Your Exprs are sad because they're being passed to `eval`. Exprs dream only 
of being spliced into the AST by a macro and compiled in context!

(I'm assuming that your actual need is more sophisticated than this. If so, 
you probably want to use a proper macro for what you're trying to do--see 
the metaprogramming section of the user manual, and pay 
particular attention to the role of `esc()`. If you provide a little more 
detail at a higher level on what you're trying to solve, there might be an 
even simpler solution.)


On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 7:58:10 PM UTC-5, Evan Pu wrote:
> Hi, just a quick question on the scope/environment of an expression.
> I am using the Expr construct inside a function to create an expression, 
> and I would then want to use this expression in various different places. 
> Here's a short example
> First we have a simple function "funky" that takes in a function "ff", and 
> applies it to two symbolic arguments :x and :y
> julia> function funky(ff::Function)
>          Expr(:call, ff, :x, :y)
>        end
> funky (generic function with 1 method)
> We define x and y to be 1 and 2 respectively
> julia> x,y = 1,2
> (1,2)
> No surprise here, when funky is passed with the function "+", it adds x 
> and y together
> julia> eval(funky(+))
> 3
> However, now I want to use this expression with different bindings for x 
> and y, I attempt the following
> julia> function funfun(x, y)
>          eval(funky(+))
>        end
> funfun (generic function with 1 method)
> Which doesn't seem to work. Here the result is sitll 3, presumably it is 
> using the earlier bindings of x=1, y=2
> julia> funfun(4,5)
> 3
> I would really liked the last result to be 9.
> So far it seems the expression uses static scoping and it's looking up the 
> binding for :x and :y in the frame generated by calling "funky", and not 
> finding it there, it looks up :x and :y in the 
> global frame, which is 1 and 2.
> Is there a way to bind the symbols in an expression to different things? 
> is there like an "environment" dictionary where we can mess with, or is 
> there some clean way of doing it?
> Much much much appreciated!!!
> --evan

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