Tim Colson wrote:

From a cursory look, would I be correct saying JAXB appears suited to
Java Object mapping to/from generic XML, whereas
java.beans.XMLEncode/Decode appear suited to Java Object Serialization
to/from Java Specific XML?

If that's not correct, could you please give the high-level "what's the
difference and when would you use one versus the other?"


Your statement's a pretty good summary. Just to add a little detail for anyone interested, XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder are much more limited than the data binding frameworks I discuss in the article. They only work with JavaBean objects, they only work with a particular format that corresponds directly to the JavaBeans, and because they only use runtime reflection their performance is likely to be poorer than the data binding frameworks (though I don't know that for sure - they can't handle the XML I use for my tests, so I haven't actually tried them out to see how they stack up by comparison).

XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder are still very useful if you just want to work with an XML format for things like configuration data. You just plug into them and get instant XML in a fairly readable format.

- Dennis

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