[Review Queue] Tomcat, SpagoBi, xl c/c++, Minecraft, postgresql, ibm-db2

2016-01-29 Thread Andrew Mcleod

Yesterday, Corry, Kevin, Konstantinos and I had our combined review queue
session, and here are the notes:




  Community request to have a webapp-container subordinate relation.
  This keeps subs from having to relate using juju-info, and it offers
  additional data (like webapp install path) that wouldn’t be
available over

  +1 and pushed. Updated tomcat charms for precise/trusty that offer
  this relation are now available in the store.



  We cannot proceed with this charm at the moment because of the
  following reasons

 there are no tests validating the operational aspects of the charm

 charm proof test is failing since some required items are missing
 (eg copyright file)

  We deployed the charm using the instructions in the README but we
  couldn't reach to a web interface. We spotted a number of errors in the
  logs and we asked the charm author to review them.


   xl c/c++


  Recent code changes look great, but we are unable to test this charm
  at the moment while we wait for our ppc64le hardware to become available.

   Minecraft charm


  This is the second round of reviewing this charm. The author
  addressed the comments we had.

 all tests pass

 the layer that builds the charm is provided here:

  +1 with moving forward with this charm

   postgresql (fix max connections)


  Had some issues with tests due to tester running juju 1.26 alpha3 -
  downgraded and all tests passed, +1 approved.


  - All review items have been addressed and the charm has been

have a great weekend!
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[Review Queue] - kafka, kibana, apache2 x2, mariadb, memcached

2015-12-11 Thread Andrew Mcleod
It's that time again; the Big Data team had a go at the review queue, and
here's what we came up with:




  New actions and upstart job work as expected

  Merged with some minor modifications to advertised.host.name logic

   kibana 4


  Tests passed with no problems.

  Quick code review was fine.

  +1, merged

   apache2 * (apt-source)


  Tests related to new config values failing (apt-source)

  Older tests failing with an assert_called_once error

  Unfortunately with so many test failures, I can’t proceed any further
  with this review

   apache2 * (add-logs-interface)

  This one is failing on some of the same issues as the apt-source
  review, but others have been fixed - if these are fixed and merged into
  apt-source, that will be fixed reviews leaving only the two stale cert
  tests to resolve.




  This is an update to refresh the MariaDB enterprise repo

  We would like to see both consumer and enterprise versions of mariadb
  made available.  If deployed with correct enterprise options,
  would occur from the special repo; otherwise, install from the ubuntu

  Not merged for now, pending the outcome of our discussion in the bug.

   memcached (local-monitor interface)


  The charm tests fail. Test 10_deploy_test.py tries to telnet to a
  port closed by the firewall of memcached. We opened a bug for this issue:

  At this point we cannot proceed with the merge, because we cannot be
  sure we do not break something else. Also, we did not spot any tests
  dedicated to the proposed functionality.

* As an addendum to both apache2 reviews, the author has proposed a fix and
hopefully these will be re-reviewed and merged soon.

Questions/comments? We're in #juju on irc.freenode.net

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[Review Queue] :: openbook :: ethercalc :: cassandra :: apache2

2015-10-30 Thread Andrew Mcleod
Its that time again - the Big Data team had the opportunity to review some
of the items in the review queue...


This one went very smoothly - passed all tests the first time. I was then
able to log in with the URL and credentials supplied in the readme and
click around. Approved.


Test had some small issues, and port was missing on website-relation
MP provided for those issues, and otherwise it seems ok to promulgate


Test fixes and other small improvements
Looks good, tests pass.  Merged.


This proposal introduces a new nagios config option so the monitor can call
check_http with multiple parameters (good for checking multiple hosts from
1 apache2 service)
We proposed enhancing the current nagios config to support multiple args
instead of having 2 config options that both affect check_http.
During review, we also found failures in the hook tests.  These were not
introduced by this MP, so we opened the following bug to address them:

   - https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/apache2/+bug/1511474
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[Review Queue] kibana, ibm java sdk, jenkins-bundle

2015-10-23 Thread Andrew Mcleod
Your friendly Big Data team managed to get some quality review queue time
yesterday. Below are the results!



This review was for a version bump from 3 to 4 - The charm itself looks
good, the GUI is accessible after deployment, etc. However, two tests were
failing with connectivity issues - these seem to be relatively trivial
failures so I don't think this one is far off approval.

*IBM Java SDK*


This charm is interesting as it is the second from an ISV that offers an
alternative to our default openjdk/jre environment.  Azul Systems had Zulu8
promulgated a few weeks ago -- their charm is a subordinate designed to be
installed on an existing service unit (e.g tomcat).  This charm, by
contrast, is a primary service that installs a JDK, which would be useful
to develop/test java apps with the IBM JRE on different architectures.
We’re planning to sync with both Azul and IBM next week to discuss the
design of a common jre/jdk interface that all java-based services might

In this iteration, the author addressed issues raised from a previous
review, and the charm installed with nice status messages along the way.

We found additional areas for improvement and created a merge proposal to
address them -- things like verifying the sha1sum of the installer, failing
fast on unsupported architectures, and additional status when the charm is
blocked for configuration.



This one also looks good, but there were a few minor items that need to be
addressed, such as some lint errors that were introduced, and some
questions / comments on the handling of the extension relation.

Have a great weekend!
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[Review Queue] bird, neutron-calico, mysql, nagios, git, zulu8, haproxy

2015-08-27 Thread Andrew Mcleod
Good afternoon,

Below are the results of our (Amir, Cory, Kevin and I) recent review queue



This charms seems fine, and has been +1 by ~openstack-charmers, but we
wanted to exercise the relation to neutron-calico, which is currently
having problems (see below).  We’ll revisit once we can verify the
bgp-route-reflector relation.



Install hook failed on relation to nova-compute.  There seems to be a
problem with the bundled charmhelpers.  Requested feedback from the charm

*mysql *


Remove amulet test for unsupported release, merged



Provided an MP for handling the race condition in the test.

*git ssh server*


Re-ran bundletester using local, aws, gce, all passed first time, +1 - Ready



bundletester failed to run tests due to lint and subsequent venv issues.
bundletester ran successfully once 1 in 5 attempts, although the documented
change to restart rsyslog didn’t work - /var/lib/haproxy/dev/log not
created until manual restart of rsyslog, but I couldn't validate this
failure due to the above test issues.

*Zulu8 - Zulu Java 8*


Failed : No valid amulet test
Added amulet tests and submitted MP for review:
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