[jQuery] Re: Add a second trigger in this function

2010-01-06 Thread Johan Borestad
I think you just forgot the last brackets on your hover method:

$(div.tvbutton).hover(function () {
})  --- Forgotten

This could be optimized a little better by using id's, or at last
saving a a reference to the div.tv, so that you don't have to make
search for the div every time (unless you're using ajax ofcourse), but
this should work now at last :-)

/ Johan

On Jan 6, 9:42 pm, Jordan jscottphil...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the insight Johan! When I implemented that though, it just
 added the hover cross fade to the other div as well. I am looking for
 a way to make the 2nd div JUST trigger the first. I was looking at the
 page you linked to and I am messing around with something like the
 following... although I can't get it to work. Any thoughts?

 $(document).ready(function () {
         $('div.tv, div.desk, div.phone').hover(function () {
                 //hover in
                 var div = $(' div', this);

                 if (div.is(':animated')) {
                         div.stop().fadeTo(500, 1);
                 } else {
         }, function () {
                 // hover out
                 var div = $(' div', this);
                 if (div.is(':animated')) {
                         div.stop().fadeTo(1000, 0);
                 } else {
           $(div.tvbutton).hover(function () {


 On Jan 5, 4:33 pm, Johan Borestad johan.bores...@gmail.com wrote:

  There are a number of nice implementations you could use for this.
  Example the jQuery trigger.http://docs.jquery.com/Events/trigger
  But for now, the simpliest solution is just to add another selector
  like this

  $('div.example, div.tv').hover( .

  / Johan

  On Jan 5, 8:33 pm, Jordan jscottphil...@gmail.com wrote:

   I recently implemented the Image Cross Fade Transition (http://

   It works great, and I'm hoping to add to the code to enhance the
   functionality. Currently, if I hover over the image, it runs the cross
   fade transition, which I would like to keep. I have another div on the
   page that I would like to trigger the first instance when hovered over
   as well. Is there a good way to add this?

   Here's what I'm using for the first instance:

   $(document).ready(function () {
           $('div.tv').hover(function () {
                   //hover in
                   var div = $(' div', this);

                   if (div.is(':animated')) {
                           div.stop().fadeTo(500, 1);
                   } else {
           }, function () {
                   // hover out
                   var div = $(' div', this);
                   if (div.is(':animated')) {
                           div.stop().fadeTo(1000, 0);
                   } else {

[jQuery] Re: removeClass() fires before anything else in a series of functions when I need it to fire last.

2010-01-05 Thread Johan Borestad
This is due to that the fadeOut function is asynchronous (and that's a
good thing, otherwise the entire browser would freeze while
animating). To solve your problem you could use a callback. That's a
second parameter to the fadeOut method as a anonymous function

$(#notice).fadeOut(800, function(){

The method will now remove the active-notice class afterwards.

/ Johan

On Jan 5, 11:25 pm, Kinsbane kinsb...@gmail.com wrote:
 er, jeez I'm sorry - i don't know how to format code on Google Groups :

 On Jan 5, 2:21 pm, Kinsbane kinsb...@gmail.com wrote:

  So, there's a main column of content and to the left of the main
  column is an A element that is absolutely positioned.

  I have an announcement system that when there's an active
  announcement, a box is rendered above the main column, pushing the
  main column down. However, the A element that is absolutely positioned
  stays where it is.

  I added code to check for an active announcement and add a class to
  the A element so it'll keep it positioned alongside the left-border of
  the main column.

  When a user closes the announcement box, it fades out, and the main
  column moves back up to fill the space - but the positioned A element
  does not follow. I then added code to the function I had to fade out
  the box and save a cookie to show the user had closed the active
  announcement box which removed the active-announcement class I had PHP
  add to the A element.
  The problem is, even though the removeClass() function is last in the
  series of functions, it fires first - the positioned A element moves
  up to where it should be BEFORE the active announcement box fades out.

  How can I change this so that the positioned A element has its class
  removed after the other two things have taken place?

  Here's the jQuery code I have:

  't3dnotice_?= $announcement['id']; ?

