Re: [jts-devel] Extend a LineString in a Polygon

2009-11-04 Thread Michael Bedward
Below is one way of doing it.  I can almost guarantee there will be a
much better way :)


import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;

public class Foo {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();

WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(gf);

Geometry poly = 0, 0 10, 10 10, 10 0, 0 0)));
// a line inside the square
LineString line = (LineString) 4, 6 5));

if (!line.intersects(poly)) {
System.out.println(line does not intersect polygon);

Coordinate[] coords = line.getCoordinates();
final int END = coords.length - 1;

// extend start point beyond poly
Coordinate newStart = new Coordinate(coords[0]);
Point testP = gf.createPoint(newStart);
while (poly.contains(testP)) {
newStart.x += newStart.x - coords[1].x;
newStart.y += newStart.y - coords[1].y;
testP = gf.createPoint(newStart);

// extend end point beyond poly
Coordinate newEnd = new Coordinate(coords[END]);
testP = gf.createPoint(newEnd);
while (poly.contains(testP)) {
newEnd.x += newEnd.x - coords[END-1].x;
newEnd.y += newEnd.y - coords[END-1].y;
testP = gf.createPoint(newEnd);

LineString extended = gf.createLineString(new
Coordinate[]{newStart, newEnd});
System.out.println(extended line:  + extended);
System.out.println(crosses polygon:  + extended.crosses(poly));

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] [Fwd: Re: Book]

2009-10-09 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Martin

 @Michael: thx for the link to the Pragmatic site.  They sound very
 encouraging.  Now all I have to do is to write 20 pages of the book to show
 them...   8^)

I'd be more than happy to comment on anything you write. I don't have
any experience with writing a book, other than watching colleagues
labour over their own book projects (and yes, it is a BIG task), but
I've written many papers, articles, presentations etc and done a lot
of scientific reviewing and editing.

Another nice thing about the Pragmatic model is that once you get most
chapters up to draft stage you can put the manuscript up as a 'beta
book'. People can then make an advance purchase which entitles them to
get each manuscript update, and the final book. They can then submit
comments, errata and suggestions via the publishers site for you to
work with.  I've recently did this myself with Terence Parr's new book
about ANTLR...

Readers comments on the manuscript go to this page...
(it was a much longer list while the book was in progress)

You have the advantage of many proof-readers plus you can assess and
adjust your assumptions about the level of knowledge and areas of
interest of your audience.

jts-devel mailing list

[jts-devel] JTS Book (was Re: Merging many polygons)

2009-10-08 Thread Michael Bedward
2009/10/9 Martin Davis

 No book yet unfortunately...  I did approach O'Reilly at one time, but
 nothing came of it.  It would be nice to have for sure...


A JTS book would be fantastic !

Nice small, ethical company. Great titles in their catalogue.  Hard
copy and e-book formats for each title.

Note: I'm not connected with them, just a happy customer.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Newbie - Merge Polygons

2009-10-06 Thread Michael Bedward
PS. I should have also mentioned that the code example assumes the
pairs are in lon-lat order. If they're in lat-lon order just switch
the indices in the loop.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Angle.normalizePositive

2009-09-11 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Justin,

It's a bug, fixed in JTS 1.11



2009/9/12 Justin York
 The documentation for Angle.normalizePositive says that it should take any
 angle in radians and return an equivalent angle between 0 and 2*PI, however
 if I pass anything greater than 2*PI it returns the same angle, still
 greater than 2*PI. Have I misinterpreted the documentation?
 jts-devel mailing list

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] CVS JTS 1.10

2009-08-26 Thread Michael Bedward
Sorry to be vague but I don't understand the purpose of this one...


2009/8/27 Alex Djioev
 Hi Jody and Tuure,

 yes, I was aiming this pom.xml for package releases, not for trunk.
 I modified build.xml and pom.xml so that when you run ant makezip command
 it will do the following:

   * ant script will copy pom.xml from /src directory into ${pre-zip}
   * Update @jts.version@ tag in pom.xml file with a value from
   * Include pom.xml into zip file.

 Cheers Alex

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] CVS JTS 1.10

2009-08-25 Thread Michael Bedward
Sigh... my talent for finding the long way of doing things again...

Just tried the simple method with the unedited pom and it worked fine
for jar and javadocs. Nice.

