chehrlic added a comment.

  In D23789#538985 <>, @kossebau wrote:
  > >> - why has all Qt code not yet been adapted to 
macros should not be used, but the version-less ones?
  > > 
  > > Because noone wanted to do the work and it was added late in the Qt5 
lifetime -> A lot of stuff was deprecated for a long time already (in Qt4 
times) and there is was a replacement since Qt5.0.0 so the macro was not needed 
(even though a lot of people got very angry about it). I added it for some new 
signals which created a lot of discussion since the old ones are widely used.
  > Can you point to those discussions? Would be curious to learn what people's 
thought are.
  It's most likely a discussion when a deprecated / replaced function should 
really create a warning (esp. when the replacement was just recently added) and 
when the function should be removed completely - should a function deprecated 
in Qt5 really be removed in Qt6 or wait for Qt7 or don't remove it at all.
  >>> - why did you go for both QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION & 
QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X, are there places where no message will be wanted?
  >> Just for consistency - we've QT_DEPRECATED and QT_DEPRECATED_X but I think 
QT_DEPRECATED should be deprecated by itself. I hope no reviewer will accept a 
  > So you would also think that message-less variants will not be needed I 
understand. Okay. From what I tested with experimentally deploying the macros 
on some KF modules I almost always could add a useful message, so running short 
of reasons for keeping a message-less variant :)
  I think it should be enough to have one macro nowadays :)

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: kossebau
Cc: chehrlic, dfaure, cgiboudeaux, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, 
LeGast00n, GB_2, bencreasy, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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