  ', 365);



[jQuery] Re: Add a second trigger in this function

2010-01-05 Thread Johan Borestad
There are a number of nice implementations you could use for this.
Example the jQuery trigger. http://docs.jquery.com/Events/trigger
But for now, the simpliest solution is just to add another selector
like this

$('div.example, div.tv').hover( .

/ Johan

On Jan 5, 8:33 pm, Jordan jscottphil...@gmail.com wrote:
 I recently implemented the Image Cross Fade Transition (http://

 It works great, and I'm hoping to add to the code to enhance the
 functionality. Currently, if I hover over the image, it runs the cross
 fade transition, which I would like to keep. I have another div on the
 page that I would like to trigger the first instance when hovered over
 as well. Is there a good way to add this?

 Here's what I'm using for the first instance:

 $(document).ready(function () {
         $('div.tv').hover(function () {
                 //hover in
                 var div = $(' div', this);

                 if (div.is(':animated')) {
                         div.stop().fadeTo(500, 1);
                 } else {
         }, function () {
                 // hover out
                 var div = $(' div', this);
                 if (div.is(':animated')) {
                         div.stop().fadeTo(1000, 0);
                 } else {

[jQuery] Re: Change opacity of item with class of selected

2010-01-05 Thread Johan Borestad
Hi Paul!
This is a case where you really don't even should use Javascript,
unless you're trying to do some fancy animations. Rely entirely on CSS
with a simple css-rule

#thumbs li.selected {

This will also be much much faster than any other solutions.
/ Johan

On Jan 5, 7:50 pm, Paul Collins pauldcoll...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry, the test page:http://paulcollinslondon.com/test/test.html

 2010/1/5 Paul Collins pauldcoll...@gmail.com

  Thanks very much for your help Brian. That works, but I think the problem
  may go deeper than I thought! I've put up a test page.

  I'm using the JQuery Opacity Rollover Script as a part of the Gallerific
  plugin  http://www.twospy.com/galleriffic/#1

  To try and keep this simple, when you hover over a thumbnail, it originally
  went from dark to light. I've reversed the order of this in
  mouseOutOpacity  mouseOverOpacity on the scripts.js 
  jquery.opacityrollover.js, so now they are full opacity by default and half
  when you hover over. There is a selected class applied when you click on a
  thumbnail and I want to make the opacity stay at half when you click on it.

  There seems to be a default on all list items of the thumbs ul of
  opacity: 1; I want to change it to 0.5 when an item has a class of selected,
  but can't get it to work.

  I've tried removing the inline style first using

  $(#portfolio #thumbs li.selected).removeAttr(style);

  But this doesn't work.

  Sorry for the long windedness of this post, but if anyone could even give
  me a hint of where to start looking, I would be really grateful.


  2010/1/5 brian zijn.digi...@gmail.com

  Just put the class in the selector instead of testing for it first:

  $(#portfolio #thumbs li.selected).css('opacity','0.5');

  If the class doesn't exist, jQuery will do nothing (instead of
  throwing an undefined error or similar).

  On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Paul Collins pauldcoll...@gmail.com
   Hi all

   I've been stuck on this for four hours, and I still can't solve it!

   I am trying to check if a list item has a class of selected, then is so
   change the opacity to 0.5. Here is my code:

       if ($(#portfolio #thumbs ul li).hasClass(.selected)) {

   It seems that the this part isn't working, is it to do with putting it
   an event?

   Would appreciate any help

[jQuery] Re: Jquery color animation problem

2010-01-05 Thread Johan Borestad
This is a known Internet Explorer bug (and a very annoying one
Just adding a background color or image to the container element will
fix this.
/ Johan

On Jan 5, 9:43 am, Md. Ali Ahsan Rana ranacser...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to do it:


 it looks fine in firefox, but the texts getting very odd look in ie 6 and ie
 7. Is there any way to fix it?

 Also, i trie to change color like
 and its not working. Please help...


