Fwd: Kde 4.2 beta1 feedback: Notes on cmake scripts

2008-12-19 Thread Allen Winter
Forwarding to the buildsystem folks:
Firstly I'd like to say thank you for an awesome kde 4.2 beta 1, it's  
looking really good.

I would like to raise a few issues about the build scripts and offer  
some suggestions.
I regret that I have not been able to try the latest beta 2 that was  
released today,
but I will try it as soon as I have time.

I am using GoboLinux. GoboLinux does not use the FHS, which means  
assumptions that are true for many distributions do not hold in this  

While installing KDE-4.2 beta 1 I ran in to 2 areas of trouble which  
required three patches
in total.

The first trouble spot is with the cmake modules that kde-libs  
installs on the system.
The kdelibs-4.1.80/cmake/modules/FindKdepimLibs.cmake file
specifies KDE4_LIB_DIR as the location for the kdepimlibs libraries.  
This does not
work on GoboLinux because we do not install the whole of KDE to the  
same prefix
instead we have /Programs/KDE-Libs/Current, /Programs/KDE-PIM-Libs/ 
/Programs/KDE-Base/Current, etc.

This means that in the Gobolinux case KDE4_LIB_DIR will point to
/Programs/KDE-Libs/Current, which is obviously the wrong prefix for  

I solved this by substituting CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH in the place of  
and setting CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/System/Links/Libraries where all  
libraries can
be found.

I had a quick browse of kde web svn before sending this email and it  
would appear
that FindKdepimLibs has changed quite a bit. I haven't had a chance to  
read very deeply
into the code, but I hope that CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH is used more instead  

The other problem I had was with KDE-Base-Workspace and KDE-Base- 
Runtime locating
DBUS interface definitions in the scripts powerdevil/daemon/ 
CMakeLists.txt and
kwalletd/CMakeLists.txt. Both scripts originially used the variable  
to refer to preexisting interface definition files. On a system where  
all DBUS interfaces are
installed in the same location this is not a problem. However, on  
GoboLinux each package
installs its DBUS interface  definitions under the package prefix and  
these are symlinked
to /System/Links/Shared/dbus-1/interfaces/ .

In the end this means when building either KDE-Base Workspace or  
Runtime the build script
looks under the installation prefix and of course it won't find  
anything there because
that prefix hasn't been created yet (and the files its looking for are  
never going to be there anyway)!

To resolve this I substituted DBUS_INTERFACES_INSTALL_DIR with  
and set KDE4_DBUS_INTERFACES_DIR appropriately (i.e. to  /System/Links/ 
when compiling KDE-Libs.

 From browsing kde web svn, this seems to be the approach you are  
taking now. I would like to strongly
encourage you to include this in the final release! :-)

I include my patches with this email for clarity. I apologise for  
accidentally changing a WIN32 setting in
01-kwalletd-CMakeLists.patch this was not my intension and I do not  
know if it is appropriate or not.
The patch is really just to illustrate the change I would make and by  
the looks of the svn code I don't think you
will be needing it!

Do people on this list think it is likely that these amendments might  
make the final release?
(Not my patches, just the general ideas!)


Frank Wilson

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
Kde-buildsystem mailing list

Re: changes to how kdepimlibs and kdebase/workspace are installed and found

2008-12-19 Thread Maciej Mrozowski
On Thursday 18 of December 2008 20:31:42 Brad King wrote:

 Perhaps we can split it into
 multiple INSTALL(EXPORT) files.  Then use a customized
 KDE4WorkspaceConfig.cmake file that loads multiple export files.  The
 config file can check for each export file and provide it if it is
 available.  Some boolean variables can be set to indicate what was found.

I like the idea and I could create complete patch for kdebase-workspace, but I 
need some hints (for one workspace library and maybe example entry in 
KDE4WorkspaceConfig.cmake.in) as I'm not really CMake hacker.
So far I tried to realize first step - install multiple EXPORTS - one per 
library - and I run in some problem with libraries that depend on other 
workspace libraries.
For example, replacing:

install(TARGETS nepomukqueryclient EXPORT kdeworkspaceLibraryTargets 

with something like:

install(TARGETS nepomukqueryclient EXPORT nepomukqueryclient 
install (EXPORT nepomukqueryclient DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/cmake)

(in my version I got it to be installed in /usr/lib/cmake/ - similar to pkg-
config, and added lib prefix for those cmake modules to distinguish them from 
their corresponding clients)

results with:
CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT libnepomukqueryclient ...) includes target 
nepomukqueryclient which requires target nepomukquerythat is not in the 
export set.

