[jQuery] locally run ADDRESS BOOK using JQ? UI? suggestions? jquery addressbook plugin?

2009-10-17 Thread yvonney

Hi, after a lot of thought I am seriously thinking about creating a
webpage, sorta like tiddlywiki though really basic and just for
keeping my contacts/addresses/phone-numbers/email addys  in.

So, on first google I found

you know how it goes though.

I need to find the best solution the first time hopefully so really
looknig for comments / ideas.
Basically I can't code my own so it's either something that works as a
plugin that I can run and enter data into on a locally run html page.

Thank you for reading!

[jQuery] malsup cycle plugin: possible to have images change with nicer transparency

2009-01-07 Thread yvonney

DURING IMAGE CHANGES the white part of the picture which I believe is
transparent is visible and cuts into the next image. Is this normal
and unaviodable?

On firefox/linux I have 3 jpgs 3 gif (hope I did the transparency
right) and 3 png images...

they are mostly white pictures so if transparency is possible  (gifs
and pngs obviously) the edges of the transparency parts (edges of
pictures and lots of the body of piture too) still show when doing the
change bettween images.

This may be normal and there may be no way to have the transparent
part be the only section the is visibly affected when the change

I'n currently enjoying a custom transition: below

Anyone have any tips for having just the image part of the most white
pictures get affected, as in cut into each other, when the change

I'll keep this short.

fx: 'custom',
cssBefore: {
top:  0,
left: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
zIndex: 1
animIn:  {
width: 360,
height: 240
animOut: {
top:  120,
left: 180,
width: 0,
height: 0
cssAfter: {
zIndex: 0

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-07 Thread yvonney

wow ricardo... yes, great fun I've been having... AND your abbreviated
version in your last above DOES work...
SO, I use it, and remove the long duplicated version I had
ONE thing.. that's kinda obvious to me now, and mentioned a bit

IS that of course... doing   $('ul.first a, ul.second a, ul.third

will only play the same videos for each section...

I guess it's solution No.2 that you mentioned way back here.
The one where they're NOT in order

THEN agian I'm thinking hmmm maybe I can puzzle out how to use
a combination of your
'working for one section' script... (I have 3 sections as you recall)
AND something from your 2nd 'not in order' code... and maybe some
other idea I was hoping to fall upon.

Nope... socringe... I guess I'm asking here... if you pop by and
it's obvious to you... how might I have code for all three sections

I guess I could clone the full script though I want them all to appear
in one div...

and I can't figure out how to mod the  +n   part or whatever...
as I can have 12 videos each with different name, ids whatever... I
have them playing in the same div one by one when each section link is
click... though when I go to the second section it of course plays the
first video, same as the first section menu...

 hehehehe not a big thing... though sure would be nice to have all
12 videos playing... 4 for each of the three sections...

thoguh I do truly mean not a big deal for the moment... though I bet
it starts nagging at me to figure it out within a week or so... hehehe

oops, it's late... am I rambling a bit?

great to be here how wonderful!
and like I say, in any event thank you !!!
I could say that once a day easily!


[jQuery] Re: Media Plugin (malsup site) "REPLACE" code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney


I did my thorough testing and found that it's now working here on my
windows virtual machine (ie6 and 7) and my linux localhost server.
Turns out that the slight differences '.data'  and '.metadata'
between version 1 and version 2 of the metadata plugin I think it
is... are reflected as differences also between your  [CODE] example
on the /replace.html page on your media plugin site... AND what
actually being used for the replace demos when I looked at the source
for the page... I may be a bit off accuracy-details-wise though that's
basically what it was. I was using the [CODE] example on the replace
page which, for me, only worked with version 1 metadata plugin.

um, long way of saying it...

AND.. here's a funny one...

