I got rid of the syntax error, but it appears that clueTip is not
inserting the header on the request.

function initToolTips() {
            width: 350,
            local: false,
            hideLocal: true,
            cursor: 'pointer',
            cluetipClass: 'jtip',
            arrows: true,
            dropShadow: false,
            hoverIntent: false,
            sticky: true,
            mouseOutClose: false,
            closePosition: 'title',
            closeText: '<img src="$content.getURI("images/
icon_close_black.gif")"" alt="close" />',
            clickThrough: true,
            hoverIntent: {
                sensitivity: 3,
                interval: 200,
                timeout: 100
            ajaxCache: false,
            ajaxSettings: {
                dataType: 'xml',
                //global: true
                beforeSend: function(xhr) {
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("${apiAuthHeader_name}", "$

On Nov 21, 9:10 am, n8cshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all. I am implementing clueTip and have it working just fine using
> an Ajax call. However, when all is said and done, the Ajax call will
> be hitting a web service that requires a custom authentication header.
> I have set up my jQuery global ajax options to send the header on all
> requests.
> jQuery.ajaxSetup({
>        beforeSend: function(xhr)
>         { xhr.setRequestHeader("customAuthHeader",
> "customAuthHeaderValue");}
>         });
> However, it does not appear that clueTip recognizes these global
> options (ideally, it probably should). So, I have to send the header
> on the request manually. I have tried to do this via the ajaxSettings,
> but I am getting syntax errors and the clueTip docs don't mention
> anything about usingbeforeSend, so I am not even sure if it is
> possible.
> ajaxSettings: {
>                 dataType: 'xml',
>                beforeSend: function(xhr) {
>                     xhr.setRequestHeader("customAuthHeader",
> "customAuthHeaderValue")
>                 }
>             },
> Has anyone done this or can anyone provide some advice on how to do
> this?

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