Re: Color Management in KDE

2013-02-03 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 02.02.2013 22:33, schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

2013/2/2 Kai-Uwe Behrmann :

I am not so sure that will help. colord follows a minimalistic approach as
is typical to GNOME. At the moment Oyranos supports quite more features.

In regards to colord we gave up our requests to see certain features added
and maintained. We wanted some policies considerd for ICC shared profiles,
which is a essential part for Oyranos. But these whishes where completely
ignored. We try to work around things and hope to cooperate better based on

Who wrote the specs? You did right? So what about providing good use cases
and not complex features that will just make the code more likely to have bugs
and less likely to get used by real people. We are always open to new features
when they do provide a good use case.

Oyranos is based in many aspects on community driven spec from OpenICC. 
I have the impression you did not read the OpenICC wiki pages, the specs 
or email list. That's probably a problem for a person, who wants to 
maintain a CM stack inside KDE. You completely depend on one API and the 
word of one person without good own reasoning. That's all you offer KDE.


* Linux only, CMF only
* Not a CMM, leaves that to toolkit, app or window manager
* libcolord gobject C library, LGPL 2.1
* Config stored in DConf
* DBus service & api for all options
* Command line tool for all options
* Intergrated into GTK, CUPS, SANE, etc.

SANE-backends-1.0 (e.g. has no dependency to DBus or colord.
Each colord client, which likes to support SANE has to implement that by its
own. colord has no device specific code inside. ldd shows that easily on

colord doesn't need to have device specific code, since it only provides a mean
to match device <-> ICC,

Coding device specifics in each client makes detection of driver 
settings more error proune, as is it is a not simple and is a repeating 
and to be continued task.


* CMF and CMM abstraction API
* Linux and BSD support using own CMF implementation
* OS X native ColorSync CMF support
* Plans for Windows CMF support
* CMM api only supports lcms/lcms2, plans to re-write to support more
* C library, BSD license
* No DBus service
* Command line tools for certain options
* No integration into CUPS, GTK, SANE, etc.
* Not fully stable api yet
* Must be hard build time dependency

Every CLI tool can be called at runtime especially easy on Posix systems.
That is not much different than DBus. So it would in theory be possible to
use Argyll/Oyranos or colord in exchange without hard linking. I guess the
amount of code might be similar like supporting all those different DBus
APIs + support code.

Using command line tools is actually extremely hard/boring if you need to keep
parsing it's output, QtDBus brings you all the convenience of SIGNALS and SLOTS
and is async as well.

In KolorManager we do it *with* SIGNAL + SLOT for asynchronous tasks. No 

Let me add an advantage. Argyll and Oyranos have the needed device dependent
code already inside. No need to fiddle with EDID, X11, CUPS and other API's.

Since the work is so small I don't really see such advantage...

The concept in colord is to use a device ID, which is a actificial name. 
That one might have nothing to do with actual colour behaviour and thus 
is eigther only particial useable for profile association or inflexible. 
What appears small work to you results from the omitting of real world 
use cases.

In some ways Oyranos could be seen as an alternative to Qt in providing a
common abstraction api across the major platforms, except it is in C, not
on Windows, and requires explicit CMM code rather than having it implicit
the Qt graphics classes.

The last half sentence makes no sense to me. First of all. lcms is the most
highly valued CMM on the planet right after the AdobeCMM. It's portability
is simply amazing.
CMM code is dlopen'd in Oyranos on demand. E.g. KolorManager will never link
against or call lcms.

On the opposite, a ldd to shows a hard dependency to .

Qt graphics classes are dependent to any CMM in what way? Are Qt apps free
to choose a CMM if Qt graphics classes have already choosen one?

There is no color correction in Qt yet, dlopening a library is
actually a much worse
practice than linking against it, if lcms change their API you won't notice
at compile time and might give nice crashes with odd backtraces.

I did not write what you imply. Your blindly jump to hostile assumptions 
about a project you appearently did not care to look much into.

The Oyranos CMM wrapper modules in question link against lcms, but the 
modules themself are dlopend like any normal plugin system does.

I did not even hear about that service. Even though I am one of two persons,
who had worked on specs for a shared CMS DB on Linux. The other person is
Graeme G

Re: Color Management in KDE

2013-02-02 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
nos and
optionally Windows and OS X, so apps are independent of whichever is available
and protected from API instability.  A default sRGB plugin could be used when
neither are installed.  This would make the eventual Qt5 migration easier, and
maybe influence the Qt5 api.

