[jQuery] Smart Banner Modification Needed

2009-09-22 Thread MauiMan2

On the site I am almost finished developing at
http://www.murphytx-online.com/murphy/eating-out-american.php I am
using the Smart Banner jQuery script from

This script keeps the content of the two sidebars always visible as
the visitor scrolls down through the main content. However at any time
other than when it's at its beginning position it is too low. I
realize it is being kept at its starting position but when it doesn't
need to be there I am trying to get it to stay at the top of the
viewable area (with a little padding, of course).

This is especially important to get worked out for monitors with a
lower resolution because on those monitors some of the sidebar content
is *never* seen but is always below the viewable area.

I have made several attempts to fix this and I figured each attempt
would either: a) fix it, or, b) throw everything completely out of
whack. But oddly enough each of my attempts had no affect whatsoever.

Thanks in advance for any help.

[jQuery] Re: Get rid of long-running script dialog box ?

2009-09-22 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Machin Pouet wrote:

Hello all,

I'd like to know if you have a way to disable the long-running script 
dialog boxes, as one can see many in this article :


I can hardly split my processing into smaller chunks, and cannot ask 
clients to tweak their browsers or registry !

I hope my call for help is in the right section, shouldn't it be the 
case, I apologize, but would appreciate any link to a potential solution.

Looking forward to hear back from you,



From the article you linked:

Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript, is quoted as saying, [JavaScript] 
that executes in whole seconds is probably doing something wrong...

And who are we do argue with him? You're probably using javascript for 
something you shouldn't use it for, or you have some kind of infinite 
loop. Could you give us an idea as to what exactly you're doing?


www.tnt.be http://www.tnt.be/?source=emailsig   *Jonathan Vanherpe*
jonat...@tnt.be mailto:jonat...@tnt.be - www.tnt.be 
http://www.tnt.be/?source=emailsig - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

[jQuery] Re: position of js code

2009-09-22 Thread Xi Shen

i like MorningZ's answer haha~~~

i think by convention, people put it in the head. but there's
performance problem with IE, i do not know if other browsers have
similar issue, that is IE can d/l one JS file at a time. The
consequence is that is you have many JS file, or a big one, it would
take a long time to load the JS file, and all other elements, like the
CSS, IMAGE, FLASH, are blocked.

if you site use JS heavily, i think you should put a small one in the
head and load the other JS when necessary.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 7:05 AM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 You'll find people will debate either way, and to be honest, you
 aren't going to find a definitive answer

 Do what works for you

 On Sep 21, 4:59 pm, Theodoro ftgoncal...@gmail.com wrote:
 one doubts that where ever I put my js code inside the block head or
 out ... Does anybody know any good tutorial explanatory label it?

Best Regards,
David Shen


[jQuery] 'this' keyword in a custom object

2009-09-22 Thread Alex Wibowo

I'm trying to write object-oriented style javascript as follows:

function HtmlFormUtil(formId){
this.dirtyInputs=new Array();
   return this.dirtyInputs.length  0;

The intention is to use it to track any changes to the form fields... and
warn user on window unload, if there's any dirty inputs (i.e
form value has changed)

Unfortunately, the code above doesnt work... because  in
this.dirtyInputs[],   the this keyword refers to the element that
has the value
changed (i.e. jquery object),   and not 'this instance of HtmlFormUtil'.

Has anyone ever done this before? What is the best way to solve my problem

Thanks in advance for the help!

Best regards,


[jQuery] Sliding list items -- missing bullets?

2009-09-22 Thread Mark Nottingham

I'm having issues with using slideUp/slideDown on lists; when list  
items reappear, their bullets are missing, both in Safari and Firefox.

See example at:

Is this a known issue?


Mark Nottingham http://www.mnot.net/

[jQuery] [Autocomplete]autocomplete in textarea

2009-09-22 Thread td liao

hi guys

i had used jQuery autocomplete in a textarea
i want the suggest results show in where i'm typing, not outside the
i checked jQuery autocomplete source code, finding in line 722 is the
core code.

show: function() {
var offset = $(input).offset();
width: typeof options.width == string || options.width  0 ?
options.width : $(input).width(),
top: offset.top + input.offsetHeight,
left: offset.left

top and left are what u want to change.
but i don't know how to get my typing position and use it in the case.

[jQuery] variable keys in a Ajax post call

2009-09-22 Thread bartb


How do I pass a variable as a key in a key/value pair in Ajax?
For example, this does NOT work:

function DoAjaxCall(columnname, value) {
$.post(_callerquery, {
columnname: value
}, function(data, textStatus) {
alert(data+ ' '+ textStatus);
}, 'json');

DoAjaxCall('LASTNAME', 'Jackson');

It keeps posting the columnname as columnname instead of

JQuery somehow treats all keys as strings and not as variable.

I know I can do something like this, but it's not what I'm after:

function DoAjaxCall(columnname, value) {
$.post(_callerquery, {
thecolumnname: columnname,
thevalue: value
}, function(data, textStatus) {
alert(data+ ' '+ textStatus);
}, 'json');

thanx, Bart

[jQuery] [jcarousel] Can't make it scroll

2009-09-22 Thread Simon Justesen


I'm having some troubles with the jCarousel by Jan Sorgalla. I'm
loading the carousel dynamically and the images display. But I'm
unable to make them scroll. There are no errors according to Firefox.
The code I'm using is a replica of the one used for the vertical
scroller with minor adjustments

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
vertical: true,
buttonNextHTML: null,
buttonPrevHTML: null,
size: productcontroller_itemList.length,
itemLoadCallback: {onBeforeAnimation:
initCallback: productcontroller_initCallback

The scrollers next prev buttons are bound correctly I guess because I
can get them to display an alertbox.
I did some customisations in the CSS file, which may be why it fails
to scroll? However I'm not sure where the error could possibly be, so
I hope someone will help


[jQuery] ajax arraylist

2009-09-22 Thread jonathan1212

hello i need your help
 ..i have this code

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
  ArrayList serviceUnit = new ArrayList();
 String ServiceName = 
  CustomerDao serviceUnitDao = new CustomerDao();
  try {
serviceUnit = 


} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


request.setAttribute(Items, serviceUnit);
request.setAttribute(Items, hello);

response.setHeader(Cache-Control, no-cache);

response.getWriter().write(serviceUnit.toString());//returning the
value to be used in the html form

// in my jsp
script type=text/javascript

 function getSize()
var xmlHttp;
  // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
  xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
  // Internet Explorer
 xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject(Msxml2.XMLHTTP);
  catch (e)
   xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP);
 catch (e)
   alert(Your browser does not support AJAX!);
   return false;

 // var a = xmlHttp.responseText;
//  alert(a);

var itemName = this.document.myform.itemNamebySize.value;
var serviceName = this.document.myform.ServiceName.value;

xmlHttp.setRequestHeader(Content-Type, application/x-www-form-
xmlHttp.send(ItemName= +encodeURIComponent(itemName)


form name myform
select name = test2

..it cannot place into select 
..can somebody help me ..whats the better solution  to my problem

thank you

[jQuery] [Autocomplete]autocomplete in textarea

2009-09-22 Thread td liao

hi guys

i had used jQuery autocomplete in a textarea
i want the suggest results show in where i'm typing, not outside the
i checked jQuery autocomplete source code, finding in line 722 is the
core code.

show: function() {
   var offset = $(input).offset();
   width: typeof options.width == string ||
options.width  0 ?
options.width : $(input).width(),
   top: offset.top + input.offsetHeight,
   left: offset.left

top and left are what u want to change.
but i don't know how to get my typing position and use it in the case.

[jQuery] Re: Recommend a JS enabled/browser growler script/plug-in?

2009-09-22 Thread Sam Doyle


On Sep 21, 5:38 pm, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:
 Cheers man. And the browser detection..?


 On Sep 21, 5:14 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

  use noscript and conditional comments.

  ldexterldesign wrote:
   // This site works best with JavaScript enabled and not using Internet
   Explorer. Take your pick of the others instead: Firefox, Google
   Chrome, Safari, Opera...

   Anyone? :P

[jQuery] Re: jQuery(window).width() not registering sizes lower than 497 in Firefox.

