[jQuery] [Announce] jQuery Session

2008-07-08 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi jQueriers  !

Please check a quick plugin which try to simulate session variables in
javascript (without ajax or cookies).

Source code.


script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$.session(var1, value1);
$.session(var2, value2);
$.session(var3, value3);

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
alert( $.session(var1) );
alert( $.session(var2) );
alert( $.session(var3) );

This is a quick piece of code but I think it could become useful with
some improvements.
Feedbacks are welcomed.

Known issues:
The real window.name is lost.
I wanted to load and save data on body load/unload and rebuilt the
original window.name but it doesn't work in my tests.

Important :
This plugin was inspired by the window.name storage technic uses in
qUIpt by Mario Heiderich.

[jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.1 is released!

2008-05-07 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi all,

markItUp! 1.1 is released!
This release brings thousands bug fixes, better cross-browser
compatibility (Mac users will be happy!), removal function, Html
preview in templates, and due to popular demand, no more absurd
textarea ID moving.

Some advanced examples and add-ons have been added for the occasion.
markItUp! 1.0 is no longer supported.



[jQuery] Re: markItUp! input for Jeditable

2008-04-10 Thread Jay Salvat

Thanks to you Mika !

 All feedback and bug reports are welcome.

Not a bug but a Css conflict. In the demo, buttons are underlined as
your links.


On 8 avr, 12:58, Mika Tuupola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Finally had some extra time so I glued markItUp! and Jeditable
 together. Actually writing the blog entry took more time than
 JavaScript code. This custom input is only six lines long. I still
 decided to write one more tutorial on how to write Jeditable inputs.
 Below links to tutorial and separate demo page.


 Thanks to Jay Salvat for great plugin! It was incredible easy to work
 with (read, I encountered zero problems).

 All feedback and bug reports are welcome.

 Mika Tuupolahttp://www.appelsiini.net/

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-04-03 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi Olaf!

Yes, markItUp! moves the textarea's id to the main container. It might
seem strange but believe me, it's the best way to handle all the
instance and css easily. And agree it might also be unconfortable in
some applications.

If your libs are developped over jQuery, just replace your
textarea's selection $(#id) by $(#id textarea) to get the textarea
jquery object.
textarea = $(#id textarea).get(0);
textarea = document.getElementById(id);

If you want to keep your libs jQuery free, try this function which
returns the right textarea object (with or without markItUp! plugged
on it) as getElementById.

function getElementByMarkItUpId(id) {
obj = document.getElementById(id);
miu = obj.childNodes[0].childNodes[1];
return (miu) ? miu : obj;

myTextarea = getElementByMarkItUpId(myTextareaId);

Last solution, try to edit the markItUp! source.

line 67:
$$.wrap('div id='+($$.attr(id)||)+' class=markItUp/div');
$$.wrap('div  class=markItUp/div');

line 69:
$$.attr(id, ).addClass(markItUpEditor);

I hope my explainations and my english will be clear enough to help


On 3 avr, 08:30, Olaf Gleba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jay.

 Am 23.03.2008 um 19:48 schrieb Jay Salvat:

  I'm proud to announce you the official release of markItUp! (former
  jTagEditor) and markItUp! website.
  I hope everything will be ok and i forgot nothing important.

 Its great. I like the approach.

 After playing around a little, it sure is a candidate for integration
 in the next release of our CMS. Since there is a lot of customized DOM
 Javascript action focused on the main content textarea, the switch of
 the ID* makes me hesitate a bit because it would causes a lot of
 refactoring in all custom libs. Many functions rely on the textarea ID

 Am i missing something? Or is there a way to prevent the ID switch?

 *) markItUp rips off the id from the textarea and uses it on the
 surrounding container.


 Olaf Gleba : creatics media.systems
 tel. +49 (0)212 38 32 94 30 : fax. +49 (0)212 38 32 94 31
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] :http://www.creatics.dehttp://www.creatics.de/keys/

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-04-03 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi David,

Before letting markItUp! go in the wild as an opensource project, I
used it  for monthes in my personnal needs.I have implemented it in
many projects and moving the ID to the container saved me lot of time
in some advanced implementations.
It's mostly matter of CSS styling/conflicts and multi-instances

Some examples:

#markitup {
top:10px; left:10px;

Or and most important

#myHtmlEditor .markItUpButton1 {
/* ... an icon */

#myBbcodeEditor .markItUpButton1 {
/* ... an icon */

I agree and i am the first one to claim that it might seem
Changing the identity and type of a element is not really elegant but
never bring me any problem so far.

