Re: [kaffe] mipsel/jit3 regression test results

2004-10-20 Thread Dalibor Topic
Mikolaj Habryn wrote:
On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 11:11, Timothy Stack wrote:
To run it manually, you need to do something like the following in 
Magic, thanks! Results are:
Bombed with Illegal Instruction: ControlFlowMethods, ObjectFields,
PrimitiveArrays, StaticFields, StaticMethodCall, TypeConversion
Passed: ConstMathMethods, ConstMethods, ParameterizedBitwiseMethods,
Aborted: ParameterizedMathMethods, ParameterizedMethods
...and I got bored waiting for MethodOptimizations to complete.
That was without libffi. With libffi, the differences were:
ConstMethods failed instead of passed.
ParameterizedMethods failed instead of aborted.
StaticMethodCall crashed the box :)
Woops ;( Looks like static method calls are broken in general on mips 
with jit.

dalibor topic
kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-06 Thread Kevin D. Kissell
 Notice the difference?  The kaffe.def calls do the pushargs before the 
 begin_func_sync and the icode.c calls do the pushargs after the 
 begin_func_sync.  Arghh!!

Now, if only I knw what begin _func_sync really meant, I'd know
whether that was really a problem!  ;o)

  I could believe that
  the hack below may have helped some bug that PPC was seeing,
  and it might help MIPS as well, but if rreg_ideal_int() can be fatal, 
  I would think that rreg_int() could be as well.
 Yeah, I might've just gotten lucky somehow...

If the register already associated to the requesting slot is global,
or if its type is the same as that requested (for read use) or
its type is the same as requested and its reference count is
only one (for write use), you'd avoid going to the allocator
on a non-ideal rreg_mumble().  I suspect that covers more
than 50% of the dynamic instances of GPR allocation.
But on architures with distinct FPU registers (and that's
most architectures these days), you would lose a lot more 
often on requests for floating registers.

It's easy for me to say this as I sit here looking at sources
on a Windows box with neither the means nor the opportunity
to roll up my sleeves and do it myself, but I think that, rather
than avoid the use of the rreg_ideal_mumble()'s, we need
to fix the underlying problem, because it can happen anyway.

And, actually, looking at the slotRegister() code (which is 
what all the rreg_mumble_mumble() macros expand to)
it strikes me that I must have observed another bug when
I was tracing the TestNative regression test failures.
As I mentioned earlier, when the function call prologue
was being generated and the arguments that wouldn't
fit into the designated argument registers were being
pushed onto the stack, each push invoked rreg_mumble(),
and each time it returned a new register number, looping
through the full set of usable registers until it clobbered
the designated argument registers.  Given what I observed
above about slotRegister(), I don't understand why it is
that we never seemed to be able to re-use the register
binding to a slot.

Whether by fixing some underlying machinery, or by judicious
use of a fixed rreg_ideal_mumble(), we really ought to ensure
that the same temporary registers are used through the whole
argument push sequence.  It should be good for a measurable
performance increase.


Kevin K.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-06 Thread Kevin D. Kissell
 Kevin The code generation in jit3-mips.def is going to generate all
 Kevin sorts of broken code if you allow those values to go above 31,
 Kevin I think.  There is no masking of the shifted values as the
 Kevin instruction words are being created.
 I masked all the registers when generating instructions, and with the
 float registers renumbered all of the test/internal tests pass. Kaffe
 itself won't yet load, however.

Did you also flag all the MIPS argument registers as Reserved?
As we've all been saying, that's a work-around for a bug that is
elsewhere, but it's a simple and effective work-around.

Regards, and regrets to not be able to do this myself,

Kevin K.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-06 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

 Kevin == Kevin D Kissell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kevin The code generation in jit3-mips.def is going to generate all
Kevin sorts of broken code if you allow those values to go above 31,
Kevin I think.  There is no masking of the shifted values as the
Kevin instruction words are being created.
  I masked all the registers when generating instructions, and with
 the float registers renumbered all of the test/internal tests
 pass. Kaffe itself won't yet load, however.