How to handle such cases properly?
Imho it may not be possible to separately export everything as it seems that 
libraries depending on each other would need to be exported together (and thus 
built together, as install (TARGETS) command is responsible for it, right?). 
While it should not be a problem really it would be rather workaround and it 
should be done proper way of at all imho.
(as it appeared that hacking build system to not use this way of finding 
packages is not that hard)

(and btw, KDE4 CMake files would really need some love in terms of 
reformatting :)


Wyslij internetowa kartke z zyczeniami!
Kliknij  http://link.interia.pl/f1ff2

Kde-buildsystem mailing list

Re: changes to how kdepimlibs and kdebase/workspace are installed and found

2008-12-19 Thread Maciej Mrozowski
On Friday 19 of December 2008 18:11:35 Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
 install(TARGETS nepomukqueryclient EXPORT nepomukqueryclient
 install (EXPORT nepomukqueryclient DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/cmake)

should be of course:

install(TARGETS nepomukqueryclient EXPORT libnepomukqueryclient 
install (EXPORT libnepomukqueryclient DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/cmake)


Wyslij wirtualna kartke swiateczna!
Klikinij  http://link.interia.pl/f1ff1

Kde-buildsystem mailing list

Re: Fwd: Kde 4.2 beta1 feedback: Notes on cmake scripts

2008-12-19 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Friday 19 December 2008, Allen Winter wrote:
 Forwarding to the buildsystem folks:
-- Firstly I'd like to say thank you for an awesome kde 4.2 beta 1, it's
 looking really good.

 I would like to raise a few issues about the build scripts and offer
 some suggestions.
 I regret that I have not been able to try the latest beta 2 that was
 released today, but I will try it as soon as I have time.

Thanks for the feedback, but I think I have fixed all these issues just two 
weeks ago, i.e. after beta1, they should be in beta2.
I'm building KDE currently with the stuff installed 
to /opt/kdesupport, /opt/kdelibs, /opt/kdepimlibs and /opt/kde4 (for all the 
rest), so that I think I have stumbled about all the same problems and fixed 

Please let us know if you still have problems with current svn trunk.

Kde-buildsystem mailing list

Re: changes to how kdepimlibs and kdebase/workspace are installed and found

2008-12-19 Thread Brad King
Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
 On Thursday 18 of December 2008 20:31:42 Brad King wrote:
 Perhaps we can split it into
 multiple INSTALL(EXPORT) files.  Then use a customized
 KDE4WorkspaceConfig.cmake file that loads multiple export files.  The
 config file can check for each export file and provide it if it is
 available.  Some boolean variables can be set to indicate what was found.
 results with:
 CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT libnepomukqueryclient ...) includes target 
 nepomukqueryclient which requires target nepomukquerythat is not in the 
 export set.
 How to handle such cases properly?

Oops, in my proposal I didn't realize the libraries were interdependent. 
For some reason I was thinking they were all separate modules 
sharing a namespace.  Currently there is no way to do this unless the 
builds are separated too (where each library exports itself for import 
by its dependents).  The design of the automatic export file generation 
and installation was greatly simplified by enforcing the dependencies 
instead of having some mechanism for interdependent exports.  I 
currently have no plans to support inter-dependent exports but it could 
be done in the future.

Here are some other ideas:

1.) Write the export files by hand since they are for packages that 
always install to a specific location and always provide the same thing. 
  This is not very maintainable though.

2.) Post-process the export file to divide up the import rules.  I 
cannot guarantee the exact layout of these files will remain the same in 
future CMake versions though.

3.) Hack the export file to put if(EXISTS) around each import rule to 
check that the imported file exists.  Perhaps in the future CMake could 
generate this automatically.  I didn't consider it since the import rule 
is put in an export file that gets installed along with the target.  In 
your case you have a packaging mechanism that splits the install tree up 
with more granularity than CMake knows.

4.) Keep the single export file but teach KDE4WorkspaceConfig.cmake to 
detect by some other means (existence of a mark file that comes with 
each package) whether each target is really available.  Then set boolean 
variables or properties on the imported targets to indicate availability.

Note that the import files are split into two parts.  One part creates 
the imported targets and then loads the other part.  The other part 
actually imports targets under a given configuration.  #3 would be 
applied to the latter part.  #4 can work because the former part always 
creates all the targets.

Kde-buildsystem mailing list

Re: changes to how kdepimlibs and kdebase/workspace are installed and found

2008-12-19 Thread Maciej Mrozowski
On Friday 19 of December 2008 19:40:43 Brad King wrote:

 Oops, in my proposal I didn't realize the libraries were interdependent.
 For some reason I was thinking they were all separate modules
 sharing a namespace.  Currently there is no way to do this unless the
 builds are separated too (where each library exports itself for import
 by its dependents).  The design of the automatic export file generation
 and installation was greatly simplified by enforcing the dependencies
 instead of having some mechanism for interdependent exports.  I
 currently have no plans to support inter-dependent exports but it could
 be done in the future.