2009-09-22 Thread Sam Doyle

I just ran this:

script type=text/javascript
$('body').append('br /'+$('body').width());

and it yielded the correct result in firefox 3.5.3

On Sep 21, 8:03 pm, indigo0086 indigo0...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm working on implementing a menu and need to have information when
 the menu size is larger than the width of the window.  The problem is
 that pas a certain point, jQuery(body).width() keeps registering
 497, despite being much smaller than that.  Has anyone had this issue

[jQuery] Tablesorter is not sorting numbers correct

2009-09-22 Thread Fons

I am sure I am overlooking something simple, but can't seem to find
the needle in the haystack.

I am parsing an XML file and extract 2 parameters

These  are put in a sortable table as I did for some many other tables
Sorting on names works like expected.(first column)
sorting on numbers (second column) does not sort correctly.

when sorting is done the result is something like this:

Where it should put:

Using the last versions of jQuery and Tablesorter.

Looking for some help on this.
If any additional information is needed, feel free to ask.


[jQuery] Re: variable keys in a Ajax post call

2009-09-22 Thread Mike Alsup

 How do I pass a variable as a key in a key/value pair in Ajax?
 For example, this does NOT work:

 function DoAjaxCall(columnname, value) {
         $.post(_callerquery, {
             columnname: value
         }, function(data, textStatus) {
             alert(data+ ' '+ textStatus);
         }, 'json');


 DoAjaxCall('LASTNAME', 'Jackson');

 It keeps posting the columnname as columnname instead of

function DoAjaxCall(columnname, value) {
var params = {};
params[columnname] = value;
$.post(_callerquery, params, function(data, textStatus) {
alert(data+ ' '+ textStatus);
}, 'json');

[jQuery] Re: 'this' keyword in a custom object

2009-09-22 Thread RobG

On Sep 22, 8:17 pm, Alex Wibowo alexwib...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to write object-oriented style javascript as follows:

 function HtmlFormUtil(formId){
     this.dirtyInputs=new Array();}


 var dirtyInputs = this.dirtyInputs;


   dirtyInputs[dirtyInputs.length] = $(this);

and so on. Why you need to use $(this) is beyond me, just store a
reference to the element. Get its value by direct access to the DOM


    return this.dirtyInputs.length  0;}

Seems you are using this array as nothing more than a glorified
counter. Why not just increment a global counter, rather than creating
a global object with circular references to every input element in the

e.g. something like

 function addOne() {
 var numChanged = 0;
 var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
 var i = inputs.length;
 while (i--) {
  inputs[i].onchange = numChanged;
 inputs = null;


 The intention is to use it to track any changes to the form fields... and
 warn user on window unload, if there's any dirty inputs (i.e
 form value has changed)

It will be problematic. If the user re-sets the form, do you reset the
dirtyInputs array? If the user changes the value back to the original,
do you remove the input from the array? If they paste data into the
input, will the change event fire before it navigates away?

If there is only going to be one instance of this object in the page,
why use a constructor? Just use a plain object and give it the methods
you are putting on the prototype. Not as hip, funky or cool, but
cleaner and less problematic.

 Unfortunately, the code above doesnt work... because  in
 this.dirtyInputs[],   the this keyword refers to the element that
 has the value
 changed (i.e. jquery object)

No, the DOM element.

,   and not     'this instance of HtmlFormUtil'.

You'll find it's not particularly useful anyway. Just compare each
input's value to its defaultValue. If they're different, the user
changed it. You don't even care *how* they changed it.

Note however that an onunload listener will break fast history
navigation in some browsers.

 Has anyone ever done this before?

A thousand times.

 What is the best way to solve my problem

Use something like:

  if (input.defaultValue != input.value) {
// value has changed.


[jQuery] Re: 'this' keyword in a custom object

2009-09-22 Thread RobG

On Sep 22, 9:04 pm, RobG robg...@gmail.com wrote:
 e.g. something like

  function addOne() {
  var numChanged = 0;
  var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
  var i = inputs.length;
  while (i--) {
   inputs[i].onchange = numChanged;


inputs[i].onchange = addOne;

  inputs = null;


[jQuery] Re-Loading jquery function on click

2009-09-22 Thread scotthaslehurst


Bit of a newb to jquery.

I have got a jquery slider effect nestled in some tabs. Each tab has
one slider in it.

When the page initially loads it loads the effect in the first tab
only. On clicking the second tab the function isn't called and remains
displayed without the effect.

The problem I talk of is here


Is there any way I can re-call the jquery on clicking the tab or just
load all content when the page first loads?

[jQuery] Bezier curves and animation

2009-09-22 Thread weepy


I just released a plugin that allows multidimensional animation for
jQuery. This is useful for Bezier Curvers among other things.

Article is here


Demo is here


Code is actually really simple, could also be useful for synced
animations ?


[jQuery] Jquery ClientSide validation

2009-09-22 Thread Vardhini


I'm using Jquery client side validation to validate my controls on the
form. I want to throw validations only for controls visible on the
page,  right now, it is throwing validation errors for non-visible
controls on the page. How do i fix this problem? Thanks.


[jQuery] (validate) How do I raiz error/

2009-09-22 Thread SirShurf

I have a login form
Only in Js it works fine, but I have more checks that I am doing in my
PHP file...

How di I raiz error according to ajax responce code?

var v = jQuery(#login_frm).validate({
submitHandler: function(form) {
target: #result,
success:   showResponse
function showResponse(responseText, statusText)  {
var intValue = parseInt(responseText)
if (intValue0){
window.locaiton.href = index.php;
} else if (intValue == -1) {
alert(not ok);
} else if (intValue == -2) {

} else if (intValue == -3) {

} else if (intValue == -4) {

} else if (intValue == -5) {

alert('status: ' + statusText + '\n\nresponseText: \n' +
responseText );

[jQuery] Re: Blocking UI for synchronous ajax calls

2009-09-22 Thread nomen

Hi Mike:

   Finally I changed the calls to asynchronous.
   It looks good now.

Thanks for your help.

On 16 sep, 10:16, nomen gaston...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Mike:
   Thank you for your answer.
    I have understand what do you mean between lock the browser and
 block th UI.
    To test it I have put a sleep in my server (in the function that
 calls the synchronous ajax call ) and I have see that in IE7 and IE8,
 it´s true, but, in FF3, Opera 10, Chrome 2 the browser is not locked.
    Maybe there is a hack for this? I have written too much code in
 this way (for me, this is the logic way to make it) and I don´t want
 to change it if is not really necessary ;-(

 On 15 sep, 12:38, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

      I have tested BlockUI Plugin but it does not start when I call it,
   because I can see with Firebub that the ajax calls are finished when
   BlockUI Plugin starts.

  And that is exactly the problem with making synchronous calls to the
  server - it locks the browser.  I strongly recommend using
  asynchronous calls instead - I wish the XHR didn't even have a sync
  API because I don't believe it should ever be used.  Asynchronous
  programming is only mildly more abstract that synchronous.


[jQuery] Re: Bug? Jumping show/hide in Chrome and Safari

2009-09-22 Thread Merlin

Does nobody have an idea what is causing this?

On Sep 21, 9:39 pm, Merlin ngro...@fastmail.fm wrote:
 Hi there,

 I am building a simple show/hide list with the help of jquery. It
 works great on IE and Firefox but inChromeand Safari the closing
 menuitems shift the whole menu to the left for a second and then back
 to its origin. I have about 20 menüitems that each hold about 5
 submenü items. The goal is to show the 5 items only on mouseover on
 the menüitems and then hide it once the mouse moves away.

 Here is the code:
 script type=text/javascript
                 //Hide all subsubmenus

 lia href=/kleinanzeige-aufgeben/geschenke.htm onmouseover= $

 Any idea on how to fix this? I found a relevant post that refers to a
 bug in jquery but the workaround does not work for me and I also tried
 the nightly build which also did not 

 Thank you for any help!!

 Regards, Merlin

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter is not sorting numbers correct

2009-09-22 Thread narayanis

It looks like Tablesorter is treating it as an alpha instead of a
digit field.  Try telling it the field is numeric in the th tag of
that column: th class={sorter: 'digit'}.