Many thanks Alex !


2009/8/26 Jody Garnett
 I have not tried it yet; I was going to just drop it in the root directory
 of a JTS download and say: mvn install

 You should find that that other things work as well such as mvn
 javadoc:javadoc etc...


jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] CVS JTS 1.10

2009-08-19 Thread Michael Bedward
2009/8/20 Martin Davis wrote:
 I'm happy using ant, but if you want to provide a maven pom and someone else
 says they want it too I will stuff it into CVS.

I want it :)

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Randomly generate points withing a Geometry

2009-08-12 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Justin,

If each of your geometries occupy most of its bounding envelope I'd do
the simple method that Michaël suggests.

If a geometry only occupies a very small portion of its envelope a
better way is to stratify the random point generation by dividing up
the envelope into smaller, equal-sized rectangles, noting which of
these overlap the geometry.  Then generate each point using the simple
algorithm within a randomly chosen rectangle.

Hope this helps

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Minimum Area bounding box

2009-06-04 Thread Michael Bedward
HI Jatin

I assume you're referring to an enclosing rectangle rotated to
minimize its area - yes ?

Here is an old but still very nice explanation of an algorithm to do
that with a demo applet:

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Minimum Area bounding box

2009-06-04 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Sandro,

Many thanks for the code !

I've just had a quick look at your code and tried it out with some
randomly generated convex polygons  If found a couple of little

In the Vector2 class, I think you want to make those public final
fields static members:

private static final double ZERO_TOLERANCE = 1e-06f;
public static final Vector2 ZERO = new Vector2(0.0d, 0.0d);
public static final Vector2 UNIT_X = new Vector2(1.0d, 0.0d);
public static final Vector2 UNIT_Y = new Vector2(0.0d, 1.0d);

And in the method Box2.computeVertices I think this line:

akVertex[1] = center.add(akEAxis[0]).add(akEAxis[1]);

should be:

akVertex[1] = center.add(akEAxis[0]).sub(akEAxis[1]);

...otherwise you get a triangle instead of a rectangle :-)

Once I made those changes the code seemed to work well.

I think that this would be a nice facility to add to JTS.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Minimum Area bounding box

2009-06-04 Thread Michael Bedward

Here's a little demo app for your code.  It displays a random convex
polygon and the associated MER.  Click on the display panel to
generate new polygons.


package jtsdemos.minimumenclosure;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.ConvexHull;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

 * A simple app to demonstrate Sandro Zacchino's minimum enclosing
 * rectangle (MER) code.  It generates a random convex polygon, calculates the
 * MER, and displays both on screen.  Mouse click on the display panel to
 * generate new polygons.
 * @author Michael Bedward
public class Demo {

private static final double CLOUD_MIN = 150;
private static final double CLOUD_W = 200;
private static final int IMGW = (int)(CLOUD_W + 2 * CLOUD_MIN);

private Polygon hullPoly;
private Polygon merPoly;

public static void main(String[] args) {
(new Demo()).doDemo();

private void doDemo() {

final JPanel panel = new JPanel() {

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

BufferedImage bufImg = new BufferedImage(IMGW, IMGW,
Graphics2D gr = (Graphics2D) bufImg.getGraphics();


Coordinate[] hullCoords = hullPoly.getCoordinates();
Coordinate c0 = hullCoords[0];
for (int i = 1; i  hullCoords.length; i++) {
gr.fillOval((int)c0.x-4, (int)c0.y-4, 9, 9);
Coordinate c1 = hullCoords[i];
gr.drawLine((int)c0.x, (int)c0.y, (int)c1.x, (int)c1.y);
c0 = c1;

Coordinate[] merCoords = merPoly.getCoordinates();
c0 = merCoords[0];
for (int i = 1; i  merCoords.length; i++) {
Coordinate c1 = merCoords[i];
gr.drawLine((int)c0.x, (int)c0.y, (int)c1.x, (int)c1.y);
c0 = c1;

((Graphics2D)g).drawImage(bufImg, null, 0, 0);

panel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {

panel.setToolTipText(click for new polygon);

final JFrame frame = new JFrame(MER demo);
frame.setSize(IMGW, IMGW);

