[jQuery] nyro modal and iframes

2009-04-20 Thread fil...@ideologic.com.br

hello good fellows! i'm having a bit of trouble dealing with nyromodal
and iframes. here is the thing:
my client wants me to add a lightbox to his website, however, i need
to call it from inside an iframe. so when i call the lightbox only the
iframe area is filled with the black overlay. how do i make the
lightbox affect the whole screen?

thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Remove doenst work on dynamically created li

2009-02-27 Thread carlos benitez fil

Hi Dimby, 
your problem is very easy; you are creating a new element, a new 'li', but it 
does not have an event attached. It's a beginner mistake.

You only need to change one line:

$('a.remove').live ('click', function() {
var id= $(this).attr('id');
$('li#'+id).fadeOut('fast', function(){ $('li #'+id).remove(); });

Now, when a new element is added, the event 'click' is attached to it and works 


 Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 06:31:29 -0800
 Subject: [jQuery] Remove doenst work on dynamically created li
 From: pauldul...@gmail.com
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 I'm new, so to all of you HELLO Smile.
 Btw, im Dutch so maybe my English isnt that good.
 I love Jquery but i've got some starting problems.
 Live demo:
 When I click on the X the tab disappears, perfect, as it should be.
 But when I create a new tab and try to remove that one it doesn't do
 What im I doing wrong?
 Dimby - Paul du long

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[jQuery] Re: Beginner question: AJAX doesn't work

2009-02-27 Thread carlos benitez fil

you has a lot of sintaxis errors; 
I have written your code again and now works fine: 

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /
script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript

var email_result = $(#email).val();
var action_result = $(#aktion option:selected).val();
$.post(newsletter.php,{email: email_result, action:action_result 
}, function(data){

return false;


form action= method=post id=newsletteranmeldung
div id=ausgabepnbsp;/p/div
td style=padding-right: 15px;E-Mail:/td
tdinput id=email name=email size=35 maxlength=30 //td
select id=aktion
option value=0in den Newsletter eintragen/option
option value=1Newsletter abbestellen/option
tdinput type=submit value=Go! id=los //td


That's all; read and compare with yours:
The jQuery is rewrite and I have added an 'id' in the input. 


 Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 07:34:48 -0800
 Subject: [jQuery] Beginner question: AJAX doesn't work
 From: sevenartwo...@googlemail.com
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Hello everybody,
 I tried some jQuery AJAX tutorials and got started with jQuery. Moving
 further, I got stuck somewhere in my code and I don't know, why. What
 I wanna do is simple: give an email address to a php script and
 display the script's answer in my page without reloading. so this is
 what i wrote:
 script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
   $.post(newsletter.php,{email: $(#email).val() 
 function(){$(#ausgabe).load(newsletter.php)}); return false;
 form action= method=post id=newsletteranmeldung
 div id=ausgabepnbsp;/p/div
 td style=padding-right: 15px;E-Mail:/td
 tdinput name=email size=35 maxlength=30 //td
 select id=aktion
 option value=0in den Newsletter eintragen/option
 option value=1Newsletter abbestellen/option
 tdinput type=submit value=Go! id=los //td

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[jQuery] bug in jquery.form.js / function cb()

2008-06-17 Thread Fil


(sorry for posting to jquery-dev first)

I was trying file uploads with the current jquery.js and
jquery.form.js, and file upload in form.js fails (FF3/Mac); I located
the problem in function cb() where $.httpData is called with two
arguments only. A quick patch is to add a third argument {} in the
call on line 270, but I have no idea if it's the correct way to do it.

 * $Rev: 5726 $

 * Revision: $Id: jquery.form.js 5718 2008-06-07 15:02:19Z malsup $

quick patch:
-  data = $.httpData(xhr, opts.dataType);
+ data = $.httpData(xhr, opts.dataType, {});

Ticket created @ http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/3052

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: bug in jquery.form.js / function cb()

2008-06-17 Thread Fil

 I assigned the ticket to Mike Alsup, now we need to wait till he
 checks it.
 Ticket created @http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/3052

In fact as Renato found out it is this changeset that breaks the file
upload in jquery.form.js:

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: bug in jquery.form.js / function cb()

2008-06-17 Thread Fil

 Fixed. 1.3 won't break the present version of jQuery.Form.
 Thanks for catching.

Great! thanks a lot.