Hope this helps,


[jQuery] (validation) removal of error message problem

2009-09-22 Thread chief7

the validation error message isn't removed/hidden after i fix an
invalid input.  If I make the input invalid again another error
message is appended below the first error message.

error messages are added/removed appropriately on all other pages.
this problem is only occurring on one page.

[jQuery] Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-22 Thread WalterGR

I want to take advantage of jQuery's cross-browser Event object, but
via an onclick event handler.  For example:

a href=# onclick=showTextNearThisLink(convertToJQueryEvent(event),
'foobarbaz');show details/a

Is something like this possible?

I may be thinking about the problem wrong.  I understand that event
handlers are usually wired up on $(document).ready, but I need to send
additional information ('foobarbaz' above) to the event handler.



[jQuery] [tablesorter.pager] Does it work with dynamic tables?

2009-09-22 Thread Zé Ricardo

Hi, I have two tables in my page.

One, static, works perfectly with tablesorter and its pager plugin.

The other is filled through Ajax calls. I'm using the trigger
(update) method, as described in the tablesorter docs, but the pager
just does not work.

Does anyone know what it can possibly be?

[jQuery] Re: Validating Submit from Image Button (Validate)

2009-09-22 Thread Dakuwan

Tracked it down to the rules area, there was an unclosed }.

On Sep 21, 4:47 pm, Dakuwan daku...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am having the following issue, when I try using an image to post I
 cannot get the validation to run.  When I click the button the form
 submits and nothing is checked.  I've been searching all over the web
 and cant find any help.  One way of coding doesnt work and the other
 does.  I have included both below.  I'd really appreciate the help.

 This code doesnt work:
 $().ready(function() {

         var container = $('div.container');

         var validator = $(#CustForm).validate({
                 errorContainer: container,
                 wrapper: 'li',
                 meta: validate,
                 rules: {
                         credit_card: {
                                 required: function(element) {
                                         return $(#payment_type).val() == 
                         card_month: {
                                 required: function(element) {
                                         return $(#payment_type).val() == 
                         card_year: {
                                 required: function(element) {
                                         return $(#payment_type).val() == 
                         card_number_ccard: {
                                 required: function(element) {
                                         return $(#payment_type).val() == 


         $('#CustForm input:image#nextButton').click(function() {
          return $('CustForm').valid();


 If I do this however it does work.  I have to have the rules run
 because based on the payment type selected certain fields become

 $().ready(function() {

         var container = $('div.container');

         var validator = $(#CustForm).validate();

         $('#CustForm input:image#nextButton').click(function() {
          return $('CustForm').valid();


 This is my button code:
 cfinput type=image src=nextstep.gif value=submit
 name=nextButton id=nextButton border=0 class=submit

 Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] Re: Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-22 Thread Liam Potter

or this

a href=# rel=foobarbazshow details/a

var rel = $(this).attr('rel');

now you have passed foobarbaz to jquery.

WalterGR wrote:

I want to take advantage of jQuery's cross-browser Event object, but
via an onclick event handler.  For example:

a href=# onclick=showTextNearThisLink(convertToJQueryEvent(event),
'foobarbaz');show details/a

Is something like this possible?

I may be thinking about the problem wrong.  I understand that event
handlers are usually wired up on $(document).ready, but I need to send
additional information ('foobarbaz' above) to the event handler.



[jQuery] Re: variable keys in a Ajax post call

2009-09-22 Thread bartb

ah, sweet... thank you!


On Sep 22, 12:57 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  How do I pass a variable as a key in a key/value pair in Ajax?
  For example, this does NOT work:

  function DoAjaxCall(columnname, value) {
          $.post(_callerquery, {
              columnname: value
          }, function(data, textStatus) {
              alert(data+ ' '+ textStatus);
          }, 'json');


  DoAjaxCall('LASTNAME', 'Jackson');

  It keeps posting the columnname as columnname instead of

 function DoAjaxCall(columnname, value) {
         var params = {};
         params[columnname] = value;
         $.post(_callerquery, params, function(data, textStatus) {
                 alert(data+ ' '+ textStatus);
         }, 'json');


[jQuery] Load images ondemand (onscroll)

2009-09-22 Thread MartinBorthiry


 I wrote a simple script based on jquery to load images onscroll
event. It is very easy.



[jQuery] Re: Bezier curves and animation

2009-09-22 Thread bartb

Wow, that looks great!


On Sep 22, 2:05 pm, weepy jonah...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just released a plugin that allows multidimensional animation for
 jQuery. This is useful for Bezier Curvers among other things.

 Article is here


 Demo is here


 Code is actually really simple, could also be useful for synced
 animations ?


[jQuery] Re: Bezier curves and animation

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

that's rather nice :)

On Sep 22, 1:05 pm, weepy jonah...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just released a plugin that allows multidimensional animation for
 jQuery. This is useful for Bezier Curvers among other things.

 Article is here


 Demo is here


 Code is actually really simple, could also be useful for synced
 animations ?


[jQuery] Re: Jquery ClientSide validation

2009-09-22 Thread km

Please post your code.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Vardhini vardhini...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'm using Jquery client side validation to validate my controls on the
 form. I want to throw validations only for controls visible on the
 page,  right now, it is throwing validation errors for non-visible
 controls on the page. How do i fix this problem? Thanks.


[jQuery] Re: How do I extract a part of received data

2009-09-22 Thread Frederik

Thanks for your reply Rodrigo.

On Sep 21, 10:57 am, Rodrigo Sebastián Alfonso
rodrigo.s.alfo...@gmail.com wrote:
 let's say you have World in data, you have to do this:

 $(div).find(p).html($(div).find(p).html() + data);

 so your html would look like:


 On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Frederik fdussau...@gmail.com wrote:

  Anyone has any idea ?

  I have tried this way.
  $(divpHello/p/div).find(p).appendTo(#content);  //
  works... it append pHello/p

  I have tried it with all the content of data parameter
  $(data).appendTo(#content);  //works - add all the DOM received in

  The problem is when I try to extract a part of data, it does not work
  $(data).find(p).appendTo(#content); // Does not find the pHello/
  p part

  Thanks in advance for your help

  On Sep 18, 10:34 am, Frederik fdussau...@gmail.com wrote:
   Wrong syntax?  Please explain.

   I try to use this instruction found onhttp://www.visualjquery.com/:
   jQuery(expression, context)

The core functionality of jQuery centers around this function.
  Everything in jQuery is based upon this, or uses this in some way. The most
  basic use of this function is to pass in an expression (usually consisting
  of CSS), which then finds all matching elements.

By default, if no context is specified, $() looks for DOM elements
  within the context of the current HTML document. If you do specify a
  context, such as a DOM element or jQuery object, the expression will be
  matched against the contents of that context


Finds all div elements within an XML document from an AJAX response.
jQuery Code

$(div, xml.responseXML);

   Please do not tell me this is because this is for XML data only. I
   read Ajax request may return HTML data and will process it as well.
   In fact, I already use $get() (an AJAX calling function) that return

   On Sep 18, 8:07 am, lanxiazhi lanxia...@gmail.com wrote:

this :
var elem = $('#section_news', data);
is not the right syntax.

 Rodrigo Alfonso

[jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

2009-09-22 Thread Liam Byrne

Maybe because 'rel=external' doesn't have any meaning or functionality ?

The proper syntax with functionality would be a target=_blank 
href=http://www.google.com;google/a but that's just HTML; it has 
nothing to do with jQuery


Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

Why this code not working?
a rel=external href=www.google.comgoogle/a
url www.google.com http://www.google.com open in same windows.

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Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.112/2388 - Release Date: 09/22/09 05:51:00


[jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

2009-09-22 Thread Sam Doyle

$(a rel='external').attr(target,_blank);

[jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

2009-09-22 Thread Liam Potter

Except that target=_blank is deprecated in xhtml 1.1, so to make sure 
you're markup validates, you need to use javascript to make links open 
in a new window/tab.

One way to do it is like this.

   this.target = _blank;

Liam Byrne wrote:

Maybe because 'rel=external' doesn't have any meaning or 
functionality ?