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Equivalent of Prototype Function.bind

2010-01-05 Thread Johan Borestad
I'm not that good at Prototype at all, but wouldn't this be

} , 1000)

/ Johan

On Jan 5, 3:43 pm, Bruce brucejin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a jQuery way of doing this Prototype bind?

 var func = myFunction;
 setTimeout(func.bind(this), 1000);


[jQuery] Re: css editor with jquery

2010-01-02 Thread Johan Borestad
How do you internally represent your edited data? I didn't read the
entire fonte.js script, but this should probably be solved by a
representing each editable areas as separate objects with different
id's. Then serialize everything to a JSON-object and post it to your
backend where you could save it into a database. I don't think that
saving this into a cookie will be a good idea, since there's a 4kb
limit on cookies.
You will of course need to create an method that should be called on
init that reads your saved data (inline object or by making an ajax
requests) and recreates the page.

This could be solved in a number of ways, but start with reading some
posts about json and you'll be on your way.

/ Johan

On Jan 2, 6:28 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 Very interesting work, Alfredo!


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On

 Behalf Of orazio.nelson
 Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 9:26 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] css editor with jquery

 i made a proof of concept about a css editor made with jquery.

 You can see and download it from:http://tt4fn.netsons.org/fonte

 Is possible to edit almost all the page, for each section there are 34
 css customizable options.

 But now I've a trouble: how can I push the generated css and save it?


[jQuery] Re: live event with instant execution

2009-12-25 Thread Johan Borestad
I'm not really sure of what you're trying to do, but the main problem
is that you're not passing all selectors to your
flexinInitialiseElement method.
Maybe somethingl like this will help you. It's iterationg through all
dom nodes and passing them to flexinInitialiseElement.

  var $this = $(this);
  flexinInitialiseElement( $this, false)

The entire code is really bad if performance is an issue, so maybe a
small vanilla js would do fine here, like this:

var nodes = $(*);
for (i=0; i nodes.length; i++) {
  flexinInitialiseElement( nodes[i] , false)

Hope this will help you somewhere :)
/ Johan

On 25 Dec, 12:57, speedpac...@gmail.com speedpac...@gmail.com
 Basically execute additional javascript code based on a classname
 adding functionality to these elements...
 I tried the following, but it doesn't seem to be working...

 jQuery('*').load(function () {
         // run code
         console.log(DEBUG: Initialising element  + jQuery(this));
         flexinInitialiseElement(jQuery(this), false);

 This piece of code is added to the top of the page, so I would have
 expected each DOM element to be passed to the flexinInitialiseElement
 method, but it doesn't...

 Thanks for the much appreciated feedback on this great Christmas
 day :)


 On 24 dec, 14:14, Šime Vidas sime.vi...@gmail.com wrote:

  What does initiating elements mean?

[jQuery] Re: Attaching an event to a non-existing element?

2009-12-25 Thread Johan Borestad
I would really recommend the listen plugin for jQuery by Aaron
Flesler. It's an excellent plugin that also fixes the focus/blur bug
in IE6. Have been using it for over two years now (before live() was
implemented), and it also have good support for the dblclick event:

/ Johan

On 25 Dec, 02:28, Šime Vidas sime.vi...@gmail.com wrote:
  3. I have set this response as the content of an empty div.

  That select element appears well, but maybe it doesn't appear as a DOM
  member, so that's why I can't attach an event handler to it.

 If you place HTML code inside an element that is in the DOM tree (like
 the empty DIV in your example), than the code gets parsed and all HTML
 elements inside the code are added to the DOM tree...

 Basically, if you can see it on the page, than it's in the DOM

 I noticed in your code above, you used the wrong name for the
 method... it's called change, not onchange

    window.location = http://www.google.com/;;

[jQuery] Re: ie6 and ie7 don't load image well when using Cycle plugin

2009-03-30 Thread johan . borestad

I can only guess that you've set the loop-delay too soon, and don't
control if the image have been loaded. That would explain why it looks
better the next time you arrive, since the image will be in the

There's a couple of ways to go around this:
1) Load the cycle plugin onload instead onDomReady
2) Set a generic initial delay of the script (like 10 seconds)
3) Check if  the image have been downloaded before you initialize the

On 30 Mar, 12:48, mangajin sushisupers...@gmail.com wrote:
 I found that using cycle plugin byhttp://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/is
 very nice while seeing the page with FF and the rest. However, ie6 and
 ie7 sometime can't load the slide show well. To explain in details,
 ie6 and 7 at the firsttime loading page can't load the image for my
 website. However the second time i visit the same page with cycle
 pluging embedded, it would work fine.