I was further dumbfounded 'cause:
I didn't have flash installed correctly on my virtual machine !!!
(newish install is my only miniscule excuse - hehehe) That WAS a
roaring laugh...!!!

best wishes to everybody... we're SO fortunate to be part of this I

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney

I got 2 of the 3 menusections to work simply by duplicating the code 2
more times and changing the ULs to second and third. The last one (3rd
section) only has one menu item in it and doesn't seem to change. I'll
play with that. I kept all the additions in the same script of course.

There may be a more elegant way to accomplish this though I haven't
found one. Ideas welcomed of course.
To use less code I tried modding this line, to this:

$('ul.first ul.second ul.third a').click(function(){

and tried similar logical attempts in this one line,  though had to
repeat the code entirely to get it to work as much as it has, for the
first and second sections anyways:

Also, the 'landing' surround s don't do anything, though that
another thing and not a problem overall right now.

I'm very very very happy.
Considering how many of us are looking for answer here I wish everyone
the best with their projects and feel fortunate to have what I need
for now!!!

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney

yes, that works...! And great to know the whyfore about the
extra }); . cool!

Ricardo... I am fine with leaving this subject now, and yet, while we
are on this subject I am thinking about how you have thought this one

Initially you posted two situations:

1st: where the videos are exactly in the same order as the first set
of menu links.  I believe this is how the code that works for me now
operates, for the most part.

2nd: a situation where it is possible to have them not in order and
call existing code id I think it was to be able to select in a not
'all in same order' way. NOTE: I'm happy with the 'must be in order'

SO Here's why I'm asking, what I'm thinking:

[AN ASIDE and not critical at all for now - the following]
As I have 3 menu sections, which are:   
There's also the landing for each menu section though that may
complicate things to bring into this. dunno.
The landing s, all 3 of which surround each of the 3 menu sections
provide a title and landing spot for each section. I've added
(unneccesarily for testing)  an ID and a NAME the whole first section
is posted here 6 or 7 posts above this one, like so:


[PROBABLY NEEDED - the following]
ANYWAYS: do you think I should study and/or ask you about code that
would allow for getting at least the 'second and third' menu sections
working... And best to go with the system that works and FORGET about
the landing s...?

Though try to add the ability to call the second and third actual menu
sections which are like the first that now works.

SO: can I just add .second and .third. to your code something  like
$('ul.first ul.second ul.third a').click(function(){

THEN just make sure all the videos are lined up right... which is

I was just going to forget it for now. Then I though... well, being
able to line up all 12 or so videos and have the ul.first ul.second
ul.third work, or something like it would be great and complete

Will that work best? OR is there another mentod for call the second
and third Ul menu s
I'm guessing that forgetting about the 'landing' (as i call them)
surrounding (top of each section) menu items is best for now..

THEN I can think about something more flexible at some LATER TIME!!!
hehehe :---)

So... I guess we're almost done... and I really want you to know that
this is my most successful thing that's happened in weeks for weeks of
JQing..!!!  I will always remember this and the help. My history in
the making! :--))

My biggest thanks.

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney

yes yes yes!!! thank you RICARDO 

um, so yes, I wasn't sure if the script was there or what...
I guess my  jsbin newbie status caused that.
I DID view source after posting and saw no script there...
Didn't know what to do, or what I did wrong at the time.

I'm now going to have a thrilling time working with your latest post,
whatever happens...!!! hehehe

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney

Hi Ricardo...


Here's the jsbin attempt I did

I made a simple basic example using latest code etc.

clicking on the video links get ::  This URL does not have any code
saved to it.

THOUGH clicking on either of the actual  links gets

I think I have learned a lot thru all this very good really.

Could you see the jsbin example maybe?
Hope the JQ is in there seems to be!

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney

Great Ricardo!

Couple of things to limit my possibility of making an error or needing
to try/remember unnecessary variables:

Q1: Does the doc type are at the top of the page matter much
strict? transitional? xmlns line?

Q2:  Do I need an EXTRA  });  at the bottom of the script just before
? AND/OR should I try with $(document).ready(function()
{   right under???
I have found that the $(document).ready(function(){   helped with
other scripts.

BELOW: script as I assume is correct
based on your latest post above