Kevin Did you also flag all the MIPS argument registers as Reserved?
Kevin As we've all been saying, that's a work-around for a bug that
Kevin is elsewhere, but it's a simple and effective work-around.

Yes, the problem now stems from floating-point comparisons not
working, which causes the Hashtable constructor to reject the
loadFactor argument.

I *think* this stems from renumbering the registers, which is looking
to be more and more bogus. So fixing the register allocation is the
thing to do, not kludging around it.

But that's for next week.

Kevin Regards, and regrets to not be able to do this myself,

You've been more than helpful already; thanks.

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-06 Thread Timothy Stack
On Mar 5, 2004, at 4:24 PM, Casey Marshall wrote:

Hash: SHA1
Kevin == Kevin D Kissell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

* If I renumber the float registers from 32 to 63, the spill
problem doesn't happen, but I get a bus error when the `call'
instruction is reached. This happens because the constant pool code
tries to restore register gp from fp, and it looks like fp gets
clobbered before this can happen.
Kevin The code generation in jit3-mips.def is going to generate all
Kevin sorts of broken code if you allow those values to go above 31,
Kevin I think.  There is no masking of the shifted values as the
Kevin instruction words are being created.
I masked all the registers when generating instructions, and with the
float registers renumbered all of the test/internal tests pass.

 Kaffe itself won't yet load, however.
Well, its progress...

This solution is obviously a hack;
I don't think so, it should always be pretty easy for the backend to
map the regno value to whatever needs to be put in the instruction.
 the correct fix is probobly to fix
register.c to not assume that regno is an index into reginfo.
I'm hesitant to mess with the register allocator too much, especially
since it might break the other backends...
Unrelated question to the peanut gallery: currently the stack trace I
get when Kaffe is loading (an Internal error: caught an unexpected
exception.) goes all the way back to
java.lang.VMThrowable.fillInStackTrace( Is
this just a symptom of an exception being thrown early, or is this yet
another problem with the MIPS backend?
Most likely its normal, send the whole print out if you're really
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-06 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

 Timothy == Timothy Stack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Timothy On Mar 5, 2004, at 4:24 PM, Casey Marshall wrote:

 This solution is obviously a hack;

Timothy I don't think so, it should always be pretty easy for the
Timothy backend to map the regno value to whatever needs to be put in
Timothy the instruction.

Since the machine code emitter believes that these numbers can be
written into instructions as-is, I doubt that they should be changed.

(That is, of course, unless it can no longer be assumed that regno is
a valid part of an instruction)

 the correct fix is probobly to fix register.c to not assume that
 regno is an index into reginfo.

Timothy I'm hesitant to mess with the register allocator too much,
Timothy especially since it might break the other backends...

I think it should be easy (FLW) to rework the register allocation
without damaging the way register-sparse machines work by assuring
that the behavior visible from those sides is the same. Besides, my
current belief is that this is just the confusion between the
SlotData.regno and kregs.regno.

But yeah, messing with stuff that is known to work elsewhere is
something I'd rather not do.

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Timothy Stack
 Timothy Hmm, what are the error messages?  The internal tests are
 Timothy pretty much the baby-steps, so you might want to pursue this
 Timothy first.  The tests starts out simple with just trying to call
 Timothy functions, then passing parameters, then doing some
 Timothy arithmetic, and so on...  I wrote them when I was working on
 Timothy the PowerPC backend and they were really helpful.
 Got it linked.


 I get a bunch of assembly

Yeah, those tests run with all of the debugging turned on.

 then this:
 Translating ParameterizedMethods.float_method_int_float_double_int(IFDI)F (static) 
 Failure 8fdc0010 123.456028
 So this actually doesn't surprise me much: there appear to be bugs in
 the way float parameters are passed (and this, like isNaN, is static,
 so this probably limits the possibilities of what's wrong).

