Good to see you all there.  Thanks for the preso Warner, I enjoyed
having a discussion with everyone about the flash world and related

And greetings to our first time guest - if you are on the list.
Sorry, I'm terrible with names.

Hey - what do you all think about trying Pecha Kucha [1] or Lightning
Talk [2] format for an upcoming meeting?  It can be anything - , a few
bullet points or slides with a minute or so each, just show something
cool you worked with recently.  You do have something like that,

Also, I've made a couple of Ruby/Python friends here in Tucson, and we
were talking about starting a get together.  Haven't asked them, but
they might want to show some stuff and take advantage of the primo VMS
digs ;)  We also are planning to hit the Ruby/Rails group in Phoenix
next month, I'm going to try out my rubyconf preso.

Let me know what you think.

-- Chad


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