 I don't know if someone experience the same problem. I am not sure if
 it's about the size of image. Should i reduce it? or i should i move
 the javascript code from the header to the body?


[jQuery] Re: Images shrinking?!?!

2009-03-30 Thread johan . borestad

1) Your site doesn't validate correct
2) You're using very large images, around 450kb on frontpage =
causing slowdowns, especially in IE
3) Set an correct hardcoded height/width on the images, either in the
tag directly or width CSS.
4) You seems to be using some kind of filter on the footer images. I
found http://www.bonsaibranding.com/riverstone/blank.gif; as a
background. Is this some kind of copyprotection you're using. That
could also potentially be a problem.


Jen skrev:
 Hi there,

 I have a couple of image slideshows on my site and in IE occasionally
 the images appear shrunk down like thumbnails instead of full size.
 Any ideas why that might happen and what i could do to stop it?



[jQuery] Re: Counting Divs (IE6)

2009-03-30 Thread johan . borestad

Does your entire page validate? No mysterious unclosed divs somewhere?


On 29 Mar, 18:16, lardlad chris.mloa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am having a problem counting the number of divs inside a container,

         var cellCount = $(#cellCont).children().length;

 cellCount is coming up undefined in IE6. Any idea why?

 here's the html:

 div class=block id=cellCont
         div class=cell id=cellFirst?php include('design/print/
 brochures.php'); ?/div
         div class=cell?php include('design/print/catalog.php'); ?/
         div class=cell?php include('design/print/annual_reports.php'); 

         div class=cell?php include('design/print/magazines.php'); ?/
         div class=cell?php include('design/print/direct_mail.php'); ?/
         div class=cell?php include('design/print/newsletters.php'); ?/
         div class=cell?php include('design/print/
 product_services.php'); ?/div

[jQuery] Re: ie6 and ie7 don't load image well when using Cycle plugin

2009-03-30 Thread johan . borestad

jQuery support this aswell. It adds every onload/domready event in a

// do stuff onload
// do other stuff onload

But you should really look into some pattern instead. A relly simple
and good pattern is the Module Pattern

You could then create you own namespaced object with init-methods and
have options for when and where your methods should be executed

Something like this

var MyObject = function(){

   return {
  init: function() {
   if ($('body').is('#home'))
  onloadInit: function(){
  applySliderEvents: function(){

  applyOtherStufEvents: function(){





Just a relly basic example (and not the best optimized), but it might
give you a better idea what can be done with simple init-methods and
body-id's :)

[jQuery] Fix for broken nextUntil

2009-03-25 Thread johan . borestad

Hi everyone!

I wanted to use nextUntil, but noticed that it was broken in jQuery
1.3.2 (I know that the plugin isn't official yet and that is wanted
in the core - looking at the roadmap).

Well, this line wasn't working:
// If we find a match then we need to stop
if ( jQuery.filter( expr, [i] ).r.length ) break;

I'm curious, what was the r-property doing there before? :)

Well, I created a small patch, that also gives the oppurtunity to also
include the last selector
default is as usual:

 = [ div, p, p, h3, div, p ]

 = [ div, p, p ]

But if a last value true is given, it also includes that that last
 $(h3).nextUntil(h3, true);
 = [ div, p, p, h3 ]

Hope that someone can make use of this.
All credit goes to John Resig for his excellent work with jQuery (

jQuery.fn.nextUntil = function(expr, include) {
   var match = [];
include = include ? true : false

// We need to figure out which elements to push onto the array
// Traverse through the sibling nodes
for( var i = this.nextSibling; i; i = i.nextSibling ) {
// Make sure that we're only dealing with elements
if ( i.nodeType != 1 ) continue;

