Is there a way to make reference of the internal variables of an array 
comprehension? I'm trying to improve this Rosetta Code task:


const n = 20
sort(filter(x -> x[1] < x[2] && x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 == x[3]^2, [(a, b, c) for a=
1:n, b=1:n, c=1:n]))

In Python it's:

In [2]: n = 20

In [3]: [(x,y,z) for x in xrange(1,n+1) for y in xrange(x,n+1) for z in 
xrange(y,n+1) if x**2 + y**2 == z**2]
Out[3]: [(3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (6, 8, 10), (8, 15, 17), (9, 12, 15), (12, 
16, 20)]

I'll update the task with:

julia> [(x, y, z) for x = 1:n, y = 1:n, z = 1:n if x < y && x^2 + y^2 == z^2
] |> sort
6-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64},1}:

But I tried this and it doesn't work, I wonder why? 

julia> [(x, y, z) for x = 1:n, y = x:n, z = y:n if x^2 + y^2 == z^2]
ERROR: UndefVarError: x not defined

Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance!

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