[julia-users] Re: Manual deallocation

2014-07-08 Thread Ivar Nesje
In julia we don't say you shouldn't do something that could give better 
performance (if you really want it). The thing is that Julia uses automatic 
garbage collection because it is a pain to do manually, and then you have 
to live with the semantics of a garbage collector.

If your program is not really constrained by memory in the second part, I 
would guess that it is unlikely that it would matter to your program when 
the arrays are released. Freeing memory in julia (and other GC based 
languages), is about ensuring that no references remains to the allocated 

If it is a global variable, you can assign `nothing`, and if it is a global 
constant, you can change the type, so you must reassign it to a smaller 
array with the same dimensionality and type and ensure that you don't have 
local variables that references the same array.

If it is a local variable, I'm not sure there is other options than to 
arrange the function boundaries, so that the large array goes out of scope 
when it is not needed any more.

kl. 22:56:35 UTC+2 mandag 7. juli 2014 skrev Pablo Zubieta følgende:

 Let's say I have some large matrices I need to do some calculations and I 
 use them in order to get some results that I will use in a second part of a 
 computation where I not longer need the initial matrices. Suppose also that 
 I preallocate those matrices.

 Would it be ok to bind the names of those matrices to nothing (or 
 something similar) from the moment I won't be using them anymore, or should 
 I leave the deallocation work to the GC?

[julia-users] Default Methods for abstract objects - overriding getfield

2014-07-08 Thread Zenna Tavares

Suppose I have an abstract class.  I want to provide a kind of default 
property of all sub-types of it.
I believe I can do this using a function, for example

abstract Machine

function data(m::Machine)

type BigMachine : Machine

function data(m::BigMachine) m.data end

type SmallMachine : Machine


This provides the intended default behavour.  My belief is that this will 
be more space efficient since I am not storing with each machine an empty 
data vector.

Is there a penalty in lookup?

It's also not ideal, I did it his way because I cannot overload the 
getfield function. The problems here are now that 1. I can't use the dot 
notation to access a field 2. For each non-default machine type I have to 
define a new accessor function. I suppose I could use a type-union, but it 
seems unnecessarily complicated

Is there an idiomatic solution to this?

[julia-users] Re: Default Methods for abstract objects - overriding getfield

2014-07-08 Thread Tobias Knopp
Hi Zenna,

there has been a long discussion in 
https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/4935 on the subject. Please have 
a look at te whole thread as the thinking has changed quite a bit.

In short you can also just assume that an asbtract type has certain field. 
Then you would only have to write the data function one time.

If you are looking for overloading getfield, here is the relevant issue: 



Am Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014 09:39:08 UTC+2 schrieb Zenna Tavares:

 Suppose I have an abstract class.  I want to provide a kind of default 
 property of all sub-types of it.
 I believe I can do this using a function, for example

 abstract Machine

 function data(m::Machine)

 type BigMachine : Machine

 function data(m::BigMachine) m.data end

 type SmallMachine : Machine


 This provides the intended default behavour.  My belief is that this will 
 be more space efficient since I am not storing with each machine an empty 
 data vector.

 Is there a penalty in lookup?

 It's also not ideal, I did it his way because I cannot overload the 
 getfield function. The problems here are now that 1. I can't use the dot 
 notation to access a field 2. For each non-default machine type I have to 
 define a new accessor function. I suppose I could use a type-union, but it 
 seems unnecessarily complicated

 Is there an idiomatic solution to this?

[julia-users] julia 0.3 prerelease, Windows, problems to start?

2014-07-08 Thread Andreas Lobinger
d:\addprogram\Julia 0.3.0-prereleasejulia.lnk
ERROR: stat: connection reset by peer (ECONNRESET)

d:\addprogram\Julia 0.3.0-prereleasejulia.lnk
   _   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3121 (2014-05-19 22:16 
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e1468d5* (49 days old master)
|__/   |  i686-w64-mingw32


I'm trying to run julia on my work laptop (so behind a few company 
firewalls). In the above copy you see two different situations:
1) i'm connected directly to the Internet. julia doesn't start with an 
error message.
2) i'm connected via the company net. julia starts. Which is nice, but 
after that i cannot use Pkg.update etc. (see 

Any hint?

Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Re: Question about 'dot' notation (and max/maximum)

2014-07-08 Thread Hans W Borchers
What has happened, two months later, to the (in)famous 'dot' notation in 
There was such a convincing discussion that  5 + x  shall not be correct, so
I got used to it. When I now by chance try

julia x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3];

julia 5 + x
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3921
Commit 0b46af5* (2014-06-28 02:01 UTC)
Platform Info:
  System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz
  BLAS: libblas.so.3
  LAPACK: liblapack.so.3
  LIBM: libopenlibm

[ PS: This was the last PPA update I could get on Ubuntu. ]

On Friday, May 2, 2014 3:55:20 PM UTC+2, Hans W Borchers wrote:

 I have to admit that I am quite unhappy with some of the changed features 
 Julia version 0.3.0, especially the 'dot' notation. Here are some examples.

 Let x be a vector defined as  x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] . Then typing

 julia 5 + x
 WARNING: x::Number + A::Array is deprecated, use x .+ A instead.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Question about 'dot' notation (and max/maximum)

2014-07-08 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Le mardi 08 juillet 2014 à 01:51 -0700, Hans W Borchers a écrit :
 What has happened, two months later, to the (in)famous 'dot' notation
 in Julia?
 There was such a convincing discussion that  5 + x  shall not be
 correct, so
 I got used to it. When I now by chance try
 julia x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3];
 julia 5 + x
 3-element Array{Float64,1}:
 julia versioninfo()
 Julia Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3921
 Commit 0b46af5* (2014-06-28 02:01 UTC)
 Platform Info:
   System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz
   WORD_SIZE: 64
   BLAS: libblas.so.3
   LAPACK: liblapack.so.3
   LIBM: libopenlibm
 [ PS: This was the last PPA update I could get on Ubuntu. ]
See https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/7226


[julia-users] Re: Using Sparse Matrix Algorithms: Spatial Econometrics

2014-07-08 Thread Simon Byrne
Hi Don,

I think the reason they're not sparse is that in the line
A = (In - rho*W);
the matrix In is not sparse: if you replace the line
In = eye(n);
In = speye(n);
the result should then be sparse. However at the moment there doesn't seem 
to be a sparse det method (I just filed issue #7543 
https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/7543): you can get around this 
by using log(det(lufact(A))) instead of log(det(A)).

You might also want to have a quick look at the performance tips 
http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/, in 

* You should use randn() instead of randn(1): randn() samples a single 
Float64 scalar, randn(1) samples a vector of length 1. On my machine (using 
0.3 pre-release) your code doesn't work, as this promotes some vectors to 
matrices, which doesn't work with dot. You also then won't need to call 
variables like rho_proposed[1].
* Try wrapping everything in a function: this makes it easier for the JIT 
compiler to work its magic, as well as making it easier to use profiling 
* If you're using dense matrices, you can use logdet(A) instead of 
log(det(A)): this can avoid some underflow and overflow problems 
(unfortunately this doesn't work for sparse lu factorizations yet, see the 
issue mentioned above).
* Purely from a style point of view, there's no need to keep functions in 
separate files, or end lines with semi-colons.


On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 01:48:56 UTC+1, Donald Lacombe wrote:

 Dear Julia Users,

 I am currently developing/converting several Bayesian spatial econometric 
 models from MATLAB into Julia. I have successfully coded the spatial 
 autoregressive model (SAR) with diffuse priors in Julia but have a question 
 regarding the use of sparse matrix algorithms. The models use a spatial 
 weight matrix which is usually sparse in nature and this matrix appears in 
 many of the expressions, especially in the random walk Metropolis algorithm 
 used to obtain the marginal distribution for the spatial autocorrelation 
 parameter rho. Here is a code snippet and the complete code is attached:

 # Draw for rho

 A = (In - rho*W);

 denominator = log(det(A))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(A*y-x*beta,A*y-x*beta);

 accept = 0;

 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);

 while accept == 0

 if ((rho_proposed[1]  -1)  (rho_proposed[1]  1));

 accept = 1;


 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);



  B = (In - rho_proposed[1]*W);

  numerator = log(det(B))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(B*y-x*beta,B*y-x*beta);

  u = rand(1);

  if ((numerator[1] - denominator[1])  exp(1))

 pp = 1;


 ratio = exp(numerator[1] - denominator[1]);

 pp = min(1,ratio);


 if (u[1]  pp[1])

 rho = rho_proposed[1];

 acc = acc + 1;


 ar = acc/gibbs;

 if ar  0.4

 zta = zta/1.1;


 if ar  0.6

 zta = zta*1.1;


 A = (In - rho*W);

 Basically, I'm wondering if there is any way to make the A and B matrices 
 sparse and possibly make it run faster, especially in the log(det(A)) terms. 
 Currently, 110 draws (with 10 burn) takes approximately 8 seconds on my 64 
 bit, core i7 laptop. The computational speed decreases with the sample size n 
 because the weight matrices are treated as full.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated and if anyone is interested in running 
 the code, the Distributions and Distance packages must be included and 
 initiated first.



Re: [julia-users] Re: Using Sparse Matrix Algorithms: Spatial Econometrics

2014-07-08 Thread Andreas Noack
I think I-ρW would be even better in this case. I is a generic identity
matrix. A and B are probably positive definite. If so, I think
logdet(cholfact(A)) would be the best solution.

2014-07-08 11:06 GMT+02:00 Simon Byrne simonby...@gmail.com:

 Hi Don,

 I think the reason they're not sparse is that in the line
 A = (In - rho*W);
 the matrix In is not sparse: if you replace the line
 In = eye(n);
 In = speye(n);
 the result should then be sparse. However at the moment there doesn't seem
 to be a sparse det method (I just filed issue #7543
 https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/7543): you can get around
 this by using log(det(lufact(A))) instead of log(det(A)).

 You might also want to have a quick look at the performance tips
 http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/, in

 * You should use randn() instead of randn(1): randn() samples a single
 Float64 scalar, randn(1) samples a vector of length 1. On my machine (using
 0.3 pre-release) your code doesn't work, as this promotes some vectors to
 matrices, which doesn't work with dot. You also then won't need to call
 variables like rho_proposed[1].
 * Try wrapping everything in a function: this makes it easier for the JIT
 compiler to work its magic, as well as making it easier to use profiling
 * If you're using dense matrices, you can use logdet(A) instead of
 log(det(A)): this can avoid some underflow and overflow problems
 (unfortunately this doesn't work for sparse lu factorizations yet, see the
 issue mentioned above).
 * Purely from a style point of view, there's no need to keep functions in
 separate files, or end lines with semi-colons.


 On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 01:48:56 UTC+1, Donald Lacombe wrote:

 Dear Julia Users,

 I am currently developing/converting several Bayesian spatial econometric
 models from MATLAB into Julia. I have successfully coded the spatial
 autoregressive model (SAR) with diffuse priors in Julia but have a question
 regarding the use of sparse matrix algorithms. The models use a spatial
 weight matrix which is usually sparse in nature and this matrix appears in
 many of the expressions, especially in the random walk Metropolis algorithm
 used to obtain the marginal distribution for the spatial autocorrelation
 parameter rho. Here is a code snippet and the complete code is attached:

 # Draw for rho

 A = (In - rho*W);

 denominator = log(det(A))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(A*y-x*beta,A*y-x*beta);

 accept = 0;

 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);

 while accept == 0

 if ((rho_proposed[1]  -1)  (rho_proposed[1]  1));

 accept = 1;


 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);



  B = (In - rho_proposed[1]*W);

  numerator = log(det(B))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(B*y-x*beta,B*y-x*beta);

  u = rand(1);

  if ((numerator[1] - denominator[1])  exp(1))

 pp = 1;


 ratio = exp(numerator[1] - denominator[1]);

 pp = min(1,ratio);


 if (u[1]  pp[1])

 rho = rho_proposed[1];

 acc = acc + 1;


 ar = acc/gibbs;

 if ar  0.4

 zta = zta/1.1;


 if ar  0.6

 zta = zta*1.1;


 A = (In - rho*W);

 Basically, I'm wondering if there is any way to make the A and B 
 matrices sparse and possibly make it run faster, especially in the 
 log(det(A)) terms. Currently, 110 draws (with 10 burn) takes approximately 8 
 seconds on my 64 bit, core i7 laptop. The computational speed decreases with 
 the sample size n because the weight matrices are treated as full.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated and if anyone is interested in running 
 the code, the Distributions and Distance packages must be included and 
 initiated first.