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

public void run() {

private void generatePolys() {
hullPoly = randomConvexPoly();
merPoly = MinimumEnclosure.computeMER(hullPoly);

private Polygon randomConvexPoly() {
Random rand = new Random();
final Coordinate[] cloud = new Coordinate[10];

for (int i = 0; i  cloud.length; i++) {
cloud[i] = new Coordinate(
CLOUD_MIN + CLOUD_W * rand.nextDouble(),
CLOUD_MIN + CLOUD_W * rand.nextDouble());

ConvexHull hull = new ConvexHull(cloud, new GeometryFactory());
return (Polygon) hull.getConvexHull();

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Delaunay triangulation code in JTS 1.11

2009-04-28 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Martin,

This is great news - thanks !

I'd also be interested in having a sticky beak at the pre-release
code.  I've recently been using the OpenJump code, slightly hacked.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] polygonizer and line strings

2009-04-05 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Dragan and everyone,

I've written some code (see below) that demonstrates the concave hull
algorithm described in the Shen Wei paper and I think I now have a
better idea of what can go wrong with it.

The paper is a bit naughty really :)  None of the point clouds
depicted in the figures are very testing for the algorithm.  In my
demo I generate a sparser cloud within an irregular polygon to give
the algorithm a bit more challenge.  If you run the program a few
times you will see that while it does a generally good job of defining
a hull, only a small number of replicate runs is required to find at
least one solution with a degenerate polygon.  I suspect this is what
is happening with your data Dragan.

Still, the simplicity of the algorithm is really appealing and there
are various tweaks that could be tried.  One obvious one is to make
the alpha parameter locally adaptive.  At present, the algorithm will
fail if there is any point further than 2*alpha from its nearest
neighbour, but if the alpha parameter was treated as a minimum, and
allowed to increase when necessary, this problem would be avoided and
the algorithm could be used to generate a more detailed hull for those
regions of the point cloud that supported it.


package mxb.concavehull;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.ItemVisitor;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.strtree.STRtree;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class ConcaveHullBuilder {

private GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
private Random rand = new Random();

private double alpha = 50d;

public static void main(String[] args) {
ConcaveHullBuilder hull = new ConcaveHullBuilder();

private void demo() {

 * Make an irregular polygon and generate random points within it
 * to test the concave hull algorithm
final int numPoints = 200;

Coordinate[] vertices = {
new Coordinate(0, 0),
new Coordinate(100, 100),
new Coordinate(0, 250),
new Coordinate(200, 300),
new Coordinate(200, 450),
new Coordinate(350, 450),
new Coordinate(350, 200),
new Coordinate(250, 200),
new Coordinate(350, 100),
new Coordinate(0, 0)

Polygon poly = gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(vertices), null);
Envelope env = poly.getEnvelopeInternal();

int n = 0;
Point[] points = new Point[numPoints];
while (n  numPoints) {
Coordinate c = new Coordinate();
c.x = rand.nextDouble() * env.getWidth() + env.getMinX();
c.y = rand.nextDouble() * env.getHeight() + env.getMinY();
Point p = gf.createPoint(c);
if (poly.contains(p)) {
points[n++] = p;

ListLineString edges = getConcaveHull(points, alpha);

display((int)(env.getWidth()*1.1), (int)(env.getHeight()*1.1),
poly, Color.GRAY,
points, Color.RED,
edges, Color.RED);

 * Identify a concave hull using the simple alpha-shape algorithm
 * described in:
 * blockquote
 * Shen Wei (2003) Building boundary extraction based on LIDAR
point clouds data.
 * The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing and Spatial
 * Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008
 * /blockquote
 * @param points the point cloud
 * @param alpha the single parameter for the algorithm
 * @return a List of LineString boundary segments for the concave hull
private ListLineString getConcaveHull(Point[] points, double alpha) {

double alpha2 = 2 * alpha;

 * Index the points for faster processing
STRtree index = new STRtree();
for (Point p : points) {
index.insert(p.getEnvelopeInternal(), p);

ListLineString edges = new ArrayListLineString();
ListPoint candidates = new ArrayListPoint();

while (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
Point p1 = candidates.remove(0);

Envelope qEnv = new Envelope(p1.getX() - alpha2, p1.getX() + alpha2,
p1.getY() - alpha2, p1.getY() + alpha2);

PointVisitor visitor = new 

Re: [jts-devel] polygonizer and line strings

2009-04-03 Thread Michael Bedward
Well done Dragan - you've got Martin interested :-)  I suspect he will
find a solution slightly faster than I will !


