Re: [kde] Bad Gwenview

2014-08-03 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sun, Aug 03, 2014 at 03:20:51AM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> In 4.13.80, is there a way to make it stop shifting back to fit from 100% 
> when doing next/previous? The Fit button with mouse is a seriously long way 
> away from the prv/nxt buttons. :-(

FWIW, you can of course rearrange your toolbar and you can use the default
shortcut F to toggle between 100% and fit-to-window.
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Re: [kde] Bad Gwenview

2014-08-03 Thread Duncan
Felix Miata posted on Sun, 03 Aug 2014 07:41:09 -0400 as excerpted:

> On 2014-08-03 05:40 (GMT-0400) Duncan composed:
>> If you can't get gwenview behaving as you like,
>> try gimv and see if it works better for you.
> The trackballs I own have no middle button, while keeping track of
> meanings of middle according to context is something I've never been
> able to manage, not to mention the difficulty of striking two buttons
> simultaneously.

Generally, striking one and holding it down, then the other, within a 
certain (IIRC configurable) period, then let them up within a reasonably 
close approximation to simultaneously, is enough.  They don't have to be 
clicked /exactly/ at the same time.

I've actually been a bit surprised at how well it works, but it does.

> I have many installations, making the complicated options (multiple
> displays,
> mapping) much too much trouble to contemplate.

Yes, that wouldn't work for everyone.  It's just what works for me.  And 
on my netbook, I generally want the zoom-to-fit, so that too works just 
fine for me.

> Whatever version is whatever version, as most are whatever Cauldron,
> Factory or Rawhide offer. 4.13.80 just happened to be the one I wanted
> to view some images with.
> I've been able to find no decent keyboards made since the early '90s.
> All I have were made before Win keys existed. "Decent" is defined to
> mean function keys where they belong, where one hand's fingers can hit
> any combination of Fn/Shift/Alt/Ctrl easily.

"Decent" means different things to different people.  Here, it's not 
"decent" unless it's an ergonomically split "wave" keyboard.  But FWIW I 
did try an MS branded one (wireless) at some point and it was 
/horrible/.  I've stuck with Logitech since.

Anyway, there's other mappings possible.  I use a bit different mappings 
on my netbook, for instance, as some of its keys are already dual-key 
mapping (Fn-Home, for example).

But definitely a few "extra" keys, including an extra modifier generally 
not used by built-in mappings for individual apps, which is what the win/
super/meta key ends up being, certainly help.  That allows that modifier 
key to be mapped to global "window" functions as there's little danger of 
a global shortcut conflicting with something app-specific, that way.

> Looks like it has worked in v4 previously:
> While gimv might be better than "Gwenview", KDE3's Gwenview clearly is,
> because when 100% is selected, that's the way it stays until another
> selection is made. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks selecting
> 100% ought to be sticky:

I agree, which is one reason I had to switch to gimv for awhile.  It just 
so happens that in my case, the window can be made large enough that in 
most cases 100% is smaller than the window, such that gwenview's checkbox 
for that option works and I can actually have 100% by default.  Were it 
to work the other way and the checkbox applied only to larger-than-window 
images, I'd have to find another alternative, just as I did when gwenview 
lost sticky 100% on small images until they restored it with that checkbox 

And as I said, I already apply zoom-step patches to gwenview.  If that 
checkbox option disappeared again and zoom-to-fit became the hard-coded 
default for small images, I might end up trying to diff and patch that as 
well.  (While I don't claim to be a coder, it's nice to have at least 
/limited/ ability to read code and to apply patches.  It just struck me 
how much I simply assume that I have sources available and /can/ do that, 
these days.  Quite a difference from back before the turn of the century 
when I used proprietary servantware, for sure!)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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Re: [kde] Bad Gwenview

2014-08-03 Thread Felix Miata

On 2014-08-03 05:40 (GMT-0400) Duncan composed:

If you can't get gwenview behaving as you like,
try gimv and see if it works better for you.

The trackballs I own have no middle button, while keeping track of meanings 
of middle according to context is something I've never been able to manage, 
not to mention the difficulty of striking two buttons simultaneously.

I have many installations, making the complicated options (multiple displays, 
mapping) much too much trouble to contemplate.

Whatever version is whatever version, as most are whatever Cauldron, Factory 
or Rawhide offer. 4.13.80 just happened to be the one I wanted to view some 
images with.

I've been able to find no decent keyboards made since the early '90s. All I 
have were made before Win keys existed. "Decent" is defined to mean function 
keys where they belong, where one hand's fingers can hit any combination of 
Fn/Shift/Alt/Ctrl easily.

Looks like it has worked in v4 previously:

While gimv might be better than "Gwenview", KDE3's Gwenview clearly is, 
because when 100% is selected, that's the way it stays until another 
selection is made. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks selecting 100% 
ought to be sticky:
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***
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Re: [kde] Bad Gwenview

2014-08-03 Thread Duncan
Felix Miata posted on Sun, 03 Aug 2014 03:20:51 -0400 as excerpted:

> In 4.13.80, is there a way to make it stop shifting back to fit from
> 100% when doing next/previous? The Fit button with mouse is a seriously
> long way away from the prv/nxt buttons. :-(

4.13.80?  That's 4.14-beta1, isn't it, making it a rather outdated pre-
release since 4.13.97 aka 4.14-rc1 is out now.  FWIW I'm running (gentoo/
kde overlay) live-build packages, 4.x-HEAD, now (well, as of a rebuild 
about a day ago) listed as kde 4.14.60, gwenview 4.14.0-pre, but it's 
probably a later 4.14.0 pre than you're running if you're still on kde 

Never-the-less, I had some sizing issues with gwenview at one point some 
versions ago but they seem to be worked out now, tho I think that's as 
much due to a change in my behavior as a change in gwenview's.