Good, it looks like Kevin sent mail about this, so hopefully his 
suggestion helps a bit.

 Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Kevin,

Kevin D. Kissell wrote:
So this actually doesn't surprise me much: there appear to be bugs in
the way float parameters are passed (and this, like isNaN, is static,
so this probably limits the possibilities of what's wrong).

In the period before kaffe 1.1.0, I identified a FP parameter passing
problems in JIT3 for MIPS and fixed them in a couple of different
ways, to the point where the TestNative regression test finally passed,
and looking at my archives, as I posted to the mailing list last May,
someone had checked in one of the effective fixes into
However, in looking at the CVSweb, it looks as if that fix never
made it into the 1.1.0 tree.  See my emails to the mailing list from March 
to June 2003 (there weren't that many of them).  The minimalist fix
was to flag f12 and f14 as Reserved and not just RFD in mips/jit.h, 
but the other fix, which involved replacing uses of rreg_float and rreg_double
with uses of rreg_ideal_float and rreg_ideal_double in jit3-mips.def , 
would save a lot of useless spills.

1.1.0 was distinctly worse for JIT on MIPS than 1.0.7+.  With
a few fixes to 1.0.7, I was passing most of the regression tests, and
I could even run the embedded Caffeinemark on a MIPSel Linux platform
and get fairly decent performance.  With 1.1.0, things went completely to hell.
Oops, sorry about that :(

I must have still been confused about using CVS properly back then. 
Could you repost the patch, so that I can check it into CVS HEAD?

dalibor topic,
taking things to hell and hopefully back ;)
kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin D. Kissell
 I must have still been confused about using CVS properly back then. 
 Could you repost the patch, so that I can check it into CVS HEAD?

The system I use for kaffe development is down, and I'm up against some
other deadlines that make it far from certain that I'll get around to reconstructing
the environment and the patch any time soon.  I'd strongly suggest that Casey 
try the following on his sources, rather than wait for me to get around to it.

Go into kaffe/config/mips and edit jit.h.  In the definition of REGISTER_SET
(which goes on for a ways) where you see the string RFD in the rows for the
FP argument passing registers f12 and f14, change that to RFD|Reserved.
It would also be wise to change RIL to RIL|Reserved in the rows for
integer registers i4, i5, i6, and i7.  This will prevent a spill bug which causes
arguments passed to JIT functions to be clobbered.  Or at least it used to
in the 1.0.7+ sources.

This bug might not have been caught by the regression tests if it hadn't
been for another significant defect of the MIPS JIT.  JIT3 makes 
heroic efforts to track and preserve registers that contain interesting
values for as long as possible.  So every time you invoke rreg_float(),
the register allocator (which was up in the architecture independent code)
assigns a new register.  If that register was previously used, it will be
spilled to the stack.  I guess the idea was that, if you never used up
the full compliment of registers, you'd never have to spill.  Unfortunately,
it didn't take into account the fact that some register values have very
short lifetimes, and the net result is that the entire register compliment
can be forced into spills by a series of throw-away register uses.
Specifically, in the definition of push_float kaffe/config/mips/jit3-mips.def,
when NR_ARGUMENTS has been exceeded and we're passing
arguments on the stack (the then it gets easy case), each new
argument push invokes rreg_float(1), which allocates a FP register
for the push.  It's strictly a temporary value that can never be recycled,
but if you pass 16 arguments, you'll clobber 16 distinct FPRs.  I replaced
the rreg_float(1) instance in push_float, and the rreg_double(1)
with rreg_ideal_float(1, REG_f16) and rreg_ideal_double(1, REG_f16)
respectively.  This forced (well, sucessfully requested) that the designated
floating temp register in the MIPS calling convention be used each time.
The behavior was still sub-optimal, but preserved a lot more live
registers than the way it had been when I found it.