// Add it on to the stack if include is set
if ( include ) {
match.push( i );
// If we find a match then we need to stop
if ( jQuery.filter( expr, [i] ).length ) break;

// Add it on to the stack if include is not set
if (! include ) {
match.push( i );
   return this.pushStack( match, arguments );

Best regards
Johan Borestad

[jQuery] Re: window unload event too slow - delay when navigate away from the page

2009-03-25 Thread johan . borestad

If you have a lot of selectors, you should probably use Event
Delegation and wait for the event to bubble instead.
A good example is if you have a huge table and events on every row.
Instead of using $('table a').bind('click', function(){ alert('do
stuff!!') }) , you just bind ONE event on the table and listens for
all other events to happen (like click/mouseover/focus etc).

You may want to look at the new jQuery feature jQuery.live()

A very good plugin (I use it myself in some really huge projects) that
also solves a bug where IE6 doesn't bubble focus/blur events on some
elements is jquery.listen

Read more about Event delegation from here :)

/ Johan

On 25 Mar, 05:42, Khoa nvkho...@gmail.com wrote:
 One of the pages I'm working on at the moment is quite big, it has a
 huge amount of HTML elements and many of them have events bound to
 them. So whenever I navigate out of that page, there is a huge delay.
 The browser seems to be freezing during that time. And then it loads
 the next page (the page that I go to).

 I notice that, this is because of the window unload event, which is
 specified in the source code at:

 jQuery( window ).bind( 'unload', function(){
         for ( var id in jQuery.cache )
                 // Skip the window
                 if ( id != 1  jQuery.cache[ id ].handle )
                         jQuery.event.remove( jQuery.cache[ id ].handle.elem );


 Is there anyway that we can speed up this event? Maybe in the next
 release of jQuery? This snippet seems to take too much time to run on
 large page. If there is not, can I just remove it? Why do we need this
 function? Sorry, I'm still new to JS, so I'm don't know why we need
 this, please advise.


[jQuery] Re: window unload event too slow - delay when navigate away from the page

2009-03-25 Thread johan . borestad

Typo error above, a lot of selectors should be a lot of events

[jQuery] Re: HowTo Select first two characters of an li and hide them

2009-03-25 Thread johan . borestad

Something like this maybe

$('div.multiple_options li').each(function(){
  var text = $(this).html()
  $(this).html( text.replace(/\d+\s+/,'') )

But please remove that ugly br inside your li tags and make them
block elements instead to achieve the same effect.

/ Johan

On 25 Mar, 14:03, 262Rui i...@noiteglobal.com wrote:
 This is My markup

 div class=multiple_options_caption Features/div
 div class=multiple_options
 ulli class=features11 Classic Designbr/li
 li class=features14 Countryside Viewbr/li
 li class=features17 Space for Swimming Poolbr/li
 li class=features21 Garagebr/li
 li class=features22 Spacious Garden br/li
 li class=features24 Landscaped Gardenbr/li
 li class=features27 BBQbr/li
 li class=features29 Guest parking /li

 and i would like to hide/remove the first 2 numbers fom my li.features

 How can this be achieved?
 kind Regards


[jQuery] Re: Request for a simple basic Ajax call with loading gif

2008-02-18 Thread johan . borestad

var loader = $('div.ajaxloader').fadeIn(500)

$('#ajax-placeholder').load('/content_to_load.php', function(){
// This is a callback function

Something like that.

The div.ajaxloader is for you to style correctly with css to make it
appear in the middle of the page, or wherever you wan't it.
Just a basic example

/ Johan

On 18 Feb, 09:18, gh0st [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the things that is frustrating me in learning jQuery is that
 there isn't enough examples, case-studies or tutorials on how to use
 the .ajax call; most web pages I've seen seem to be for the .load
 or .get.

 That being said, can someone post a very basic Ajax call complete with
 a loading gif?

 Also, does anyone have any links/resources to case-studies/examples of
 Jquery and the .ajax call?

 With thanks.