Hello all,

I have noted an inaccuracy when using the "^" symbol.  Please see below:

*julia> **1.052500000000004 ^ 6.0*

*julia> *
*1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004 * 
1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004*

This yields a difference of:  


This might not seem like much of a difference, but it is having an adverse 
effect on a project I am working on.  To compare, in Python, I don't see 
any difference:

In[8]: 1.052500000000004 ** 6.0
Out[8]: 1.3593541801778926

In[9]: 1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004 * 
1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004 * 1.052500000000004
Out[9]: 1.3593541801778926

I also see no difference in C++

Any idea why this might be?  Just an issue with floating point math?  Is 
Julia actually being more accurate here?



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