I'm going to resurrect my kaffe development environment one of these
days and see if I can't help out more effectively on this stuff, but I can't
imagine getting to it before the end of the month.


Kevin K.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

 Kevin == Kevin D Kissell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I must have still been confused about using CVS properly back then.
 Could you repost the patch, so that I can check it into CVS HEAD?

Kevin The system I use for kaffe development is down, and I'm up
Kevin against some other deadlines that make it far from certain that
Kevin I'll get around to reconstructing the environment and the patch
Kevin any time soon.  I'd strongly suggest that Casey try the
Kevin following on his sources, rather than wait for me to get around
Kevin to it.

Kevin Go into kaffe/config/mips and edit jit.h.  In the definition of
Kevin REGISTER_SET (which goes on for a ways) where you see the
Kevin string RFD in the rows for the FP argument passing registers
Kevin f12 and f14, change that to RFD|Reserved.  It would also be
Kevin wise to change RIL to RIL|Reserved in the rows for integer
Kevin registers i4, i5, i6, and i7.  This will prevent a spill bug
Kevin which causes arguments passed to JIT functions to be clobbered.
Kevin Or at least it used to in the 1.0.7+ sources.

This doesn't quite get around my initial problem (spilling a register
with no ctype).

Right now these are my suspicions/ideas:

   * The register managment code (spills/allocs/restores) appears to
 have changed to the point where it is incompatible with the way
 the MIPS backend presents its registers. Specifically, it looks
 like the register code likes to assume that the `regno' field is
 an index into the reginfo array, which isn't true for MIPS (it
 numbers its int registers from 0 to 31, then its float registers
 from 0 to 31 again).

 *Maybe* the register functions need to be a little smarter, by
 first choosing any register whose regno field matches the ideal
 number, then choosing the best register out of that set that fits
 the other criteria best.

 (This is all crash-course hacking I'm doing, so I might be
 totally mistaken).

   * If I renumber the float registers from 32 to 63, the spill
 problem doesn't happen, but I get a bus error when the `call'
 instruction is reached. This happens because the constant pool
 code tries to restore register gp from fp, and it looks like fp
 gets clobbered before this can happen.

   * If I disable the JIT constant pool, I get a segmentation
 fault. This happens because load_constant_int writes the
 return value of Float.isNaN(I)Z into register a0 (aka i4), and
 back in Float.toString [1] this register is used to reload itself
 (i.e. `lw a0,24(a0)'). This fails because that register now
 contains the result of a boolean method (1 or 0).

 So, it looks like there are some missing restores. These
 registers are spilled when they are used, but aren't restored.

At any rate I'm still optimistic that this code is fixable without too
much headache.

[1] The stack that leads to this error is this:

at java.lang.Float.toString(
at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(
at java.util.Hashtable.init(
at java.util.Hashtable.init(
at java.util.Properties.init(
at java.util.Properties.init(
at java.lang.System.clinit(
at java.lang.Throwable.clinit(
at java.util.HashMap.init(
at java.util.HashMap.init(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.clinit(

   And this looks very bad because I think the check
   !(DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR  0) fails, which is horribly, horribly

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin D. Kissell
 Right now these are my suspicions/ideas:
* The register managment code (spills/allocs/restores) appears to
  have changed to the point where it is incompatible with the way
  the MIPS backend presents its registers. Specifically, it looks
  like the register code likes to assume that the `regno' field is
  an index into the reginfo array, which isn't true for MIPS (it
  numbers its int registers from 0 to 31, then its float registers
  from 0 to 31 again).

It looks to me as if the MIPS numbering is done that way so that 
the synthesis of instructions can be done using regno, since MIPS
FPRs and GPRs are in seperate banks and both addressed
from 0 to 31.