I was certainly trapped with a specific advanced need the day i
decided switching the ID was necessary.
Now, i can't really remember why it was so important at the time. I
was certainly wrong on that one.
I will run some tests and obviously remove it from the next releases
after balancing pros/cons.
I assume the best solution is to give it as an option.

Thanks guys for the great feedbacks.


On 3 avr, 15:24, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd be interested to hear some specifics on why you found it necessary to
 remove a unique identifier from an element, and put that on a different
 element. That's changing the identity and type of that element. Quite
 frankly, this is obtrusive, and surprising. Maybe there's an option you
 haven't considered. Or maybe you'll teach me about a difficulty I'm not
 currently aware of. Thanks.

 - Richard

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-25 Thread Jay Salvat

Thanks Oliver for this great tip.
I will add it as soon as possible.

There is a problem on the dropdown menus in Firefox that i am not able
to fix.
A mouseover open the menu, but the mouseout is not fired if the menu
has been clicked.
Look at this example, colors or fonts menu:

If someone knows how to fix it...


On 24 mar, 19:53, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jay,

 Great script! I think that your menu has the dancing syndrome. I
 recently discovered the fix for this from Remy Sharp's post coda
 bubble. Its untested, but the following should fix it, or at least,
 you'll get the point:


 hideDelayTimer = null;
 $(.menu a).hover(function() {
 if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);
 $(em, this).text($(this).attr(title));
 $(em, this).not(':animated').animate({opacity: show, left: 
 +20}, slow);
 $(this).not(':animated').animate({left: +20}, fast);}, function() 

 if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);
 hideDelayTimer = setTimeout(function (){
 $(em, this).animate({opacity: hide, left: -20}, slow);
 $(this).animate({left: 0}, fast);
 }, 250);

 Jay Salvat wrote:
  Hi all!

  I'm proud to announce you the official release of markItUp! (former
  jTagEditor) and markItUp! website.
  I hope everything will be ok and i forgot nothing important.



  Feedbacks are welcomed!

  Jay S.

[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-25 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi and thanks for the feedbacks,
I will try to answer, i'm not very confortable with english, so sorry
for any non-sens.

jTagEditor was an early draft of what i had in mind.
markItUp! is developed from scratch. Below some features:
- No unnecessary ajax load for settings, Settings are now centralized
in an unic js file.
- ReplaceWith property
- PlaceHolder text property
- Multi-lines insertion
- Different way to add empty tag (now add opening and closing tag and
place the cursor inside, add placeholder text if setted).
- Alternative insertion with the AltKey (ex. td or th if altKey is
- Preview can be display in either a pop-up window or a iFrame, can be
refreshed dynamically at each insertion.
- New Html Preview properties baseurl, charset, etc...
- Callbacks functions beforeInsert, AfterInsert, beforeMultiInsert,
afterMultiInsert, openWith, closeWith, ReplaceWith, placeHolder which
get all the properties of the editor to allow advanced scripting.
- Toolbar allows now dropdown-menus
- Last but not the least, markItUp! can interact with the rest of the
site and features can be called from anywhere outsite the editor.

For the images, making a single image is a pretty good technic that i
use in my projets and markItUp! integrations once my toolbar is
definitively setted.
Up to every developer to arrange their toolbar that way.
markItUp! is a flexible tag management engine, not really a out-of-the-
box solution. The examples are... errr... only examples of what is
possible to do with and css can be writed and used the way the
developper wants.
The concept of is, download markItUp! and build the editor you need.
Every developper can add, remove and script buttons to fit his needs.
Making a single image to illustrate my examples could led to confusion
and can kill the idea i would like to demonstrate: flexibility.
Take a look to the add-ons in the downloads section.