Med venlig hilsen

Andreas Noack Jensen

[julia-users] Re: Question about 'dot' notation (and max/maximum)

2014-07-08 Thread Hans W Borchers
Has this been announced somewhere? (Frankly,I'm not reading julia-dev on a 
regular basis.)
I see that the manual does not reflects this change. See section 
Vectorized Operators and Functions:

Some operators without dots operate elementwise anyway
when one argument is a scalar.
These operators are *, /, \, and the bitwise operators.

though .+, .- are not in the list of binary arithmetic operators 
anymore (and do work properly).

And actually,  1 / [1.0, 2.0]  does now operate elementwise, but gives a 
deprecated warning once.
Will it be deprecated, or stay alive as the manual claims.

Dear core developers, don't listen to Julia newbies (like me) too closely 
-- stick to what you think is reasonable.

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 10:51:30 AM UTC+2, Hans W Borchers wrote:

 What has happened, two months later, to the (in)famous 'dot' notation in 
 There was such a convincing discussion that  5 + x  shall not be correct, 
 I got used to it. When I now by chance try ...


 On Friday, May 2, 2014 3:55:20 PM UTC+2, Hans W Borchers wrote:

 I have to admit that I am quite unhappy with some of the changed features 
 Julia version 0.3.0, especially the 'dot' notation. Here are some 

 Let x be a vector defined as  x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] . Then typing

 julia 5 + x
 WARNING: x::Number + A::Array is deprecated, use x .+ A instead.

[julia-users] Re: Question about 'dot' notation (and max/maximum)

2014-07-08 Thread Tobias Knopp
Just commenting on the lack of anouncement. As all this happend on a 
developement branch of Julia which is always a little in flux these things 
should not really be anounced. What counts is how the NEWS file looks in 
the end.

Am Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014 11:56:12 UTC+2 schrieb Hans W Borchers:

 Has this been announced somewhere? (Frankly,I'm not reading julia-dev on a 
 regular basis.)
 I see that the manual does not reflects this change. See section 
 Vectorized Operators and Functions:

 Some operators without dots operate elementwise anyway
 when one argument is a scalar.
 These operators are *, /, \, and the bitwise operators.

 though .+, .- are not in the list of binary arithmetic operators 
 anymore (and do work properly).

 And actually,  1 / [1.0, 2.0]  does now operate elementwise, but gives a 
 deprecated warning once.
 Will it be deprecated, or stay alive as the manual claims.

 Dear core developers, don't listen to Julia newbies (like me) too closely 
 -- stick to what you think is reasonable.

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 10:51:30 AM UTC+2, Hans W Borchers wrote:

 What has happened, two months later, to the (in)famous 'dot' notation in 
 There was such a convincing discussion that  5 + x  shall not be 
 correct, so
 I got used to it. When I now by chance try ...


 On Friday, May 2, 2014 3:55:20 PM UTC+2, Hans W Borchers wrote:

 I have to admit that I am quite unhappy with some of the changed 
 features in
 Julia version 0.3.0, especially the 'dot' notation. Here are some 

 Let x be a vector defined as  x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] . Then typing

 julia 5 + x
 WARNING: x::Number + A::Array is deprecated, use x .+ A instead.

[julia-users] Re: julia 0.3 prerelease, Windows, problems to start?

2014-07-08 Thread Willy Heineman
Try one of the newer builds (last week or less). This issue was addressed 
in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/5574

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 4:47:50 AM UTC-4, Andreas Lobinger wrote:

 d:\addprogram\Julia 0.3.0-prereleasejulia.lnk
 ERROR: stat: connection reset by peer (ECONNRESET)

 d:\addprogram\Julia 0.3.0-prereleasejulia.lnk
_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3121 (2014-05-19 22:16 
  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e1468d5* (49 days old master)
 |__/   |  i686-w64-mingw32


 I'm trying to run julia on my work laptop (so behind a few company 
 firewalls). In the above copy you see two different situations:
 1) i'm connected directly to the Internet. julia doesn't start with an 
 error message.
 2) i'm connected via the company net. julia starts. Which is nice, but 
 after that i cannot use Pkg.update etc. (see 

 Any hint?

 Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Re: julia 0.3 prerelease, Windows, problems to start?

2014-07-08 Thread Andreas Lobinger
Little bit better, but still not there...

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 11:26:40 AM UTC+2, Willy Heineman wrote:

 Try one of the newer builds (last week or less). This issue was addressed 
 in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/5574

   _   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-prerelease+4081 (2014-07-08 00:42 
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit 8856c8a (0 days old master)
|__/   |  i686-w64-mingw32

ERROR: stat: connection reset by peer (ECONNRESET)


Re: [julia-users] Re: Question about 'dot' notation (and max/maximum)

2014-07-08 Thread Jutho
Fully realising that this discussion has been settled and the convention is 
here to stay, I nevertheless feel obsessed to make the remark that there 
would have been more elegant solutions. Other languages have been able to 
come up with acceptable operators for a binary 'min' or 'max':
(less elegant alternative since the difference between min and max is 

The linguistic difference between max and maximum is very subtle, maybe 
because I am not a native English speaker. From the mathematical point of 
view, I think of a maximum (but preferably abbreviated as max) always in 
the context of a function or a set, never in the context of the largest out 
of two numbers
(not really a reference or definition, 
but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxima_and_minima only/directly discusses 
functions and sets).

? compares to max as + compares to sum would have been so much more 
convincing :-). That's all, enough bikeshedding for now, back to work.

Op maandag 5 mei 2014 17:46:05 UTC+2 schreef Stefan Karpinski:

 I think at this point, while the maximum name may not be everyone's 
 favorite choice, that bikeshed has sailed. Unless we're going to solve this 
 problem differently, it's going to stay the way it is: max is to maximum as 
 + is to sum.

 On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Ethan Anderes ethana...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:

 +1 for max() and pmax(). It seems the easiest to write and to interpret.

Re: [julia-users] Question about 'dot' notation (and max/maximum)

2014-07-08 Thread Jutho Haegeman
Since I just read these operators were later removed from gcc again, it must 
not all have been perfect either :D.

On 08 Jul 2014, at 16:04, Jutho juthohaege...@gmail.com wrote:

 Fully realising that this discussion has been settled and the convention is 
 here to stay, I nevertheless feel obsessed to make the remark that there 
 would have been more elegant solutions. Other languages have been able to 
 come up with acceptable operators for a binary 'min' or 'max':
 (less elegant alternative since the difference between min and max is 
 The linguistic difference between max and maximum is very subtle, maybe 
 because I am not a native English speaker. From the mathematical point of 
 view, I think of a maximum (but preferably abbreviated as max) always in the 
 context of a function or a set, never in the context of the largest out of 
 two numbers
 (not really a reference or definition, but 
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxima_and_minima only/directly discusses 
 functions and sets).
 ? compares to max as + compares to sum would have been so much more 
 convincing :-). That's all, enough bikeshedding for now, back to work.
 Op maandag 5 mei 2014 17:46:05 UTC+2 schreef Stefan Karpinski:
 I think at this point, while the maximum name may not be everyone's favorite 
 choice, that bikeshed has sailed. Unless we're going to solve this problem 
 differently, it's going to stay the way it is: max is to maximum as + is to 
 On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Ethan Anderes ethana...@gmail.com wrote:
 +1 for max() and pmax(). It seems the easiest to write and to interpret.

[julia-users] Contributing an external package

2014-07-08 Thread Eric Chiang
Hi everybody,

I wrote a vanilla feedforward neural network package a bit ago and was 
hoping work to polish it up (with the long term goal of getting it 
registered with the Julia distribution).

The package repo can be found here: https://github.com/EricChiang/ANN.jl

Can anyone provide general tips (or links) regarding standards for package 
development, particularly for ML models? This includes testing, academic 
citations, general API construction, etc.


Re: [julia-users] Re: julia 0.3 prerelease, Windows, problems to start?

2014-07-08 Thread Jameson Nash
Please open a github issue. What is your %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Andreas Lobinger lobing...@gmail.com

 Little bit better, but still not there...

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 11:26:40 AM UTC+2, Willy Heineman wrote:

 Try one of the newer builds (last week or less). This issue was addressed
 in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/5574


_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-prerelease+4081 (2014-07-08 00:42
  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit 8856c8a (0 days old master)
 |__/   |  i686-w64-mingw32

 ERROR: stat: connection reset by peer (ECONNRESET)


Re: [julia-users] Re: Manual deallocation

2014-07-08 Thread Abraham Egnor
Are there any plans to document the Julia GC (i.e. your comment implies
that it's a stop-the-world GC) and/or add performance tuning knobs?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Stefan Karpinski ste...@karpinski.org

 Writing `A = nothing` in Julia will not cause the memory used by A to be
 freed immediately. That happens in reference counted systems, which many
 dynamic languages traditionally have been, but which Julia is not. Instead,
 the memory for A will be freed the next time a garbage collection occurs.
 This consists of the language runtime stopping everything it's doing,
 tracing through the graph of all objects in memory, marking the ones it can
 still reach, and freeing all the rest. So if doing `A = nothing` causes
 there to be no more reachable references to the object that A used to point
 at, then that object will be freed when the next garbage collection occurs.
 Normally, garbage collection occurs automatically when the system tries to
 allocate something and doesn't have enough memory to do so: it runs the
 garbage collector and then tries again. You can, however, call gc() to
 force garbage collection to occur now. This is generally not necessary or

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Ivar Nesje iva...@gmail.com wrote:

 In julia we don't say you shouldn't do something that could give better
 performance (if you really want it). The thing is that Julia uses automatic
 garbage collection because it is a pain to do manually, and then you have
 to live with the semantics of a garbage collector.

 If your program is not really constrained by memory in the second part, I
 would guess that it is unlikely that it would matter to your program when
 the arrays are released. Freeing memory in julia (and other GC based
 languages), is about ensuring that no references remains to the allocated

 If it is a global variable, you can assign `nothing`, and if it is a
 global constant, you can change the type, so you must reassign it to a
 smaller array with the same dimensionality and type and ensure that you
 don't have local variables that references the same array.

 If it is a local variable, I'm not sure there is other options than to
 arrange the function boundaries, so that the large array goes out of scope
 when it is not needed any more.

 kl. 22:56:35 UTC+2 mandag 7. juli 2014 skrev Pablo Zubieta følgende:

 Let's say I have some large matrices I need to do some calculations and
 I use them in order to get some results that I will use in a second part of
 a computation where I not longer need the initial matrices. Suppose also
 that I preallocate those matrices.

 Would it be ok to bind the names of those matrices to nothing (or
 something similar) from the moment I won't be using them anymore, or should
 I leave the deallocation work to the GC?

[julia-users] Gadfly and Jewel: label colors

2014-07-08 Thread Mike Innes
In terms of rich output in the recent release I really just threw together the 
most basic thing that worked. For now that means there're going to be some 
issues like this, but the good news is I'll be adding lots of frills and polish 
for the next release.

Ideally I do want to support both light and dark themes as seamlessly as 
possible, so long as it doesn't turn it to be to tricky.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Manual deallocation

2014-07-08 Thread Stefan Karpinski
It is currently, stop-the-world, although that could change. What kind of
documentation would you be interested in? There's really nothing
interesting about Julia's GC at this point – it's completely vanilla
stop-the-world, mark-and-sweep.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Abraham Egnor abe.eg...@gmail.com wrote:

 Are there any plans to document the Julia GC (i.e. your comment implies
 that it's a stop-the-world GC) and/or add performance tuning knobs?

