Please join us for Juggling at 3:oo PM in Newell Simon Hall's Atrium. Parking 
is free on Sundays at the College. If you need help finding our location please 
call me at 412 708-3638. The doors to Newell Simon are locked on Sundays so 
please call me if you need let in. 

If you are new to the group we have a facebook at:

And an Instagram at: CMUJuggling

SR Gailey

Secretary of the CMU Juggling Club and new Instagram subscriber. 

So Instagram is like twitter for people who have trouble with writing. First I 
had to learn to type on a typewriter, then I had to learn to type on a 
computer, then I had to learn to type with my thumbs, then I need to type with 
a keyboard that moves around on a tiny screen with no actual keys. Now I didn't 
need any of that and I am supposed to be using pictures. I really need folks to 
stop innovating so much. 
Mailing list of the CMU juggling club: Masters of Flying Objects
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