector, it was merely to highlight the #id as the second in a string,
#id #id2 gives the same error - and yes, there is a reason to double-dip
with ids, I need the specificity.

Brandon - it's not a question of HTML validity - the error shows up even
with the most basic of HTML page. It might be a moot point though, 1.1.13amight 
have already fixed it...

Thanks all.

*Luc Pestille*
Web Designer

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Karl Swedberg
*Sent:* 30 May 2007 16:32
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error - now reproducable.

 On May 30, 2007, at 10:53 AM, SeViR wrote:

 #id .class  -  get the element with id id only if has the class
class but..

.class #id  ¿?¿?¿? If you can get the element with id id, why don't you
select directly? #id

The id is unique so you don't need preselect a class first. Also, if you
want select the element #id

and all the elements .class, then .class, #id works.

This paragraph from the reference section of the upcoming Learning jQuery
book might help explain why someone would want or need to preselect a class
first. It discusses specifying a tag name rather than a class, but the same
principle applies:

 It might not be immediately clear why someone might want to specify a tag
name associated with a particular id, since that id needs to be unique
anyway. However, some situations in which parts of the DOM are
user-generated may require a more specific expression to avoid false
positives. Furthermore, when the same script is run on more than one page,
it might be necessary to identify the id's element, since the pages could
be associating the same id with different elements. For example, Page A
might have h1 id='title' while Page B has h2 id='title'.

As to the bug -- Luc, what version of jQuery are you using? I seem to
recall this bug being fixed at some point, though my memory could be
deceiving me.

If you test it with 1.1.3a and it still produces the error, perhaps you
could log it in the bug tracker?


Karl Swedberg

   [image: in2 is part of the BWP Group]

in2, Thames House, Mere Park, Dedmere Road, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 1PB
tel: +44 (1628) 899700  |  fax: +44 (1628) 899701  |  email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  web: www.in2.co.uk

This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of
jquery-en@googlegroups.com and may contain information that is
confidential, subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret. If you are
not jquery-en@googlegroups.com you are hereby notified that any
dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files associated
with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message
in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and
deleting it from your computer. Messages sent to and from us may be
monitored. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author
jquery-en@googlegroups.com and do not necessarily represent those of the

inline: in2logo_long.gif

[jQuery] .attr( type ) returns 'undefined' for select element

2007-05-30 Thread soros

The following line returns 'select-one' in IE6 and 'undefined' in

$( #Province ).attr( type )

select name=Province id=Province
  optionNova Scotia

I get the same results in jQuery 1.1.2 and 1.1.3a releases.

Is this is a bug?

If I use document.getElementById(Province).type I get the 'select-one'
value in Firefox.

[jQuery] Still im looking for help

2007-05-30 Thread Sebastián V . Würtz

Is the same question, can found the problem, if someone can pls helpme, thx too 

I have a link, it call a windows when is clicked and a new popup (thckbox) must 
be open with ajax content

The script work ok if its called directly, but if i try to usuit via thickbox i 
have one error

$.validator has no properties

here u can see what im talking about


Estoy usando la versión gratuita de SPAMfighter para usuarios privados.
Ha eliminado 2369 correos spam hasta la fecha.
Los usuarios de pago no tienen este mensaje en sus correos.
Obtenga SPAMfighter gratis aquí: http://www.spamfighter.com/les

[jQuery] LiteBox in jQuery

2007-05-30 Thread Glen Lipka

I know about ThickBox. :)

Look at this version of the concept:

I am looking for a jQuery version of this.  With the smooth transitions, and
the next/back buttons.
I thought I saw one a while ago, but I can't find it.

Also, to ThickBox developers.  I can not for the life of me figure out how
to make transitions.
I need cut/paste examples. :(


[jQuery] Re: Still im looking for help

2007-05-30 Thread Jonathan Sharp

validate.js is being included via AJAX and not loaded in time for the
document.ready(() call.


On 5/30/07, Sebastián V. Würtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is the same question, can found the problem, if someone can pls helpme,
thx too much

 I have a link, it call a windows when is clicked and a new popup
(thckbox) must be open with ajax content

The script work ok if its called directly, but if i try to usuit via
thickbox i have one error

$.validator has no properties

here u can see what im talking about


Estoy utilizando la versión gratuita de SPAMfighter para usuarios
Ha eliminado 2369 correos spam hasta la fecha.
Los abonados no tienen este mensaje en sus correos.
¡Pruebe SPAMfighter http://www.spamfighter.com/les gratis ya!