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Stefan Karpinski ste...@karpinski.org

 Writing `A = nothing` in Julia will not cause the memory used by A to be
 freed immediately. That happens in reference counted systems, which many
 dynamic languages traditionally have been, but which Julia is not. Instead,
 the memory for A will be freed the next time a garbage collection occurs.
 This consists of the language runtime stopping everything it's doing,
 tracing through the graph of all objects in memory, marking the ones it can
 still reach, and freeing all the rest. So if doing `A = nothing` causes
 there to be no more reachable references to the object that A used to point
 at, then that object will be freed when the next garbage collection occurs.
 Normally, garbage collection occurs automatically when the system tries to
 allocate something and doesn't have enough memory to do so: it runs the
 garbage collector and then tries again. You can, however, call gc() to
 force garbage collection to occur now. This is generally not necessary or

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Ivar Nesje iva...@gmail.com wrote:

 In julia we don't say you shouldn't do something that could give better
 performance (if you really want it). The thing is that Julia uses automatic
 garbage collection because it is a pain to do manually, and then you have
 to live with the semantics of a garbage collector.

 If your program is not really constrained by memory in the second part,
 I would guess that it is unlikely that it would matter to your program when
 the arrays are released. Freeing memory in julia (and other GC based
 languages), is about ensuring that no references remains to the allocated

 If it is a global variable, you can assign `nothing`, and if it is a
 global constant, you can change the type, so you must reassign it to a
 smaller array with the same dimensionality and type and ensure that you
 don't have local variables that references the same array.

 If it is a local variable, I'm not sure there is other options than to
 arrange the function boundaries, so that the large array goes out of scope
 when it is not needed any more.

 kl. 22:56:35 UTC+2 mandag 7. juli 2014 skrev Pablo Zubieta følgende:

 Let's say I have some large matrices I need to do some calculations and
 I use them in order to get some results that I will use in a second part of
 a computation where I not longer need the initial matrices. Suppose also
 that I preallocate those matrices.

 Would it be ok to bind the names of those matrices to nothing (or
 something similar) from the moment I won't be using them anymore, or should
 I leave the deallocation work to the GC?

[julia-users] Re: Understanding how to display an Image and change pixels in real-time (fast)

2014-07-08 Thread De Prins Maxime
Ok , I know what I am going to do :).

So I have split my projet into 4 parts...

*Part 1:*

I need to find a way to store pixels in a 3D Euclidean space. (X,Y,Z)  with 

I can do this with a 3xXxYxZ Array{Uint8,4}.

But I will need to know if a (X,Y,Z) position is empty or not (fast) and 
Ultimatly I woud like to have only the list of the pixels that exist really 
( if the (X, Y, Z) position is empty I don't need to store this information 
into my data)

*Part 2:*I need a fonction who will take two arguments and give me a 

Like this:

#pos is the position (x,y,z) of the camera and vec is the direction (x,y,z) 
looking by the camera

function camera_view(pos,vec)  
   #explore the data from *part 1* and return a 3x600x800 
Array{Uint8,3} (for a 800x600 resolution screen)end

*Part 3:*
For this part what i need is to create a loop that display and refresh on 
the screen the returned picture of the function from 

*part 2*Something like this:

img = imread(mypicture.bmp)
display(img, pixelspacing = [1,1])

when (camera is moving) 

   img.data = camera_view(pos,vec)
   display(img, pixelspacing = [1,1])

*Part 4:*Use the keybord and the mouse to trigger the loop from *part 3* 
and use the right (pos and vec) in the camera_view(pos,vec) function

*-The end--*I 
create this topic to answer the part3

so lets forget about all the other part.

My question transform to:

*HOW CAN I DISPLAY x in a windows or using all the screenlike 
this:LOOP x = **rand(Uint8,3,800,600)*
 *Display (x)*

and how can I refresh my windows/screen with a new x the fastest way

* (the point here is that I want to make a movie with random bitmaps)*idealy 
without using any Package/library  (writting all the code lines from 

I am doing this to LEARN I know there are clever programmers outhere who 
made perfect tools for 3D.

I will post my work when I will get closer to the end haha.

Thanks again

[julia-users] Re: ANN: Processing.jl

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Ennis
Animations are there; check out the demo. I've decided to go for simplicity 
and let the user wrap animations in loops, which should call the animate() 
function to update the screen at the end of every frame, rather than 
building a draw() function that automatically and perpetually loops. This 
actually allows for more a bit more flexibility over the animation than the 
typical Processing approach allows. I've also abandoned the setup() 
function, which isn't necessary here.

Since this is being built on Tk (an eventual option to request Gtk will be 
added, once functionality stabilises), this also means that we do have 
interactivity. I'll be making that easier for users today, wrapping 
everything in Processing friendly functions.

Basic support for images, text, and spatial transformations will also be 
updated later today.

After that, I plan to make animations a bit faster, by supporting OS 
specific drawing surfaces, rather than the general Cairo surface. Once the 
2D support is stabilised through Cairo + Tk/Gtk, an OpenGL based backend 
for 2D drawing will be added.


On Monday, July 7, 2014 3:53:39 PM UTC+2, Job van der Zwan wrote:

 Cool! As someone who uses Processing to prototypes pretty much everything, 
 I'll have a look.

 One important feature is that it makes super easy to set up an interactive 
 loop - your description makes it sound like it doesn't do that (yet).

 Of course, the biggest draw to Processing is that it has third party 
 libraries for just about anything you could possibly 
 http://processing.org/reference/libraries/ want a library for as an 
 artist. It will be a while before Julia is at that point ;)

 On Sunday, 6 July 2014 18:09:02 UTC+2, Robert Ennis wrote:

 Hey everyone,

 The first basic, but usable, version of Processing.jl is up on 
 METADATA.jl as a non-tagged package. To try it out, do a 
 Pkg.clone(Processing). So far, you can replicate some of the basic 2D 
 drawing functionality of the original Processing environment and script 
 some basic animations by playing with colours. You will find a basic 
 example in the test directory of the package. 3D support is on hold until 
 the 2D support is finalised.

 There is nothing special about this package. It's just a small, 
 convenience wrapper around the amazing work from the people who have put 
 together the Tk.jl, Cairo.jl (w/ Pango), and Color.jl packages.

 Thanks for an awesome community and awesome work to build on! :)


[julia-users] Re: ANN: Processing.jl

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Ennis
And, yes, Julia packages in the art department are still few and young, but 
we're getting there. ;)


On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 6:48:25 PM UTC+2, Robert Ennis wrote:

 Animations are there; check out the demo. I've decided to go for 
 simplicity and let the user wrap animations in loops, which should call the 
 animate() function to update the screen at the end of every frame, rather 
 than building a draw() function that automatically and perpetually loops. 
 This actually allows for more a bit more flexibility over the animation 
 than the typical Processing approach allows. I've also abandoned the 
 setup() function, which isn't necessary here.

 Since this is being built on Tk (an eventual option to request Gtk will be 
 added, once functionality stabilises), this also means that we do have 
 interactivity. I'll be making that easier for users today, wrapping 
 everything in Processing friendly functions.

 Basic support for images, text, and spatial transformations will also be 
 updated later today.

 After that, I plan to make animations a bit faster, by supporting OS 
 specific drawing surfaces, rather than the general Cairo surface. Once the 
 2D support is stabilised through Cairo + Tk/Gtk, an OpenGL based backend 
 for 2D drawing will be added.


 On Monday, July 7, 2014 3:53:39 PM UTC+2, Job van der Zwan wrote:

 Cool! As someone who uses Processing to prototypes pretty much 
 everything, I'll have a look.

 One important feature is that it makes super easy to set up an 
 interactive loop - your description makes it sound like it doesn't do that 

 Of course, the biggest draw to Processing is that it has third party 
 libraries for just about anything you could possibly 
 http://processing.org/reference/libraries/ want a library for as an 
 artist. It will be a while before Julia is at that point ;)

 On Sunday, 6 July 2014 18:09:02 UTC+2, Robert Ennis wrote:

 Hey everyone,

 The first basic, but usable, version of Processing.jl is up on 
 METADATA.jl as a non-tagged package. To try it out, do a 
 Pkg.clone(Processing). So far, you can replicate some of the basic 2D 
 drawing functionality of the original Processing environment and script 
 some basic animations by playing with colours. You will find a basic 
 example in the test directory of the package. 3D support is on hold until 
 the 2D support is finalised.

 There is nothing special about this package. It's just a small, 
 convenience wrapper around the amazing work from the people who have put 
 together the Tk.jl, Cairo.jl (w/ Pango), and Color.jl packages.

 Thanks for an awesome community and awesome work to build on! :)


[julia-users] julia in emacs path

2014-07-08 Thread Steve Bellan
Hi all, I'm trying to get julia working via ESS in Aquamacs 3.0a. I managed 
to get it running on one computer but can't seem to get it on another one 
with very similar setups. The first thing I did was add this to my .emacs

(setq inferior-julia-program-name 

I also tried

(setq inferior-julia-program-name 

Also, in the instructions here https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/wiki/Julia it 
says to also have
(load path/to/ESS/git/lisp/ess-site)
(require 'ess-site)
in .emacs. But both of these return the following error with the newer 
versions of Aquamacs/Emacs. I assume this is because ESS is now 
pre-packaged with emacs distributions but am not sure:
File error: Cannot open load file, no such file or directory, ess-site
ESS is working with R still on this computer, so it does seem to be loaded.

With either the julia or julia-basic version above, M-x julia doesn't work 
(emacs says [No match]). I then tried to start julia from a shell started 
in the terminal. It didn't work because julia didn't seem to be in my path. 
So I added julia to my PATH in .bash_profile and can stat it now by typing 
'julia' in shell now from the terminal. But if I start shell in Emacs, it 
still doesn't work. I figured out that this was because shell in emacs 
doesn't run .bash_profile automatically. So I added

(setenv PATH (shell-command-to-string source ~/.bash_profile; echo -n 

to my .emacs. But then I get this error:

bash-3.2$ julia
ERROR: could not start process `tput setaf 0`: no such file or directory (
 in test_success at process.jl:460
 in success at process.jl:468
 in _start at client.jl:417

Process shell exited abnormally with code 1

I'm not very experienced with .emacs or .bash_profiles or PATH variables. 
So any help would be much appreciated!



Re: [julia-users] Re: Manual deallocation

2014-07-08 Thread Patrick O'Leary
You may also find this pull request interesting: 

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 11:31:12 AM UTC-5, Abraham Egnor wrote:

 Are there any plans to document the Julia GC (i.e. your comment implies 
 that it's a stop-the-world GC) and/or add performance tuning knobs?

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Stefan Karpinski ste...@karpinski.org 

 Writing `A = nothing` in Julia will not cause the memory used by A to be 
 freed immediately. That happens in reference counted systems, which many 
 dynamic languages traditionally have been, but which Julia is not. Instead, 
 the memory for A will be freed the next time a garbage collection occurs. 
 This consists of the language runtime stopping everything it's doing, 
 tracing through the graph of all objects in memory, marking the ones it can 
 still reach, and freeing all the rest. So if doing `A = nothing` causes 
 there to be no more reachable references to the object that A used to point 
 at, then that object will be freed when the next garbage collection occurs. 
 Normally, garbage collection occurs automatically when the system tries to 
 allocate something and doesn't have enough memory to do so: it runs the 
 garbage collector and then tries again. You can, however, call gc() to 
 force garbage collection to occur now. This is generally not necessary or 

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Ivar Nesje iva...@gmail.com wrote:

 In julia we don't say you shouldn't do something that could give better 
 performance (if you really want it). The thing is that Julia uses automatic 
 garbage collection because it is a pain to do manually, and then you have 
 to live with the semantics of a garbage collector.