  *Maybe* the register functions need to be a little smarter, by
  first choosing any register whose regno field matches the ideal
  number, then choosing the best register out of that set that fits
  the other criteria best.
  (This is all crash-course hacking I'm doing, so I might be
  totally mistaken).

The rreg_ideal functions did more-or-less that, if I recall (it's been
about a year since I did the same crash course your're doing now).

* If I renumber the float registers from 32 to 63, the spill
  problem doesn't happen, but I get a bus error when the `call'
  instruction is reached. This happens because the constant pool
  code tries to restore register gp from fp, and it looks like fp
  gets clobbered before this can happen.

The code generation in jit3-mips.def is going to generate all sorts
of broken code if you allow those values to go above 31, I think.
There is no masking of the shifted values as the instruction words
are being created.

You are very likely correct that the use of regno as an index
is causing major problems, but I if you're going to renumber the
floats, you need to tweak the instruction generation code.  The
minimalist hack would be to tweak some or all of the 9 macros
at the top of jit3-mips.def to take advantage of the fact that
33 % 32 = 1, i.e.

#define insn_RRR(op, rd, rs, rt) \
LOUT = 0x |  ((rs)  21) | \
((rt)  16) | ((rd)  11) | (op)

would become

#define insn_RRR(op,rd,rs,rt) \
LOUT = 0x | (((rs)  0x1f) 21) \
(((rt)0x1f)16) | (((rd)0x1f)11) op

* If I disable the JIT constant pool, I get a segmentation
  fault. This happens because load_constant_int writes the
  return value of Float.isNaN(I)Z into register a0 (aka i4), and
  back in Float.toString [1] this register is used to reload itself
  (i.e. `lw a0,24(a0)'). This fails because that register now
  contains the result of a boolean method (1 or 0).
  So, it looks like there are some missing restores. These
  registers are spilled when they are used, but aren't restored.

That's the syndrome that I was seeing that ORing Reserved
into the descriptors for the argument registers seemed to help.
That's fixing the symptom rather than the cause, though.  It solves
the problem by making sure that the argument registers won't
be allocated for anything else, which would be wasteful as hell
on a more register-poor architecture.  The more correct fix would
be to do the right thing (if only I knew exacltly what that was!)
when arguments are being set up in registers, so that the registers
are flagged as being valid even though the values weren't generated
by the JIT.  You might think that that's exaclty what's being done
in places like the definition of push_double and push_float, when
rreg_ideal_int() is being invoked on the argument registers, 
but empirically that wasn't the case when I looked into this last year.  


Kevin K.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Timothy Stack
   *Maybe* the register functions need to be a little smarter, by
   first choosing any register whose regno field matches the ideal
   number, then choosing the best register out of that set that fits
   the other criteria best.
   (This is all crash-course hacking I'm doing, so I might be
   totally mistaken).
 The rreg_ideal functions did more-or-less that, if I recall (it's been
 about a year since I did the same crash course your're doing now).

Hmm, I think I ran into a similar problem rreg_ideal_int()... Here is an
excerpt from the pusharg_int section of the PowerPC backend:

if( (w = next_arg_register(a, Rint, r_count)) != -1 )
#if 0
 * We can pass the arg in a register.  Ask for the register
 * we were given (rreg_int(1)) to be mapped to the one we
 * want (w).
r = rreg_ideal_int(1, w);
if( r != w )
/* They weren't the same, flush whatever is in w */
/* and move the data into it. */
LOUT = ppc_op_mr(w, r);
/* XXX Why isn't there a register swap? */
/* Pin the register. */
 * can't use rreg_ideal_int because of brokeness.  its possible
 * for this to create a move between a callee saved register
 * and a caller saved regsiter.  And, since the pushargs are
 * run after the function_sync that does the spill, we can lose
 * the data in the register.
r = rreg_int(1);
if( r != w )
LOUT = ppc_op_mr(w, r);

And, here is the analogous section of the mips jitter:

if (arg_idx  NR_ARGUMENTS) {
o = REG_i4 + arg_idx;
r = rreg_ideal_int(1, o);

/* We might not get the ideal register (if the slot is global)
 * so handle this.
if (r != o) {
insn_RRR(_ADDU, o, r, REG_i0);
debug((mov %s,%s\n, regname(o), regname(r)));
r = o;

resreg[res_idx++] = r;

Perhaps you should try without the rreg_ideal_int()?