[jQuery] JavaScript question (don't think it's jQuery related)

2007-05-30 Thread Brian Ronk

At first I thought it was a problem with the forms plugin, but I don't
think so.  In IE (67) I have an issue related to forms.  The data
that I'm getting back (JSON) isn't being displayed.  Here is the
success function that I have setup for adding a note in my system:

function finishNote(json, statusText) {
notes = noteParse(json.notes);

try {
catch(err) {

I've been putting in alerts to see where it's going, and what's
happening, and it looks like the noteParse function works correctly,
but nothing happens after that.  I use noteParse in another area, and
it works correctly, so I would guess that it must be something in this
one.  I just added the try/catch today, and I don't get any alerts
from that.  Also, if I put in an alert right after noteParse, that one
doesn't run either.
I really wish that IE had something like FireBug to tell me what
errors popped up...  Does anyone see anything in that function that
might cause problems?

[jQuery] Re: $.getJSON manipulation

2007-05-30 Thread philguillard

Ok i see i'm missing json knowledge. Thanks anyway.


Emil Ivanov wrote:


Actually, it very simple:
Flickr gives you something like this:
stat: ok,
blogs: {
blog: [
id  : 73,
name: Bloxus test,
needspassword   : 0,
url : http://remote.bloxus.com/;
id  : 74,
name: Manila Test,
needspassword   : 1,
url : 
all you need to do is define the jsonFlickrApi function. For example:
function jsonFlickrApi(data) {
 return data;

After you eval the response you'll have this function called and it
will give you the data.
(Note: I haven't tested this, so it might contain errors, but you can
see the point).

Emil Ivanov

Then you can just use $.get and have the

On May 31, 1:08 am, philguillard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I use $.getJSON with flickr REST API, unfortunately flickr is answering:
jsonFlickrApi({photos:{page:1, pages:10, perpage:100,
total:938, photo:[{id:

I guess i should remove jsonFlickrApi( header to get the json
interpreted. So i tried:

$.get(url, function(response){
   response = response.split(jsonFlickrApi()[1];
   response= response.substr(0,response.length-1);
   //var json = JSON.parse(response);


but don't knoe how to parse the remaining data as an object

Somebody can help?



[jQuery] Re: Using close images

2007-05-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Jean,

In this situation, .parents() -- with an s -- should do the trick.  
You should also put :first in there if you have nested divs.

So, try replacing this ...
with this...

Karl Swedberg

On May 30, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Jean Nascimento wrote:

I have other question, with this code i´m trying catch the 1st parent
div of img OK
but when this img is in a TD the parent returns undefined
then dont hides the div, how can i get the parent div with this?

$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').click(function() {
the begin of code
div id=container_formulario
table width=550 border=0 align=center cellpadding=0  

   td width=64 background=macosx/images/top_bg.png
   img src=macosx/images/bttns.png width=33 height=24 //td
   td align=center background=macosx/images/top_bg.png
class=titleOrdem de Serviccedil;o /td
   td width=58 align=right background=macosx/images/top_bg.png
   img src=imgs/icons/up_icon.png name=min_max width=16
height=16 class=Hover id=min_max /
img src=imgs/botao_fechar.png alt=Fechar name=fechar_form
width=16 height=16 border=0 id=fechar_form class=Hover /

On 5/30/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Jean,

Try switching the = and the ^ around. So, the selector  
expression should

look like this:

That is, if you selecting all images that have a id that starts with

Karl Swedberg

On May 30, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Jean Nascimento wrote:

I´m trying do that
$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).click(function() {
alert('u can do it!');
fechar = close

Even with a alert do nothing, where is wrong??


[]´s Jean

  Ethereal Agency


[]´s Jean

  Ethereal Agency

[jQuery] Re: LiteBox in jQuery

2007-05-30 Thread Glen Lipka

I knew it was around somewhere.  Thanks a bunch.
I wish I asked sooner!


On 5/30/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Glen,

Take a look at ImageBox:



Glen Lipka wrote:
 I know about ThickBox. :)

 Look at this version of the concept:

 I am looking for a jQuery version of this.  With the smooth transitions,
 and the next/back buttons.
 I thought I saw one a while ago, but I can't find it.

 Also, to ThickBox developers.  I can not for the life of me figure out
 how to make transitions.
 I need cut/paste examples. :(


BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] embedding script behaviour different in IE and FF

2007-05-30 Thread weepy


I'm using $.ajax to pull down some HTML and insert it into the dom.
The HTML has some embedded script - in IE it gets fired once, but in
FF in gets fired twice - once when it's parsed by jQuery and again
when it's inserted into the DOM.

I've put a proof of concept here : 

On IE there's one popup that says from test, but on FF, there's two.
Not sure what happens in Safari.