 If your program is not really constrained by memory in the second part, 
 I would guess that it is unlikely that it would matter to your program when 
 the arrays are released. Freeing memory in julia (and other GC based 
 languages), is about ensuring that no references remains to the allocated 

 If it is a global variable, you can assign `nothing`, and if it is a 
 global constant, you can change the type, so you must reassign it to a 
 smaller array with the same dimensionality and type and ensure that you 
 don't have local variables that references the same array.

 If it is a local variable, I'm not sure there is other options than to 
 arrange the function boundaries, so that the large array goes out of scope 
 when it is not needed any more.

 kl. 22:56:35 UTC+2 mandag 7. juli 2014 skrev Pablo Zubieta følgende:

 Let's say I have some large matrices I need to do some calculations and 
 I use them in order to get some results that I will use in a second part 
 a computation where I not longer need the initial matrices. Suppose also 
 that I preallocate those matrices.

 Would it be ok to bind the names of those matrices to nothing (or 
 something similar) from the moment I won't be using them anymore, or 
 I leave the deallocation work to the GC?

Re: [julia-users] Re: Understanding how to display an Image and change pixels in real-time (fast)

2014-07-08 Thread Tim Holy
For 3D, Simon is the go-to person.

But for just displaying an image (which was your question at the bottom), 
ImageView will do exactly what you want. See the README, focusing especially 
on the programmatic usage section. If you're storing the array color-first, 
you'll need to wrap it in an Image. See the Images package.


On Tuesday, July 08, 2014 09:45:04 AM De Prins Maxime wrote:
 Ok , I know what I am going to do :).
 So I have split my projet into 4 parts...
 *Part 1:*
 I need to find a way to store pixels in a 3D Euclidean space. (X,Y,Z)  with
 X,Y and Z *INTEGER*
 I can do this with a 3xXxYxZ Array{Uint8,4}.
 But I will need to know if a (X,Y,Z) position is empty or not (fast) and
 Ultimatly I woud like to have only the list of the pixels that exist really
 ( if the (X, Y, Z) position is empty I don't need to store this information
 into my data)
 *Part 2:*I need a fonction who will take two arguments and give me a
 Like this:
 #pos is the position (x,y,z) of the camera and vec is the direction (x,y,z)
 looking by the camera
 function camera_view(pos,vec)
#explore the data from *part 1* and return a 3x600x800
 Array{Uint8,3} (for a 800x600 resolution screen)end
 *Part 3:*
 For this part what i need is to create a loop that display and refresh on
 the screen the returned picture of the function from
 *part 2*Something like this:
 img = imread(mypicture.bmp)
 display(img, pixelspacing = [1,1])
 when (camera is moving)
img.data = camera_view(pos,vec)
display(img, pixelspacing = [1,1])
 *Part 4:*Use the keybord and the mouse to trigger the loop from *part 3*
 and use the right (pos and vec) in the camera_view(pos,vec) function
 *-The end--*I
 create this topic to answer the part3
 so lets forget about all the other part.
 My question transform to:
 *HOW CAN I DISPLAY x in a windows or using all the screenlike
 this:LOOP x = **rand(Uint8,3,800,600)*
  *Display (x)*
 and how can I refresh my windows/screen with a new x the fastest way
 * (the point here is that I want to make a movie with random bitmaps)*idealy
 without using any Package/library  (writting all the code lines from
 I am doing this to LEARN I know there are clever programmers outhere who
 made perfect tools for 3D.
 I will post my work when I will get closer to the end haha.
 Thanks again

Re: [julia-users] Re: julia 0.3 prerelease, Windows, problems to start?

2014-07-08 Thread Andreas Lobinger
Thanks for the question.

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 4:38:15 PM UTC+2, Jameson wrote:

 Please open a github issue. What is your %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%?

afaics (i'm not really a windows commandline user, i use cygwin for that) 


and as you can assume, H: is only available if i'm connected to the company 
Afaics the only julia specific in H: is the .julia_history while a previous 
installation .julia/v0.3 package dir resides below Users/ApplicationData/.

How can i choose the directories at installation time (to make sure H: 
isn't used)?

[julia-users] Re: parallel_until?

2014-07-08 Thread Viral Shah
Could you file an issue about the segfault with the code to reproduce it? 
Definitely not useful if it segfaults.


On Monday, July 7, 2014 12:45:38 AM UTC-7, Robert Feldt wrote:

 BTW, can anyone explain why it segfaults if one continues increasing the 
 number of procs available:

 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 -p 32 test_pfind_colwise.jl
 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 -p 64 test_pfind_colwise.jl
 /Users/feldt/feldt/bin/julia03: line 2: 68828 Segmentation fault: 11 
 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9

 Still a speedup though but not useable if it segfaults... ;)



 Den måndagen den 7:e juli 2014 kl. 09:40:40 UTC+2 skrev Robert Feldt:

 If someone else needs something like this I ended up copying and 
 modifying pmap to suit my needs. I'm sure it can be simplified and 
 shortened but it works.
 Example code below and I get healthy speedups all the way up to 20 procs:

 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 test_pfind_colwise.jl
 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 -p 2 test_pfind_colwise.jl
 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 -p 4 test_pfind_colwise.jl
 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 -p 8 test_pfind_colwise.jl
 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 -p 16 test_pfind_colwise.jl
 feldt:~/tmp$ julia03 -p 32 test_pfind_colwise.jl

 Julia sure is great! :)



 N = 100
 Rows = 3
 MaxValue = 10

 @everywhere function fake_slow_condition(x)
   sum(x) == 30 ? x : false # Return x iff it fulfills the poperty

 # Similar to Base.findfirst(predicate, A) but process the array A 
 columnwise in parallel
 # and opt out of further processing if found. Returns both the index at 
 which found
 # as well as the result returned.
 @everywhere function pfind_colwise(predicate, A)
   np = nprocs()  # determine the number of processes available
   n = size(A, 2)
   i = 1
   results = Any[false for i in 1:n]
   found = false
   wasfound(idx) = found = true
   isfound() = found
   # function to produce the next work item from the queue.
   # in this case it's just an index to a column.
   nextidx() = (idx=i; i+=1; idx)
   @sync begin
 for p=1:np
   if p != myid() || np == 1
 @async begin
   while true
 idx = nextidx()
 if idx  n
 results[idx] = remotecall_fetch(p, predicate, A[:,idx])
 if isfound()
   break # Someone else already found it
 if results[idx] != false
   break # We found it
   fidx = findfirst((r)-(r != false), results)
   (fidx, (fidx != 0 ? results[fidx] : nothing))

 Reps = 30
 times = zeros(Reps)

 for rep in 1:Reps
   array = ifloor(MaxValue * rand(Rows, N))

   # We will be looking for the first column that sums to 30. Make sure it 
   suma = sum(array, 1)
   i = findfirst(suma, 30)
   if i == 0
 # Put it somewhere around the middle
 i = ifloor(rand(0.45N:0.55*N))
 array[:,i] = MaxValue * ones(Int64, Rows, 1)

 idx, res = pfind_colwise(fake_slow_condition, array)
   times[rep] = toq()


[julia-users] Re: Contributing an external package

2014-07-08 Thread Viral Shah
Have you seen this section of the 
manual: http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/packages/ ?


On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 7:29:03 AM UTC-7, Eric Chiang wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 I wrote a vanilla feedforward neural network package a bit ago and was 
 hoping work to polish it up (with the long term goal of getting it 
 registered with the Julia distribution).

 The package repo can be found here: https://github.com/EricChiang/ANN.jl

 Can anyone provide general tips (or links) regarding standards for package 
 development, particularly for ML models? This includes testing, academic 
 citations, general API construction, etc.


[julia-users] @profile and memory allocation

2014-07-08 Thread Douglas Bates
I believe I saw discussion of finding areas of memory allocation in the 
output of Profile.view() or the flame plot from ProfileView.view(). 
 However, like so many other things, I fail to remember the details.

The particular case I am interested in is described in an IJulia notebook 
called Bootstrap.ipynb in the repository github.com/dmbates/JuliaWorkshop. 
 I have eliminated almost all of the memory allocation in the inner loop of 
a simulation but there is some vestigial allocation going on that I can't 
track down.

The notebook can be viewed at


Re: [julia-users] @profile and memory allocation

2014-07-08 Thread Tim Holy
You can find the places where garbage is collected using ProfileView; bars in 
red correspond to lines that trigger gc. For this to work properly, your C 
backtraces have to resolve the function name correctly. That worked for me on 
Kubuntu 12.04, but after upgrading to Kubuntu 14.04 now I get garbage back 
from C backtraces. (Go figure.) In that case, I recommend saying
and then at least you can guess that it's a gc event from the tall stack of 
bars (the garbage-collector is heavily recursive).

Of course, garbage collection does not always happen at every line that 
triggers allocation. You may also be interested in 
which more directly detects allocation. It should work on your machine as long 
as you don't make install julia in a separate directory from where you 
cloned it (that proves to be the source of the Travis failure).


On Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:22:46 AM Douglas Bates wrote:
 I believe I saw discussion of finding areas of memory allocation in the
 output of Profile.view() or the flame plot from ProfileView.view().
  However, like so many other things, I fail to remember the details.
 The particular case I am interested in is described in an IJulia notebook
 called Bootstrap.ipynb in the repository github.com/dmbates/JuliaWorkshop.
  I have eliminated almost all of the memory allocation in the inner loop of
 a simulation but there is some vestigial allocation going on that I can't
 track down.
 The notebook can be viewed at

[julia-users] Re: Understanding how to display an Image and change pixels in real-time (fast)

2014-07-08 Thread De Prins Maxime
Thanks tim, I made a wonderfull movie.
but you need to have a 800*600 image.bmp
to work properly

using Images 

using ImageView

img = imread(image.bmp)

c = canvasgrid(1,1)

ops = [:pixelspacing = [1,1]]

display(c[1,1], img; ops...)

for i = 1:200

img.data = rand(Uint8,3,800,600)

display(c[1,1], img; ops...)


This is enought to start thinking about part1 and part2.

But i don't understand what happening in my computer :(

How to do this without using any package (What code lines of the images and 
imageview package I use)  , i will dig inside.


Re: [julia-users] Passing parameters to 'optimize'

2014-07-08 Thread John Myles White
This should work, except that you're not providing any initial values for x. Is 
your problem one-dimensional or multi-dimensional?

 -- John

On Jul 8, 2014, at 11:44 AM, Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel mat...@gmail.com 

 I am trying to optimize a simple function that takes a parameter as an 
 argument. Something like:
 Is there any way to do this? I have played quite a bit with optimize without 
 Thanks a lot

[julia-users] Passing parameters to 'optimize'

2014-07-08 Thread Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel
I am trying to optimize a simple function that takes a parameter as an 
argument. Something like:


Is there any way to do this? I have played quite a bit with optimize 
without success.

Thanks a lot

Re: [julia-users] julia in emacs path

2014-07-08 Thread Steve Bellan
Thanks for that. I installed the package but it's still not functioning. 
Interestingly, I have noticed that I neither start R nor Julia from an 
Emacs shell. And again, although M-x R does work M-x julia does not. Other 

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:29:31 PM UTC-5, Ista Zahn wrote:

 Hi Steve, 

 I'm guess that at least part of the problem is that OSX doesn't set 
 environment variables nicely, making it hard for emacs to find things. 
 Try installing https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell in 
 emacs, restart, and see if that does the trick. 


