Hei Alberto,

good to hear that you could adapt your algorithms to the sextante model.
but to your questions.
> I still have some things I'd like to clarify: 1) to implement symbology 
> management for raster, would it be needed to modify the sextante 
> classes?

I don't think so - but I may be wrong.
We would need to check how Erwan did the Plugin that reads ESRI ASCII 
grid files - he was able to do some coloring too using a derived class 
of the pirol plugin (see [1])

However, if having a choice we should build (extend/subclass?) the 
classes given from Sextante.

> Or can it be done in some other ways? 2) how could be added 
> support for different raster formats?

I think you would need to write a class that transforms all other image 
types into a *BufferedImage*, which is used by PirolJUMP and OpenJUMP. 
Then later some instance of *RasterImageLayer* is probably what we want 
for display - see the classes in the folder:


There needs to be some more thinking done on that. But the good part is, 
that for now we can build everthing else, which modifies and analyses 
rasters, on the sextante classes. So we can later change the data i/o 
access model underneath (i.e. using imagej instead of jai for instance).

a further option may be to use th GDBMS lib as abstract layer - maybe?

> And one more dumb question? How can I share files with the list members?
mhm... thats a good question. I think we have here 3 ways:
. one way would be to give you access to the SVN so you can write 
directly to the repository, if that is what you want (and I am sure the 
others can agree on that, as you guys know OJ a bit). For this you would 
  need to register for Sourceforge.
. Otherwise we really just post files to the devel-list, but for lots of 
files this is probably anoying for some?
. A furth option is we generate a new page on the openjump wiki for this 
topic and post links to own ftp servers there (you would get wiki write 
access after you woud have logged in for the first time)

I hope my answers were at least a bit helpful?



> Cheers
> Alberto
> On 08/02/2010 23:51, Stefan Steiniger wrote:
>> Hei Michael, Alberto and Larry,
>> yep. What I was suggesting is to use IRasterLayer and the related 
>> generic classes and basically copy them with a slight name change to 
>> avoid confusion [1]. This way we could develop on raster functionality 
>> based on the sextante interfaces and access classes.
>> I.e. it was not just about loading raster files, because the sextante 
>> raster file is just a normal tiff image too, but loaded with Pirols 
>> plugin, which is what the Sextante-OJ interface needs as input.
>> With respect to Albertos question: yes, we may need to update them 
>> from time to time. But i think these classes will not have much 
>> changes in the future.
>> In case you want to have a look at the classes I did a commit of those 
>> to a new branch: /branches/sstein/
>> the classes are to be found in
>> org.openjump.core.rasterimage.sextante.*
>> stefan
>> [1] I think I changed only the name of the Sextante class 
>> OpenJUMPRasterLayer to OpenJUMPSextanteRasterLayer , which provides a 
>> way to convert openjump data (raster and vector) in (abstract) 
>> sextante datatypes.
>> Note, I also add an example plugin that for instance converts a loaded 
>> raster into a vector grid. So you can see how it works
>> PS: btw another option would be to look into GDMS
>> Michaël Michaud wrote:
>>> Hi Stefan,
>>> Sorry, my knowledge about raster managment is very poor.
>>> I thought you already added Sextante raster classes (File> Open> 
>>> Image raster (Sextante))
>>> Isn't it enough to benefit from Sextante algorithm library ?
>>> Could you briefly explain what is missing in OpenJUMP.
>>>  From what you and Alberto said, I understand that OpenJUMP and 
>>> AdbToolbox have their own loaders and renderers, but there is no OJ 
>>> interface to define how to access raster data in a way independant 
>>> from loader implementation (maybe like IRasterLayer from Sextante) ? 
>>> Is that the point ?
>>> Michaël
>>> Larry Becker a écrit :
>>>>     I actually asked a couple of months ago if other people would
>>>>     accept if
>>>>     I commit the basic Raster classes used in Sextante. There was 
>>>> not much
>>>>     exitement/repsonse ;)
>>>> Sorry for the lack of response Stefan. I just haven't had time to 
>>>> study Sextante, and didn't feel qualified to comment.
>>>> Larry

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