[jQuery] Re: get the element that called the function...

2010-01-15 Thread elubin
pass a parameter to the function when you setup the onclick event.
(different parameter per link so you can tell)

[jQuery] Re: Firebug gives a "$ is not defined" error

2010-01-07 Thread elubin
if you didn't change ANYTHING, it's possible one of the libraries you
are including added another JS library like scriptaculous that is
messing up your $ reference.

[jQuery] Re: blockUI for all buttons and a tags

2010-01-05 Thread elubin
#1 is a well known issue in IE (the cursor doesn't change back).  the
fix is :

$.blockUI({ message: blah blah blah

css :  {
cursor: 'default',
overlayCSS : {
cursor: 'default'

On Jan 5, 7:14 am, mpgjunky  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have implemented blockUI for all buttons and a tags, using a custom
> message as shown:
>                 $.unblockUI();
>             $(document).ready(function() {
>                         $.unblockUI();
>                         $(':button, a').click(function() {
>                                 $.blockUI({ message: \"

src='images/ajax-loader.gif' /> > Just a moment...<\/h1>\" }); >                         }); >              }); >           > > My tags are normal, like . > > Clicking on any or tag works with exception of the > following: > > 1. In FF the cursor remains as 'wait' after the page has unblocked. > The cursor returns to 'default' as soon as the mouse is moved. > 2. In Google Chrome the spinning loading image does not show at all (I > assume because the page loads too fast). In FF the loading image > displays but the animation is choppy. > > How can I fix the above so all buttons, a tags etc do proper page > blocking? > And just to clarify, is page blocking meant to be used exclusively > using ajax calls for it to work properly? > > Thanks, > Michael.

[jQuery] blockUI and iframe

2009-10-28 Thread elubin
is it possible to have blockUI block the entire page, but call it from
within an iframe on that page?

I don't see any parameters to pass an element or document?  i know i
can get access to the parent frame with jQuery
('body',parent.document), but wanted to use blockUI from within the
iframe, without having a second function in the parent window.

[jQuery] Re: (validate) equalTo with complex names

2009-10-15 Thread elubin

this initial example probably didn't work because of the period.
there is a documented way to use periods in jquery... in the FAQ
section "How do I select an element that has weird characters in its
ID? "



On Oct 15, 7:36 am, ade  wrote:
> HI
> Wondered if someone could help.
> I need to run a equalTo validation check on some inputs that use
> complex ids, they have fullstops in. I am trying to add the rules
> (using quotes also as specified) as per the documentation but it still
> doesnt seem to work. Code is here:
> $(document).ready(function(){
> $("#registrationDetails").validate({
>   rules: {
> "emailAddress.email": "required email",
> "emailAddress.emailRepeated": {
>   equalTo: "#emailAddress.email"
> }
>   }
> });
> });
> any help here would be great
> thanks in advance
> ade

[jQuery] Re: IE: Cursor still displays hourglass symbol after unblocking

2009-09-24 Thread elubin

Yes, same problem I posted yesterday... funny we both hit it this
week.   hopefully someone can help??  I know the author of blockUI
says he monitors this forum...


[jQuery] blockUI leaves hourglass on IE8

2009-09-23 Thread elubin

Does anyone have a fix for the problem where blockUI plugin leaves the
hourglass icon when the popover goes away?  it can be seen on the
blockUI demo page using IE8.  simply click the Default Message and
don't move the mouse.


thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: ID naming conventions and $.scrollTo()

2009-09-17 Thread elubin

"Clearly $("#aq-1234") is not"


[jQuery] Re: Looping through all unchecked checkboxes - how to do it?

2009-08-26 Thread elubin

I don't believe there is an :unchecked selected.  I think you
want :not:checked

On Aug 26, 3:42 pm, Brett DeWoody  wrote:
> I have a function which is executed whenever someone clicks a checkbox
> on the page.  There are lots of checkboxes on the page.  I want the
> function to be performed on only the unchecked boxes.  I've tried this
> two ways, neither of which has worked.  Here are the two methods I've
> tried.
> Method #1
> $(".item input:unchecked").each(
>      function() {
>           if ($(this).val() > diff) {
>                 $(this).attr('disabled', true);
>           } else {
>                 $(this).removeAttr('disabled');
>          }
>      }
> );
> Method #2
> $(".item input").each(
>      function() {
>           if ($(this).is(":unchecked")) {
>                 if ($(this).val() > diff) {
>                         $(this).attr('disabled', true);
>                 } else {
>                         $(this).removeAttr('disabled');
>                 }
>            }
>      }
> );
> Where diff is an integer and the values of the checkboxes are all
> integers.  The problem is the function ends up getting run on all
> checkboxes, even boxes that have been checked.
> Is there another way to do this?  Something I'm missing.
> Thanks,
> -Brett

[jQuery] Re: Ajax response attached file

2009-08-04 Thread elubin

Don't do it in ajax.  setup the link as a regular  tag, and the
browser should handle it for you.

