well, this was fun...  the following code rapidly triggers the OOM killer 
on my machine (julia 0.4 trunk):

s = repeat("a", 1000000)
l = Any[]
r = r"^\w"

for i in 1:length(s)
    m = match(r, s[i:end])
    push!(l, m.match)

note that: (1) the regexp is only matching one character, so the array l is 
at most a million characters long.

what i think is happening (but this is only a guess) is that s[i:end] is 
being passed though to the c level regexp library as a new string.  the 
result (m.match) is then a substring into that.  because the substring is 
kept around, the backing string cannot be collected.  and so there's an n^2 
memory use.

ideally, i don't think a new copy of the string should be passed to the 
regexp engine.  maybe i am wrong?

anyway, for now, if the above is right, i need some way to copy m.match.  
as far as i can tell string() doesn't help.  so what works?  or am i wrong?


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