Any one know how to fix these issues ?

[jQuery] Widgetbox variables, problems with $()

2007-05-30 Thread MrNase

I just released a Farbtastic Widget on Widgetbox.com

During the creation of the Widget, the website allows you to specify
parameters. They all look like:

var userlanguage = ${config.userlanguage};

Here is the problem: Because of the $, jQuery doesn't work anymore.

Is there a way to fix it? Their help says:

These parameters are passed via the query string: 

How (besides $()) can I access the parameters?

 (The Url to the widget is: http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/farbtastic-widget

[jQuery] Re: Improved timePicker, time/datePicker demo

2007-05-30 Thread Kelvin Luck

Anders wrote:

I've been working on improving Sam Collet's original timePicker.

Here is the result: http://labs.perifer.se/timedatepicker/

The demo is a Google Calendar-like time/datePicker. It's far from
perfect, most of the issues are with the datePicker though, which for
example not yet have support for focus/blur. Kelvin? ;)



Sorry for the slow response. I don't feel that the date picker should 
have support for focus/ blur unless (until?) it has full keyboard 
support. If I tab into a text field and a date picker I can't interact 
with pops up and I can't use a mouse then how do I enter a date?

If you want this functionality you can easily add it by adding the 
following code to your page:


(untested but should work).

Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

[jQuery] Re: LiteBox in jQuery

2007-05-30 Thread Rhapidophyllum
ImageBox looks nice.  Does anyone know if it is being actively taken  
care of?  The source code said it was written in 2006, and under Mac  
Firefox the image flashes right as it is being loaded.

On May 30, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Glen Lipka wrote:

I knew it was around somewhere.  Thanks a bunch.
I wish I asked sooner!


On 5/30/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Hi Glen,

Take a look at ImageBox:



Glen Lipka wrote:
 I know about ThickBox. :)

 Look at this version of the concept:

 I am looking for a jQuery version of this.  With the smooth  

 and the next/back buttons.
 I thought I saw one a while ago, but I can't find it.

 Also, to ThickBox developers.  I can not for the life of me  
figure out

 how to make transitions.
 I need cut/paste examples. :(


BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] ImageBox by Matthieu Paineau

2007-05-30 Thread Rey Bango

Matthieu Paineau said that he wanted to continue to support it and would 
be committing changes to SVN. I'm not sure, though, how he's coming 
along with that.


Rhapidophyllum wrote:
ImageBox looks nice.  Does anyone know if it is being actively taken 
care of?  The source code said it was written in 2006, and under Mac 
Firefox the image flashes right as it is being loaded.

On May 30, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Glen Lipka wrote:

I knew it was around somewhere.  Thanks a bunch.
I wish I asked sooner!


On 5/30/07, *Rey Bango* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi Glen,

Take a look at ImageBox:



Glen Lipka wrote:
 I know about ThickBox. :)

 Look at this version of the concept:

 I am looking for a jQuery version of this.  With the smooth
 and the next/back buttons.
 I thought I saw one a while ago, but I can't find it.

 Also, to ThickBox developers.  I can not for the life of me
figure out
 how to make transitions.
 I need cut/paste examples. :(


BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Re: switching color function

2007-05-30 Thread Jake McGraw

How about you have a document like this:


p class=swapme white/p
p class=swapme black/p
p class=swapme trans/p


Note the use of multiple classes.

- jake

On 5/30/07, cfdvlpr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have several lines of code that are almost identical like this:


How can I write this in a way that is less repetitive or uses better

I'd like to do something like this:

But, I know that is not correct syntax...

[jQuery] Re: switching color function

2007-05-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

On May 30, 2007, at 3:41 PM, cfdvlpr wrote:

I'd like to do something like this:

Instead of this ...


you could do this ...


Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: how to the pass element to a plugin ?

2007-05-30 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

Thanks a lot.I'll test that tomorrow back at work.It looks correct.
I never used children(), and its seems to solve issues I had on other 

I also dream on a brothers() method (all other siblings except itself) ...


Rob Desbois wrote:

Yes you're absolutely correct.

Try this:

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion) {
  this.children('[EMAIL PROTECTED], label').each(function(){

I haven't tested it though.

On 5/30/07, *Olivier Percebois-Garve*  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I dont get it working properly. I tried:


jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
  jQuery(this+' [EMAIL PROTECTED], '+this+'

I guess that here this is returning the object,  wheras I need
the selector name.
the plugin should apply to to radio inputs and their labels within
an element such as #accordion.