The proper syntax with functionality would be a target=_blank 
href=http://www.google.com;google/a but that's just HTML; it has 
nothing to do with jQuery


Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

Why this code not working?
a rel=external href=www.google.comgoogle/a
url www.google.com http://www.google.com open in same windows.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 
270.13.112/2388 - Release Date: 09/22/09 05:51:00


[jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

2009-09-22 Thread Sam Doyle

$(a [rel='external]').attr(target,_blank);


[jQuery] Re: Bug? Jumping show/hide in Chrome and Safari

2009-09-22 Thread Merlin


I broke the problem down into the fact that somehow jQuery is not able
to handle show/hide of Lists inside a talbe correctly with Safari/
Using fadeIn and fadeOut works though, but I really would like to use
show/hide as the effect is much nicer.

Here is an example code that demonstrates that the right row will
always jump in Chrome and Safari:
script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js; type=text/

script type=text/javascript
//Hide all subsubmenus

table border=1 width=600px
td valign=top width=300px
a href= 
('#29').show('fast'); Wohnungen/a
ul  class=subcategories id=29
lia href= 
a href= 
('#16').show('fast'); Freundschaften/a

td valign=top width=300px
Row 2

Or am I overlooking something?

Thank you for any help on that! Merlin

On Sep 21, 9:39 pm, Merlin ngro...@fastmail.fm wrote:
 Hi there,

 I am building a simple show/hide list with the help of jquery. It
 works great on IE and Firefox but inChromeand Safari the closing
 menuitems shift the whole menu to the left for a second and then back
 to its origin. I have about 20 menüitems that each hold about 5
 submenü items. The goal is to show the 5 items only on mouseover on
 the menüitems and then hide it once the mouse moves away.

 Here is the code:
 script type=text/javascript
                 //Hide all subsubmenus

 lia href=/kleinanzeige-aufgeben/geschenke.htm onmouseover= $

 Any idea on how to fix this? I found a relevant post that refers to a
 bug in jquery but the workaround does not work for me and I also tried
 the nightly build which also did not 

 Thank you for any help!!

 Regards, Merlin

[jQuery] issue regarding live event

2009-09-22 Thread g...@iec

Hi all,

I had encounter a situation in which 'live' seems to be not working in
ie but nworking fine in ff.

   {some code}

this code is written in js file.

in another js file ,

$('a.start').live('mousedown', function(){
  {some code}
 is written in other js file.

This code works fine in ff but does not work in ie.

on click of this anchor, whole code is removed and again dump in page
including this anchor.
Event again bind to anchor in firefox but does not binds in ie.

Help me out to get rid off this issue.

Thanks to all in advance for your suggestion.

[jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

2009-09-22 Thread Rick Faircloth

Now why would target=_blank be deprecated without a suitable HTML
substitute, requiring coders to have to resort to js for the functionality?



-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Liam Potter
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:20 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

Except that target=_blank is deprecated in xhtml 1.1, so to make sure 
you're markup validates, you need to use javascript to make links open 
in a new window/tab.

One way to do it is like this.

this.target = _blank;

Liam Byrne wrote:

 Maybe because 'rel=external' doesn't have any meaning or 
 functionality ?

 The proper syntax with functionality would be a target=_blank 
 href=http://www.google.com;google/a but that's just HTML; it has 
 nothing to do with jQuery


 Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:
 Why this code not working?
 a rel=external href=www.google.comgoogle/a
 url www.google.com http://www.google.com open in same windows.

 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 
 270.13.112/2388 - Release Date: 09/22/09 05:51:00


[jQuery] Chaining animation effects on different elements...

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

Hi guys, been playing around with something for a bit this afternoon
but i can't find a programatically 'nice' way of achieving the effect
i'm after.

I have a bunch of elements assigned a class that don't necessarily
have anything in common beyond the class. I want to fadeto them in
randomly but in-turn, as if i was chaining animation effects for


the only way i've been able to do this so far is by building and
evaluating a slab of nested callbacks which works but is pretty
horrible in almost every way. I think i'm missing something fairly
obvious here, you guys have any thoughts?

[jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

2009-09-22 Thread Liam Potter

I have no idea, I think it was a stupid choice, I believe the reason 
behind it was that people should be able to choose how to open a link, 
and forcing a new window removes this choice, and confuses the user, 
because the back button stops working.

I prefer external sites to open in a new window/tab, I almost expect 
them to.

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Now why would target=_blank be deprecated without a suitable HTML
substitute, requiring coders to have to resort to js for the functionality?



-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Liam Potter
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:20 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

Except that target=_blank is deprecated in xhtml 1.1, so to make sure 
you're markup validates, you need to use javascript to make links open 
in a new window/tab.

One way to do it is like this.

this.target = _blank;

Liam Byrne wrote:
Maybe because 'rel=external' doesn't have any meaning or 
functionality ?

The proper syntax with functionality would be a target=_blank 
href=http://www.google.com;google/a but that's just HTML; it has 
nothing to do with jQuery


Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

Why this code not working?
a rel=external href=www.google.comgoogle/a
url www.google.com http://www.google.com open in same windows.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 
270.13.112/2388 - Release Date: 09/22/09 05:51:00



[jQuery] Re: Chaining animation effects on different elements...

2009-09-22 Thread Liam Potter

I'd count how many elements have the class, and also add an id to each 
one, incrementing with each count.

Then I would write a function, passing it a randomly generated number 
(within range of the element count) which would fade in the given id, 
with a known animation time.

I would then use setInterval to run the function, and give it the same 
time as the fade animation will take.
Could how many times this is ran and once it reaches the amount of 
elements, end it.

This may also not the best way to do it, but it's better then nested 

ryan.j wrote:

Hi guys, been playing around with something for a bit this afternoon
but i can't find a programatically 'nice' way of achieving the effect
i'm after.

I have a bunch of elements assigned a class that don't necessarily
have anything in common beyond the class. I want to fadeto them in
randomly but in-turn, as if i was chaining animation effects for


the only way i've been able to do this so far is by building and
evaluating a slab of nested callbacks which works but is pretty
horrible in almost every way. I think i'm missing something fairly
obvious here, you guys have any thoughts?

[jQuery] Re: Bug? Jumping show/hide in Chrome and Safari

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

the handling of lists may be slightly buggy - i had a similar sounding
problem in IE with the fade/slide functions breaking margin-top.
worked fine in everything else but it seemed to be caused in IE by
moving the mouse off the element that triggered the animation before
it completed.


On Sep 22, 3:29 pm, Merlin ngro...@fastmail.fm wrote:

 I broke the problem down into the fact that somehow jQuery is not able
 to handle show/hide of Lists inside a talbe correctly with Safari/
 Using fadeIn and fadeOut works though, but I really would like to use
 show/hide as the effect is much nicer.

 Here is an example code that demonstrates that the right row will
 always jump in Chrome and Safari:
 script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js; type=text/

 script type=text/javascript
     //Hide all subsubmenus


 table border=1 width=600px
                 td valign=top width=300px
                         a href= 
 ('#29').show('fast'); Wohnungen/a
                         ul  class=subcategories id=29
                                 lia href= 
                         a href= 
 ('#16').show('fast'); Freundschaften/a

                 td valign=top width=300px
                         Row 2

 Or am I overlooking something?

 Thank you for any help on that! Merlin

 On Sep 21, 9:39 pm, Merlin ngro...@fastmail.fm wrote:

  Hi there,

  I am building a simple show/hide list with the help of jquery. It
  works great on IE and Firefox but inChromeand Safari the closing
  menuitems shift the whole menu to the left for a second and then back
  to its origin. I have about 20 menüitems that each hold about 5
  submenü items. The goal is to show the 5 items only on mouseover on
  the menüitems and then hide it once the mouse moves away.

  Here is the code:
  script type=text/javascript
                  //Hide all subsubmenus

  lia href=/kleinanzeige-aufgeben/geschenke.htm onmouseover= $

  Any idea on how to fix this? I found a relevant post that refers to a
  bug in jquery but the workaround does not work for me and I also tried
  the nightly build which also did not 

  Thank you for any help!!

  Regards, Merlin

[jQuery] Re: Bug? Jumping show/hide in Chrome and Safari

2009-09-22 Thread Merlin

thank you for the reply.