2009/4/4 Martin Davis
 Two possibilities:

 1. bug in Polygonizer
 2. your input is not fully noded.

 I would suspect #2.  Can you post sample data?  (to the list or to me
 I'd like to see the concave hull paper you mention as well - I'm quite
 interested in an implementation of this.  Although as pointed out there is
 no single interpretation of how concave hull should be defined - so there
 could be several ways to compute something reasonable)

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Re: concave hull ref

2009-04-03 Thread Michael Bedward
Here is the reference about an alpha-shapes approach that Dragan has
been basing his implementation on.

Stefan, I'm interested in the student presentation that you mentioned
involving animal tracking data.  I'm working with similar data, both
real and simulated.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] polygonizer and line strings

2009-04-02 Thread Michael Bedward
2009/4/2 Dragan Blagojevic wrote:

 Just realized that in my first post I said by mistake that I want to get 
 convex hull of a point set.

 I'm actually after concave hull

OK - it all makes a lot more sense now :-)

I'm actually very interested in finding a concave hull implementation
myself.  I contacted the authors of this paper recently...

...and asked for a copy.  Unfortunately, they told me that they are
patenting their algorithm (not just their code) and any use of it will
require commercial licensing.  Given that, I decided that ignorance
was legally safer and it was best not to take up their offer to send
me the paper !

But back to your problem... yes, if you could send me an example
shapefile that would be great.  I'm not one of the real gurus here so
I can't promise to find the solution.  But perhaps with help from
others we will work it out.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] polygonizer and line strings

2009-04-01 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Dragan,

Nice question :-)

 Problem is that sometime result of polygonizer is not one 'Big' outlining 
 polygon (having potentially some holes in it), but instead lot of small 

When you get back a collection fo small polys instead of one large
one, will unioning the polys give you the desired result ?

Also I don't quite understand about the potential for holes, are you
trying to generate a variation on the general convex hull ?

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] basic questions

2009-03-30 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Roberto,

For your first question, the short answer is that JTS works with
cartesian (planar) geometry so it won't deal correctly with distances
between points on the globe expressed as lat/long coords.  There are
various ways to do what you want.  See this recent discussion...

For your second question. If you have created a Coordinate object to
hold current position, you can always change the x and y values
without needing to construct a new object..

Coordinate c = new Coordinate();
c.x = ...
c.y = ...

// later
c.x = ...
c.y = ...

But perhaps I don't understand your question correctly.  If not,
please say so...

Hope this helps

 I'm a beginner and have two questions I couldn't find the answer in

 - Is it possible to define a projection system for my calculations? Example,
 I want to calculate the distance in km between two points that has
 coordinates in latitude/longitude degrees in a given projection system for

 - I made a class that represents a moving object, so I used Coordinate
 implement its location (that changes all the time). I wanted to use Point,
 but Coordinate is the best class for dynamic info. So I'm instantiating a
 new Geometry everytime I need to perform calculation using this objects, is
 that right?

 Thank you.
 jts-devel mailing list

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Re: what shall I do If I get a topology exception in union op?

2009-03-18 Thread Michael Bedward
2009/3/19 Martin Davis
 No, I don't use this technique.  It looks pretty complicated!

That's reassuring.  Ironic given the title :-)

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Re: what shall I do If I get a topology exception in union op?

2009-03-17 Thread Michael Bedward
2009/3/18 Martin Davis
 So it doesn't need debugging - it needs some brilliant new thinking!

Sounds like what I think about most of my code...

Out of interest Martin, do you use anything like the approach described here...

Edelsbrunner  Mucke (1990) Simulation of simplicity: a technique to
cope with degenerate cases in geometric algorithms.

I've been trying to understand it.

jts-devel mailing list

[jts-devel] patch for

2009-03-07 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Martin and everyone,

Angle.normalizePositive doesn't give the advertised results if the
input is greater than 2PI.  I've attached a patch based on cvs code.


Description: Binary data
jts-devel mailing list

[jts-devel] Re: patch for

2009-03-07 Thread Michael Bedward
oops - sorry, here is the patch again without the spurious line at the top...

