
The ~containers team took a stroll through the review queue today and
reviewed several submissions. We had some findings and the full report can
be found below:

ZNC Charm Review: (Disapprove Vote)

By @cynerva

Had a look through the ZNC charm submitted by adam-stokes. The charm looks
to be in great shape overall, but currently has an issue where the charm
doesn’t expose the port used by ZNC, so for the time being I had to give it
a -1. Once that is resolved I think we’ll be good to go.

Dokuwiki Charm Review: (Disapprove Vote)

By @ryeterrell

This charm is looking quite good. Had to give it a -1 for now because of
the port exposure issue.

Ibm-platform-symphony-master (Abstain vote)

By @mbruzek

Did another review of this charm, needs homepage and bug-url set along with
addressing old review comments.

Ibm-http (Disapprove -1)

By @mbruzek

Has a test term “lorem-ipsum” in the list, need to remove and repush this
charm without the test term.

IBM-HTTP (Disapprove -2)

By @lazypower

There were a few issues here regarding zero byte resources, html entites in
the readme, and a few suggestions to improve user experience around
deploying this charm, (such as the use of min-juju-version in the metadata,
and using proper terms as called out by mbruzek)  -1 at this time.

Odoo Charm Review:   (Abstain Vote)

By @lazypower

Did another review of the Odoo charm submission by mistoebe. The charm has
been vetted quite well, and only has one remaining blocking bug regarding
its automated testing suite. There is an open pull request, which I briefly
touched to keep contact alive and bump it in their notifications. Pending
that PR acceptance, I have to abstain for now.

Charles Butler <> - Juju Charmer
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