Let me outline point 4) and what I expect that to become:
colord is mostly a small API for DB queries. The DB itself is otherwise 
hidden. The outlined project will need many own code to implement the 
basic device and driver configuration detection. Or it can choose to 
ignore aspects leading to a poor implementation. As soon as one has 
written all the needed code for KDE or Qt it needs to be continued for 
each other supported platform. Thats the logic. In the end it means 
parts of Oyranos or GCM get rewritten in a Qt specific style. All 
remaining Linux DE's have to rewrite everything by themself too. The 
actual Gnome CM (colord) way makes a massive repeat of code necessary. 
IMO that is a waste of programmers energy. Because KDE/Qt will for sure 
not provide a shared API suitable for any Gtk/EFL or other DE project 
out there.

In my expectation the benefit for KDE will likely be relative small, 
because it can not much cooperate with other projects this way.

Let me add:
5) KDE implements a own CMS based on available standards and specs. That 
way it is completely independent, while remaining compatible with 
existing CMS on many levels. It takes away ambiguity and a clean Qt 
style is straight forward possible.

It takes many disadvantages from 4) but on the positives is a kind of 
clean room implementation. Certainly it demands lots of work, but maybe 
not much more or even less than 4).

Obviously my recommendation is for option 4 to be implemented for KDE 4.11.
This could be based on the existing Calligra API.  I'm not sure how much time
I'll have to work on this myself, but it seems to me less work for apps to
work on this together instead of each one re-implementing the same code.

Let me be clear though, if an app wishes to use Oyranos directly as a hard
requirement because of some better functionality or less code then they are
free to do so, but it does come at a cost that they need to be aware of, a
cost which I don't think belongs in kdelibs or Workspace.

Hmm, reads like a plan to abstract from the Oyranos abstraction API. 
Maybe a graphics scheme could help in making that idea better 



kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Color Management in KDE

2013-01-23 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
On 22.01.2013 17:50, Cristian Tibirna wrote:
> On Monday 21 January 2013 21:22:42 John Layt wrote:
>> My big concern is that KDE is sleep-walking into a hodge-podge
>> solution with little co-ordination on implementations and dependencies, and
>> little knowledge of the implications of the decisions being made.  I've
>> tried to come up with a logical pragmatic solution within the usual KDE
>> standards and architecture, but I am not a CM expert so if you feel that
>> I've got anything wrong or misunderstood the situation please don't
>> hesitate to call me on it.
> I guess I understand that a very color-conscient application (like, say, 
> krita), will need to correctly support CM internally, particularly if the app 
> is used outside an integrated KDE session. But then, is there conflict when 
> both the application and the wm try to manage color?
> - you mention a few hypothetical developments (especially in relation with 
> Qt5). Do you have direct information on the plans? Or, in other words, what 
> is 
> the perceived probability that your future-projections could be defeated by 
> predictible developer-opinion/development-direction changes?
> Thanks a lot.

A infection hit me. So, I am not able to check things and answer much
for some days.

kind regards

ANNOUNCE OpenICC @ GSoC 2012 results

2012-09-12 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

We gladly announce, that OpenICC's participation was this year a
great success. All projects finished. Links to them can be 
found on the OpenICC Google Summer of Code 2012 web page [1].

Colour Management for Krita Printing
Joseph Simon worked on adaption and integration of his last years 
implementation for colour managed printing into Krita. The workflow is 
based on ICC profile injection through the PDF OutputIntent.

KWin Colour Correction
Casian Andrei's KWin changes for ICC style colour correction in the GPU 
are discussed upstream and his code to KolorManager code base wait just 
for approval. The concept follows the X Color Management and CompICC 
implementation. But the result is highly modular and thus very flexible.

Simple Toolkit Abstraction
Nitin Chadas SimpleUI project for XML forms rendering was written from 
ground up and provides now backends for FLTK, Gtk and Qt. It needs a bit

of polishing to become useable.

Thanks to Google for providing the colour management and graphics 
community again a great chance to code and learn the open source way.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
GSoC admin @


PS: interessted in a similar project outside GSoC, then just get
in contact with me

[Announce] Linux Color Management Hackfest 2012

2012-05-25 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
During the recent LGM[1] we started to organise a hackfest[2]. The
event aims at bringing developers of the Linux applications and desktops 
and experts interested in color management (CM) together and support the
integration of CM inside their open source projects and distributions. The 
hackfest will happen

from 16th until 19th November 2012 in
Brno, Czech Republic.