 Kevin K.


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

 Kevin == Kevin D Kissell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 * If I renumber the float registers from 32 to 63, the spill
 problem doesn't happen, but I get a bus error when the `call'
 instruction is reached. This happens because the constant pool code
 tries to restore register gp from fp, and it looks like fp gets
 clobbered before this can happen.

Kevin The code generation in jit3-mips.def is going to generate all
Kevin sorts of broken code if you allow those values to go above 31,
Kevin I think.  There is no masking of the shifted values as the
Kevin instruction words are being created.

I masked all the registers when generating instructions, and with the
float registers renumbered all of the test/internal tests pass. Kaffe
itself won't yet load, however.

This solution is obviously a hack; the correct fix is probobly to fix
register.c to not assume that regno is an index into reginfo.

Unrelated question to the peanut gallery: currently the stack trace I
get when Kaffe is loading (an Internal error: caught an unexpected
exception.) goes all the way back to
java.lang.VMThrowable.fillInStackTrace( Is
this just a symptom of an exception being thrown early, or is this yet
another problem with the MIPS backend?

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin D. Kissell
But...but...the rreg_ideal variants are just invocations of slotRegister
(in kaffevm/jit3/registers.c) with a non-NOREG value in the idealreg
parameter.  While having the NOREG value (i.e. using rreg_int() in
the examples below) will make it more likely that there's no need to
realocate and clobber a register, it doesn't guarantee it.  And if there
*is* a need to reallocate, the same path will be taken for both the
ideal and non-ideal cases, the only difference being that in the
non-ideal case it will reallocate and clobber the least-recently-used,
rather than the specifically requested register.  I could believe that
the hack below may have helped some bug that PPC was seeing,
and it might help MIPS as well, but if rreg_ideal_int() can be fatal, 
I would think that rreg_int() could be as well.

 * can't use rreg_ideal_int because of brokeness.  its possible
 * for this to create a move between a callee saved register
 * and a caller saved regsiter.  And, since the pushargs are
 * run after the function_sync that does the spill, we can lose
 * the data in the register.
 r = rreg_int(1);
 if( r != w )
 LOUT = ppc_op_mr(w, r);
 And, here is the analogous section of the mips jitter:
 if (arg_idx  NR_ARGUMENTS) {
 o = REG_i4 + arg_idx;
 r = rreg_ideal_int(1, o);
 /* We might not get the ideal register (if the slot is global)
 * so handle this.
 if (r != o) {
 insn_RRR(_ADDU, o, r, REG_i0);
 debug(( mov %s,%s\n, regname(o), regname(r)));
 r = o;
 resreg[res_idx++] = r;
 Perhaps you should try without the rreg_ideal_int()?

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-04 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

 Casey == Casey Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Casey Secondly: if I hack slotRegister() to fill in ctype if it is
Casey blank, I get further, but then Float.isNaN returns false when
Casey given NaN, causing toCharArrayWithPrecision to barf. This has
Casey got to be a mips-specific bug.

floatToInt returns 0x for nan. This is most assuredly wrong,

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-04 Thread Timothy Stack


 I've started hacking around the JIT3 sources, and have found at least
 the first point of failure: spill() in jit3/register.c is being called
 in such a way that reginfo[s-regno].ctype is 0, i.e. it's type field
 is unset. This causes an immediate ABORT because there is (obviously)
 no way to spill an untyped register. s-regno has always been 12 when
 this happens, and this is the first time this register is ever

What method is being jitted?  Does the MIPS jitter pass all of the tests
in the test/internal directory?