On 24 mar, 15:07, Stan Lemon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you clarify what the differences are between this and jTagEditor?
 Also... have you ever considered making a single image sprint of the
 buttons?  That might save some load-time.

 Thanks for your work on this plugin, I use it quite a bit and very
 appreciative for it!

 - Stan

 On Mar 23, 2:48 pm, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all!

  I'm proud to announce you the official release of markItUp! (former
  jTagEditor) and markItUp! website.
  I hope everything will be ok and i forgot nothing important.



  Feedbacks are welcomed!

  Jay S.

[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-25 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi Alexandre,

Hum... weird bug.
Contact me in private with your test page, so we will find a way to
solve that.


On 24 mar, 18:05, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i think i've found the cullprit: it does not play well with the
 jscrollpane plugin. If i remove jscrollpane, then it does not double
 the tag.
 That's weird because on my page, jscrollpane doesn't touch the textarea.

  i'll set up a test page to show it later today maybe you'll be
 able to find a fix ?

 On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux

  hi Jay,

   i'm trying to use markitup but it seems it embeds the markup twice:

   the starting html:

 li class=clearfix
  label for=descriptionShort Description:/label
   textarea name=description  class=markItUp id=description

   the generated source:

li class=clearfix
label for=descriptionShort Description:/label
   span class=div id=description class=markItUpdiv
   class=markItUpContainerdiv class=markItUpHeaderulli
   class=markItUpButton markItUpButton1a href=# accesskey=
   title=undefined/a/li/ul/divspan class=div id=
   class=markItUpdiv class=markItUpContainerdiv
   class=markItUpHeaderulli class=markItUpButton
   markItUpButton1a href=# accesskey=
   title=undefined/a/li/ul/divtextarea name=description
   class=markItUp markItUpEditor id= style=margin: auto; padding:
   0pt; float: none; display: block; width: 100%; height:
   171px;/textareadiv class=markItUpFooterdiv


   The call to the function is a simple


   Am i doing something wrong?

   On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wiki page is fixed, thanks.

Insertion of element even if Cancel button has been clicked will be
fixed in the next release.

Thanks for your feedbacks and Diggs.

   Alexandre Plennevaux


 Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread Jay Salvat

Wiki page is fixed, thanks.

Insertion of element even if Cancel button has been clicked will be
fixed in the next release.

Thanks for your feedbacks and Diggs.

[jQuery] Re: jTagEditor Custom Callback

2008-01-22 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi Everyone !

I'm the author of jTagEditor.
Thanks Pauly for this great improvement.

jTagEditor was an early draft of what i had in mind.
I'm finishing a brand new version of jTagEditor now called MarkItUp
with many level of callback and possibility to call the editor's
features from the outside.
The new version is over and now in test.
I will release it as soon as i have time to make a decend webpage with
doc. My english is awful.


[jQuery] Re: Kuantic.com

2007-10-03 Thread Jay Salvat

Thanks !

My english is awful so it's hard for me to provide a good description
without spending 2 hours

Kuantic sells Machine to machine subscriptions (Embbedded GSM) which
allow machines to use wireless networks like your cellphones to send
or receive data.

The site is using homemade jquery pieces of code for :

- The top left slideshows in every pages:
- The top right login box in every pages:

- The vertical tabs in some pages:

- The horizontal tabs in the contact page:

- And jquery jTagEditor in the backoffice.

And some others greats plug-ins as
- jquery.cookie.js
- jquery.pngfix.js
- jquery Thickbox in articles or product pages:

Teaser: A brand new version of jTagEditor is coming soon. ;)

[jQuery] [SITE SUBMISSION] Kuantic.com

2007-10-01 Thread Jay Salvat

My work on my company's website, using lot of jQuery and some homemade
plugins :)



[jQuery] Re: Announce: jQuery copy plugin

2007-07-31 Thread Jay Salvat

I wanted to develop this feature for my jCodeViewer plugin and the swf
is the only cross-browser way to get it.