I finally solved it by using slideToggle followd by hide.

regards, merlin

On Sep 22, 4:56 pm, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
 the handling of lists may be slightly buggy - i had a similar sounding
 problem in IE with the fade/slide functions breaking margin-top.
 worked fine in everything else but it seemed to be caused in IE by
 moving the mouse off the element that triggered the animation before
 it completed.


 On Sep 22, 3:29 pm, Merlin ngro...@fastmail.fm wrote:


  I broke the problem down into the fact that somehow jQuery is not able
  to handle show/hide of Lists inside a talbe correctly with Safari/
  Using fadeIn and fadeOut works though, but I really would like to use
  show/hide as the effect is much nicer.

  Here is an example code that demonstrates that the right row will
  always jump inChromeand Safari:
  script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js; type=text/

  script type=text/javascript
      //Hide all subsubmenus


  table border=1 width=600px
                  td valign=top width=300px
                          a href= 
  ('#29').show('fast'); Wohnungen/a
                          ul  class=subcategories id=29
                                  lia href= 
                          a href= 
  ('#16').show('fast'); Freundschaften/a

                  td valign=top width=300px
                          Row 2

  Or am I overlooking something?

  Thank you for any help on that! Merlin

  On Sep 21, 9:39 pm, Merlin ngro...@fastmail.fm wrote:

   Hi there,

   I am building a simple show/hide list with the help of jquery. It
   works great on IE and Firefox but inChromeand Safari the closing
   menuitems shift the whole menu to the left for a second and then back
   to its origin. I have about 20 menüitems that each hold about 5
   submenü items. The goal is to show the 5 items only on mouseover on
   the menüitems and then hide it once the mouse moves away.

   Here is the code:
   script type=text/javascript
                   //Hide all subsubmenus

   lia href=/kleinanzeige-aufgeben/geschenke.htm onmouseover= $

   Any idea on how to fix this? I found a relevant post that refers to a
   bug in jquery but the workaround does not work for me and I also tried
   the nightly build which also did not 

   Thank you for any help!!

   Regards, Merlin

[jQuery] Re: Chaining animation effects on different elements...

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

cheers for that liam,

i'd thought about assigning incremental ids on the fly since i'm
already using the element's id to select them in the slab'o'crap being
eval'd, but afaik xhtml elements can only have one attrib type ID
can't they? since it's just a fluffy graphical thing i don't really
want to grab all the id attribs that might be being used elsewhere but
it me thinking, i could just assign classed like .bigUniqueString_1
and just strip out the last character for comparison.

will have a fiddle around with that.

On Sep 22, 3:50 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'd count how many elements have the class, and also add an id to each
 one, incrementing with each count.

 Then I would write a function, passing it a randomly generated number
 (within range of the element count) which would fade in the given id,
 with a known animation time.

 I would then use setInterval to run the function, and give it the same
 time as the fade animation will take.
 Could how many times this is ran and once it reaches the amount of
 elements, end it.

 This may also not the best way to do it, but it's better then nested

 ryan.j wrote:
  Hi guys, been playing around with something for a bit this afternoon
  but i can't find a programatically 'nice' way of achieving the effect
  i'm after.

  I have a bunch of elements assigned a class that don't necessarily
  have anything in common beyond the class. I want to fadeto them in
  randomly but in-turn, as if i was chaining animation effects for


  the only way i've been able to do this so far is by building and
  evaluating a slab of nested callbacks which works but is pretty
  horrible in almost every way. I think i'm missing something fairly
  obvious here, you guys have any thoughts?

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter is not sorting numbers correct

2009-09-22 Thread Fons

Sorry to say it did not solve my issue
please have a look @  http://www.prodigiumguild.com/xml/guildomatic.php
for the result of the script. (and tick my fingers where i have been
screwing up)


On Sep 22, 3:30 pm, narayanis nicholai.bur...@gmail.com wrote:
 It looks like Tablesorter is treating it as an alpha instead of a
 digit field.  Try telling it the field is numeric in the th tag of
 that column: th class={sorter: 'digit'}.

 Hope this helps,


[jQuery] Re: Chaining animation effects on different elements...

2009-09-22 Thread Liam Potter

ahh, didn't know you had id's already assigned, you could use the data 
method to store it in the dom rather then in the id?

ryan.j wrote:

cheers for that liam,

i'd thought about assigning incremental ids on the fly since i'm
already using the element's id to select them in the slab'o'crap being
eval'd, but afaik xhtml elements can only have one attrib type ID
can't they? since it's just a fluffy graphical thing i don't really
want to grab all the id attribs that might be being used elsewhere but
it me thinking, i could just assign classed like .bigUniqueString_1
and just strip out the last character for comparison.

will have a fiddle around with that.

On Sep 22, 3:50 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

I'd count how many elements have the class, and also add an id to each
one, incrementing with each count.

Then I would write a function, passing it a randomly generated number
(within range of the element count) which would fade in the given id,
with a known animation time.

I would then use setInterval to run the function, and give it the same
time as the fade animation will take.
Could how many times this is ran and once it reaches the amount of
elements, end it.

This may also not the best way to do it, but it's better then nested

ryan.j wrote:

Hi guys, been playing around with something for a bit this afternoon
but i can't find a programatically 'nice' way of achieving the effect
i'm after.
I have a bunch of elements assigned a class that don't necessarily

have anything in common beyond the class. I want to fadeto them in
randomly but in-turn, as if i was chaining animation effects for
the only way i've been able to do this so far is by building and

evaluating a slab of nested callbacks which works but is pretty
horrible in almost every way. I think i'm missing something fairly
obvious here, you guys have any thoughts?

[jQuery] Suggest a pop up window..

2009-09-22 Thread Erik R. Peterson

Can anyone suggest to me a good jquery pop up window script.



[jQuery] Re: Suggest a pop up window..

2009-09-22 Thread Liam Potter

Depends what you need one for.

Erik R. Peterson wrote:

Can anyone suggest to me a good jquery pop up window script.



[jQuery] i18n for 30000 entrys - cool ?

2009-09-22 Thread Christopher
hei list!
I was wondering if the i18n table is still state of the art for about 30 000
entrys (cities) in a model (=180 000 entrys in i18n).

Or is there a better solution like using a table prefix for different
languages (de_cities, en_cities,)?



[jQuery] Re: issue regarding live event

2009-09-22 Thread waseem sabjee
hi there i here is a work arround i made up for the live event with an AJAX
basically i made an ajax call and injecting HTML into a div - a live() click
event was not executing only on IE7 for some odd reason

so i included my click event within the success : function  of that AJAX
call at it worked out well for me

if you can give me more details about your situation may be i can help you

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:32 PM, g...@iec abhi.pur...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 I had encounter a situation in which 'live' seems to be not working in
 ie but nworking fine in ff.

   {some code}

 this code is written in js file.

 in another js file ,

 $('a.start').live('mousedown', function(){
  {some code}
  is written in other js file.

 This code works fine in ff but does not work in ie.

 on click of this anchor, whole code is removed and again dump in page
 including this anchor.
 Event again bind to anchor in firefox but does not binds in ie.

 Help me out to get rid off this issue.

 Thanks to all in advance for your suggestion.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate (bassistance)

2009-09-22 Thread Loony2nz

Check out this example:


On Sep 22, 9:35 am, ripcurlksm kevin.mccorm...@cox.net wrote:
 I have a How did you hear about us? with a series of checkboxes that
 is working great, however there is an option for Other, where they
 can fill out their answer.

 At least one of the checkboxes are required, BUT if the Other
 checkbox is selected, the write-in input box must also be required.

 I have this working here with at least one checkbox required, but I
 cant get the input box to be required if Other is 

[jQuery] jQuery plugin for managing user sessions? Which CMS is easier to use with jQuery?

2009-09-22 Thread Ivan

Hi All

I've just started using jQuery and already love it!

I'm working now on project, that will give some services to wide
community after registration.
I'm going to use:
- jQuery with Ajax and UI plugins on the client side
- Perl (or PHP) + MySQL on server side
- (may be) some good CMS in between for user session management
(registration/authentication/authorization) and other usefull staff
like forums, etc...