2009/3/8 Michael Bedward
 Hi Martin and everyone,

 Angle.normalizePositive doesn't give the advertised results if the
 input is greater than 2PI.  I've attached a patch based on cvs code.


Description: Binary data
jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Best way to turn arbitrary Geometries into multi-point approximation

2009-03-01 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Mark,

Yes, I think that's a reasonable approach.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Best way to turn arbitrary Geometries into multi-point approximation

2009-02-28 Thread Michael Bedward
Hi Mark

Interesting question - the polygon case is a bit like the recent
discussion of concave hulls, only in reverse :)

For line strings maybe the LengthIndexedLine class is your friend.

For polygons, an easy hack would be to get the bounding box, generate
points on a regular grid within that and then test for point in
polygon, though you might need some elaboration of that if you're
dealing with long, narrow polygons.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Projection question.

2009-02-16 Thread Michael Bedward
thanks for posting that link Jeff - definitely one for my handy
snippets collection


2009/2/17 Jeff Adams
 I wound up just doing the math in lat/lon, which works (different math than
 in a cartesian coord system of course, but I found a couple examples here:

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Re: [jump-users] Question on JTS Geometry#buffer( )

2009-02-11 Thread Michael Bedward
Regarding Geotools, there is also the current work by Martin
Desruisseaux on 'Geotidy', a refactored version of some of the
Geotools 2.x code.  Well worth a look...

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Existing code to subdivide an envelope?

2009-01-27 Thread Michael Bedward
Don't know if this is useful, but here is a nice little paper about
square-ish partitioning.

Although the applications are complex the algorithm is very simple.

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] Existing code to subdivide an envelope?

2009-01-27 Thread Michael Bedward
2009/1/28 Martin Davis
 It sounds like you want to create a grid of specified extent and size (= #
 of horizontal and vertical cells).  It's pretty straightforward to code this
 up as a nested loop which creates Envelopes.

That reminded me of something in my code cellar...

SS: if you hack out the Geotools bits from this, add a line or two to
process your envelope, and it might do what you want...

Feel free to do whatever with it.


public FeatureCollection makeRegularLattice(
Rectangle2D bounds, double cellWidth,
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {

int rows = (int)Math.round((bounds.getHeight()) / cellWidth);
int cols = (int)Math.round((bounds.getWidth()) / cellWidth);

double[] xvertices = new double[cols+1];
for (int i = 0; i = cols; i++) {
xvertices[i] = bounds.getMinX() + i*cellWidth;

double[] yvertices = new double[rows+1];
for (int i = 0; i  rows; i++) {
yvertices[i] = bounds.getMinY() + i*cellWidth;

SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();

typeBuilder.add(shape, Polygon.class,
(CoordinateReferenceSystem) null);
typeBuilder.add(id, Integer.class);
typeBuilder.add(somevalue, Double.class);
SimpleFeatureType type = typeBuilder.buildFeatureType();

SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(type);
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();

Coordinate[] cellVertices = new Coordinate[5];
int[] xind = {0, 1, 1, 0};
int[] yind = {0, 0, 1, 1};

FeatureCollection features = FeatureCollections.newCollection();

int id = 1;
double valuePlaceHolder = 0;
for (int i = 0; i  rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j  cols; j++) {
for (int v = 0; v  4; v++) {
cellVertices[v] = new Coordinate(xvertices[j +
xind[v]], yvertices[i + yind[v]]);
cellVertices[4] = new Coordinate(cellVertices[0]);

Polygon poly =
gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(cellVertices), null);



return features;
jts-devel mailing list

[jts-devel] Re: decompose rectilinear polygon

2008-12-17 Thread Michael Bedward
 3. Find a concave vertex that is proceeded by 3 or more convex

sorry, that should read preceded by 3 or more...
jts-devel mailing list

[jts-devel] Re: decompose rectilinear polygon

2008-12-17 Thread Michael Bedward
Apologies for all the self-replies on the this thread...

I now have code that seems to work - slightly more involved than I
previously described after I realized that many configurations will
not have 3 consecutive convex vertices and that I needed to guard
against colinear point in the polygon's boundary.