Guapo a écrit :
 we all know that in ie we can easily copy text to clipboard, but it is
 now so easy in fx. this plugin use a swf file to achieve this purpose.
 the swf file's default location is same to the plugin, if you move it
 to another location, change it in the plugin source code.

 more info:http://yangshuai.googlepages.com/jquerycopyplugin

 the code and the swf file are all from the internet, i just make it a
 jQuery plugin

[jQuery] Re: jqShuffle plugin (alpha)

2007-07-30 Thread Jay Salvat

Very very nice job Benjamin!
It would be interesting to plugin it on an picture gallery and
I will work on that shortly.
Great plugin.

On 30 juil, 19:39, Benjamin Sterling
 I wanted to announce my first plug-in called jqShuffle.  It is in alpha
 right now, because I know there a better ways of doing some of the stuff I
 want to do.

 The url for script and some very basic 

 Currently tested in IE6, IE7, FF2 (mac and pc).

 Any and all feedback welcomed.

 Tips on making the code better will be greatly appreciated.

 Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.comhttp://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] Re: interesting JS animation, candidate for jQuery plugin

2007-07-30 Thread Jay Salvat

You're totally right Michael, i confused their .hover class
with :hover css pseudo class.
And your still right, :hover pseudo class does'nt work properly on IE.

Sorry for the useless answer :)

On 29 juil, 16:23, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, Jay, the JavaScript is required. The CSS uses a hover class
 which the JavaScript code applies to the element. hover has no intrinsic
 meaning here; they could have called it reveal and it would work the same,
 as long as the JavaScript code uses the same classname.

 You're probably thinking of the :hover pseudo-class, as used in an a:hover
 selector. They didn't use that approach because it doesn't work in all
 browsers - IE supports :hover only on A elements.

 See my earlier message for the JavaScript code. I missed one of the CSS
 styles, though - thanks for catching that:

.spoilerspan {
   visibility: hidden;


  From: Jay Salvat

  Hi Stephan,
  I took a look to their css file and html code. They use a
  simple but smart css trick. No javascript needed here.

  span class=spoilerspanmyspoilerhere/span/span

background-image: url(/images/spoilers.gif);
border: 1px solid red;
  .spoilerspan {
visibility: hidden;
  .spoiler.hover {
background-image: none;
border: none;
  .spoiler.hover span {
visibility: visible;

  but if you need a jquery plugin to reproduce the effect it's
  really easy to add the extra inner span and hover event to
  change Classname of it.
  On 29 juil, 12:28, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi, all!

   i just came across this by accident and thought it might
   interest some
   plugin author enough to write a similar feature for jQuery:


   scroll way down, or search for Are there any deleted
   scenes for this
   movie?, and look for the red text which says Spoilers!. It is an
   effect which hides certain text until you mouse over it, at which
   point the real text is revealed. The intention is to keep people
   from accidentally seeing text which might spoil a film for them (i.e.
   reveal more information than they might want to know before
   seeing the film).

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: jTagEditor 1.0 beta

2007-07-30 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi Danial,

I'm working on some new features allowing more customizations or other
jquery plugin addition.
I hope they'll help you to customize your editor to match your needs.

Contact me by email for any question. Glad to have some beta
testers ;)

On 30 juil, 12:15, Danial Tzadeh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Very nice work! This is the closest editor to what we wanted for our forum
 (fireboard). It has a slick interface, clean code and small size. Beside all
 the features the only part that is missing is the color, font part and
 support for multiple smileys. Can these be improved?

 Excited to hearing your reply.


 On 7/26/07, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I'm pleased to announce the birth of jTagEditor 1.0 beta.

  It's a small and customizable tag editor wich allows you to turn any
  textarea in a quick tag editor of any kind (html, wiki, bbcode,
  textile or any type of tag you want).

  It includes also some nice features on key events (Ctrl, shift, enter,

  Any feedbacks are welcomed.


  P.S. English is not my native language and i'm sure the plugin's page
  is full of errors and nonsenses. Feel free to report them to me :)

[jQuery] Re: interesting JS animation, candidate for jQuery plugin

2007-07-29 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi Stephan,
I took a look to their css file and html code. They use a simple but
smart css trick. No javascript needed here.

span class=spoilerspanmy spoiler here/span/span

.spoiler {
  background-image: url(/images/spoilers.gif);
  border: 1px solid red;
.spoiler span {
  visibility: hidden;
.spoiler.hover {
  background-image: none;
  border: none;
.spoiler.hover span {
  visibility: visible;

but if you need a jquery plugin to reproduce the effect it's really
easy to add the extra inner span and hover event to change Classname
of it.