 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Steve Bellan steve@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote: 
  Hi all, I'm trying to get julia working via ESS in Aquamacs 3.0a. I 
  to get it running on one computer but can't seem to get it on another 
  with very similar setups. The first thing I did was add this to my 
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name 
  I also tried 
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name 
  Also, in the instructions here it says to also have 
  (load path/to/ESS/git/lisp/ess-site) 
  (require 'ess-site) 
  in .emacs. But both of these return the following error with the newer 
  versions of Aquamacs/Emacs. I assume this is because ESS is now 
  with emacs distributions but am not sure: 
  File error: Cannot open load file, no such file or directory, ess-site 
  ESS is working with R still on this computer, so it does seem to be 
  With either the julia or julia-basic version above, M-x julia doesn't 
  (emacs says [No match]). I then tried to start julia from a shell 
 started in 
  the terminal. It didn't work because julia didn't seem to be in my path. 
  I added julia to my PATH in .bash_profile and can stat it now by typing 
  'julia' in shell now from the terminal. But if I start shell in Emacs, 
  still doesn't work. I figured out that this was because shell in emacs 
  doesn't run .bash_profile automatically. So I added 
  (setenv PATH (shell-command-to-string source ~/.bash_profile; echo -n 
  to my .emacs. But then I get this error: 
  bash-3.2$ julia 
  ERROR: could not start process `tput setaf 0`: no such file or directory 
   in test_success at process.jl:460 
   in success at process.jl:468 
   in _start at client.jl:417 
  Process shell exited abnormally with code 1 
  I'm not very experienced with .emacs or .bash_profiles or PATH 
 variables. So 
  any help would be much appreciated! 

Re: [julia-users] Passing parameters to 'optimize'

2014-07-08 Thread Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel
Thanks for the quick reply!

My problem is one-dimensional. Here is the code:

using Optim

I get:
ERROR: no method optimize(Function, Int64)

I am running Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3884 (2014-06-25 10:41 UTC) and have 
updated all packages.

Thanks for your help

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:48:24 PM UTC-4, John Myles White wrote:

 This should work, except that you're not providing any initial values for 
 x. Is your problem one-dimensional or multi-dimensional? 

  -- John 

 On Jul 8, 2014, at 11:44 AM, Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel 
 mat...@gmail.com javascript: wrote: 

  I am trying to optimize a simple function that takes a parameter as an 
 argument. Something like: 
  Is there any way to do this? I have played quite a bit with optimize 
 without success. 
  Thanks a lot 

Re: [julia-users] julia in emacs path

2014-07-08 Thread Steve Bellan
scratch that, R does start up in the emacs shell. And I fixed my path 
variable so I can start julia up in the emacs shell too (had a syntax error 
in my .bash_profile).

What I still cannot get is M-x julia to work on emacs start-up. However, 
M-x julia does work once I've run M-x R. It seems like M-x R is loading ESS 
somehow? However, once I get julia open with M-x julia, Julia is basically 
frozen. If I C-g, then it unfreezes but seems to be a read-only buffer with 
no working julia implementation..

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 1:55:02 PM UTC-5, Steve Bellan wrote:

 Thanks for that. I installed the package but it's still not functioning. 
 Interestingly, I have noticed that I neither start R nor Julia from an 
 Emacs shell. And again, although M-x R does work M-x julia does not. Other 

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:29:31 PM UTC-5, Ista Zahn wrote:

 Hi Steve, 

 I'm guess that at least part of the problem is that OSX doesn't set 
 environment variables nicely, making it hard for emacs to find things. 
 Try installing https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell in 
 emacs, restart, and see if that does the trick. 


 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Steve Bellan steve@gmail.com 
  Hi all, I'm trying to get julia working via ESS in Aquamacs 3.0a. I 
  to get it running on one computer but can't seem to get it on another 
  with very similar setups. The first thing I did was add this to my 
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name 
  I also tried 
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name 
  Also, in the instructions here it says to also have 
  (load path/to/ESS/git/lisp/ess-site) 
  (require 'ess-site) 
  in .emacs. But both of these return the following error with the newer 
  versions of Aquamacs/Emacs. I assume this is because ESS is now 
  with emacs distributions but am not sure: 
  File error: Cannot open load file, no such file or directory, ess-site 
  ESS is working with R still on this computer, so it does seem to be 
  With either the julia or julia-basic version above, M-x julia doesn't 
  (emacs says [No match]). I then tried to start julia from a shell 
 started in 
  the terminal. It didn't work because julia didn't seem to be in my 
 path. So 
  I added julia to my PATH in .bash_profile and can stat it now by typing 
  'julia' in shell now from the terminal. But if I start shell in Emacs, 
  still doesn't work. I figured out that this was because shell in emacs 
  doesn't run .bash_profile automatically. So I added 
  (setenv PATH (shell-command-to-string source ~/.bash_profile; echo 
  to my .emacs. But then I get this error: 
  bash-3.2$ julia 
  ERROR: could not start process `tput setaf 0`: no such file or 
   in test_success at process.jl:460 
   in success at process.jl:468 
   in _start at client.jl:417 
  Process shell exited abnormally with code 1 
  I'm not very experienced with .emacs or .bash_profiles or PATH 
 variables. So 
  any help would be much appreciated! 

[julia-users] Need help on Sublime-IJulia install on Windows, Julia 0.3.0-prerelease

2014-07-08 Thread G. Patrick Mauroy
I run Julia 0.3.0-prerelease on Windows 7 64.

I am trying to install Sublime-IJulia that I would like to evaluate, looks 
like exactly what I am looking for as an IDE.

I went through all the install steps 
I keep on getting the dreaded ***Kernel Died***.
I suspect same issue as github #53 
https://github.com/quinnj/Sublime-IJulia/issues/53 I commented on as well.

Does anyone have an idea on how to move forward?
For instance, how could I find out the root cause or try a more recent 
Julia build on windows?


Re: [julia-users] julia in emacs path

2014-07-08 Thread Steve Bellan
OK, got it working after more playing. I had to remove the path from my 
.emacs file  get it write in the .bash_profile. It seemed that the path 
was set more than once in emacs  bash and this was causing the crash and 
ess not recognizing it.

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:06:35 PM UTC-5, Steve Bellan wrote:

 scratch that, R does start up in the emacs shell. And I fixed my path 
 variable so I can start julia up in the emacs shell too (had a syntax error 
 in my .bash_profile).

 What I still cannot get is M-x julia to work on emacs start-up. However, 
 M-x julia does work once I've run M-x R. It seems like M-x R is loading ESS 
 somehow? However, once I get julia open with M-x julia, Julia is basically 
 frozen. If I C-g, then it unfreezes but seems to be a read-only buffer with 
 no working julia implementation..

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 1:55:02 PM UTC-5, Steve Bellan wrote:

 Thanks for that. I installed the package but it's still not functioning. 
 Interestingly, I have noticed that I neither start R nor Julia from an 
 Emacs shell. And again, although M-x R does work M-x julia does not. Other 

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:29:31 PM UTC-5, Ista Zahn wrote:

 Hi Steve, 

 I'm guess that at least part of the problem is that OSX doesn't set 
 environment variables nicely, making it hard for emacs to find things. 
 Try installing https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell in 
 emacs, restart, and see if that does the trick. 


 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Steve Bellan steve@gmail.com 
  Hi all, I'm trying to get julia working via ESS in Aquamacs 3.0a. I 
  to get it running on one computer but can't seem to get it on another 
  with very similar setups. The first thing I did was add this to my 
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name 
  I also tried 
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name 
  Also, in the instructions here it says to also have 
  (load path/to/ESS/git/lisp/ess-site) 
  (require 'ess-site) 
  in .emacs. But both of these return the following error with the newer 
  versions of Aquamacs/Emacs. I assume this is because ESS is now 
  with emacs distributions but am not sure: 
  File error: Cannot open load file, no such file or directory, ess-site 
  ESS is working with R still on this computer, so it does seem to be 
  With either the julia or julia-basic version above, M-x julia doesn't 
  (emacs says [No match]). I then tried to start julia from a shell 
 started in 
  the terminal. It didn't work because julia didn't seem to be in my 
 path. So 
  I added julia to my PATH in .bash_profile and can stat it now by 
  'julia' in shell now from the terminal. But if I start shell in Emacs, 
  still doesn't work. I figured out that this was because shell in emacs 
  doesn't run .bash_profile automatically. So I added 
  (setenv PATH (shell-command-to-string source ~/.bash_profile; echo 
  to my .emacs. But then I get this error: 
  bash-3.2$ julia 
  ERROR: could not start process `tput setaf 0`: no such file or 
   in test_success at process.jl:460 
   in success at process.jl:468 
   in _start at client.jl:417 
  Process shell exited abnormally with code 1 
  I'm not very experienced with .emacs or .bash_profiles or PATH 
 variables. So 
  any help would be much appreciated! 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Manual deallocation

2014-07-08 Thread Abraham Egnor
Mostly I was looking for documentation on performance characteristics,
although I'd settle for anything at all :)  The Julia home page and manual
have zero mention of memory management that I could find, except for a FAQ
entry about unbinding large values in the REPL.  I inferred GC but the
runtime could also have been using refcounting, region inference, or
something more exotic.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Patrick O'Leary patrick.ole...@gmail.com

 You may also find this pull request interesting:

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 11:31:12 AM UTC-5, Abraham Egnor wrote:

 Are there any plans to document the Julia GC (i.e. your comment implies
 that it's a stop-the-world GC) and/or add performance tuning knobs?

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Stefan Karpinski ste...@karpinski.org

 Writing `A = nothing` in Julia will not cause the memory used by A to be
 freed immediately. That happens in reference counted systems, which many
 dynamic languages traditionally have been, but which Julia is not. Instead,
 the memory for A will be freed the next time a garbage collection occurs.
 This consists of the language runtime stopping everything it's doing,
 tracing through the graph of all objects in memory, marking the ones it can
 still reach, and freeing all the rest. So if doing `A = nothing` causes
 there to be no more reachable references to the object that A used to point
 at, then that object will be freed when the next garbage collection occurs.
 Normally, garbage collection occurs automatically when the system tries to
 allocate something and doesn't have enough memory to do so: it runs the
 garbage collector and then tries again. You can, however, call gc() to
 force garbage collection to occur now. This is generally not necessary or

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Ivar Nesje iva...@gmail.com wrote:

 In julia we don't say you shouldn't do something that could give better
 performance (if you really want it). The thing is that Julia uses automatic
 garbage collection because it is a pain to do manually, and then you have
 to live with the semantics of a garbage collector.

 If your program is not really constrained by memory in the second part,
 I would guess that it is unlikely that it would matter to your program when
 the arrays are released. Freeing memory in julia (and other GC based
 languages), is about ensuring that no references remains to the allocated

 If it is a global variable, you can assign `nothing`, and if it is a
 global constant, you can change the type, so you must reassign it to a
 smaller array with the same dimensionality and type and ensure that you
 don't have local variables that references the same array.

 If it is a local variable, I'm not sure there is other options than to
 arrange the function boundaries, so that the large array goes out of scope
 when it is not needed any more.

 kl. 22:56:35 UTC+2 mandag 7. juli 2014 skrev Pablo Zubieta følgende:

 Let's say I have some large matrices I need to do some calculations
 and I use them in order to get some results that I will use in a second
 part of a computation where I not longer need the initial matrices. 
 also that I preallocate those matrices.

 Would it be ok to bind the names of those matrices to nothing (or
 something similar) from the moment I won't be using them anymore, or 
 I leave the deallocation work to the GC?

Re: [julia-users] julia in emacs path

2014-07-08 Thread Ista Zahn
Hi Steve,

Glad you got it working. I just tried it out with aquamacs (can't
stand it myself, but to each his own...) and it worked for me,
provided that I set

(setq inferior-julia-program-name

rather than

(setq inferior-julia-program-name


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Steve Bellan steve.bel...@gmail.com wrote:
 OK, got it working after more playing. I had to remove the path from my
 .emacs file  get it write in the .bash_profile. It seemed that the path was
 set more than once in emacs  bash and this was causing the crash and ess
 not recognizing it.

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:06:35 PM UTC-5, Steve Bellan wrote:

 scratch that, R does start up in the emacs shell. And I fixed my path
 variable so I can start julia up in the emacs shell too (had a syntax error
 in my .bash_profile).