On 5/30/07, *Rob Desbois*  [send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


If you call $(...).accordionQuizz() then the jQuery object
(result of $(...)) is accessible via the 'this' object in your

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion) {

   alert(this.length); // use the jQuery object

If you call that with:


then in your accordionQuizz() function, 'this' is the same as


On 5/30/07, *Olivier Percebois-Garve*  [send email to
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am calling my plugin this way :


my plugin gets the param this way :

jQuery.fn.accordionQuizz = function(accordion){
  jQuery(accordion+' [EMAIL PROTECTED],

#'+accordion+' label').each(function(){

How to do in order to call the plugin this way :




Rob Desbois

Eml: [send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] via gmail]
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he
cried, and the whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome. 

Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and 
the whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome. 

[jQuery] Textarea Filter

2007-05-30 Thread Sparks

I'm trying to create a textarea on a form for prayer requests on a
church web site and I need to find a script that will prevent
objectionable words from being entered or submitted.  If an
objectionable word is entered the form will not submit and present a
warning message.

Is such a script already available or can someone direct me to such a

[jQuery] Re: Textarea Filter

2007-05-30 Thread Jake McGraw


You probably should place word filtering on the server side, as anything you
put in JavaScript on the Client Side can be easily bypassed.

- jake

On 5/30/07, Sparks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to create a textarea on a form for prayer requests on a
church web site and I need to find a script that will prevent
objectionable words from being entered or submitted.  If an
objectionable word is entered the form will not submit and present a
warning message.

Is such a script already available or can someone direct me to such a

[jQuery] good show/hide icon

2007-05-30 Thread SamCKayak

Is there a great (small) show / hide icon out there somewhere?
Intuitive, good design, good looks, etc...


[jQuery] Re: good show/hide icon

2007-05-30 Thread Matt Stith

Search up 'Famfamfam', that site has an icon set called 'Silk' thats
available for free, that has tons of icons, for pretty much anything you can
imagine. Also you might wanna check out IconBuffet.com (if you sign up, let
me know your screenname, ill send you a couple sets)

On 5/30/07, SamCKayak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a great (small) show / hide icon out there somewhere?
Intuitive, good design, good looks, etc...


[jQuery] Re: Widgetbox variables, problems with $()

2007-05-30 Thread Brandon Aaron

The $ is just an alias for jQuery. That means you can use jQuery() instead
of $(). Or you could even create a different alias like this.

var $j = jQuery;

Then you can use $j() instead of $().

And just to be safe you might want to call jQuery.noConflict() to restore
the $ back to its original owner.

I just re-opened up my blog with a post about this yesterday.

Brandon Aaron

On 5/30/07, MrNase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just released a Farbtastic Widget on Widgetbox.com

During the creation of the Widget, the website allows you to specify
parameters. They all look like:

var userlanguage = ${config.userlanguage};

Here is the problem: Because of the $, jQuery doesn't work anymore.

Is there a way to fix it? Their help says:

These parameters are passed via the query string:

How (besides $()) can I access the parameters?

(The Url to the widget is:

[jQuery] Re: Widgetbox variables, problems with $()

2007-05-30 Thread MrNase

 var $j = jQuery;

wow thank you!


[jQuery] Re: Still im looking for help

2007-05-30 Thread Sebastián V . Würtz
And posible solution?


- Original Message -
  From: Jonathan Sharp
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 2:23 PM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Still im looking for help

  validate.js is being included via AJAX and not loaded in time for the 
document.ready(() call.


  On 5/30/07, Sebastián V. Würtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is the same question, can found the problem, if someone can pls helpme, thx 
too much

I have a link, it call a windows when is clicked and a new popup (thckbox) 
must be open with ajax content

The script work ok if its called directly, but if i try to usuit via 
thickbox i have one error

$.validator has no properties

here u can see what im talking about


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[jQuery] Re: LiteBox in jQuery

2007-05-30 Thread Glen Lipka

Is it possible for thickbox to be made to do this?
That would be the best of all worlds I think.


On 5/30/07, Rhapidophyllum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ImageBox looks nice.  Does anyone know if it is being actively taken care
of?  The source code said it was written in 2006, and under Mac Firefox the
image flashes right as it is being loaded.
On May 30, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Glen Lipka wrote:

I knew it was around somewhere.  Thanks a bunch.
I wish I asked sooner!


