[jQuery] animation question

2009-01-18 Thread Raúl Negueruela

I need an animation like show and hide but that only animates in

I've tried animate but didn't work, to extend jQuery with an script,
but it seems like that script didn't execute. The only way i've found
is to extend but having the objects extended inside the
jQuery.fn.extend(); I've seen in the jQuery script. That is not useful
because I think it isn't the best way to do it, and in that case I
can't use the script from google's api.

Here it is the extension i've made (for jQuery 1.2.6, I don't know if
it works in version 1.3):

jQuery.fn.extend({showhor:function(speed,callback){return speed?

=="none"){var elem=jQuery("<"+this.tagName+" />").appendTo


(speed,callback){return speed?this.animate


Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Animation Question

2008-11-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Right now, I have it so that the menu animates as follows:

animation   : {opacity:'show',height:'show'},

How would I go about coding the js so it animates out in the opposite
effect animation {opacity:'hide',height:'hide'}?

Example of what I have so far can be seen here:


[jQuery] animation question

2008-02-13 Thread spaceage

I'm trying to create an effect using a  within a .  I want to
have each  slide up individually from (outside) the bottom of the
 to the highest available position in the  without
overlapping other  elements.  Its kind of a "scroll/accordian"
effect.  At the conclusion of the animation, the  would look
something like this:

|  |
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|  |
|  |
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|  |
|  |
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|  |

Being new to jQuery, I'm a little unclear about how to approach this.
Is it possible to use the jQuery animate method to "slide" each
individual  up into position in the ?  Would this best be
done by using the 'top' value in .animate incremented by the height of
each  slid in beforehand?  Also how does one handle the visibility
of the  items before animating them?  I'd like for the  to be
completely invisible and then "appear" from the bottom of the  as
they slide upwards.

Is this a reasonable undertaking using jQuery, or is there another
better way (or plug in) to do this?


[jQuery] ..animation question..

2007-05-13 Thread spinnach

is there a way to perform multiple animations with one interval (to 
animate multiple elements at once), so the animation would be as smooth 
as possible? i saw that mootols has a function that does this 
(Fx.Elements), so it would be really cool to have something like this in 
jquery.. i need this for a menu i'm currently building (an accordion 
variation - but with mouseover, something similar to the mootols menu on 
their homepage), and since there are multiple setintervals (one for each 
element), the elements move up and down (because not all animations 
start and end at the same time)..