 What I still cannot get is M-x julia to work on emacs start-up. However,
 M-x julia does work once I've run M-x R. It seems like M-x R is loading ESS
 somehow? However, once I get julia open with M-x julia, Julia is basically
 frozen. If I C-g, then it unfreezes but seems to be a read-only buffer with
 no working julia implementation..

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 1:55:02 PM UTC-5, Steve Bellan wrote:

 Thanks for that. I installed the package but it's still not functioning.
 Interestingly, I have noticed that I neither start R nor Julia from an Emacs
 shell. And again, although M-x R does work M-x julia does not. Other ideas?

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:29:31 PM UTC-5, Ista Zahn wrote:

 Hi Steve,

 I'm guess that at least part of the problem is that OSX doesn't set
 environment variables nicely, making it hard for emacs to find things.
 Try installing https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell in
 emacs, restart, and see if that does the trick.


 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Steve Bellan steve@gmail.com
  Hi all, I'm trying to get julia working via ESS in Aquamacs 3.0a. I
  to get it running on one computer but can't seem to get it on another
  with very similar setups. The first thing I did was add this to my
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name
  I also tried
  (setq inferior-julia-program-name
  Also, in the instructions here it says to also have
  (load path/to/ESS/git/lisp/ess-site)
  (require 'ess-site)
  in .emacs. But both of these return the following error with the newer
  versions of Aquamacs/Emacs. I assume this is because ESS is now
  with emacs distributions but am not sure:
  File error: Cannot open load file, no such file or directory, ess-site
  ESS is working with R still on this computer, so it does seem to be
  With either the julia or julia-basic version above, M-x julia doesn't
  (emacs says [No match]). I then tried to start julia from a shell
  started in
  the terminal. It didn't work because julia didn't seem to be in my
  path. So
  I added julia to my PATH in .bash_profile and can stat it now by
  'julia' in shell now from the terminal. But if I start shell in Emacs,
  still doesn't work. I figured out that this was because shell in emacs
  doesn't run .bash_profile automatically. So I added
  (setenv PATH (shell-command-to-string source ~/.bash_profile; echo
  to my .emacs. But then I get this error:
  bash-3.2$ julia
  ERROR: could not start process `tput setaf 0`: no such file or
   in test_success at process.jl:460
   in success at process.jl:468
   in _start at client.jl:417
  Process shell exited abnormally with code 1
  I'm not very experienced with .emacs or .bash_profiles or PATH
  variables. So
  any help would be much appreciated!

[julia-users] Re: Using Sparse Matrix Algorithms: Spatial Econometrics

2014-07-08 Thread Donald Lacombe
Dear Simon,

Thank you for the quick and informative response! I have a few 

1) Thank you for the information regarding the randn() function. I found a 
workaround in the original code but now it looks much better and acts as 

2) When I use A = sparse(In - rho*W) I get the following warning from Julia 
and a break:

julia sar_gibbs

LoadError(C:/Users/Don/Desktop/Julia Materials/SAR 
Gibbs/sar_gibbs.jl,13,ErrorException(The inverse of a sparse matrix can often 
be dense and can cause the computer to run out of memory. If you are sure you 
have enough memory, please convert your matrix to a dense matrix.))

Apparently, it does not like it when I invert the A matrix.

3) Can I wrap the code with a blank function call like so: function 

4) Are you indicating that I can include the knn_weights_matrix code in the 
same file?

Once again, thank you for the response. My goal is to produce a suite of 
Bayesian spatial econometric models for public consumption and you help is 
greatly appreciated.



On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 5:06:14 AM UTC-4, Simon Byrne wrote:

 Hi Don,

 I think the reason they're not sparse is that in the line
 A = (In - rho*W);
 the matrix In is not sparse: if you replace the line
 In = eye(n);
 In = speye(n);
 the result should then be sparse. However at the moment there doesn't seem 
 to be a sparse det method (I just filed issue #7543 
 https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/7543): you can get around 
 this by using log(det(lufact(A))) instead of log(det(A)).

 You might also want to have a quick look at the performance tips 
 http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/, in 

 * You should use randn() instead of randn(1): randn() samples a single 
 Float64 scalar, randn(1) samples a vector of length 1. On my machine (using 
 0.3 pre-release) your code doesn't work, as this promotes some vectors to 
 matrices, which doesn't work with dot. You also then won't need to call 
 variables like rho_proposed[1].
 * Try wrapping everything in a function: this makes it easier for the JIT 
 compiler to work its magic, as well as making it easier to use profiling 
 * If you're using dense matrices, you can use logdet(A) instead of 
 log(det(A)): this can avoid some underflow and overflow problems 
 (unfortunately this doesn't work for sparse lu factorizations yet, see the 
 issue mentioned above).
 * Purely from a style point of view, there's no need to keep functions in 
 separate files, or end lines with semi-colons.


 On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 01:48:56 UTC+1, Donald Lacombe wrote:

 Dear Julia Users,

 I am currently developing/converting several Bayesian spatial econometric 
 models from MATLAB into Julia. I have successfully coded the spatial 
 autoregressive model (SAR) with diffuse priors in Julia but have a question 
 regarding the use of sparse matrix algorithms. The models use a spatial 
 weight matrix which is usually sparse in nature and this matrix appears in 
 many of the expressions, especially in the random walk Metropolis algorithm 
 used to obtain the marginal distribution for the spatial autocorrelation 
 parameter rho. Here is a code snippet and the complete code is attached:

 # Draw for rho

 A = (In - rho*W);

 denominator = log(det(A))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(A*y-x*beta,A*y-x*beta);

 accept = 0;

 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);

 while accept == 0

 if ((rho_proposed[1]  -1)  (rho_proposed[1]  1));

 accept = 1;


 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);



  B = (In - rho_proposed[1]*W);

  numerator = log(det(B))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(B*y-x*beta,B*y-x*beta);

  u = rand(1);

  if ((numerator[1] - denominator[1])  exp(1))

 pp = 1;


 ratio = exp(numerator[1] - denominator[1]);

 pp = min(1,ratio);


 if (u[1]  pp[1])

 rho = rho_proposed[1];

 acc = acc + 1;


 ar = acc/gibbs;

 if ar  0.4

 zta = zta/1.1;


 if ar  0.6

 zta = zta*1.1;


 A = (In - rho*W);

 Basically, I'm wondering if there is any way to make the A and B 
 matrices sparse and possibly make it run faster, especially in the 
 log(det(A)) terms. Currently, 110 draws (with 10 burn) takes approximately 8 
 seconds on my 64 bit, core i7 laptop. The computational speed decreases with 
 the sample size n because the weight matrices are treated as full.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated and if anyone is interested in running 
 the code, the Distributions and Distance packages must be included and 
 initiated first.



Re: [julia-users] Re: Using Sparse Matrix Algorithms: Spatial Econometrics

2014-07-08 Thread Donald Lacombe

Yes, you are correct and your solution works just fine. 

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I've said it before 
but the kindness and generosity of this community is remarkable!


On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 5:34:45 AM UTC-4, Andreas Noack wrote:

 I think I-ρW would be even better in this case. I is a generic identity 
 matrix. A and B are probably positive definite. If so, I think 
 logdet(cholfact(A)) would be the best solution. 

 2014-07-08 11:06 GMT+02:00 Simon Byrne simon...@gmail.com javascript::

 Hi Don,

 I think the reason they're not sparse is that in the line
 A = (In - rho*W);
 the matrix In is not sparse: if you replace the line
 In = eye(n);
 In = speye(n);
 the result should then be sparse. However at the moment there doesn't 
 seem to be a sparse det method (I just filed issue #7543 
 https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/7543): you can get around 
 this by using log(det(lufact(A))) instead of log(det(A)).

 You might also want to have a quick look at the performance tips 
 http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/, in 

 * You should use randn() instead of randn(1): randn() samples a single 
 Float64 scalar, randn(1) samples a vector of length 1. On my machine (using 
 0.3 pre-release) your code doesn't work, as this promotes some vectors to 
 matrices, which doesn't work with dot. You also then won't need to call 
 variables like rho_proposed[1].
 * Try wrapping everything in a function: this makes it easier for the JIT 
 compiler to work its magic, as well as making it easier to use profiling 
 * If you're using dense matrices, you can use logdet(A) instead of 
 log(det(A)): this can avoid some underflow and overflow problems 
 (unfortunately this doesn't work for sparse lu factorizations yet, see the 
 issue mentioned above).
 * Purely from a style point of view, there's no need to keep functions in 
 separate files, or end lines with semi-colons.


 On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 01:48:56 UTC+1, Donald Lacombe wrote:

 Dear Julia Users,

 I am currently developing/converting several Bayesian spatial 
 econometric models from MATLAB into Julia. I have successfully coded the 
 spatial autoregressive model (SAR) with diffuse priors in Julia but have a 
 question regarding the use of sparse matrix algorithms. The models use a 
 spatial weight matrix which is usually sparse in nature and this matrix 
 appears in many of the expressions, especially in the random walk 
 Metropolis algorithm used to obtain the marginal distribution for the 
 spatial autocorrelation parameter rho. Here is a code snippet and the 
 complete code is attached:

 # Draw for rho

 A = (In - rho*W);

 denominator = log(det(A))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(A*y-x*beta,A*y-x*beta);

 accept = 0;

 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);

 while accept == 0

 if ((rho_proposed[1]  -1)  (rho_proposed[1]  1));

 accept = 1;


 rho_proposed = rho + zta*randn(1);



  B = (In - rho_proposed[1]*W);

  numerator = log(det(B))-.5*sigma^-2*dot(B*y-x*beta,B*y-x*beta);

  u = rand(1);

  if ((numerator[1] - denominator[1])  exp(1))

 pp = 1;


 ratio = exp(numerator[1] - denominator[1]);

 pp = min(1,ratio);


 if (u[1]  pp[1])

 rho = rho_proposed[1];

 acc = acc + 1;


 ar = acc/gibbs;

 if ar  0.4

 zta = zta/1.1;


 if ar  0.6

 zta = zta*1.1;


 A = (In - rho*W);

 Basically, I'm wondering if there is any way to make the A and B 
 matrices sparse and possibly make it run faster, especially in the 
 log(det(A)) terms. Currently, 110 draws (with 10 burn) takes approximately 
 8 seconds on my 64 bit, core i7 laptop. The computational speed decreases 
 with the sample size n because the weight matrices are treated as full.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated and if anyone is interested in 
 running the code, the Distributions and Distance packages must be included 
 and initiated first.



 Med venlig hilsen

 Andreas Noack Jensen

Re: [julia-users] Re: Manual deallocation

2014-07-08 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Yes, we should probably have a manual chapter on memory management.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Abraham Egnor abe.eg...@gmail.com wrote:

 Mostly I was looking for documentation on performance characteristics,
 although I'd settle for anything at all :)  The Julia home page and manual
 have zero mention of memory management that I could find, except for a FAQ
 entry about unbinding large values in the REPL.  I inferred GC but the
 runtime could also have been using refcounting, region inference, or
 something more exotic.

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Patrick O'Leary patrick.ole...@gmail.com

 You may also find this pull request interesting:

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 11:31:12 AM UTC-5, Abraham Egnor wrote:

 Are there any plans to document the Julia GC (i.e. your comment implies
 that it's a stop-the-world GC) and/or add performance tuning knobs?

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Stefan Karpinski ste...@karpinski.org

 Writing `A = nothing` in Julia will not cause the memory used by A to
 be freed immediately. That happens in reference counted systems, which many
 dynamic languages traditionally have been, but which Julia is not. Instead,
 the memory for A will be freed the next time a garbage collection occurs.
 This consists of the language runtime stopping everything it's doing,
 tracing through the graph of all objects in memory, marking the ones it can
 still reach, and freeing all the rest. So if doing `A = nothing` causes
 there to be no more reachable references to the object that A used to point
 at, then that object will be freed when the next garbage collection occurs.
 Normally, garbage collection occurs automatically when the system tries to
 allocate something and doesn't have enough memory to do so: it runs the
 garbage collector and then tries again. You can, however, call gc() to
 force garbage collection to occur now. This is generally not necessary or

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Ivar Nesje iva...@gmail.com wrote:

 In julia we don't say you shouldn't do something that could give
 better performance (if you really want it). The thing is that Julia uses
 automatic garbage collection because it is a pain to do manually, and then
 you have to live with the semantics of a garbage collector.

