Hi everyone,

Thanks for the many recommendations. Unfortunately (?) at a place like
Google, the command-line mumbo jumbo is a big part of my requisite
knowledge. I am in the middle of "learning the bash shell" by Newham and
Rosenblatt. So far it's good, though I was hoping for more "here's what you
might use sed for" stuff...

Google gave me another OS X laptop (I tried to stop them, I swear!) so I
suppose the bash and general *nix stuff will help me there too. Despite the
obvious assumption that I'm sure some of you hold, I've spent very little
time interacting with the *NIX side of OS X, and a lot more time
interacting with its happy GUI... (Whee, watch those windows fly!)

 Anyway, based on the recommendations, I think I will purchase:

C++ Primer
Unix Power Tools

Maybe later  I will get:
Linux Cookbook
Linux in a Nutshell
The C++ Programming Language, Special 3rd ed., by Bjarne Stroustrup

(Too many books and I will read none of them...)

I already own the Scott Myers C++ book, it's standard issue at Google.

I know my Linux question was a little broad. I should have qualified that
I'm using some version of Red Hat  (beats me which one) with a very
pleasant if quirky GUI. So I guess I was hoping for something to give me
some perspective on the field as well as specific knowledge that I can
apply tomorrow.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >While bash is not Linux.  But much of what you do in Linux is often at
> >the command line or a shell script.  So a good grasp of bash can be
> >useful.
> I spend a great deal of my time trying to overcome this myth when talking
> to
> people about Linux :(    I would honestly say I spend as much time in the
> command line on my Linux box as I do on my OSX box or on my Windows box. 
> Not
> to say you cannot do a lot of work in the command line if you wish, but
> just
> as MS batch files are not Windows bash scripts are not Linux.  And, if
> you
> wish, you never have to see a command line in Linux, just as you never
> have to
> see one in windows.  And while I know the people in this thread probably
> know
> this, I just wanted to clear it up for any lurkers out their :)
> Bryan O'Neal
> President
> Linux Users Group of
> Arizona State University
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