Re: [kde] What is "DimDisplay" and why is KDE demanding it?

2013-07-30 Thread Jerome Yuzyk
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:15:30 PM Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 29/07/13 19:07, Duncan wrote:
> > Nikos Chantziaras posted on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:41:46 +0300 as 
> >> In KDE 4.11 (since the first beta, currently on 4.10.97), every time I
> >> 
> >> login I get an error message:
> >> The profile AC tried to activate DimDisplay, a non existent
> >> action.
> >> This is usually due to an installation problem or to a
> >> configuration
> >> problem.
> >> 
> >> I get this message every time, in a weird box at the top of the 
> >>
> >> 
> >> Any hints on how to stop that from happening?
> > 
> > Have you tried setting up a fresh user (or temporarily moving all of
> > your normal user config, including ~/.kde and ~/.config, elsewhere)
> > and seeing if the problem exists there?  That would allow you to tell
> > whether it's in the existing user config or not.
> > 
> > An educated guess is that the message is from powerdevil, the kde
> > laptop
> > power management app.  I don't have it installed here, but at least
> > solid (part of the kde hardware management system) apparently had some
> > major changes for 4.11, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if the
> > existing powerdevil power profiles no longer functioned, triggering a
> > message such as the above depending on what your specific user config
> > was previous to the upgrade.
> It also happens when creating a new user, with an empty home directory.
>   So it's not an old config issue.



Just delete the Section


in .kde4/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc and its gone

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Re: [kde] What is "DimDisplay" and why is KDE demanding it?

2013-07-30 Thread Nikos Chantziaras

On 29/07/13 19:07, Duncan wrote:

Nikos Chantziaras posted on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:41:46 +0300 as excerpted:

In KDE 4.11 (since the first beta, currently on 4.10.97), every time I
login I get an error message:

The profile AC tried to activate DimDisplay, a non existent action.
This is usually due to an installation problem or to a configuration

I get this message every time, in a weird box at the top of the screen:

Any hints on how to stop that from happening?

Have you tried setting up a fresh user (or temporarily moving all of your
normal user config, including ~/.kde and ~/.config, elsewhere) and seeing
if the problem exists there?  That would allow you to tell whether it's
in the existing user config or not.

An educated guess is that the message is from powerdevil, the kde laptop
power management app.  I don't have it installed here, but at least solid
(part of the kde hardware management system) apparently had some major
changes for 4.11, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if the existing
powerdevil power profiles no longer functioned, triggering a message such
as the above depending on what your specific user config was previous to
the upgrade.

It also happens when creating a new user, with an empty home directory. 
 So it's not an old config issue.

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Re: [kde] KDEPIM3 on KDE 4.10.5 Sound and Icon

2013-07-30 Thread Duncan
John Woodhouse posted on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:36:32 -0700 as excerpted:

> I have found an answer myself. Another notification option is run a
> program so I entered
> cvlc ~soundblaster.wav
> cvlc is vlc run without the graphical interface.
> I have another related question.
> When say dolphin --help is entered into the console all of the option
> available for running dolphin are show. The --help option works on other
> things as well. Must admit I was glad to see this feature as it makes
> bash scripts involving kde nice and easy BUT when I tried phonon --help
> no help at all. In fact there doesn’t seem to be an application called
> phonon and my machine doesn't recognise either alsa or gstreamer as a
> command either.

Those packages are mostly libraries used by other apps, altho they (well, 
at least alsa) do contain some utility apps including console mixers/
players.  See below.

> So is there utility that will allow sounds to be played in the same way
> as cvlc does? The problem with that one is 2 volume controls. I ideally
> need a method that just uses the main desktop vol control.

For alsa there's alsamixer, an ncurses-based console-based mixing app, 
and amixer as the CLI equivilent, along with aplay as the CLI player.  
There's also aplaymidi for playing midi files if your soundcard has a 
hardware synth or timidity as a software synth.

Phonon appears to be all infrastructure, libs and the like, no direct 
front-end players.

I don't have gstreamer installed as years ago it just didn't seem to work 
well for me, and since then I've always found other options so have never 
needed to bother with it.  So I can't tell you what it has.

I also don't use pulseaudio here, but I'd be rather surprised if it 
didn't have a CLI player too.

