[jQuery] jQuery + select

2010-01-20 Thread Mateo
This is a little baffling to me. I can get the selected value (val
attribute) on an option element, but only by using the following

var selectedId = $(#mySelectElement :selected).val();

This is great, but all the examples I have read simply do the

var selectedId = $(#mySelectElement).val();

Supposedly this returns the value stored in the val attribute, but
every time I try it it returns the text instead. Am I doing something

Thanks for your help!


Re: [jQuery] jQuery + select

2010-01-20 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Mateo matthew.kim...@gmail.com wrote:
 var selectedId = $(#mySelectElement).val();

Returns the value of the select element but you want the value of the
selected option element under the select, hence:

 var selectedId = $(#mySelectElement :selected).val();


[jQuery] jQuery select where attribute ID less than

2009-08-31 Thread Namir

How can I do a less than in a select e.g. something like $.(span.class
[id+ a_custom_variable +]) when I tried that it just selected all
span of class with an ID attribute rather than where ID attribute is
less than

[jQuery] [jQuery]Select Boxes - Pulling the currently selected string instead of value

2009-07-31 Thread Zaliek

How do I retrieve the currently selected option string in a select box
instead of the value?
select id=choices
option value=valueString/option

returns the value if it's set. if there is no value set, jQuery
returns the string instead. I want to retrieve the string while a
value is set!

Thanks for you time, I'm sure this something that I simply overlooked.

[jQuery] jQuery select all vs conventional javascript

2008-11-19 Thread JQueryProgrammer

Hi All,

I have been using jQuery for quite some time now. For one of my
projects, I needed to select all the options in the listbox which were
10,000+. I tried to do a comparison between using jQuery and
conventional javascript and here are my findings:

1. With jQuery:
Code:  $(#myListBox *).attr(selected,selected);
Time taken: 7+ milliseconds

2. With JavaScript:
Code:  for( i=0; i  myListBox.length; i++) { myListBox
[i].selected = true; }
Time taken: 21000+ milliseconds

Can anyone provide with some better code or justify why is jQuery
taking so much time.

Also is it possible for me to raise a SHIFT+END command anyhow..?

[jQuery] jQuery select option with errors for IE 6

2007-12-13 Thread vasten

It seems that the following code snippet works for IE 7 and FireFox
but not for IE6:
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.1.js/script
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$(a#clickme).click(function() {
var $x = $(select#dept);
$x.html(option value='0'Select.../option);
$x.append(option value='1'First/option);
a id=clickme href=javascript:{}click here/a
labelDepartment: /label
select id=dept name=dept tabindex=1


On IE6, I am getting this error:
Line: 867
Char: 30
Error: Could not set the selected property. Unspecified error.
Code: 0
URL: http://localhost:8080/jQueryTutorial/select.html

However, if I change the scriptlet to use direct DOM object as shown
below, IE 6 is happy.

$(document).ready(function() {
$(a#clickme).click(function() {
var $x = $(select#dept);
var  y = $x.get(0)
y.options[0] = new Option;
y.options[0].text = Select...;
y.options[0].value = 0;
y.options[0].selected = selected;
y.options[1] = new Option;
y.options[1].text = First;
y.options[1].value = 1;

Has anyone experienced the same issue?

Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] jQuery + Select Box woes

2007-10-23 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I'm having some difficulty getting select boxes to function the way I
envision them to function. I'm using the Plugin available from:

My code looks like the following:

$(select#make).change(function() {

data: {make_val: $(this).val()},
dataType: 'json',
timeout:  1,
type: 'POST',
url:  /addvehicle/models_populate,
error:function() {},
success:  function(json) {
json = eval(json);
var options = '';
for (var i = 0; i  
json.length; i++)
options += 
'option value=' +
json[i]['name'].toLowerCase() + '' + json[i]['name'] + '/option';

  } // end callback funct(json)
}); // end $.ajax

});  // end $(select#make)

// populate the trims select when model is changed.
$(select#model).change(function() {

data: {model_val: $(this).val()},
dataType: 'json',
timeout:  1,
type: 'POST',
url:  /addvehicle/trims_populate,
error:function() {},
success:  function(json) {
json = eval(json);
var options = '';
for (var i = 0; i  
json.length; i++)
options += 
'option value=' +
json[i]['name'].toLowerCase() + '' + json[i]['name'] + '/option';

if(json.length === 0) {

$(select#trim).append('option value=no trimNo

$(select#trim).selectOptions(No Trim);


else {

$(select#trim  option).not(.staticOpt).remove();


  } // end callback funct(json)
}); // end $.ajax
}); // end $(select#model)


Essentially, what I'm trying to achieve is to populate a Model box
based on a Make box. At the same time, I want to populate a Trim
select box with No Trim if /addvehicle/trims_populate comes back
with a zero length json object.

What happens here though, if I change my 'Model' box, trims populate
just -fine-. However, when I change my Make select, it populates the
Trim boxes with different 'Models' where it should be populating it
with Trims. I need to change a 'Model' again to populate it with the
proper trims.  I know it's rather confusing, and I appreciate it if
anyone can give me any hints.

Cheers all,

- sf