 If your program is not really constrained by memory in the second
 part, I would guess that it is unlikely that it would matter to your
 program when the arrays are released. Freeing memory in julia (and other 
 based languages), is about ensuring that no references remains to the
 allocated object.

 If it is a global variable, you can assign `nothing`, and if it is a
 global constant, you can change the type, so you must reassign it to a
 smaller array with the same dimensionality and type and ensure that you
 don't have local variables that references the same array.

 If it is a local variable, I'm not sure there is other options than to
 arrange the function boundaries, so that the large array goes out of scope
 when it is not needed any more.

 kl. 22:56:35 UTC+2 mandag 7. juli 2014 skrev Pablo Zubieta følgende:

 Let's say I have some large matrices I need to do some calculations
 and I use them in order to get some results that I will use in a second
 part of a computation where I not longer need the initial matrices. 
 also that I preallocate those matrices.

 Would it be ok to bind the names of those matrices to nothing (or
 something similar) from the moment I won't be using them anymore, or 
 I leave the deallocation work to the GC?

Re: [julia-users] Passing parameters to 'optimize'

2014-07-08 Thread John Myles White
Ok. Then there are two problems witht the inputs you're using:

(1) One-dimensional optimize doesn't take a single starting point, it takes a 
bracket in which you think the minimum occurs.

(2) You need to use floating point inputs.

Things will work if you do optimize(f, -10.0, 10.0) or something similar.

 -- John

On Jul 8, 2014, at 12:03 PM, Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel mat...@gmail.com 

 Thanks for the quick reply!
 My problem is one-dimensional. Here is the code:
 using Optim
 I get:
 ERROR: no method optimize(Function, Int64)
 I am running Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3884 (2014-06-25 10:41 UTC) and have 
 updated all packages.
 Thanks for your help
 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:48:24 PM UTC-4, John Myles White wrote:
 This should work, except that you're not providing any initial values for x. 
 Is your problem one-dimensional or multi-dimensional? 
  -- John 
 On Jul 8, 2014, at 11:44 AM, Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel mat...@gmail.com 
  I am trying to optimize a simple function that takes a parameter as an 
  argument. Something like: 
  Is there any way to do this? I have played quite a bit with optimize 
  without success. 
  Thanks a lot 

Re: [julia-users] Types and interfaces

2014-07-08 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Definitely a missing piece. Here's the relevant issue:
https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/6975. It's largely a question of
design and implementation.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Abraham Egnor abe.eg...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm very new to Julia, so my apologies for the bits I inevitably get wrong.

 As far as I can tell, Julia has no notion of interface, i.e. if you
 declare your data type a subtype of Foo, you also must/should implement
 these functions on the type.  This seems like a pretty significant lack to
 me - it turns the (otherwise quite lovely) type system into essentially
 tagged duck typing.

 There are a few packages that implement their own version of interfaces
 (and it speaks well of Julia that this is possible!), but they do so with
 very different semantics and don't expose any sort of general
 interface-construction machinery.

 Are there any proposals for an interface framework as part of the standard

Re: [julia-users] Passing parameters to 'optimize'

2014-07-08 Thread Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel
Ahh I see. It works now.

Thanks a lot!

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 4:00:44 PM UTC-4, John Myles White wrote:

 Ok. Then there are two problems witht the inputs you're using:

 (1) One-dimensional optimize doesn't take a single starting point, it 
 takes a bracket in which you think the minimum occurs.

 (2) You need to use floating point inputs.

 Things will work if you do optimize(f, -10.0, 10.0) or something similar.

  -- John

 On Jul 8, 2014, at 12:03 PM, Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel 
 mat...@gmail.com javascript: wrote:

 Thanks for the quick reply!

 My problem is one-dimensional. Here is the code:

 using Optim

 I get:
 ERROR: no method optimize(Function, Int64)

 I am running Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3884 (2014-06-25 10:41 UTC) and have 
 updated all packages.

 Thanks for your help

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:48:24 PM UTC-4, John Myles White wrote:

 This should work, except that you're not providing any initial values for 
 x. Is your problem one-dimensional or multi-dimensional? 

  -- John 

 On Jul 8, 2014, at 11:44 AM, Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel 
 mat...@gmail.com wrote: 

  I am trying to optimize a simple function that takes a parameter as an 
 argument. Something like: 
  Is there any way to do this? I have played quite a bit with optimize 
 without success. 
  Thanks a lot 

Re: [julia-users] How do you do interactive development in Julia?

2014-07-08 Thread Andrei Zh
Hi Rob, 

Thanks for your answer. I use very similar approach with Emacs and ESS 
mode[1]: I've bound command ess-eval-line-and-step to C-d (CONTROL / 
COMMAND + D) to be able to send single line and ess-load-file to C-c 
C-c (double CONTROL / COMMAND + C) to reload the entire file. I don't like 
idea of reloading REPL, though. Not because it takes 5 commands (I can 
actually automate most of these keystrokes), but because this way you lose 
your current state. This may be really painful, especially when your 
computations took half an hour or so (which is often the case in image 
processing, recommendation engines, etc.)

I think, though, that your ideas combined with clear() function ([2]) from 
Tim's comment should work pretty well.  

[1]: https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/wiki/Julia
[2]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/7487 

[julia-users] efficient iterative updating for dataframe subsets

2014-07-08 Thread Steve Bellan
Hi, I am writing an MCMC likelihood function that comes from a dynamic 
model. I have about 50 state variables for several thousand individuals 
that each get updated iteratively over time. However, some individuals' 
variables get updated at some type steps but not at others (because they 
are inactive). I'd like to be able to write something of the sort

k = 50
n = 1000
states = rand(n, k)
typeof!(states, DataFrame)

function dynupdate(states, active)
with(states[active,:], {
   x1 = x1 .* 2
   x2 = par1 .* x3 .*x 2
   x3 = par3 .* (x1 + x3)^2})

Forgive the sloppy coding, I'm quite new to Julia.  I'm not sure the best 
way to do this. The other complication is that I want x1,x2,x3 to all 
depend on their value at the last time period. If I update x1 first, then 
x2 will depend on the updated version of x1 and not the past one. I could 
obviously create x1new, x2new, x3new and then update them in states at the 
end, but I'm wondering whats the fastest, most elegant way to do this.

Also, I am struggling to understand how to navigate function documentation 
in Julia. When I type help(with) it gives me almost no information on that 
function. with() is not an easy thing to search for on google either so I 
have no idea what with() does. What's the best way to learn more about 
functions in julia? In R, I rely on the help() and example() a lot.



Re: [julia-users] Ideomatic way to write a function that works with a collection of any Number (any subtype of type)

2014-07-08 Thread John Myles White
What you're doing isn't a workaround: it's the correct way to do this in the 
current version of Julia. There may be shorthand in the future, but this is the 
right approach today.

 -- John

On Jul 8, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Andrei Zh faithlessfri...@gmail.com wrote:

 Here's another question about code style. Let's say I want to write function 
 inc() that just adds 1 to its (typed) argument. For simple numbers I can 
 force parameter to be of type Number: 
   julia function inc(x::Number) x + 1 end
   inc (generic function with 1 method)
   julia inc(1)
   julia inc(1.)
 For parametrised collections, however, it doesn't work, since Julia's type 
 parameters are invariant: 
   julia function inc(x::Vector{Number}) x + 1 end
   inc (generic function with 2 methods)
   julia inc([1, 2]) 
   ERROR: no method inc(Array{Int64,1})
   julia inc([1., 2.])
   ERROR: no method inc(Array{Float64,1})
 As a workaround I use parametrized functions, which work just fine: 
   julia function inc{T : Number}(x::Vector{T}) x + 1 end
   inc (generic function with 3 methods)
   julia inc([1, 2]) 
   2-element Array{Int64,1}:
   julia inc([1., 2.])
   2-element Array{Float64,1}:
 But since operations on vectors of (any) numbers are so common, I would 
 expect simpler / shorter way to write them. More generally, I wonder if 
 there's a better way to write functions with collections parametrized by 
 abstract classes. 
 Additional (but closely related) question: is there any run-time overhead for 
 function arguments with abstract type parameters over several functions with 
 concrete types? E.g. is writing inc(x::Vector{Int}) and 
 inc(x::Vector{Float64}) faster than function inc{T : 

Re: [julia-users] Types and interfaces

2014-07-08 Thread Tobias Knopp
Abraham, you might also be interested in the prototype that I have prepared 
in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/7025

While I am also looking forward that anything like this lands in Julia, 
this is mainly about getting better error messages and code organization. 
Julia is perfectly usable even with its implicit interfaces that are 
available now.

By the way, in the Base Graphics module there is a mustimplement macro 
that also can be used to define interfaces.

Am Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014 22:02:52 UTC+2 schrieb Stefan Karpinski:

 Definitely a missing piece. Here's the relevant issue: 
 https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/6975. It's largely a question 
 of design and implementation.

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Abraham Egnor abe@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:

 I'm very new to Julia, so my apologies for the bits I inevitably get 

 As far as I can tell, Julia has no notion of interface, i.e. if you 
 declare your data type a subtype of Foo, you also must/should implement 
 these functions on the type.  This seems like a pretty significant lack to 
 me - it turns the (otherwise quite lovely) type system into essentially 
 tagged duck typing.

 There are a few packages that implement their own version of interfaces 
 (and it speaks well of Julia that this is possible!), but they do so with 
 very different semantics and don't expose any sort of general 
 interface-construction machinery.

 Are there any proposals for an interface framework as part of the 
 standard library?

Re: [julia-users] @profile and memory allocation

2014-07-08 Thread Douglas Bates

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 1:41:40 PM UTC-5, Tim Holy wrote:

 You can find the places where garbage is collected using ProfileView; bars 
 red correspond to lines that trigger gc. For this to work properly, your C 
 backtraces have to resolve the function name correctly. That worked for me 
 Kubuntu 12.04, but after upgrading to Kubuntu 14.04 now I get garbage back 
 from C backtraces. (Go figure.)

Thanks.  I'm not sure that everything is working properly on Ubuntu 
14.04/(LLVM 3.5 from svn) for me but the results seem reasonable.  The 
(admittedly small amount of) memory allocation is taking place in 
randmtzig_randn from librandom.jl.

 In that case, I recommend saying 
 and then at least you can guess that it's a gc event from the tall stack 
 bars (the garbage-collector is heavily recursive). 

I could see that but I didn't remember how to manipulate the graph.  The 
stack was so tall that the lines I was interested in were hard to select 
with the mouse.  Is there a way of zooming in on the window?

Of course, garbage collection does not always happen at every line that 
 triggers allocation. You may also be interested in 
 which more directly detects allocation. It should work on your machine as 
 as you don't make install julia in a separate directory from where you 
 cloned it (that proves to be the source of the Travis failure). 


 On Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:22:46 AM Douglas Bates wrote: 
  I believe I saw discussion of finding areas of memory allocation in the 
  output of Profile.view() or the flame plot from ProfileView.view(). 
   However, like so many other things, I fail to remember the details. 
  The particular case I am interested in is described in an IJulia 
  called Bootstrap.ipynb in the repository 
   I have eliminated almost all of the memory allocation in the inner loop 
  a simulation but there is some vestigial allocation going on that I 
  track down. 
  The notebook can be viewed at 

Re: [julia-users] How do you do interactive development in Julia?

2014-07-08 Thread Rob J. Goedman
Hi Andrei,

I'll have a look at your pointers before further extending the TextMate bundle, 
particularly [2] looks promising.