In case it's of use to anyone, here is the code.  I'd also still be
keen to hear how this task should really be done !

package org.emilythecamel.jtsutils;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.CGAlgorithms;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;

 * A class to decompose a recti-linear (aka orthogonal) polygon into a set of 
 * non-overlapping rectangular polygons.
 * @author Michael Bedward
public class OrthoPolygonDecomposer {

private GeometryFactory gf;

 * Constructor
public OrthoPolygonDecomposer() {
gf = new GeometryFactory();

 * Decompose an orthogonal (rectilinear) polygon into a series of 
 * rectangles.
 * @param orthoPoly the input polygon; it must not contain any holes and 
 * is ASSUMED to be orthogonal
 * @return a list of non-overlapping rectangular Polygons
public ListPolygon decompose(Geometry orthoPoly) {

if (((Polygon) orthoPoly).getNumInteriorRing()  0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(can't deal with holes yet);

ListPolygon rectangles = new ArrayListPolygon();
ListCoordinate vertices = new ArrayListCoordinate();
ListInteger orientation;

Geometry edPoly = new EditablePolygon((Geometry) orthoPoly.clone());
Polygon rect;

while (true) {
if (vertices.size() = 5) {

vertices.remove(vertices.size() - 1);
orientation = getVertexOrientation(vertices);

rect = search3(vertices, orientation);
Geometry diff = edPoly.difference(rect);

if (diff.getGeometryType().equals(Polygon)) {
edPoly = new EditablePolygon(diff);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(expected more polygons);


rect = makeRectPoly(vertices.get(0), vertices.get(2));

return rectangles;

 * Searches for a rectangle by looking for a concave vertex preceded by 3 
or more
 * convex vertices. If this configuration is found a new rectangle is 
 * having, as its diagonal, the line segment between the 1st and 3rd 
 * convex vertices;
 * otherwise the search is passed to
 * {...@linkplain #search2(java.util.List, java.util.List) }
 * @param vertices list of unique polygon vertices
 * @param orientation corresponding list of vertex orientations
 * @return a new rectangular polygon or null if one could not be constructed
private Polygon search3(ListCoordinate vertices, ListInteger 
orientation) {
int n = vertices.size();
StackInteger convex = new StackInteger();

for (int i = 0; i  n; i++) {
switch (orientation.get(i)) {
case CGAlgorithms.LEFT:
if (convex.size() = 3) {
int h = convex.pop();
int f = convex.pop();
return makeRectPoly(vertices.get(f), vertices.get(h));
} else {

case CGAlgorithms.RIGHT:

return search2(vertices, orientation);

 * Searches for a rectangle by looking for a concave vertex preceded by 2 
or more
 * convex vertices. If this configuration is found, a rectangle is 
 * that has, as its diagonal, the line segment between the concave vertex 
and the
 * convex vertex two positions before it.
 * @param vertices list of unique polygon vertices
 * @param orientation corresponding list of vertex orientations
 * @return a new rectangular polygon or null if one could not be constructed
private Polygon search2(ListCoordinate vertices, ListInteger 
orientation) {
int n = vertices.size();
StackInteger convex = new StackInteger();

for (int i = 0; i  n; i

Re: [jts-devel] hilbert rtree

2008-12-15 Thread Michael Bedward
Many thanks for the paper Rory.

On first skim it looks very interesting and I'll enjoy studying it further.


2008/12/16 Rory Plaire
 Hi Michael,

 I don't have a great deal of experience with various R-Trees, and the main
 reason for this is the paper on STR R-Trees which shows that they outperform
 Hilbert trees by a small but significant margin on a variety of spatial
 After reading this, I just didn't have interest in them anymore. In my
 experience, I've never really seen a Hilbert R-Tree, and I just assumed that
 STR trees were the state of the art, and reading the paper cemented this

 I would be interested in revisiting this, if my assumptions are wrong...

jts-devel mailing list

Re: [jts-devel] hilbert rtree

2008-12-15 Thread Michael Bedward
PS. one recent paper worth looking at is:

Chris H. Hamilton, Andrew Rau-Chaplin (2008) Compact Hilbert indices:
Space-filling curves for domains
with unequal side lengths. Information Processing Letters 105: 155–163.

I have a PDF that I can send off-list if anyone is interested.


2008/12/16 Michael Bedward
 Many thanks for the paper Rory.

 On first skim it looks very interesting and I'll enjoy studying it further.


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