[jQuery] Re: scrolling above the error field to include the label

2009-08-04 Thread elubin

We use scrollTo plugin from Ariel Flesler.  Works great.


[jQuery] Re: IE click event handling problem

2009-08-04 Thread elubin

try raising the z-order of the anchor

[jQuery] pulsate messes up font in IE 7

2009-06-08 Thread elubin

has anyone else seen the pulsate effect mess up the look of their font
in IE 7?  takes it from a clean edge to a very jagged and not clean
looking.  does anyone have a workaround for this?  i can post a code
sample if necessary...

here is an example image of before and after...

[jQuery] IE issue with pulsate

2009-06-03 Thread elubin

In IE, when I use the pulsate effect after an insertBefore or
insertAfter, the html and/or hover gets messed up.  same exact code
works fine in firefox.

THE ISSUE is before you push the pulsate button, as you hover over the
rows, ANYWHERE on the row, the XXX shows up on the right side of the
table in both browsers.  After you push pulsate, the XXX only shows up
in IE as you hover over the text on the left, not the rest of the row/
white space.

Can someone help me fix my code, work around the issue, or explain if
it is a bug in the effect?

$().ready( function() {
   // setup the hover image for the move arrows
   var fieldsList = $('li[id^=row_]');
   $.each(fieldsList, function() {
 function() { id = $(this).attr('id').substring
('row_'.length); $('#x_'+id).show(); },
 function() { id = $(this).attr('id').substring
('row_'.length); $('#x_'+id).hide(); }
function doPulsate() {
$('#row_').effect("pulsate", { times:2 });


 Address 1:

 Address 2:

 Address 3:


[jQuery] Re: help using parent()

2009-05-19 Thread elubin

parents() worked, thank you.  also the new closest() worked.  what's
the exact difference between those two?

why classes instead of ids?   is better than ? why?  performance of jquery selectors?

On May 19, 1:53 pm, aquaone  wrote:
> A  will never be a parent of a . It will be an ancestor but not a
> direct parent. .parents()
> <http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/parents#expr>will look for
> ancestors.
> In other news, please use classes on your s instead of pattern matching
> the id. It's better for a variety of reasons.
> aquaone
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:46, elubin  wrote:
> > I am trying to find the  parent of a  tag.  In the following
> > code, I do not understand why the alert shows 0 instead of 1??
> > 
> > $(function(){
> >         var x = $('#row_3');
> >         var y = x.parent('div[id^=idSection_]');
> >         alert( y.length );
> > });
> > 
> >  
> >        eric 1
> >  
> >  
> >        eric 2
> >  
> >  
> >        eric 3
> >  

[jQuery] help using parent()

2009-05-19 Thread elubin

I am trying to find the  parent of a  tag.  In the following
code, I do not understand why the alert shows 0 instead of 1??

 var x = $('#row_3');
 var y = x.parent('div[id^=idSection_]');
 alert( y.length );

eric 1
eric 2
eric 3

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Countdown, can anyone get it to work??

2009-05-15 Thread elubin

where is theuntil2dobject?


[jQuery] Re: how to uncheck the check box

2009-05-15 Thread elubin

add a click handler to each checkbox (you could use a selector and
loop through with $.each).  when clicked, the function could use the
same selected and loop through again making sure the others are off.


On May 15, 10:38 am, bharani kumar 
> Hi all
> Can u tell me , how to uncheck the check box , when i check another check
> box,
> for example
> having 4 check boxes,
> be default check box is checked ,.
> when i check the check box 2 , then need to uncheck the checked one ,
> How to do this in jquery ,
> Thanks
> --
> உங்கள் நண்பன்
> பரணி  குமார்
> Regards
> B.S.Bharanikumar
> POST YOUR OPINIONhttp://bharanikumariyerphp.site88.net/bharanikumar/

[jQuery] how do i select all anchors OUTSIDE of a specific tag

2008-12-18 Thread elubin

How do i select all of the anchor links that are NOT in the div x?

outide div 1

inside div 1
inside div 2
inside div 3

outide div 2
outide div 3

// this doesn't work
// this doesn't work
$('a').not('#x a').click(...