I have more question than answers about the way to go :)
1. If I choose to use any existing CMS for managing user sessions -
what is the best CMS to be integrated with jQuery?
2. If I choose to use some of the existing framework and will
implement my own homemade user session management - are there plans
for jQuery to have comprehensive support (plugin?) for user sessions
3. Best way to do transparent session verification for Ajax requests?

It seems a bit of mess in my brain still, but any help/advise will be

[jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

2009-09-22 Thread Ricardo

I don't. That's the reason :)

What you should do is indicate when a link leads to a external site,
via an icon or formatting, like Wikipedia articles.

In XHTML 1.0 Transitional target is still valid.

-- ricardo

On Sep 22, 11:47 am, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have no idea, I think it was a stupid choice, I believe the reason
 behind it was that people should be able to choose how to open a link,
 and forcing a new window removes this choice, and confuses the user,
 because the back button stops working.

 I prefer external sites to open in a new window/tab, I almost expect
 them to.

 Rick Faircloth wrote:
  Now why would target=_blank be deprecated without a suitable HTML
  substitute, requiring coders to have to resort to js for the functionality?



  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
  Behalf Of Liam Potter
  Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:20 AM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: [Attrib external not working...]

  Except that target=_blank is deprecated in xhtml 1.1, so to make sure
  you're markup validates, you need to use javascript to make links open
  in a new window/tab.

  One way to do it is like this.

              this.target = _blank;

  Liam Byrne wrote:

  Maybe because 'rel=external' doesn't have any meaning or
  functionality ?

  The proper syntax with functionality would be a target=_blank
  href=http://www.google.com;google/a but that's just HTML; it has
  nothing to do with jQuery


  Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:


  Why this code not working?

  a rel=external href=www.google.comgoogle/a

  urlwww.google.comhttp://www.google.com open in same windows.


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG -www.avg.comVersion: 8.5.409 / Virus Database:
  270.13.112/2388 - Release Date: 09/22/09 05:51:00

[jQuery] Re: Blocking UI for synchronous ajax calls

2009-09-22 Thread Mike Alsup

 Hi Mike:

    Finally I changed the calls to asynchronous.
    It looks good now.

The web thanks you.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate (bassistance)

2009-09-22 Thread kevin.mccormick

oohh that is just plain wonderful. thank you very much :)

On Sep 22, 9:56 am, Loony2nz loony...@gmail.com wrote:
 Check out this example:


 On Sep 22, 9:35 am, ripcurlksm kevin.mccorm...@cox.net wrote:

  I have a How did you hear about us? with a series of checkboxes that
  is working great, however there is an option for Other, where they
  can fill out their answer.

  At least one of the checkboxes are required, BUT if the Other
  checkbox is selected, the write-in input box must also be required.

  I have this working here with at least one checkbox required, but I
  cant get the input box to be required if Other is 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate (bassistance)

2009-09-22 Thread kevin.mccormick

Im trying to implement this and Im not sure if there is a syntax
difference in returning a value of a checkbox vs a dropdown menu. Is
(return $(#referrer).val() == 'Other') the proper way to test the
value of a checkbox? It certainly works for dropdown menus..

Here is my new code, mimicking the syntax of the example you provided:

rules: {
referrer: {
required: true,
minlength: 1
referrerother: {
required: function(element){
return $(#referrer).val() == 
minlength: 1
messages: {
referrerother: If you select 'other', you must enter 

Here is my updated code:

[jQuery] Re: i18n for 30000 entrys - cool ?

2009-09-22 Thread Angel

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 22, 2009, at 9:00 AM, Christopher cpiet...@gmail.com wrote:

hei list!

I was wondering if the i18n table is still state of the art for  
about 30 000 entrys (cities) in a model (=180 000 entrys in i18n).

Or is there a better solution like using a table prefix for  
different languages (de_cities, en_cities,)?



[jQuery] Re: Suggest a pop up window..

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

'popup windows' in the true sense of the word - a new browser window
being opened - are simple enough to do with javascript with
window.open (http://www.w3schools.com/HTMLDOM/met_win_open.asp) but if
you want a dialog-type element displayed on screen i'd suggest the
popular thickbox (http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/) plugin.

window.open isn't a brilliant solution in a public-facing site for a
number of reasons, but if you're working on an internal project you
may have more control over the environment and it's browser config. a
thickbox-esque interface replicating the open-window look and feel
wouldn't be very hard to write either as jquery UI has all the
draggable stuff in.

On Sep 22, 4:58 pm, Erik R. Peterson eriks...@mac.com wrote:
 Can anyone suggest to me a good jquery pop up window script.



[jQuery] Re: i18n for 30000 entrys - cool ?

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

Typed on my keyboard

On Sep 22, 7:48 pm, Angel angel.marq...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sent from my iPhone

 On Sep 22, 2009, at 9:00 AM, Christopher cpiet...@gmail.com wrote:

  hei list!

  I was wondering if the i18n table is still state of the art for  
  about 30 000 entrys (cities) in a model (=180 000 entrys in i18n).

  Or is there a better solution like using a table prefix for  
  different languages (de_cities, en_cities,)?



[jQuery] Re: Single page application and jQuery

2009-09-22 Thread Phaedra

So, no one looking at this topic? or no one know nothing about?

[jQuery] Re: i18n for 30000 entrys - cool ?

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

as far as internationalising you stuff goes, maybe take a peek at g11n
if you're into that sort of thing.

On Sep 22, 5:00 pm, Christopher cpiet...@gmail.com wrote:
 hei list!
 I was wondering if the i18n table is still state of the art for about 30 000
 entrys (cities) in a model (=180 000 entrys in i18n).

 Or is there a better solution like using a table prefix for different
 languages (de_cities, en_cities,)?



[jQuery] Re: Suggest a pop up window..

2009-09-22 Thread ryan.j

Erik sorry if any of that seems a bit rudimentary, it's not entirely
clear what you actually want. stick some more details up and i'm sure
we'll be able to provide you with a more detailed breakdown.

( last time i underestimated the level of technical detail a poster
wanted on here, some weirdo emailed me to tell me i 'had issues' so
i'll try and pre-empt that this time :D )

On Sep 22, 7:59 pm, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
 'popup windows' in the true sense of the word - a new browser window
 being opened - are simple enough to do with javascript with
 window.open (http://www.w3schools.com/HTMLDOM/met_win_open.asp) but if
 you want a dialog-type element displayed on screen i'd suggest the
 popular thickbox (http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/) plugin.

 window.open isn't a brilliant solution in a public-facing site for a
 number of reasons, but if you're working on an internal project you
 may have more control over the environment and it's browser config. a
 thickbox-esque interface replicating the open-window look and feel
 wouldn't be very hard to write either as jquery UI has all the
 draggable stuff in.

 On Sep 22, 4:58 pm, Erik R. Peterson eriks...@mac.com wrote:

  Can anyone suggest to me a good jquery pop up window script.



[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate (bassistance)

2009-09-22 Thread kevin.mccormick

I'm getting close to finding a way to give a boolean result if the
other checkbox is selected (id chkStatus5)... still not working

referrerother: {
required: function(element){
minlength: 1

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate (bassistance)

2009-09-22 Thread kevin.mccormick

Wow I finally got it... updated code here:

referrerother: {
required: function(element){
return true;
} else {
return false;
minlength: 1

and example here

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate (bassistance)

2009-09-22 Thread Michael Geary
You can simplify this part:

if ($('#chkStatus5').is(':checked')){
return true;
} else {
return false;


return $('#chkStatus5').is(':checked');

As you can see, that's almost the same as your previous attempt; the only
thing missing was the return.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:58 PM, kevin.mccormick

 Wow I finally got it... updated code here:

 referrerother: {
required: function(element){
return true;
} else {
return false;
minlength: 1

 and example here

[jQuery] Datepicker and IE7

2009-09-22 Thread Vitor Santos

I searched all IE7 FAQs and tips but I could not find the solution.

Basically the Datepicker doesn't work at all in IE7. It does not
appear and most disturbing, IE7 doesn't show any Javascript error.
Works just fine in FF3.

My code is:

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {

input type=text name=form.campaignDate size=7 value=__/__/
 id=campaignDate class=textoTextfield/

I tried removing the last semicolon but nothing changed.

