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It should be registered soon.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 4:22 PM, Tom Short <> wrote:

> I'm interested in feedback on the following unregistered package that
> implements a build-dependency system like the *make* utility or Ruby's
> Rake:
>      (based on Mike Nolta's Rake.jl)
> For me, a typical project will have a script that reads in data followed
> by several steps of data processing, analysis, and/or simulation. I
> normally split this into several functions. The main problem with this
> approach is that I typically have to manually run one or more of these
> functions to load variables and do initial processing. Sometimes, I will
> script this setup, but it's still klunky.
> The package above tries to help manage these dependencies. In theory, I
> can include my Julia script and run `make()`. This will load variables and
> re-run parts of the data analysis if the input data has changed or I've
> change parts of my code.
> Suggestions? Other approaches to handle this use case?

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