To some extent gwenview sizing behavior depends on whether the image size 
is smaller or larger than the window size.

* Where image size is SMALLER than the window size:

in the config dialog, imageview section, there's a checkbox "Enlarge 
smaller images".  With that set, small images are zoomed IN to window 
size when first displayed.  With it unset, they're 100% view, thus 
smaller than window size for this case.

* Where image size is LARGER than window size:

Unfortunately, there's not a similar checkbox for this case.  It seems 
gwenview now defaults to zooming OUT to window size, tho there's the 100% 

Since I'm running a triple-stacked full-HD monitor config with my full-
size desktop thus 1920x3240 (height of 1080*3), tho with the top monitor 
dedicated to system status display (superkaramba), leaving a working area 
of 1920x2160 (height of 1080*2), and most of the images I deal with here 
aren't /too/ huge, smaller than 1920x2160, the solution I came up with 
was a kwin window rule that sets the gwenview window size to almost, but 
not quite the full 1920x2160, leaving enough room around the edge to 
focus-shift between gwenview and other apps (focus-follows-mouse, click-
to-raise policy), while leaving the gwenview window big enough to show 
most of my images at 100%, with room for the thumbnail bar at the bottom 
and the toolbar on the side (sidebar hidden).

That kwin-window-rule solution works well for me, but I'd certainly be 
frustrated without a multi-monitor setup big enough to allow it, just as 
I was frustrated with gwenview previously, when it started zooming all my 
small images in to >100%, until it got that config checkbox that allowed 
setting the small-image default-zoom to 100%.

Meanwhile, as you mentioned there's the fit/100% buttons and zoombar, but 
it's not exactly convenient to repeatedly hit them for /every/ image.  
There are, however, a couple workarounds.

1) Mouse middle-button.  In gwenview, clicking the middle mouse button 
toggles between 100% and zoom-to-fit mode.  While clicking the middle 
button repeatedly in mouse-browse mode is certainly tedious, it's 
definitely less so than having to move to the fit/100% buttons every time.

(Two-button mouse note:  Two-button mice can be configured such that 
clicking both buttons together emulates a middle-click.  While my mouse 
has/had a middle button, that's also the scrollwheel, and I used to have 
issues with accidentally scrolling when I wanted to middle-click, or less 
often, middle-clicking when I wanted to scroll.  So when the middle-click 
button broke I was actually a bit relieved as the scrolling functionality 
was then uninterrupted and third-button click emulation using the other 
two buttons worked well enough for me anyway.  So here, I dual-click left/
right together to middle-click. That works well enough in gwenview, 
particularly with the window-rule enlarged gwenview window size described 
above so I don't have to do it so often. =:^)

2) Keyboard shortcuts.  Given kde's common keyboard shortcut remapping 
functionality, I long ago remapped keyboard shortcuts both in kde 
globally and in gwenview specifically, so I've no longer any idea what 
the default mapping might be.  However, here's my zoom-related mapping:


Zoom-out:   ctrl-minus

IIRC gwenview's default zoom-step is 100% at a time, way **WAY** to big 
for me, so when gwenview changed that from it's earlier much smaller zoom-
step, I diffed the sources for the two versions and came up with a patch 
that redefined the zoom-step to 5%.  Since I run gentoo and build from 
sources anyway, I was able to simply drop that patch in the appropriate 
location, and it gets automatically applied when I rebuild gwenview -- 
which given I'm running live-sources and typically update once or twice a 
week, automatically rebuilding gwenview if its sources have changed, 
means I've rebuilt and applied that patch quite some number of times by 
now. =:^)

So anyway, with that patch zoom-in and zoom-out do so in 5% steps for me, 
not the 

Re: [kde] keyboard and mouse not working after upadte to latest xorg server

2014-08-03 Thread Duncan
Peter Nikolic posted on Sat, 02 Aug 2014 21:25:03 +0100 as excerpted:

> Thanks for the reply i think it may be as you suggest a permissions
> problem but it is proving to be hell to sort out   every thing was fine
> untill i accepted the update to the latest Xorg server  then  well

FWIW, latest xorg-server 1.16.0 here, recently upgraded (as it'd have to 
be, because it only recently came out).  No problems to report, but as I 
said, I do the text login, startx with a kde xsession setting, thing 
here, and don't even have a *dm installed, so if there were issues with 
it and *dm, I'd never know it.

But it does seem to me that your issue is likely related to logind 
console session dynamic permissions.  Obviously those logging into a text 
login session and running startx from there have a login session already 
going when they run startx, with console perms already set for the 
existing login.  That contrasts significantly with the *dm login case, 
where X is already running and at least basic input perms would be 
necessary in ordered to be even to login graphically at all, which seems 
to be your problem.  I just don't know how to fix it since the little *dm 
experience I have is over a decade outdated now, well before systemd's 
logind solution and indeed, before hal and the like as well, so 
literally, generations of solutions have come and gone since then. =:^\

> Ok  well i am going to be out all day tomorrow fishing


> so will try to solve it monday evening and get back to you then .

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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[kde] Bad Gwenview

2014-08-03 Thread Felix Miata
In 4.13.80, is there a way to make it stop shifting back to fit from 100% 
when doing next/previous? The Fit button with mouse is a seriously long way 
away from the prv/nxt buttons. :-(

"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***
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