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter is not sorting numbers correct

2009-09-22 Thread jlcox

You'll need to include the metadata plugin if you want to do like
that. See the bottom of the tablesorter download page.

[jQuery] Re: (validation) removal of error message problem

2009-09-22 Thread chief7

looks like this issue is caused by the name of the input.  the name is
orders[5].elements[2].Value which an attribute selector won't find
(ie. $(input[for=orders[5].elements[2].Value])), but if the name is
elements[2].Value it works fine.

the 'for' attribute selector is used on line 630 of jquery.validate.js

On Sep 22, 7:32 am, chief7 chi...@gmail.com wrote:
 the validation error message isn't removed/hidden after i fix an
 invalid input.  If I make the input invalid again another error
 message is appended below the first error message.

 error messages are added/removed appropriately on all other pages.
 this problem is only occurring on one page.

[jQuery] Re: Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-22 Thread WalterGR

On Sep 22, 6:38 am, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 or this

 a href=# rel=foobarbazshow details/a

         var rel = $(this).attr('rel');


 now you have passed foobarbaz to jquery.

This works only if I don't already need to use rel.

I feel like there _must_ be a better way...  Certainly this attribute
abuse isn't a jQuery best practice?


[jQuery] Re: Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-22 Thread Scott Trudeau
What about using the metadata plugin and storing data in the class
attribute?  A little hackish (in HTML5 can use the data attribute, which is
more proper...):


In addition to rel, you could also use the title attribute on the anchor,


On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:47 PM, WalterGR walte...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sep 22, 6:38 am, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
  or this
  a href=# rel=foobarbazshow details/a
  var rel = $(this).attr('rel');
  now you have passed foobarbaz to jquery.

 This works only if I don't already need to use rel.

 I feel like there _must_ be a better way...  Certainly this attribute
 abuse isn't a jQuery best practice?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate (bassistance)

2009-09-22 Thread kevin.mccormick


On Sep 22, 1:09 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
 You can simplify this part:

     if ($('#chkStatus5').is(':checked')){
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;


     return $('#chkStatus5').is(':checked');

 As you can see, that's almost the same as your previous attempt; the only
 thing missing was the return.


 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:58 PM, kevin.mccormick

  Wow I finally got it... updated code here:

  referrerother: {
                                         required: function(element){
                                                         return true;
                                                 } else {
                                                         return false;
                                         minlength: 1

  and example here

[jQuery] Re: (validation) removal of error message problem

2009-09-22 Thread chief7

fyi - using jquery.validate.js version 1.5.2

On Sep 22, 3:39 pm, chief7 chi...@gmail.com wrote:
 looks like this issue is caused by the name of the input.  the name is
 orders[5].elements[2].Value which an attribute selector won't find
 (ie. $(input[for=orders[5].elements[2].Value])), but if the name is
 elements[2].Value it works fine.

 the 'for' attribute selector is used on line 630 of jquery.validate.js

 On Sep 22, 7:32 am, chief7 chi...@gmail.com wrote:

  the validation error message isn't removed/hidden after i fix an
  invalid input.  If I make the input invalid again another error
  message is appended below the first error message.

  error messages are added/removed appropriately on all other pages.
  this problem is only occurring on one page.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: (validation) removal of error message problem

2009-09-22 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Please update to 1.5.5 - also, please provide a testpage, otherwise I
can't help.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 11:08 PM, chief7 chi...@gmail.com wrote:

 fyi - using jquery.validate.js version 1.5.2

 On Sep 22, 3:39 pm, chief7 chi...@gmail.com wrote:
 looks like this issue is caused by the name of the input.  the name is
 orders[5].elements[2].Value which an attribute selector won't find
 (ie. $(input[for=orders[5].elements[2].Value])), but if the name is
 elements[2].Value it works fine.

 the 'for' attribute selector is used on line 630 of jquery.validate.js

 On Sep 22, 7:32 am, chief7 chi...@gmail.com wrote:

  the validation error message isn't removed/hidden after i fix an
  invalid input.  If I make the input invalid again another error
  message is appended below the first error message.

  error messages are added/removed appropriately on all other pages.
  this problem is only occurring on one page.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-22 Thread Ricardo

This doesn't make any sense. If you're already using jQuery why keep
your handler in the HTML? I'll try to help anyway.

a ... onclick=showTextNearThisLink(e, 'foobarbaz');.../a

function showTextNearThisLink(e, sheez){
   e = jQuery.event.fix(window.event || e);
   // e is your new jQueryized event

-- ricardo

On Sep 22, 5:47 pm, WalterGR walte...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 22, 6:38 am, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

  or this

  a href=# rel=foobarbazshow details/a

          var rel = $(this).attr('rel');


  now you have passed foobarbaz to jquery.

 This works only if I don't already need to use rel.

 I feel like there _must_ be a better way...  Certainly this attribute
 abuse isn't a jQuery best practice?


[jQuery] Re: After tab through menu - it disappears

2009-09-22 Thread Jeremy

The following sample will demonstrate what I mean.

liSample Item 1/li
ul class=sf-menu
lia href=#Menu Item 1/a
lia href=#Menu Item 2/a

On Sep 21, 11:16 am, Jeremy jmadd...@gmail.com wrote:
 I believe I found an accessibility issue with superfish.  I have the
 menu ul as the child of another list item.  After tabbing through the
 entire sf-menu, it disappears.  How might I fix this?

 This is happening in both IE and firefox.

 It is nested as follows.
 ul - li - ul sf-menu

[jQuery] Vertical Text

2009-09-22 Thread a1anm

Is it possible to rotate text so that is displays vertically using


[jQuery] Re: Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-22 Thread WalterGR

On Sep 22, 4:35 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 This doesn't make any sense. If you're already using jQuery why keep
 your handler in the HTML?

Because I need to pass additional information to the event handler in
a clean way.  (i.e. rather than hacks using various attributes on the
anchor.)  Is there a non-hackish way to do this?

Thanks for the code snippet - that's what I was looking for.


[jQuery] Re: Vertical Text

2009-09-22 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Sep 22, 2009, at 7:39 PM, a1anm wrote:

Is it possible to rotate text so that is displays vertically using


You might find this article useful:



Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Vertical Text

2009-09-22 Thread a1anm

thanks.  this is the method I'm using but it doesn't work in opera.
going to try and fix that using jquery...

On Sep 22, 7:45 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 On Sep 22, 2009, at 7:39 PM, a1anm wrote:

  Is it possible to rotate text so that is displays vertically using


 You might find this article useful:



 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Draggable isn't switched on in cloned div?

2009-09-22 Thread Olav Stetter

Hi everyone,

spent the whole day trying to locate the problem here, so I would
really appreciate any ideas you might have on this one:

We have several modules in some sort pool (actually called pool)
and want to drag them into a selection box (auswahl) where we change
the CSS class from pool_modul to auswahl_modul. So we clone one
module-div  and can drop it into the semester-box, works
beautifully. Depending on if it came from another semester or the
pool we change the CSS as I said, but the problem is the same: For
some reason, we cannot drag them around any more. Guess the module
isn't really set draggable.

I can't really see a reason why this should be difficult. Any ideas
would be great, because I not much of an expert on this stuff.

Anyway, our code looks like this:

var drop_in_auswahl = function

var this_copy = $(ui_draggable).clone(true);
var this_copy_class = $(this_copy).attr(class);

if (this_copy_class ==pool_modul ui-draggable){

var this_subsemester = $(this_semester).find(div.subsemester);

// draggable (setting the following line to $
(.auswahl_modul).draggable and so on doesn't help...
$(.auswahl_modul ui-draggable).draggable({
revert : invalid,
helper : clone

// ui_helper sowie ui_draggable sind versteckt


And this is the function that actually calls the above:


hoverClass : 'drophover',
accept : '.pool_modul ,.auswahl_modul',
 drop: function(event, ui){

 var ui_draggable = $(ui.draggable);
 var ui_helper = $(ui.helper);
 var this_semester = $(this);
 var semester = $(this).attr(id);
 var modul_id = $(ui.draggable).attr(id);
 var modul_class = 


[jQuery] jquery/validate and jquery.form not playing well

2009-09-22 Thread bernardo.zun...@gmail.com

Wondering if anyone know why the 2 plugins (validate and form) would
be causing a problem?

