Re: Migrating the python-django charm to Ansible

2014-11-07 Thread Simon Davy
On 6 November 2014 01:03, Michael Nelson wrote:
 Hi Patrick,

 On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 4:22 AM, Patrick Hetu wrote:
 The shim would do things like:

 * Translating Juju variable to role variable

 That can be done in the playbook where needed as above.

 * Sanitize variable like: unit_name, relation_name, etc

 That *should* be done by the existing charmhelpers (it writes out
 /etc/ansible/host_vars/localhost on each hook execution with config,
 relations and some other things like unit name, public and private

It does, but they're not sanitized currently. Would be a good thing to
add a sanitized version of local/remote unit names to the ansible

 Then using tags to dispatch based on the current relation
 to the corresponding roles.

I'm confused - this is what the ansible charmhelpers does right now?

 Build role for re-usability


 This have the potential to solve the problem of repetition of some
 high level tasks in other charm.
 Like adding ppa,

 You can add PPAs with the existing apt_repository module (see the
 example there):

Yeah, we find 95% or so things we need to do ansible provides OOTB.

For example, and relevant to django:

We can also include roles from ansible galaxy as needed in a charm,
gaining quite a bit of reuse.

 fetching source code, adding ssl certificate,
 configuring backup, etc

 A little bit like what charmhelper is doing right now.

 Yes! I think making reusable roles for common tasks in juju charms is
 really worthwhile [1]. We do have a bunch of public shareable roles
 that Simon Davy and I (mainly) are reusing and improving for some
 internal services [2]. Please take a look and see if there's things
 that could be useful - but our use-case is a bit different (for
 example, the payload role is because we are never pulling sourcecode
 branches from external repositories during deployments, instead
 pulling a built code asset from an internal swift container - although
 there would be no reason why it couldn't be extended to support both).
 Other roles may be useful (directories-and-permissions for listing
 readonly/readwrite dirs, or wsgi-app for interfacing with the gunicorn

 A typical charm which I write for a service these days only does two
 things in addition to the re-used roles: installs any specific package
 dependencies and writes out the specific settings/config file and
 handle any other relations (elasticsearch/postgresql). I posted an
 example a while back (uses an old version of the shared roles) [3].

 Also, I know that Simon has a django shared role that he's about to
 submit to charm-ansible-roles - it may be worth a look (Simon?), but
 again, our use-case is a bit different as we're not attempting to
 write one charm to deploy any django project right now (we did try in
 the past, but found it was adding unreasonable complexity for us,
 unless the projects being deployed were very similar).

So, the django role is fairly simple, it includes tasks for syncdb,
migrate, grantuser, and collectstatic.

But it is based on using a migration action via juju run, as we
wanted more explicit control of when migrations are run on an update,
and on details of our specific use cases (we always have a different
db user with elevated privs for doing migrations, the run time db user
is very limited)

So it needs a bit of work before it's generally consumable outside of
our specific uses.

Regards the framework charm idea, we found that each of our django
services, while mostly similar, had different config options and
relations we wanted to expose.

We'd previously had experience with a mega-charm (the u1 charm
deployed 10 or so different services from the same codebase, it had 42
relations!), and it wasn't that fun. Having to add all possible config
options, and all possible relations was messy. Plus, then we'd have
some charms that would need to relate to themselves, so you would need
to implement both sides of the relation hook in the same charm, which
was not my idea of a good time.

So we have individual charms for each services, even if running from
the same codebase. Each charm supports only the relations and config
that it needs[1]. We utilise shared ansible roles as Michael said to
reduce the charm to pretty much the bare minimum needed for this
specific service: charm config, relations, writing the service config
to disk. Most other things are taken care of by the roles.

Another way to do this is to use a subordinate, which I think the
django charm currently supports? But limitations around subordinates
(i.e. not being able to remove relations, juju run not working,
etc[1]) has meant we didn't take this route. That, plus the shared
roles has worked well for us.




[Review Queue] zend-server

2014-11-07 Thread Adam Israel
[1] zend-server

Following up on a very thorough review performed by Matt Bruzek, I spent some 
time reviewing the latest changes of zend-server. The charm is really shaping 
up well, and I’ll be excited to see it included in the Juju Charm Store.

The charm deployed successfully if done without its optional relation to MySQL, 
but that relation, required for clustering, was breaking during my tests. 
Additionally, whilst unit tests have been added, they failed when run via 

I’ve left my feedback on github for the author, and hope to see more from him 

Adam Israel-- 
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Re: Migrating the python-django charm to Ansible

2014-11-07 Thread Patrick Hetu
​ Specifically, this is not the config.yaml you're talking about, but
 the config file which is passed during deployment right? As in,
 myconfig.yaml in:

 juju deploy --config myconfig.yaml mycharm

yes, that's what I meant.