 Along the culprit's trail is a call to slotAlias (jit3/machine.c),
 which increments the reference count of reginfo[12], but leaves the
 ctype field untouched, so when that register is requested (push_float
 does this) it will be incorrectly spilled.

Hmm, I'm a little concerned that the register set specification
(REGISTER_SET in jit.h) is not quite right.  Specifically, the regno 
fields are not unique, but the jitter is using them as an index into 
reginfo[].  Looking at the other jitters, I see both cases:

  The ARM and MIPS ones reuses the regno numbers.
  The i386, alpha, m68k, powerpc, and probably a few others use unique 

The safest bet is probably to renumber them and make sure any code that 
outputs floating point does the correct thing.

 So far I can't tell whether or not this is the fault of the 
 mips-specific code, since I can't really get a stack trace far back 

This isn't really related, but are you using the xdebugging 
infrastructure (see FAQ/FAQ.xdebugging)?  I've found it quite helpful when 
working on the jitter.

 My suspicion is that the mips code doesn't properly free a register or
 slot, but I wanted to ask if anyone here has any idea why this
 situation might come up.

Seems like integer register twelve was being used at the same time as
floating point register twelve and there was some kind of conflict.  But,
it seems a little unlikely to have that many registers active...  I'd have
to see what code was being generated.

 Secondly: if I hack slotRegister() to fill in ctype if it is blank, I
 get further, but then Float.isNaN returns false when given NaN,
 causing toCharArrayWithPrecision to barf. This has got to be a
 mips-specific bug.

Well, the most used code is the i386 stuff, which is pretty easy since it
has so few registers.  So, it is very possible that there is brokeness
that has not been noticed yet.

 - -- 
 Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tim stack

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-04 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

 Timothy == Timothy Stack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Timothy hi,

 I've started hacking around the JIT3 sources, and have found at
 least the first point of failure: spill() in jit3/register.c is
 being called in such a way that reginfo[s-regno].ctype is 0,
 i.e. it's type field is unset. This causes an immediate ABORT
 because there is (obviously) no way to spill an untyped
 register. s-regno has always been 12 when this happens, and this
 is the first time this register is ever spilled.

Timothy What method is being jitted?  Does the MIPS jitter pass all
Timothy of the tests in the test/internal directory?

java.lang.Float.toString. I can't seem to get jitBasic to staticly
link, and thusfar all errors appear when kaffe is loading the core

 Along the culprit's trail is a call to slotAlias (jit3/machine.c),
 which increments the reference count of reginfo[12], but leaves the
 ctype field untouched, so when that register is requested
 (push_float does this) it will be incorrectly spilled.

Timothy Hmm, I'm a little concerned that the register set
Timothy specification (REGISTER_SET in jit.h) is not quite right.
Timothy Specifically, the regno fields are not unique, but the jitter
Timothy is using them as an index into reginfo[].  Looking at the
Timothy other jitters, I see both cases:

Timothy   The ARM and MIPS ones reuses the regno numbers.  The i386,
Timothy alpha, m68k, powerpc, and probably a few others use unique
Timothy numbers.

Timothy The safest bet is probably to renumber them and make sure any
Timothy code that outputs floating point does the correct thing.

I tried that (I changed the regno fields to go from 0 to 63) and I get
a bus error. If this really is the solution then there are some other
bugs. With these register infos changed the failure happens at

 So far I can't tell whether or not this is the fault of the
 mips-specific code, since I can't really get a stack trace far back

Timothy This isn't really related, but are you using the xdebugging
Timothy infrastructure (see FAQ/FAQ.xdebugging)?  I've found it quite
Timothy helpful when working on the jitter.

The GDB I am using isn't entirely functional, and so far everything
I've been using needs to be staticly linked.

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-04 Thread Timothy Stack
 Timothy What method is being jitted?  Does the MIPS jitter pass all
 Timothy of the tests in the test/internal directory?