Actually I wouldn't really propose inter-dependent exports. It's not necessary 
as KDE guys don't need it as they usually build whole workspace, and in Gentoo 
we already handle inter-dependencies at package level (and we use workspace-
toplevel CMakeLists.txt so all required libraries are being found, we just 
comment out not necessary add_subdirectory from build). I believe other 
packagers do it similar way.
That being said, if anything - we would really only need a way to export those 
workspace libraries just as they are - without dependency information (so far 
attached error message occurs).

 Here are some other ideas:
 1.) Write the export files by hand since they are for packages that
 always install to a specific location and always provide the same thing.
   This is not very maintainable though.

 2.) Post-process the export file to divide up the import rules.  I
 cannot guarantee the exact layout of these files will remain the same in
 future CMake versions though.

Write by hand and post-process means probably some amount of serious 
work/rework - not acceptable here :)

 3.) Hack the export file to put if(EXISTS) around each import rule to
 check that the imported file exists.  Perhaps in the future CMake could
 generate this automatically.  I didn't consider it since the import rule
 is put in an export file that gets installed along with the target.  In
 your case you have a packaging mechanism that splits the install tree up
 with more granularity than CMake knows.

Hmm, I don't understand the purpose .. to always install (somehow) those 
exports and make them find libraries they 'represent'? Don't we have 
FindXXX.cmake already for that purpose?

 4.) Keep the single export file but teach KDE4WorkspaceConfig.cmake to
 detect by some other means (existence of a mark file that comes with
 each package) whether each target is really available.  Then set boolean
 variables or properties on the imported targets to indicate availability.

Yeah, but that seems to be against of the goal to introduce out-of-the-box 
library finding/importing.

Is there any way of forcing install (TARGETS EXPORT) or install (EXPORT) 
without dependency information or make it possible to manually add 
dependencies (those that are going to appear in 
If this considered workaround, then you can easily skip the idea as we can 
workaround this problem with simple
sed -i -e 's/${KDE4WORKSPACE_KSCREENSAVER_LIBRARY}/kscreensaver/' 

I just wanted to throw some proposition to be considered in a future. and I 
would personally prefer robust solutions rather than workarounds/hacks in KDE4 
or in any CMake-controlled build systems.


Wyslij internetowa kartke z zyczeniami!
Kliknij  http://link.interia.pl/f1ff2

Kde-buildsystem mailing list

Re: changes to how kdepimlibs and kdebase/workspace are installed and found

2008-12-19 Thread Brad King
Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
 3.) Hack the export file to put if(EXISTS) around each import rule to
 check that the imported file exists.  Perhaps in the future CMake could
 generate this automatically.  I didn't consider it since the import rule
 is put in an export file that gets installed along with the target.  In
 your case you have a packaging mechanism that splits the install tree up
 with more granularity than CMake knows.
 Hmm, I don't understand the purpose .. to always install (somehow) those 
 exports and make them find libraries they 'represent'? Don't we have 
 FindXXX.cmake already for that purpose?

The FindXXX modules *search* for the packages.  The whole point of the 
export files is to *know* where to find libraries because they are 
installed together.  I'm proposing that the import rules say my library 
would be here if it is installed.  Basically each import rule would 
look at its one known location to see if the library file exists before 
reporting it.

 4.) Keep the single export file but teach KDE4WorkspaceConfig.cmake to
 detect by some other means (existence of a mark file that comes with
 each package) whether each target is really available.  Then set boolean
 variables or properties on the imported targets to indicate availability.
 Yeah, but that seems to be against of the goal to introduce out-of-the-box 
 library finding/importing.
 Is there any way of forcing install (TARGETS EXPORT) or install (EXPORT) 
 without dependency information

Not currently.  The dependencies must be known because otherwise there 
is no way to report them when the targets are imported.  Note that the 
link dependencies for a shared library are needed even if the link 
interface is empty (unfortunately it is needed for proper linking to the 
shared lib on some platforms).


   add_library(foo SHARED foo.c)
   add_library(bar SHARED bar.c)
   target_link_libraries(bar foo)
   install(TARGETS foo bar DESTINATION lib EXPORT myexp)
   install(EXPORT myexp DESTINATION lib/myexp)

In the install tree the file


contains the code

# Import target foo for configuration Release

# Import target bar for configuration Release

The line marked (*) needs to know both the name of the imported target 
foo and that it exists.  Linking to bar is not always possible 
without it (even though foo is not in bar's link interface some linkers 
want to find foo when linking to bar).  If foo and bar appear in 
separate exports then installed bar does not know about the installed 
foo so it complains.  This is why separating the exports would require 
support for inter-dependent exports.

What you really want is to be able to install foo and bar in separate 
packages, where bar's package depends on foo's, right?  What if the 
above import blocks were to appear in separate files so you could put 
them in the separate packages?  Each package would contain its library 
and the corresponding piece of the export file.  The file currently 
holding the above blocks could instead do an optional include to load 
the import rules for libraries that have been installed.

Kde-buildsystem mailing list