[jQuery] Get Value. Please, is kind of urgent. Thanks.

2010-01-12 Thread shapper

I have the following on my script:

$(document).ready(function() {

  if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
$.getJSON(/Google/Map, Initialise);
  } // Initialize Google Map


And in my HTML I have:
  input id=Place name=Place type=hidden value=3 /

I want to run the JS code only if GBrowserIsCompatible() is defined.

If it is and if Place hidden value is not  then I want to call:
$.getJSON(/Google/Map/{hidden_value}, Initialise);

In this case hidden value is 3.

If hidden value is  then just call:
$.getJSON(/Google/Map, Initialise);

Please, could someone help me out?


Re: [jQuery] Get Value. Please, is kind of urgent. Thanks.

2010-01-12 Thread Nathan Klatt
Like so?

if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
   var gmapsUrl = /Google/Map;
   if ($(#Place).val())
  gmapsUrl += /+$(#Place).val();
   $.getJSON(gmapsUrl, Initialise);