Meanwhile, there's a whole host of other alternatives.  I believe both 
mplayer (and mplayer2, which is actually what I have installed so I know 
it can) and xine (which I had installed in the past but not now) can be 
driven from the CLI (similar to cvlc) as well as their various GUIs 
(including ncurses, similar to nvlc), and if you have sdl-sound (simple 
direct media layer) installed for games, etc, it has a CLI player called 
playsound, which in fact I used myself back in the kde3 era in place of 
arts, much as you're using cvls at the moment, so I know it works for 

Then there's the various console-based audio players such as mpd, which I 
use here as my primary music player.  Mpd is music player daemon, which 
is what it runs as, a daemon, with all sorts of front-end clients to 
choose from including mpc for CLI, the qt4 based qtmpc and qmpdclient, 
and the ncurses based ncmpc and ncmpcpp.  There's gtk-based front-ends as 
well, a nowplaying-mpd plasmoid for use with kde plasma, even a web-based 
front-end.  What's nice about mpd is that you can control it from 
whatever you want, and it doesn't quit playing if you logout or restart 

Meanwhile, having the ability to play sounds from the CLI is actually a 
pretty common feature for pretty much any music/media/sound player on 
Linux, since once they're playing with or without a GUI, adding the 
necessary CLI switches to allow CLI control is very little additional 
coding.  Since even for a normal GUI-based media player being able to 
control it from the CLI (with or without a display window) is very handy, 
it's the rare app that does NOT implement that feature, tho there's 
certainly some.  (smplayer2, which I generally prefer to vlc as my video 
player, doesn't appear to have a no-window mode, altho the mplayer2 it 
uses as a backend certainly does.)

Based on that, it's likely that the native kde media players kmplayer, 
dragon-player and amarok support no-window CLI controlled playback too, 
tho I don't have them installed to check.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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Re: [kde] Setting multi-touch gestures in KDE 4.10

2013-07-30 Thread Duncan
dE posted on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 20:22:32 +0530 as excerpted:

> On 07/30/13 17:53, Franklin Weng wrote:
>> I had a laptop with touchscreen, and I'd like to set up some
>> multi-touch gestures.  I googled and found touchegg.  Therefore I
>> installed touchegg_1.1.1.
>> Running touchegg it could get my gestures.  However I had no idea about
>> how to link my gestures into a proper action, like closing a window or
>> making the fonts larger.  Could anyone please give me some hints?
> X supports multitouch? Did you see any evidence that it does?

[Altho I don't use it (yet?) here...]

Yes, since inputproto-2.2, released March 1, 2012 and xorg-server-1.12 on 
March 4, 2012, according to the release announcements, and there had been 
some coverage of developments in the FLOSS community press and blogs 
before that too (and of course pre-releases), as they worked on it.

(I follow the xorg announce list as a newsgroup via's list2news 
service, and have seen a reasonable number of stories on it over and 
since the development period.)

Here's a bit from the xi2.2 announcement (watch the wrap on the URLs, I 
didn't bother fixing it here):

The main feature added in this version is support for multitouch devices
and the ability for clients to register for and receive touch events.

Multitouch support in XI 2.2 aims to
- support a dynamic number of simultaneous touch points,
- support devices that are both multitouch and traditional pointer 
- allow touchpoints to be either grouped together or handled separately,
- be backwards-compatible to pre-XI 2.2 clients through emulation of XI 
2.x/XI 1.x and core
  pointer events.

For a description of the new features see the following posts:

--- end quote ---

However, quoting from one of those links:

"To use multitouch functionality from a client application, the client 
must announce support for the X Input Extension version 2.2 through the 
XIQueryVersion(3) request."

Otherwise, multi-touch events are hidden and only standard (emulated) 
single-pointer events are sent to the app, preserving backward 

Also note that for the synaptics driver at least, since it supports 
pseudo-gestures like two-finger-scroll, the driver's pseudo-gestures must 
be disabled in ordered to enable true multi-touch.  The reasoning is in 
the links above.
Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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Re: [kde] Setting multi-touch gestures in KDE 4.10

2013-07-30 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Franklin Weng wrote, On 07/30/2013 06:23 AM:
> Running touchegg it could get my gestures.  However I had no idea about how 
> to link my gestures into a proper action, like closing a window or making the 
> fonts larger.  Could anyone please give me some hints?


