I'm a new to jquery (I like to think of it as young) but very familiar
with IE's standards or lack of them.

I've created a overlay using jquery.tools, obviously it works just
fine in all browsers, however the IE browsers are rendering an extra,
oversized border which I am not able to control with css. Upon further
investigation while using IE6's developer toolbar there appears to be
an image tag generated which has in-line style in the tag:

<IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; DISPLAY: inline; Z-
INDEX: 9999; LEFT: 391px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 477px; BORDER-
BOTTOM: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 80px" src="http://localhost/
fatbike/" overlay="true" jQuery1256078090890="22" />

My questions are:

1. Is this image tag generated by jquery but all the proper browsers
know how to handle it?
2. How is the rendering of this image controllable in IE browsers (the
not so proper browsers) if jquery is responsible

You can see the problem live at www.fatbike.co.uk if you click the
'Contact' link in the footer, this, unfortunately does mean you have
to use a not so proper browser to see the problem.

If any body can help me with this it would be much appreciated

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