Hi Ede, Yukka, Michael and list,
I pull the request for a new method to write GeoTIFF file
into org.openjump.core.rasterimage.RasterImageIO class.
This method allows OpenJUMP to write the essential info about the
coordinate reference system as a tag into a TIFF file . The method seems to
work fine: OpenJUMP, GDAL and QGIS are able to read the project info for
the files (and eventually reuse it to reproject).
This code should substitute all the other write tiff methods which are
spreaded into OpenJUMP and eventually in Sextante and OpenKLEM.
The code of this new method is self-explaining: compared to the
RasterImageIO.writeImage() method a new GeoKeyDirectoryTag is created with
the minimum required information the projection. Also a GTRasterTypeGeoKey
tag is added.
A comment about the code will be really appreciated.
Best regards
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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