D16894: [ECM] use a macro to add compiler flags conditionally

2019-01-28 Thread René J . V . Bertin
rjvbb set the repository for this revision to R240 Extra CMake Modules.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: rjvbb, #build_system, kfunk
Cc: dfaure, kfunk, apol, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, #build_system, 
michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D16894: [ECM] use a macro to add compiler flags conditionally

2019-01-28 Thread René J . V . Bertin
rjvbb updated this revision to Diff 50451.
rjvbb added a comment.

  This follows David's suggestion, but using `QUERY_IF` instead of the 
suggested `TRY_IF` to make it clear that this parameter controls the querying 
of the compiler.
  I haven't yet tested the new logic exhaustively but the as far as I can tell 
the macro behaves as intended as used in the two compiler settings modules.
  I've simplified the `QUERY_IF` conditions in those modules to just "if 
APPLE". Querying systematically on APPLE seems reasonable because the 
likelihood that a non-clang compiler is used for building is very small and 
when  it happens we'd probably be dealing with a non-GNU compiler.




To: rjvbb, #build_system, kfunk
Cc: dfaure, kfunk, apol, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, #build_system, 
michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D16894: [ECM] use a macro to add compiler flags conditionally

2019-01-28 Thread René J . V . Bertin
rjvbb added a comment.

  Usually if you have a conditional behaviour the associated condition 
specifies when to trigger it, no?
  You're right that the names don't suggest exactly how the condition is being 
evaluated (with extra checks or not), but that was also a bit the idea.
  Don't bother the user with such details, just provide a macro that will add 
the flag(s) if they are supported, with an optional conditional expression that 
can make things faster.
  Not that this optimisation makes a huge difference in my experience, so the 
already suggested simplification of just querying the compiler for everything 
isn't completely off the table either AFAIAC.
  >   In summary, I suggest having both SUPPORTED_IF and TRY_IF, and moving 
AppleClang magic out of the function.
  SUPPORTED_IF : add the flag(s) if the expression is true?
  TRY_IF: query the compiler if the expression is true? How would that 
intersect with the SUPPORTED_IF test?
  What about the macro name itself in that case?
  What bothers me here is that it puts the responsability to invoke magic or 
not back in the hands of the users, most of whom cannot test (directly) on the 
platform where this is needed. That could well open the door to new issues, 
either when a new problematic flag is added, or if someone thinks that some 
cleanup is in order and safe.
  Counter proposal: add a SUPPORTED_BY or SUPPORTING_COMPILERS parameter that 
take a list of compiler IDs for flags like -pedantic that are supported by all 
versions and can thus be added with only a simple compiler check. The question 
then is if an error should be raised if both parameters are specified?

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: rjvbb, #build_system, kfunk
Cc: dfaure, kfunk, apol, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, #build_system, 
michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D16894: [ECM] use a macro to add compiler flags conditionally

2019-01-28 Thread David Faure
dfaure added a comment.

  Ah. You meant an "OR", I thought it was an "AND".   (as in `our known 
selection of compilers OR/AND appleclang supports it`)
  But things are certainly not clearer now with the name CONDITION, which 
doesn't imply either one.
  Aside from the AppleClang issue, I've had cases where a compiler flag was 
added in an unreleased version of the compiler, so it makes sense to me to have 
a way to have a TRY_IF condition.
  At the same time, I guess we can have SUPPORTED_IF for the cases where we 
know it's supported and we want to save time by not even checking it.
  Then one could say "TRY_IF apple and clang" for the flags that we want to 
double-check on appleclang, instead of the function having this black magic 
hardcoded inside.
  And this way we don't need to check flags that work on all versions of clang 
like -pedantic.
  In summary, I suggest having both SUPPORTED_IF and TRY_IF, and moving 
AppleClang magic out of the function.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: rjvbb, #build_system, kfunk
Cc: dfaure, kfunk, apol, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, #build_system, 
michaelh, ngraham, bruns