Required fields will not validate when using the form plugin for an
ajaxForm, and the form does not validate when clicking submit, will
even submit empty.

Here is my js code(taken mostly form the examples for the plugins):

 //hide the result div -  for holding response form php script

 //loader spinning image
 var loader = jQuery('div id=loaderimg src=images/loading.gif
alt=loading... //div')
   .css({position: relative, top: 70px, left: 150px})
//ajaxSubmit options
 var options = {
  target: '#result',
  success: returnHandler
 //set-up form for ajax

 //handle return form php - error or success
 function returnHandler(evt) {
   return false;
  //ajax event handlers
 //ajax error return

submitHandler: function(form) {
rules: {
  firstname: {
required: true,
validaChars: true
  lastname: {
required: true,
validChars: true
email: {
  required: true,
  email: true,
  validChars: true
phone: {
  required: true,
  phone: true,
  validChars: true
bestTime: {
  validChars: true
comments: {
  validChars: true
  messages: {
firstname: 'please enter your first name',
lastname: 'pleae enter your last name',
email: {
  required:  'please enter your email',
  email: 'please enter a valid email address'
phone: {
  required:'please enter your phone number',
  phone: 'please enter a valid  phone number'

[jQuery] ajaxQueue not aborting ajax calls with Autocomplete

2009-09-22 Thread jmunning

Hi all,

I am using the bassistance autcomplete plugin version 1.1 along with
the bundled ajaxQueue.js file.

When text is inputted into the autocomplete, it seems to be keeping
the ajax calls open and loading even though they never resolve -- as
shown by a loading indicator which is stuck and in the Firebug
console.  It looks to me like the ajaxQueue plugin is supposed to fix
this but it doesn't seem to be aborting.

I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is or how to
resolve it.  Does anyone have suggestions of what I could look for?

It seems to come down to this section in ajaxQueue.js:
case abort:
if ( pendingRequests[port] ) {
return pendingRequests[port] = ajax.apply(this, 


If I put an if statement on the line containing the 'abort' command
then I can see that that command is not completing.  Not sure why

Here is my code:

$(#suggest).autocomplete('auto_data.php?table=patents', {
width: 557,
multiple: true,
multipleSeparator: \n,
matchSubset:false,  //setting this to false causes entries to
disappear after selected
mustMatch: false,
max: 20,
delay: 0


And here is the site it is running on:

Thanks for any help.

[jQuery] Re: Single page application and jQuery

2009-09-22 Thread Josh Nathanson

Hi Phaedra,

Probably, most people don't pay much attention to memory leakage when they
are creating applications, or they don't test on IE.

A quick scan of the jQuery bug tracker shows a few bug reports that relate
to the leakage in IE.  It doesn't look like they've been resolved.

You might want to try and isolate the parts of your application that are
leaking memory, and use plain 'ol javascript in those parts.

-- Josh

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Phaedra
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:05 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Single page application and jQuery

So, no one looking at this topic? or no one know nothing about?

[jQuery] Re: Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-22 Thread Pikadude No. 1

FYI, when I need to attach metadata to a non-empty element, I do it
with an invisible child element. This results in some extra HTML, but
I think that's as elegant as it can get until HTML5 becomes

style type=text/css
.metadata { display: none; }

a href=#show detailsspan class=metadatafoobarbaz/span/a

$(a).click(function() {
var metadata = $(this).children(.metadata).text();
} );

On Sep 22, 4:41 pm, WalterGR walte...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 22, 4:35 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  This doesn't make any sense. If you're already using jQuery why keep
  your handler in the HTML?

 Because I need to pass additional information to the event handler in
 a clean way.  (i.e. rather than hacks using various attributes on the
 anchor.)  Is there a non-hackish way to do this?

 Thanks for the code snippet - that's what I was looking for.


[jQuery] if opera...... else

2009-09-22 Thread a1anm


I would like to output the followin content if the browser isn't

ul id=navigation
li class=homelink onclick=homeSlide()home/li
li class=aboutlink onclick=aboutSlide()about/li
li class=portfoliolink onclick=portfolioSlide
li class=serviceslink 
li class=contactlink 

If the browser is opera I would like to output something slightly

How would I do this?


[jQuery] Re: if opera...... else

2009-09-22 Thread MorningZ

While it's recommended to look for features/support more than actual
browser type, jQuery.browser is still in the library


On Sep 22, 9:25 pm, a1anm alanmoor...@gmail.com wrote:

 I would like to output the followin content if the browser isn't

                 ul id=navigation
                         li class=homelink onclick=homeSlide()home/li
                         li class=aboutlink 
                         li class=portfoliolink onclick=portfolioSlide
                         li class=serviceslink 
                         li class=contactlink 

 If the browser is opera I would like to output something slightly

 How would I do this?


[jQuery] Re: if opera...... else

2009-09-22 Thread a1anm

it's a css property so I'm not sure if checking to see if it is
supported if possible.  The link you posted did the trick though.

On Sep 22, 9:37 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 While it's recommended to look for features/support more than actual
 browser type, jQuery.browser is still in the library


 On Sep 22, 9:25 pm, a1anm alanmoor...@gmail.com wrote:


  I would like to output the followin content if the browser isn't

                  ul id=navigation
                          li class=homelink onclick=homeSlide()home/li
                          li class=aboutlink 
                          li class=portfoliolink onclick=portfolioSlide
                          li class=serviceslink 
                          li class=contactlink 

  If the browser is opera I would like to output something slightly

  How would I do this?


[jQuery] (Validate)Is it slower to add all rules with rules.add verus by doing it in $(#id).validate({....})?

2009-09-22 Thread chobo2


I have 2 forms with identical validation rules so I am trying to use
the same jquery.validate() to cut down on duplicate code and make the
code smaller and easier to read.

So they only way I can figure out how to do is this by adding
everything with the jquery.addRules method. But I am wondering is this
slower to do then the other way?

Like does it have to do more binding and stuff?

Or is there a better way?

[jQuery] Re: issue regarding live event

2009-09-22 Thread g...@iec


i can't put code on success of AJAX call because that method is used
at various places.

So suggest me how should i make it work without modifying  that

On Sep 22, 9:18 pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
 hi there i here is a work arround i made up for the live event with an AJAX
 basically i made an ajax call and injecting HTML into a div - a live() click
 event was not executing only on IE7 for some odd reason

 so i included my click event within the success : function  of that AJAX
 call at it worked out well for me

 if you can give me more details about your situation may be i can help you

 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:32 PM, g...@iec abhi.pur...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I had encounter a situation in which 'live' seems to be not working in
  ie but nworking fine in ff.

        {some code}

  this code is written in js file.

  in another js file ,

  $('a.start').live('mousedown', function(){
       {some code}
   is written in other js file.

  This code works fine in ff but does not work in ie.

  on click of this anchor, whole code is removed and again dump in page
  including this anchor.
  Event again bind to anchor in firefox but does not binds in ie.

  Help me out to get rid off this issue.

  Thanks to all in advance for your suggestion.

[jQuery] Re: issue regarding live event

2009-09-22 Thread waseem sabjee
I would have to see your script in order for me to suggest something to you.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 7:11 AM, g...@iec abhi.pur...@gmail.com wrote:


 i can't put code on success of AJAX call because that method is used
 at various places.

 So suggest me how should i make it work without modifying  that

 On Sep 22, 9:18 pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
  hi there i here is a work arround i made up for the live event with an
  basically i made an ajax call and injecting HTML into a div - a live()
  event was not executing only on IE7 for some odd reason
  so i included my click event within the success : function  of that AJAX
  call at it worked out well for me
  if you can give me more details about your situation may be i can help
  On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:32 PM, g...@iec abhi.pur...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi all,
   I had encounter a situation in which 'live' seems to be not working in
   ie but nworking fine in ff.
 {some code}
   this code is written in js file.
   in another js file ,
   $('a.start').live('mousedown', function(){
{some code}
is written in other js file.
   This code works fine in ff but does not work in ie.
   on click of this anchor, whole code is removed and again dump in page
   including this anchor.
   Event again bind to anchor in firefox but does not binds in ie.
   Help me out to get rid off this issue.
   Thanks to all in advance for your suggestion.