Thanks, and regards,
Rob J. Goedman

On Jul 8, 2014, at 2:19 PM, Andrei Zh faithlessfri...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Rob, 
 Thanks for your answer. I use very similar approach with Emacs and ESS 
 mode[1]: I've bound command ess-eval-line-and-step to C-d (CONTROL / 
 COMMAND + D) to be able to send single line and ess-load-file to C-c C-c 
 (double CONTROL / COMMAND + C) to reload the entire file. I don't like idea 
 of reloading REPL, though. Not because it takes 5 commands (I can actually 
 automate most of these keystrokes), but because this way you lose your 
 current state. This may be really painful, especially when your computations 
 took half an hour or so (which is often the case in image processing, 
 recommendation engines, etc.)
 I think, though, that your ideas combined with clear() function ([2]) from 
 Tim's comment should work pretty well.  
 [1]: https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/wiki/Julia
 [2]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/7487

[julia-users] Re: efficient iterative updating for dataframe subsets

2014-07-08 Thread Joshua Job
The documentation 
here http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/introduction/ works 
beautifully, you can search it by keywords, etc. and every function in the 
standard library is represented. As for user-defined functions, I'm not 
sure what we can do about that except for looking at the code, etc.

Also, I'm not entirely certain what your code is meant to do. It looks 
naively like you could work exclusively with arrays, not a DataFrame. 
Arrays are much faster and more efficient. It's not *awful* to just say 
newStates = zeros(n,k) and then do all your computation using the original 
states array, saving the results in newStates. Then say states = newStates 
and your ready for the next run.

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:26:16 PM UTC-7, Steve Bellan wrote:

 Hi, I am writing an MCMC likelihood function that comes from a dynamic 
 model. I have about 50 state variables for several thousand individuals 
 that each get updated iteratively over time. However, some individuals' 
 variables get updated at some type steps but not at others (because they 
 are inactive). I'd like to be able to write something of the sort

 k = 50
 n = 1000
 states = rand(n, k)
 typeof!(states, DataFrame)

 function dynupdate(states, active)
 with(states[active,:], {
x1 = x1 .* 2
x2 = par1 .* x3 .*x 2
x3 = par3 .* (x1 + x3)^2})

 Forgive the sloppy coding, I'm quite new to Julia.  I'm not sure the best 
 way to do this. The other complication is that I want x1,x2,x3 to all 
 depend on their value at the last time period. If I update x1 first, then 
 x2 will depend on the updated version of x1 and not the past one. I could 
 obviously create x1new, x2new, x3new and then update them in states at the 
 end, but I'm wondering whats the fastest, most elegant way to do this.

 Also, I am struggling to understand how to navigate function documentation 
 in Julia. When I type help(with) it gives me almost no information on that 
 function. with() is not an easy thing to search for on google either so I 
 have no idea what with() does. What's the best way to learn more about 
 functions in julia? In R, I rely on the help() and example() a lot.



Re: [julia-users] @profile and memory allocation

2014-07-08 Thread Tim Holy
On Tuesday, July 08, 2014 03:24:02 PM Douglas Bates wrote:
  Is there a way of zooming in on the window?

Just click  drag. (If you're running from the REPL; doesn't work in IJulia.) 
Double-click to go back out to the full view.


[julia-users] Re: Manual deallocation

2014-07-08 Thread Pablo Zubieta
Thanks for the answers. I agree that a manual chapter would be helpful.

Re: [julia-users] Ideomatic way to write a function that works with a collection of any Number (any subtype of type)

2014-07-08 Thread Iain Dunning
For your additional question: no overhead for the abstract version versus 
the two specialized. Don't think of them as types like in C/C++ function 
definition, think of them as a filter. Julia will compile a new version for 
every type input you put in anyway that is specialized for the type parsed 

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:51:41 PM UTC-7, John Myles White wrote:

 What you're doing isn't a workaround: it's the correct way to do this in 
 the current version of Julia. There may be shorthand in the future, but 
 this is the right approach today. 

  -- John 

 On Jul 8, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Andrei Zh faithle...@gmail.com javascript: 

  Here's another question about code style. Let's say I want to write 
 function inc() that just adds 1 to its (typed) argument. For simple 
 numbers I can force parameter to be of type Number: 
julia function inc(x::Number) x + 1 end 
inc (generic function with 1 method) 
julia inc(1) 
julia inc(1.) 
  For parametrised collections, however, it doesn't work, since Julia's 
 type parameters are invariant: 
julia function inc(x::Vector{Number}) x + 1 end 
inc (generic function with 2 methods) 
julia inc([1, 2]) 
ERROR: no method inc(Array{Int64,1}) 
julia inc([1., 2.]) 
ERROR: no method inc(Array{Float64,1}) 
  As a workaround I use parametrized functions, which work just fine: 
julia function inc{T : Number}(x::Vector{T}) x + 1 end 
inc (generic function with 3 methods) 
julia inc([1, 2]) 
2-element Array{Int64,1}: 
julia inc([1., 2.]) 
2-element Array{Float64,1}: 
  But since operations on vectors of (any) numbers are so common, I would 
 expect simpler / shorter way to write them. More generally, I wonder if 
 there's a better way to write functions with collections parametrized by 
 abstract classes. 
  Additional (but closely related) question: is there any run-time 
 overhead for function arguments with abstract type parameters over several 
 functions with concrete types? E.g. is writing inc(x::Vector{Int}) and 
 inc(x::Vector{Float64}) faster than function inc{T : 

Re: [julia-users] Ideomatic way to write a function that works with a collection of any Number (any subtype of type)

2014-07-08 Thread Iain Dunning
(on a related note, for the same reason type assertions in a method 
definition don't actually improve performance)

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 6:19:51 PM UTC-7, Iain Dunning wrote:

 For your additional question: no overhead for the abstract version 
 versus the two specialized. Don't think of them as types like in C/C++ 
 function definition, think of them as a filter. Julia will compile a new 
 version for every type input you put in anyway that is specialized for the 
 type parsed in.

 On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:51:41 PM UTC-7, John Myles White wrote:

 What you're doing isn't a workaround: it's the correct way to do this in 
 the current version of Julia. There may be shorthand in the future, but 
 this is the right approach today. 

  -- John 

 On Jul 8, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Andrei Zh faithle...@gmail.com wrote: 

  Here's another question about code style. Let's say I want to write 
 function inc() that just adds 1 to its (typed) argument. For simple 
 numbers I can force parameter to be of type Number: 
julia function inc(x::Number) x + 1 end 
inc (generic function with 1 method) 
julia inc(1) 
julia inc(1.) 
  For parametrised collections, however, it doesn't work, since Julia's 
 type parameters are invariant: 
julia function inc(x::Vector{Number}) x + 1 end 
inc (generic function with 2 methods) 
julia inc([1, 2]) 
ERROR: no method inc(Array{Int64,1}) 
julia inc([1., 2.]) 
ERROR: no method inc(Array{Float64,1}) 
  As a workaround I use parametrized functions, which work just fine: 
julia function inc{T : Number}(x::Vector{T}) x + 1 end 
inc (generic function with 3 methods) 
julia inc([1, 2]) 
2-element Array{Int64,1}: 
julia inc([1., 2.]) 
2-element Array{Float64,1}: 
  But since operations on vectors of (any) numbers are so common, I would 
 expect simpler / shorter way to write them. More generally, I wonder if 
 there's a better way to write functions with collections parametrized by 
 abstract classes. 
  Additional (but closely related) question: is there any run-time 
 overhead for function arguments with abstract type parameters over several 
 functions with concrete types? E.g. is writing inc(x::Vector{Int}) and 
 inc(x::Vector{Float64}) faster than function inc{T : 

Re: [julia-users] Types and interfaces

2014-07-08 Thread Jameson Nash
As an experiment, I had recently started work on implementing the reverse
of this (extracting the implicit interface given a type) in a pull request
for astrieanna's TypeCheck.jl package:


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Tobias Knopp tobias.kn...@googlemail.com

 Abraham, you might also be interested in the prototype that I have
 prepared in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/7025

 While I am also looking forward that anything like this lands in Julia,
 this is mainly about getting better error messages and code organization.
 Julia is perfectly usable even with its implicit interfaces that are
 available now.

 By the way, in the Base Graphics module there is a mustimplement macro
 that also can be used to define interfaces.

 Am Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014 22:02:52 UTC+2 schrieb Stefan Karpinski:

 Definitely a missing piece. Here's the relevant issue:
 https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/6975. It's largely a question
 of design and implementation.

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Abraham Egnor abe@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm very new to Julia, so my apologies for the bits I inevitably get

 As far as I can tell, Julia has no notion of interface, i.e. if you
 declare your data type a subtype of Foo, you also must/should implement
 these functions on the type.  This seems like a pretty significant lack to
 me - it turns the (otherwise quite lovely) type system into essentially
 tagged duck typing.

 There are a few packages that implement their own version of interfaces
 (and it speaks well of Julia that this is possible!), but they do so with
 very different semantics and don't expose any sort of general
 interface-construction machinery.

 Are there any proposals for an interface framework as part of the
 standard library?

[julia-users] The Meaning of `const`

2014-07-08 Thread Leah Hanson
The only reference I can find in the manual to the `const` keyword is in
the performance section [1]. Well, that and the `isconst` function[2].

This seems like it would be worth documenting, especially since it behaves
significantly differently than the const that I remember from Java or C++,
which prevented you from changing the value of const variable.

I think I understand now, that `const` in Julia means that the type of the
variable must remain constant. This was very surprising to me.

julia const x = 10

julia x += 1
Warning: redefining constant x

julia x

julia const arr = Int[1,2,3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia arr[1] = 13

julia arr
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia x += 0.5
ERROR: invalid redefinition of constant x

I'd be happy to add this to the manual, but I'm not sure where it belongs.
Any suggestions?


Re: [julia-users] Types and interfaces

2014-07-08 Thread Stefan Karpinski
That's a really cool idea. It will be really interesting to see what our
implicit interfaces are determined to be.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Jameson Nash vtjn...@gmail.com wrote:

 As an experiment, I had recently started work on implementing the reverse
 of this (extracting the implicit interface given a type) in a pull request
 for astrieanna's TypeCheck.jl package:


 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Tobias Knopp tobias.kn...@googlemail.com

 Abraham, you might also be interested in the prototype that I have
 prepared in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/7025

 While I am also looking forward that anything like this lands in Julia,
 this is mainly about getting better error messages and code organization.
 Julia is perfectly usable even with its implicit interfaces that are
 available now.

 By the way, in the Base Graphics module there is a mustimplement macro
 that also can be used to define interfaces.

 Am Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014 22:02:52 UTC+2 schrieb Stefan Karpinski:

 Definitely a missing piece. Here's the relevant issue:
 https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/6975. It's largely a question
 of design and implementation.

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Abraham Egnor abe@gmail.com

 I'm very new to Julia, so my apologies for the bits I inevitably get

 As far as I can tell, Julia has no notion of interface, i.e. if you
 declare your data type a subtype of Foo, you also must/should implement
 these functions on the type.  This seems like a pretty significant lack to
 me - it turns the (otherwise quite lovely) type system into essentially
 tagged duck typing.

 There are a few packages that implement their own version of interfaces
 (and it speaks well of Julia that this is possible!), but they do so with
 very different semantics and don't expose any sort of general
 interface-construction machinery.

 Are there any proposals for an interface framework as part of the
 standard library?

[julia-users] Gaussian process factor analysis

2014-07-08 Thread Roger Herikstad
I was wondering if anyone has done any work on Gaussian process factor 
analysis in julia? I'm interested in the techniques in this paper:

1. Yu, B. M. *et al.* Gaussian-process factor analysis for low-dimensional 
single-trial analysis of neural population activity. *Journal of 
Neurophysiology* *102,* 614–635 (2009).

There is already a matlab implementation 

but it would nice to have a pure julia implementatin as well. 

I'm aware of the discussion 
here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/aBJIcjwqzCM/vF5-fXPrWhsJ 
about porting other parts of the same toolbox, so if I'm going to do this 
myself, I'll work straight from the original paper to avoid licensing 