 I can't seem to get jitBasic to staticly
 link, and 

Hmm, what are the error messages?  The internal tests are pretty much the
baby-steps, so you might want to pursue this first.  The tests starts out
simple with just trying to call functions, then passing parameters, then 
doing some arithmetic, and so on...  I wrote them when I was working on 
the PowerPC backend and they were really helpful.

 thus far all errors appear when kaffe is loading the core classes.

Yeah, it takes quite a few classes to get anywhere.

 Timothy The safest bet is probably to renumber them and make sure any
 Timothy code that outputs floating point does the correct thing.
 I tried that (I changed the regno fields to go from 0 to 63) and I get
 a bus error. If this really is the solution then there are some other
 bugs. With these register infos changed the failure happens at

Well, it was worth a shot...

 Timothy This isn't really related, but are you using the xdebugging
 Timothy infrastructure (see FAQ/FAQ.xdebugging)?  I've found it quite
 Timothy helpful when working on the jitter.
 The GDB I am using isn't entirely functional, and so far everything
 I've been using needs to be staticly linked.

Oy...  So does the add-symbol-file in gdb fail?

 Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-04 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

 Timothy == Timothy Stack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I can't seem to get jitBasic to staticly link, and

Timothy Hmm, what are the error messages?  The internal tests are
Timothy pretty much the baby-steps, so you might want to pursue this
Timothy first.  The tests starts out simple with just trying to call
Timothy functions, then passing parameters, then doing some
Timothy arithmetic, and so on...  I wrote them when I was working on
Timothy the PowerPC backend and they were really helpful.

Got it linked. I get a bunch of assembly then this:

Translating ParameterizedMethods.float_method_int_float_double_int(IFDI)F (static) 
Failure 8fdc0010 123.456028

So this actually doesn't surprise me much: there appear to be bugs in
the way float parameters are passed (and this, like isNaN, is static,
so this probably limits the possibilities of what's wrong).

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-04 Thread Casey Marshall
Hash: SHA1

FWIW, this is the current state of the tests in test/internal:

ControlFlowMethods.class:  PASS
MethodOptimizations.class: PASS
ObjectFields.class:FAIL (Bus error)
ParameterizedBitwiseMethods.class: PASS
ParameterizedLogicalMethods.class: PASS
PrimitiveArrays.class: PASS
StaticFields.class:FAIL (Segmentation fault)
StaticMethodCall.class:FAIL (Bus error)
TypeConversion.class:  FAIL (Bus error)

- -- 
Casey Marshall || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] mipsel JIT3

2004-03-04 Thread Kevin D. Kissell
 So this actually doesn't surprise me much: there appear to be bugs in
 the way float parameters are passed (and this, like isNaN, is static,
 so this probably limits the possibilities of what's wrong).

In the period before kaffe 1.1.0, I identified a FP parameter passing
problems in JIT3 for MIPS and fixed them in a couple of different
ways, to the point where the TestNative regression test finally passed,
and looking at my archives, as I posted to the mailing list last May,
someone had checked in one of the effective fixes into
However, in looking at the CVSweb, it looks as if that fix never
made it into the 1.1.0 tree.  See my emails to the mailing list from March 
to June 2003 (there weren't that many of them).  The minimalist fix
was to flag f12 and f14 as Reserved and not just RFD in mips/jit.h, 
but the other fix, which involved replacing uses of rreg_float and rreg_double
with uses of rreg_ideal_float and rreg_ideal_double in jit3-mips.def , 
would save a lot of useless spills.

1.1.0 was distinctly worse for JIT on MIPS than 1.0.7+.  With
a few fixes to 1.0.7, I was passing most of the regression tests, and
I could even run the embedded Caffeinemark on a MIPSel Linux platform
and get fairly decent performance.  With 1.1.0, things went completely to hell.

kaffe mailing list