Re: RFC: KDE Bugzilla Bugs Expiration

2015-08-03 Thread Jaroslav Reznik
- Original Message -
> On Friday, July 31, 2015 09:55:30 PM Thomas Lübking wrote:
> > On Freitag, 31. Juli 2015 19:29:53 CEST, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > > I also do not see the point in nagging the user after a certain period of
> > > time if nobody else ever cared to comment on the bug. Feels a bit like
> > > little kids asking "Are we there yet?" over and over again.
> > 
> > The idea is not only to get rid of cruft (bugs which "auto-fixed" either
> > implicitly by eg. code cleanups or as dupes) but also to remind developers
> > by resubmission (eg. when a bug fell off the table during high activity
> > periods)
> > > I do see the point in Daniel's proposal because the time a release goes
> > > EOL
> > > feels like a sensible point in time for asking whether the bug still
> > > exists.
> > - when do "unspecified" version bugs EOL?
> "Unspecified" version is IMO a silly thing in the first place. How is
> developer supposed to fix a bug if he does not know what version it happens
> with? I can see the point of it for wishes, but there I think it was agreed
> above that auto-closing should not affect those.
> > - when do "git" version bugs EOL?
> Hmm, good question. Maybe when a new version is released, all "git" bug
> reports should be moved to that version?

That's another process we have in Fedora - Rawhide rebase. At the point 
next release branches, we move all Rawhide bugs (except FutureFeature, RFEs
etc.) to the branched version as it was reported during the development of 
this version.

I was running it in Fedora for a few years, there was opposition we can't
close bugs as people would not report new bugs, sometimes I go through 
closed bugs and it's sad when it's something really simple. But we are all
humans, with other work to do and I think it's honest to reporters to tell
them sorry, we have limited resources. Also it requires some activity from
reporter and developer so many bugs are revived and even fixed in this
period. The other thing we try is to make reopening bugs as easy as possible,
explain what we do and why we do it. Of course, sometimes it's hard but I
think it's worth. It keeps Bugzilla clean.

Just as Kevin pointed out - it's much more easier in Fedora Bugzilla, as
it's one "product" developed at one time.

I used simple perl script that processed CSV exported from Bugzilla query.
I'm not sure if Bugzilla Rule Engine already hit upstream/KDE Bugzilla but
that could be another tool to help with cleanups...


Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-23 Thread Jaroslav Reznik
- Original Message -
> Fedora packages Oyranos since years.

We were already discussing it within our Fedora KDE SIG as we're
getting smashed between the colord (the rest of Fedora talks to) and 
oyranos (with KDE integration and as I heard being preferred by 
libre graphics people) gears. 

I have to admit, I'm beginner in this area, trying to get overview
what's going on and to try to find technical solution that would fit
our needs. I met Kai-Uwe at FOSDEM but unfortunately I didn't have
time to attend CMS track :(

Richard, as colord is a Fedora born technology, could you contact me
off-list please with more information? At least in short term we would 
need it before an agreement on generic solution is found. I can take 
a look what's needed.


> kind regards
> Kai-Uwe

Re: systemd and KDE (was: Re: kdeinit)

2011-09-14 Thread Jaroslav Reznik
- Original Message -
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 4:54 PM, John Layt  wrote:
> > Ummm, Pulse Audio? It completely broke sound under KDE. It caused a
> > lot of
> > users a lot of pain before Colin come along to fix it for us and for
> > Gnome
> > users too. I don't want to see a repeat of that, so figuring out how
> > to get
> > Lennart to care becomes important.

Yes, it is - maybe something I can help internally but can't promise 
anything as you know Lennart but we're now in position we have to go
through our internal needs for systemd.
> During Desktop Summit, I've jumped on the systemd-KDE-integration
> bandwagon (which seems to be only me at the moment, or is there any
> work which I'm not aware of?).

thanks for stepping in. Some time ago I just tried systemd password 
agent, I have to check if you implement it, otherwise it would be
great to have it in one place.

But back to systemd and KDE integration. Is there something we can
be helpful? Especially regarding the problems in systemd you rushed
into etc.?

> As a very first step, there's libqsystemd [1], which I'll try to
> finish and polish in the next few weeks. This should make it easy to
> write apps that communicate with systemd. For example, what about a
> proper Plasma dataengine for systemd units/jobs and an applet that
> e.g. shows the state of a systemd unit? There's an proof-of-concept
> dataengine in the repo [1], but the subject is in need of someone who
> knows his way around Plasma dataengines and friends.
> The second integration point is the unified interfaces for system
> configuration that systemd provides. If systemd is present, it should
> be used to set (possibly also get) the hostname, locale, and system
> time. Also, KDM should be able to communicate with systemd-logind,
> which (as outlined by Lennart's talk at DS) seeks to replace
> ConsoleKit.
> The third integration point is to use systemd as a session manager,
> thereby (as already mentioned) possibly replacing big parts of our own
> startup sequence. Once I can get a current version of systemd to
> compile on my machine, I will try to look into this, but of course
> help is appreciated on all fronts.

Yes, these last two things are important for us. Usually we (Fedora) are
hit first :( And we're just really small team but we're trying at least :)
(PolicyKit, uDisk/uPower integration etc.)

So if you can include me and Lukas Tinkl in further discussion/development
it would be great.


> Greetings
> Stefan
> [1] git clone kde:libqsystemd

Jaroslav Řezník 
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

Office: +420 532 294 275
Mobile: +420 602 797 774
Red Hat, Inc.