On 29 juil, 12:28, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, all!

 i just came across this by accident and thought it might interest some
 plugin author enough to write a similar feature for jQuery:


 scroll way down, or search for Are there any deleted scenes for this
 movie?, and look for the red text which says Spoilers!. It is an
 effect which hides certain text until you mouse over it, at which
 point the real text is revealed. The intention is to keep people from
 accidentally seeing text which might spoil a film for them (i.e.
 reveal more information than they might want to know before seeing the

[jQuery] ANNOUNCE: jCodeViewer

2007-07-28 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi !

Here is a new plugin : jCodeViewer
It's a light alternative to Chili and turns div, textareas, pre tags
in a simple codeviewer with basic syntax coloration.
Not as powerfull as Chili or SyntaxHighlighter, but it goes straight
to the point.

Any feedbacks are welcomed.


P.S. My english is awful and the page is certainly full of mistakes.
Feel free to correct me.

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: jTagEditor 1.0 beta

2007-07-27 Thread Jay Salvat

Thanks for all your precious feedbacks.

I fixed few bugs mentionned and try to find out a smart way to use
the editor from external modules as picture,link or style library.
The development of a better and more elegant preview mode that current
popup window is already in progress but no Wysiwyg mode, this is not
the ambition of jTagEditor : tag and code oriented.If you need WYSIWYG
editor, try the brilliant and standard compliant WYMEditor by Jean-
François Hovinne.
Current Tagsets has to be tested and improved. New ones has to be
added, if you have some ideas

Thanks again !

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: jTagEditor 1.0 beta

2007-07-26 Thread Jay Salvat

My apologies ! too much emotion... ;)

Here is the url: http://www.jaysalvat.com/jquery/jtageditor/

Thanks !

Bruce Wang a écrit :
 On 7/26/07, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm pleased to announce the birth of jTagEditor 1.0 beta.
  It's a small and customizable tag editor wich allows you to turn any
  textarea in a quick tag editor of any kind (html, wiki, bbcode,
  textile or any type of tag you want).

 any url?

 simple is good
 skype: number5

[jQuery] ANNOUNCE: jTagEditor 1.0 beta

2007-07-26 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the birth of jTagEditor 1.0 beta.

It's a small and customizable tag editor wich allows you to turn any
textarea in a quick tag editor of any kind (html, wiki, bbcode,
textile or any type of tag you want).

It includes also some nice features on key events (Ctrl, shift, enter,

Any feedbacks are welcomed.


P.S. English is not my native language and i'm sure the plugin's page
is full of errors and nonsenses. Feel free to report them to me :)

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: fr.jquery.com/planet

2007-07-21 Thread Jay Salvat

I'm glad to hear about this news.
Can't subscribe to the Rss Feed.

Richard D. Worth a écrit :
 There's a new jQuery planet[1], and it speaks French:


 We've got two french jQuery blogs syndicated so far:
   Gastero Prod

 Note: fr.jquery.com (without the /planet) is a work in progress. For now it
 just redirects to jquery.com. Stay tuned.

 - Richard

 [1] http://www.nabble.com/-ANNOUNCE--planet.jquery.com-tf4070087s15494.html

[jQuery] Re: IE6 png hack bug

2007-07-19 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi Kush

this bug is due to the IE filters.

Try to add position:relative to the css of your links



On 19 juil, 04:34, Kush Murod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys,
 Some of us having difficulty figuring out as to why when applying ie6png
 hack onto a link, it doesn't appear as link anymore
 Can anyone help us out, here is an examplewww.uzhana.com- contact us link

[jQuery] Re: Resizable textarea

2007-07-18 Thread Jay Salvat


Take a look to this article :

Sorry it's in French but i think the code lines are talking by
themselves. :)


Mark a écrit :
 Does anyone could combine a textarea with a Drag and Resize plugin to
 create a Resizable Textarea. (A feature like this is available in


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