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: Resizable textarea

2007-07-19 Thread Fil

Take a look to this article :

Sorry it's in French but i think the code lines are talking by
themselves. :)

You are welcome to translate it  ;-)

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: Resizable textarea

2007-07-18 Thread Fil

 Does anyone could combine a textarea with a Drag and Resize plugin to
 create a Resizable Textarea. (A feature like this is available in

Did you look at the Resizables demo?

There's also http://www.jquery.info/spip.php?article44

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: dev tip: combining JS script files

2007-07-16 Thread Fil

This is a good page on optimzing javascript for speed...


This part of the text seems contradictory with jQuery's habits. Why do
we load jQuery.js and all its plugins in the head section? (answer:
to have .ready()). But should we do it all the time and for all

Optimize Javascript Placement

Place your javascript at the end of your HTML file if possible. Notice
how Google analytics and other stat tracking software wants to be
right before the closing /body tag.

This allows the majority of page content (like images, tables, text)
to be loaded and rendered first. The user sees content loading, so the
page looks responsive. At this point, the heavy javascripts can begin
loading near the end.

I used to have all my javascript crammed into the head section, but
this was unnecessary. Only core files that are absolutely needed in
the beginning of the page load should be there. The rest, like cool
menu effects, transitions, etc. can be loaded later. You want the page
to appear responsive (i.e., something is loading) up front.

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] planet.jquery.com

2007-07-12 Thread Fil

I am pleased to announce the latest jquery.com service:

Excellent :-)
I've just added it to jQuery.info's Sedna @ http://www.jquery.info/sedna/

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-10 Thread Fil

jQuery is a language and as such requires you to read at least a bit
of documentation or examples before starting. Maybe .is() and .length
should be more prominently visible in the doc, but I see no point in
adding the .exists() and .hasClass() cruft to the (beautiful) jQuery

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-10 Thread Fil

jQuery is a language

It was a library last time I checked ; ).

yeah, well, it can be many things to many people; we all agree it's
code. I think it's art, too

Why? For me the sweetest thing about using jQuery has been it's intuitiveness 
right out of the box.

ok, so next time i want to code something in jquery i'll just write
$(make coffee) ?

No, there are things that are intuitive **once you've understood the
basics**. IOW intuitiveness is based on your assumptions and your
knowledge. Why would you assume that .hasClass() exists? And not,
e.g., isMemberOf() or .classMatches() ? It must depend of what you're
already familiar with before you switch to jQuery.

For me (and I really mean not speaking for everyone) it's more
intuitive if there is an internal logic that I can understand; adding
stuff that is redundant is merely adding cruft, and hence

That's why I wanted to add my I don't agree message -- though I
understand and respect your position, I don't share it.

-- Fil

[jQuery] getting the (computed) background-color

2007-06-16 Thread Fil

To retrieve the computed bgcolor of an element I had to do this:

var bgcolor = jQuery(this).css('backgroundColor');
if (bgcolor == 'transparent') {
var bg = jQuery(this).css('backgroundColor');
if (bg != 'transparent'
 bgcolor == 'transparent')
bgcolor = bg;

I hated it: is there not already a plugin doing this (and probably
doing it better)?

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: Threshold for saving textarea content with AJAX

2007-05-14 Thread Fil

var notepad;
function notepadSave() {
notepad=setTimeout(function() {
page: notepad,
notepad: encodeURI($('#notepad').val())

I like this; but how do you program the interface for restoring
content when one needs it (browser crashed, for instance)?

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.com Back Up

2007-05-07 Thread Fil

At some point soon I'm going to be moving the subversion repository
and misc. mailing lists off on to Google Code and Google Groups. This
will help us to keep these resources running even during an outage.

Google ownz you :)

What I don't like on Google Code (Project Hosting, I guess?) is they
don't seem to provide a nice web interface (a la trac), but only a
pretty bare-bones interface like http://projetu.googlecode.com/svn/

But maybe I've missed something here

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: jquery.com - hacked?

2007-05-06 Thread Fil

I've updated the main page of the jQuery site with a description of
what's going on (may, or may not, work depending on your DNS

I've translated this on http://www.jquery.info/

[jQuery] two bugs with interface/iautocompleter.js

2007-04-02 Thread Fil


I have two small problems with iautocompleter.js :

- 1 if I put HTML tags in the value field the tag is inserted as is
in the rel=value part of the suggestion menu li, and everything gets
broken (they could be escaped, maybe)

2- in my setup (the suggestion box is inside an ajax-ed form), when
the suggestion menu comes late, and the user has already entered the
input and validated the form, the suggestion menu displays but its
parent input is gone... this is accomanied by many js errors in the
console, and a suggestion box that refuses to go away.

-- Fil