Re: Performance difference

2022-12-23 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Friday December 23 2022 12:38:17 Patrick Nagel wrote:

>(probably 200-300ms of these "real" numbers is me reacting slowly to the 
>window popping up and pressing ALT-F4...)

A thought: download the AppImage version of a larger application, like Firefox 
on both systems, and do

> time /path/to/firefox*.AppImage --version

This will unpack the entire appimage contents to a temporary directory and 
launch the application, excluding any KDE-specifics and also network activity 
but above all the human reaction component. Should be a good test of your disk 

NB: the `--version` trick works for KDE apps too of course:

> time dolphin5 --version
dolphin 20.07.70
1.074 user_cpu 0.257 kernel_cpu 0:04.02 total_time 32.8%CPU {46064M 898F 4110R 
29529I 12O 840w 359c}
> time dolphin5 --version
dolphin 20.07.70
0.759 user_cpu 0.138 kernel_cpu 0:00.87 total_time 101.1%CPU {46068M 0F 4400R 
3649I 4O 446w 167c}
> time kate5 --version
kate 19.08.3
0.920 user_cpu 0.249 kernel_cpu 0:02.73 total_time 42.4%CPU {45640M 380F 4320R 
11687I 4O 775w 220c}
> time kate5 --version
kate 19.08.3
0.739 user_cpu 0.159 kernel_cpu 0:00.86 total_time 102.3%CPU {45488M 0F 4431R 
3639I 4O 498w 185c}

Start up delays on my much slower system (that's an Intel N3150 CPU!) sometimes 
*feel* like 20 seconds but clearly they're much less, so yeah, you may have an 
issue somewhere. Have you checked your syslog and/or checked the SMART health 
status of the drive in your slower system? Does the delay depend on how many 
other applications you're running (i.e. how much free RAM you have)?


Re: Performance difference

2022-12-23 Thread Patrick Nagel
Hi there,

On Friday, 23 December 2022 01:40:18 CET Dave Close wrote:
> The only difference I've found thus far is that the slower one does not
> have a swap partition. Any suggestions for what else I can check, and
> hopefully fix, will be appreciated.

You could try swapping SSDs and see whether these delays still happen on the 
"other" hardware.

I would suspect some kind of misconfiguration on the KDE system. 20 second 
delays could be some kind of network timeout for example. On my Kubuntu 22.04 
box I don't see noticeable delays when starting applications:

> $ time dolphin
> real0m0.665s
> user0m0.240s
> sys 0m0.077s

> $ time kcalc
> real0m0.547s
> user0m0.116s
> sys 0m0.034s

(probably 200-300ms of these "real" numbers is me reacting slowly to the window 
popping up and pressing ALT-F4...)


Re: Performance difference

2022-12-23 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Thursday December 22 2022 16:40:18 Dave Close wrote:

>The only difference I've found thus far is that the slower one does not
>have a swap partition. Any suggestions for what else I can check, and
>hopefully fix, will be appreciated.

Have you tried timing the performance difference of the 2nd time you start that 

KDE apps tend to have a lot of libraries to load with lots of symbols to 
retrieve (I have the impression that number is only going up with every new C++ 
standard and Qt version). Provided you have enough RAM those libraries will be 
in some kind of cache, allowing for a much faster start-up.

I see this myself, on my lowly, ageing beater which runs off a ZFS pool on an 
SSHD. I think the SSD part of that drive is probably toast by now so I no 
longer have the benefits of that, so loading a command for the first time 
clearly requires a lot of "disk scraping".

I assume your 2 laptops have SSDs (of comparable performance) so that 
filesystem fragmentation is mostly irrelevant? BTW, you do use the same 
filesystem (and filesystem settings) on both?


Performance difference

2022-12-22 Thread Dave Close
I have two laptops with nearly identical hardware specs, both
running Fedora 36 with KDE and completely up-to-date on all software.
Both start in systemd's, KDE starts with a startx
command, Both are running Xorg ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE=""). In non-graphics
mode, their performance seems identical, quite snappy. However, they
do not perform similarly when KDE is running. Starting an application
or opening a new window involves a noticeable delay, sometimes as long
as 20 seconds, even if nothing else is happening at that time.

The only difference I've found thus far is that the slower one does not
have a swap partition. Any suggestions for what else I can check, and
hopefully fix, will be appreciated.

Here's some details on the two machines.

   faster oneslower one
CPU (4 cores)AMD Ryzen 3 3200U withAMD Ryzen 3 3250U with
 Radeon Vega Mobile GfxRadeon Graphics
Swap zram0, sda3   zram0 speed  290 Mbps  290 Mbps
bogomips 5190.47   5189.93
MemTotal  3427804 kB3404868 kB
MemFree381772 kB 483060 kB
MemAvailable   944388 kB1007680 kB
Buffers 4 kB 56 kB
Cached 751824 kB 702128 kB
SwapCached   1776 kB   2180 kB
Active 546260 kB 684744 kB
Inactive  1270360 kB1112104 kB
Active(anon)99512 kB 189148 kB
Inactive(anon) 971252 kB 907516 kB
Active(file)   446748 kB 495596 kB
Inactive(file) 299108 kB 204588 kB
Unevictable 14676 kB176 kB
Mlocked 14676 kB176 kB
SwapTotal12068856 kB3404796 kB
SwapFree 11531256 kB2906364 kB
Dirty2108 kB  0 kB
Writeback   0 kB  4 kB
AnonPages 102 kB1092708 kB
Mapped  93480 kB  93088 kB
Shmem2280 kB   2000 kB
KReclaimable51176 kB  49952 kB
Slab   16 kB 176112 kB
SReclaimable51176 kB  49952 kB
SUnreclaim 113268 kB 126160 kB
KernelStack 15904 kB  13064 kB
PageTables  37420 kB  33732 kB
CommitLimit  13782756 kB5107228 kB
Committed_AS  7497304 kB6170592 kB
VmallocUsed520416 kB 527988 kB
Percpu  15488 kB  14464 kB
DirectMap4k351100 kB 363212 kB
DirectMap2M   3254272 kB3219456 kB
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "Any idiot can face a crisis;
it's the day-to-day living that wears you out." -- Anton Chekhov