As you might imagine there will not be juggling on Christmas or New Years Day. 
We will continue to meet on Sundays. Please read the rest of the email there is 
some important stuff and maybe some funny stuff. 

I would also like to ask folks what day and time our weekday meeting should be. 
We are willing to move it from Wednesday to another day if it will help enough 
people get to the meeting. So please email me if you have another time or day 
or if you like Wednesday. 

Miss Fields has asked me to invite people to correspond with her. She is 
currently facing personal demons and is having a difficult holiday. If anyone 
would like to correspond with her please email me and I will give you her 
contact details. I know this is a wee bit cryptic. Those that understand her 
situation will know why. The lion share of the fault lies with the racism and 
inhumanity of American Society. This is one of those times when a victory can 
be snatched from defeat with a fair measure of compassion.

SR Gailey

Secretary of the Juggling Club and not much fun at Christmas Parties

{Christmas is a sham Christ was probably born in September. Also, where is the 
birthday cake? What kind of birthday doesn't have cake? And no one ever gives 
Jesus presents. All he wanted was for us to love each other and we can't manage 

I would like to thank O'Ryan for helping with Cracky's video. The Holiday Video 
will be out on Friday, Until then this is the raw video for a commercial Cracky 
is making for the facebook.
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