 [1] Using a configuration file without that charm name at the top
 was working in the past but now doesn't. Maybe this could be
 re-enable without to much negative impact.

That might be worth a juju bug.


 Let me know about the shims!

Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention the main problem that shim is trying to
The major reason for shims is because Ansible can't redefined an
existing variable at runtime. Ansible evaluate the yaml as a jinja2 template
first and then run it.

So a shim is an assignement trick to get the right values in the playbook.

For example, I want to use to be able to customize the django_settings
in the charm configuration but set it to the basename of the working_dir in
case it not set:

- name: set settings_module if django_settings != ''
  set_fact: shim_settings_module={{ django_settings }}
  when: django_settings != ''

- name: set settings_module if django_settings == ''
  set_fact: shim_settings_module={{ shim_working_dir | basename
  when: django_settings == ''

I've tried, the default() filter, set_fact module and with_first_found
They are all great tools for simulating simple if.
But redefining a variable will fail silently or trigger an infinite loop.

You can check it out with this snippet:

- hosts: localhost
a: abc
- debug: msg={{ a }}
- set_fact: a=b
- debug: msg={{ a }}

Then running it with -e to see the problem:

  ansible-playbook redefine.yml -i local -e a=xyz


I've checked those roles and wanted to contribute to it but I got blocked.

I found that tagging the tasks with Juju's hook names make it difficult to
produce a reusable role.
Because you will have to set a tag to all your tasks in the role
and always be running untagged task.
This also make the charm specific to Juju.

I've chose to use tags only in the playbook and not in roles.
I use it in the python-django charm like that:

- role: wsgi-app
- wsgi-relation-joined
- wsgi-relation-changed
- website-relation-joined
- website-relation-changed
  wsgi_user: {{ django_uid }}
  wsgi_group: {{ django_gid }}
  working_dir: {{ shim_working_dir }}
  python_path: {{ shim_python_path_list }}
  app_label: {{ sanitized_unit_name }}
  wsgi_application: wsgi
  working_dir: {{ shim_working_dir }}
  settings_module: {{ shim_settings_module }}

And for task specific to a role, I filter in the roles with a when:

- name: Open port
  when: relations['website']

- name: Reload wsgi
  when: relations['wsgi']

or a better way could be to include base on relations in the playbook like

- include: wsgi_apps/tasks/relations/wsgi.yml
  when: relations['wsgi']

This is far from perfect but I can't see other way to keep the role
flexible but not specific to Juju.

 That *should* be done by the existing charmhelpers (it writes out
 /etc/ansible/host_vars/localhost on each hook execution with config,
 relations and some other things like unit name, public and private

It does, but they're not sanitized currently. Would be a good thing to
add a sanitized version of local/remote unit names to the ansible

I have open a bug about that:

 So we have individual charms for each services, even if running from
 the same codebase. Each charm supports only the relations and config
 that it needs[1]. We utilise shared ansible roles as Michael said to
 reduce the charm to pretty much the bare minimum needed for this
 specific service: charm config, relations, writing the service config
 to disk. Most other things are taken care of by the roles.

Yes that seems to be the way to go. So people would to build a custom
django charm
by adding only pieces that they want in there playbook.

 our use-case is a bit different as we're not attempting to
 write one charm to deploy any django project right now (we did try in
 the past, but found it was adding unreasonable complexity for us,
 unless the projects being deployed were very similar).

I think the python-django charm would be there only to show all the
possible features
available by the reusable roles and people would be encorage to build a
charm per site.

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Charm Reviews + Activity

2014-11-07 Thread David Britton
Hi --

This week, I reviewed a test charm addition from Matt and a version bump
charm from Charles (which needed information).

In reviewing the new apache2 test, I found once annoyance.  `juju test`
bootstraps and tears down between each step, and with all these new tests
added en masse there seems to be a practice emerging of using a '00_setup'
script to install dependencies.  This in effect inserts an extra bootstrap
unnecessarily into the test process.

@Marco or others -- thoughts about putting an exception or machinery in to
get rid of this?

I was going to go through a lot of these other additions basic test
additions, but wanted to get the question out there before I did.

In other charm related activity, I also worked on getting real bundles
created for the Landscape charm (submitted into the ~landscape namespace as
of now), will get them further cleaned up next week and submitted for


David Britton
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Someone fixed the security issue with --debug?

2014-11-07 Thread Curtis Hovey-Canonical
I am comparing the use of streams during the bootstrap of 1.20 and
1.21. I noticed that 1.21 no longer dumps the content of the
cloud-init script, which has user credentials and machine keys,
implicitly fixing this bug
--debug dumps sensitive information to terminal

If we can guarantee that --debug will never dump the content of the
script, agent config, and jenv files, we can mark this bug fixed. Juju
CI and also enable --debug for better logs too.
Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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