Re: Audio issue - was Re: Starting Wayland-KDE on FC39

2023-12-10 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Sunday December 10 2023 10:42:33 Richard Troy wrote:


A wild but educated guess: the file was removed as part of the upgrade an 
all-wayland and a service to you to prevent issues (hypothetical ones, or 
xwayland might use the file too?).


Re: Audio issue - was Re: Starting Wayland-KDE on FC39

2023-12-10 Thread Richard Troy

Hi Duncan, René, et al,

WOW, I'm impressed! THANK YOU for all your thoughts on this matter.

I have some responses and some good news. ...I usually don't delete stuff, 
but this time I'm going to delete a bunch to focus on just the pertinent 
bits and comment "in-line:"

I may or may not be much help, but this is sure interesting!  ...

;-) I found it _frustrating!_

Slight detour, but knowing the name of those "console windows" you mention

I'm going to just jump right in here, responding to but skipping quoting 
your comments on Virtual Consoles:

This particular environment, and in fact all Unixes and Red Hat, then 
Fedora, at least so far as I can recall behave thus:

1) From the "console" and ONLY the "console", you can at any time enter
   control-alt-F1 through F12, and it will instantly "jump" to the chosen
   VC, and at least 1 to 8 will be active logins. Some 'nixes give you all
   12, most modern ones only give to 1 to 8. On some OSes (including
   modern Fedora), from f9 on up are dedicated for some kind of output or
   use I'm not familiar with, though I DO recall seeing some type of
   logging output on these some years back. I THINK they're used during
   installations and the like.

2) There is often a delay in switching, usually short but sometimes WAY
   longer than you'd think, so have some patience!

3) The VCs don't go away when you switch to another one - there's always
   at least a login prompt, even if the system is set up for a GUI target.
   If you exit, the system just gives a new login prompt. And if you go to
   a different VC, when you come back it'll be right where you left it
   unless some outside influence (such as perhaps a kill command
   somewhere) caused it to go away, in which case you'll be greeted with a
   new login prompt.

4) I don't recall with certainty anymore but I think that Ultrix, SunOS,
   Solaris, and the other 'nixes I used in the late 80s and first two
   thirds of the 90s all would start x in the VC you ran startx or xinit,
   effectively replacing it, but it would return depending on how you

   Red Hat, I don't recall with certainty, either, but Fedora I know ONLY
   provides the windowing environment in VC 1 (ctl-alt-f1). I had imagined
   this is common across modern distros, but apparently not the distros
   you are familiar with where it's #7! I find this very interesting, but
   not particularly useful at this moment - a sort of intellectual lint
   caught in the lint screen of my brain. Maybe it'll be useful for me

5) Pertaining to sound, if I was in KDE and started a song via, say,
   RhythmBox, it would play, unheard. And when switching to another VC
   sound would ONLY appear if that VC was logged in to the same user
   profile (UID) that was running the music program, e.g. RhythmBox. Thus,
   songs would neither start nor stop when one switched into the VC,
   rather the sound would either appear or disappear. Keep switching
   between VCs, and it'll just be later in the song, for example.

BTW, you're not doing audio via HDMI off the video card, right?

Like you, I have a "stub". In theory, according to the manufacturer, I 
should have six separate HDMI channels (at least stereo pairs, if not more 
than just that) I can use, and according to the marketing literature on 
the box, this works even on Linux. However no, I haven't tried it. 
Instead, I've got a motherboard installed chipset that provides eight 
different versions of sound, 6 of them analog and two digital.

I have given a half-hearted attempt at figuring out how to get the HDMI 
based sound working but realized that even if I succeeded it wasn't going 
to work out that well for me unless I had REALLY good control over it; 
you'd need audio channel bonding, the logical equivalent capability of 
network physical link layer bonding (such as a bonded DSL pair that used 
to be common) but for audio instead of networking to be able to configure 
it correctly. I seriously doubt anyone has done that already! ... If I had 
a spare lifetime, I might enjoy taking a half year plus to make such a new 

Another key reason I didn't pursue it is because I know the other hardware 

For troubleshooting at least, you might want to investigate weston as a
low-deps basic/backup wayland compositor.

I certainly WILL make (am making) note of this! So far I loathe Wayland 
but maybe someday? I try not to be closed minded.

Where Dave runs:

/usr/bin/dbus-run-session /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland

I run:

xinit /etc/X11/startplasma-x11

Yes, back to how x is started! KEY!

I recall x being run from root, and was surprised when I found it no 
longer works correctly doing that. But then, maybe I SHOULDN'T have been 

OK, two things to try, or one to try and one question to ask and maybe

First the question.  When you run xinit from your CLI login, does X 

I think I addressed these already.

I don't recall a VC