On 5/30/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 Hi Glen,

 Take a look at ImageBox:



 Glen Lipka wrote:
  I know about ThickBox. :)
  Look at this version of the concept:
  I am looking for a jQuery version of this.  With the smooth
  and the next/back buttons.
  I thought I saw one a while ago, but I can't find it.
  Also, to ThickBox developers.  I can not for the life of me figure out
  how to make transitions.
  I need cut/paste examples. :(

 BrightLight Development, LLC.
 954-775- (o)
 954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Re: Widgetbox variables, problems with $()

2007-05-30 Thread MrNase

As I see now, the problem still exists.

jQuery doesn't know what to do with -

var userlanguage = ${config.userlanguage};

I would need to tell jQuery that ${config.userlanguage} has nothing to
do with jQuery. :-(


On 30 Mai, 23:08, MrNase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  var $j = jQuery;

 wow thank you!


[jQuery] Re: good show/hide icon

2007-05-30 Thread SamCKayak

Silk is a great deal, great looking, almost 1,000 icons.  I don't see
a show / hide tho...

IconBuffet looks like it could be the deal.  I've signed in as
SamCKayak there...


[jQuery] Re: good show/hide icon

2007-05-30 Thread Matt Stith

You could use the icons 'add.png' and 'delete.png' for hide/show maybe?

Anyways, just add me as a friend on IB (im seventoes), and comment on my
page for any icons you want, i have tons of stamps so i can send you

On 5/30/07, SamCKayak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Silk is a great deal, great looking, almost 1,000 icons.  I don't see
a show / hide tho...

IconBuffet looks like it could be the deal.  I've signed in as
SamCKayak there...


[jQuery] Re: LiteBox in jQuery

2007-05-30 Thread Glen Lipka

Ok, so we are back where we started.
Well, I guess I will start with that sample site and update the libraries
and see what it looks like.

Ill see if there is anything I can do with Mac Firefox.


On 5/30/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I asked Cody and he had no interest in doing it.


Glen Lipka wrote:
 Is it possible for thickbox to be made to do this?
 That would be the best of all worlds I think.


 On 5/30/07, *Rhapidophyllum*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ImageBox looks nice.  Does anyone know if it is being actively taken
 care of?  The source code said it was written in 2006, and under Mac
 Firefox the image flashes right as it is being loaded.

 On May 30, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Glen Lipka wrote:

 I knew it was around somewhere.  Thanks a bunch.
 I wish I asked sooner!


 On 5/30/07, *Rey Bango* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Glen,

 Take a look at ImageBox:



 Glen Lipka wrote:
  I know about ThickBox. :)
  Look at this version of the concept:
  I am looking for a jQuery version of this.  With the smooth
  and the next/back buttons.
  I thought I saw one a while ago, but I can't find it.
  Also, to ThickBox developers.  I can not for the life of me
 figure out
  how to make transitions.
  I need cut/paste examples. :(

 BrightLight Development, LLC.
 954-775- (o)
 954-600-2726 (c)

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] function on element printed by another function

2007-05-30 Thread Darrarski

I trying to do something like this:

$(#one).click( function() {
   $(#frame).html( div id='two'Printed Element/div );
} );

$(#two).click( function() {
} );

div id=oneClick me/div
div id=frameEmpty/div

when I click on the #one, #two is printed in #frame, but there is no
response when clicking #two

How can I declare action (like .click) on element printed by jQuery

Somebody can help me?

[jQuery] Re: function on element printed by another function

2007-05-30 Thread Benjamin Sterling


$(#one).click( function() {
 $(#frame).html( div id='two'Printed Element/div );

$(#two).click( function() {
} );
} );

On 5/30/07, Darrarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I trying to do something like this:

$(#one).click( function() {
   $(#frame).html( div id='two'Printed Element/div );
} );

$(#two).click( function() {
} );

div id=oneClick me/div
div id=frameEmpty/div

when I click on the #one, #two is printed in #frame, but there is no
response when clicking #two

How can I declare action (like .click) on element printed by jQuery

Somebody can help me?

Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Determining show / hide state

2007-05-30 Thread SamCKayak

Does jQuery .show() and .hide() set a flag anywhere on an object to
indicate if it was last show()n or hide()n?


[jQuery] extra parameter at the end of .click() in older code

2007-05-30 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I am using some code written a few months ago by another developer.

It is in this form:

$('#someId').click(function () { /*do some stuff here*/ }, false);

What is the purpose of the false attribute after the function?

Is that some sort of deprecated functionality or just a mistake?





[jQuery] Re: Determining show / hide state

2007-05-30 Thread Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ


On 5/30/07, SamCKayak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does jQuery .show() and .hide() set a flag anywhere on an object to
indicate if it was last show()n or hide()n?


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ

[jQuery] Re: Determining show / hide state

2007-05-30 Thread Matt Stith

Yeah, you can select only hidden or visible objects by using


easy as jCake ;)

On 5/30/07, SamCKayak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does jQuery .show() and .hide() set a flag anywhere on an object to
indicate if it was last show()n or hide()n?


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