The closest i think you'll get with KDE4 is:

kcmshell4 khotkeys

But i don't (know|think) that this is capable of multitouch gestures.

I would have to guess that you'd need a lower-level driver to translate
the intercepted gestures into something X11 could ingest (keycodes, ???)

"...There's a project called "Touchégg", you can see it
here that allows you to
customize gestures with up to 5 fingers. I'm testing it with
my Kubuntu powered MacBook Air, and it's really great. It
needs to be polished a bit, but lets you do things like "if
I drag 4 fingers in the up direction, send Ctrl + F12 key
seems to indicate that i'm probably right about the above w.r.t 'touchegg'.

once you assign that, then use khotkeys to assign that function
to a KDE action.

kcmshell4 khotkeys kcm_keyboard keys standard_actions mouse kcm_synaptiks

will get you most of the input-based kcm modules in one place.

I do see a Debian Wheezy package of interest:


$ apt-file list xserver-xorg-input-multitouch
xserver-xorg-input-multitouch: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
xserver-xorg-input-multitouch: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-multitouch.conf

$ aptitude show xserver-xorg-input-multitouch
Description: Multitouch X input driver
 This X input driver provides gestures support for multitouch touchpads, in 
particular those with integrated button.


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Re: [kde] KDEPIM3 on KDE 4.10.5 Sound and Icon

2013-07-30 Thread John Woodhouse
I have found an answer myself. Another notification option is run a program so 
I entered

cvlc ~soundblaster.wav

cvlc is vlc run without the graphical interface.

I have another related question.

When say dolphin --help is entered into the console all of the option available 
for running dolphin are show. The --help option works on other things as well. 
Must admit I was glad to see this feature as it makes bash scripts involving 
kde nice and easy BUT when I tried phonon --help no help at all. In fact there 
doesn’t seem to be an application called phonon and my machine doesn't 
recognise either alsa or gstreamer as a command either.

So is there utility that will allow sounds to be played in the same way as cvlc 
does? The problem with that one is 2 volume controls. I ideally need a method 
that just uses the main desktop vol control.


On Wed, 24/7/13, John Woodhouse  wrote:

 Subject: [kde] KDEPIM3 on KDE 4.10.5 Sound and Icon
 Date: Wednesday, 24 July, 2013, 20:36
 Apart from this aspect all seems to
 be ok. I had to install kdepim3-devel to get the import
 facility to pop up,  Assume it works but I had
 transferred the files directly by the time I did that.
 Couple of points. As I just transferred all of the kde mail
 directory across I had to edit the kde4 entry to kde3 in the
 resource file.
 Initially I thought that the folders had been lost but the
 view just needed adjusting.
 The emails didn't show a date until I selected a format for
 it in settings. Once that had been done even the default
 setting it was one worked.
 I had trouble launching it from a the desktop but found that
 an ordinary link worked along with the terrible looking icon
 that it produced. A reboot somehow converted this to a
 normal desktop file along with a nice icon. One problem here
 is that I can't find anyway to get that icon onto and launch
 from the quick launch panel.
 Lastly, any thoughts one how I may be able to get sound
 notification to work? I have used a soundblaster wav file
 for years. The general system has no problems playing it.
 Just Kmail.
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Re: [kde] Setting multi-touch gestures in KDE 4.10

2013-07-30 Thread dE

On 07/30/13 17:53, Franklin Weng wrote:

Hi list,

I had a laptop with touchscreen, and I'd like to set up some 
multi-touch gestures.  I googled and found touchegg.  Therefore I 
installed touchegg_1.1.1.

Running touchegg it could get my gestures.  However I had no idea 
about how to link my gestures into a proper action, like closing a 
window or making the fonts larger.  Could anyone please give me some 


X supports multitouch? Did you see any evidence that it does?
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[kde] Setting multi-touch gestures in KDE 4.10

2013-07-30 Thread Franklin Weng
Hi list,

I had a laptop with touchscreen, and I'd like to set up some multi-touch
gestures.  I googled and found touchegg.  Therefore I installed

Running touchegg it could get my gestures.  However I had no idea about how
to link my gestures into a proper action, like closing a window or making
the fonts larger.  Could anyone please give me some hints?

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