I'm developing a list of events, and when someone clicks on the name
of an event, I want the details to  be grabbed from a php page, and
shown underneath.

The HTML is this:
<div class='eventName' eid='[the id for the event]'> [name of the
event] </div>
<div class='eventDesc' eid='[event id]'></div>

My jQuery is like this:
    $(".eventName").click(function() {
                        var eventID = $(this).attr("eid");
                        $.get("eventinfo.php",{eid:eventID }, function(data) {
$(".eventDesc[eid='"+eventID+"']").slideToggle(500) ;

It does what I want it to do... but when you click on one of the
bottom events in the list, the page automatically scrolls up to about
the middle of the page -- and you have scroll back down to the bottom
to see the info.  It would be rather annoying if this were live.

Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?  Or any tips?  Thanks very
much, in advance.

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