The Red Hat offices[3] are kindly offered during the event and be well 
equipped for our purpose.

We spotted three main focuses:
* desktop applications, including window managers,
* web browsers and
* printing.
These topics are already worked on, but in a scattered way. By meeting in 
person in one place, we want to get something done and build a good 
understanding of the role of each participating group for a working end to 
end color management.

If you are interested in joining the hackfest, please fill your name and 
information on the OpenICC wiki page [4] to help us estimate resources. In 
case you need a visa, please write us preferedly soon as mail can take a 
while. Submission deadline for obtaining sponsoring will be 30th of 

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
organisation for


Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-04-01 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

The KolorManager project has been moved to extragear/graphics .
Thanks to all who helped with that.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-31 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 11:26 +0100 schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann:

Request ID:

KolorManager is a front end to the Oyranos Colour Management System (CMS).

Colour Management is a important part of modern desktops. It helps designers 
to improve colour usability, artists to predict artwork appearance on client 
computers and graphic professionals to work with reliable colours. Oyranos is 
carefully designed to meet that demands. The KolorManager configuration front 
end is a KDE systemsettings panel for manual interaction in the otherwise 
automated process of configuring devices and providing reasonable defaults. 
The device configuration inside Oyranos CMS is a precondition to get DE 
colour management well working. Some applications like Krita or Gimp support 
already common OpenICC standards like the ICC Profile in X spec and will 
directly benefit from KolorManager being inside KDE. Other need further work 
to integrate Oyranos and ICC support.

About Oyranos:

After working on KolorManager and Oyranos in the past months for the last 
Oyranos-0.4.0 release, we feel the stack is ready to review for inclusion 
into KDE.

KolorManager resides currently in Playground/Graphics:

Someone mentioned kdegraphics would be a appropriate target place inside the 
KDE hierarchy.

Given the recent discussions in this thread, there is not something 
fundamentally technical to change inside KolorManager. Many have expressed 
the opinion to move it not into kdegraphics ATM and use kdeextragear 

As most applications on Linux use the Xorg atoms to do ICC monitor 
compensation, a KolorManager to setup device profiles might help them 

Can we proceed with the move into extragear?

thanks in advance
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Re: Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-23 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 23.03.12, 17:10 +0100 schrieb Thomas Lübking:

Am 23.03.2012, 06:27 Uhr, schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann :

Where would be a competing system on Linux?
Well, I certainly did not read all of that "colord ./. oyranos" flamewar on 
k-c-d where supporters of either basically tagged the other like incapable 
and/or irrelevant s..tufff, but I as certain did not dream about it.

So while this might just have been kindergarten s...tuff about "xyz uses mono 
and we hate mono", I was under the impression that those were conflicting 
approaches to CM.

That was likely related to Linux CM DB APIs, but not particular to 
compositor CM.

If it indeed only is about implementation details on the very same protocol,

Yes, we have seen no other descriptions for a compositor CM protocol.

thus whether colord or oyranos is in use does absolutely not make any 
difference regarding the compositor, I wish apologize and withdraw that 
particular concern.

screen actually could do WG ... but the delete icon in dolphin looks 

That is correctly described and expected behaviour as developers said.

Ok, so let me please complete my former question by its implications:
"Does that actually mean that if I have a WG screen and an application which 
does not support the opt-out protocol [...], it will be reduced to sRGB while 
the application and the screen actually could do WG ..."
... unless I suspend compositing or switch to another window manager what, 
because I'm just a user and don't know what a window manager is, likely means 
to switch to another DE, because "it just works" on - let's say - "Trinity"?

sRGB displaying is for many people the "it just works". They likely will 
find sRGB be more relaxing, if they have a wide gamut display. Look at the 
email threads, where people search for the sRGB emulation mode for these

kind of monitors.

We discussed that with Wayland people and the last spec revision was
adapted to meet their concerns. So the transition from X Color
Management to W(ayland) Color Management should be relativele smooth.

Many thanks.
But that seams clearly away from per-region opt-out but into per-window


opt-out, doesn't cover different screens anyway and require toolkits "to

For different screens can be colour corrected through X Color Management, 
because the output device spaces are known.

"toolkit" means client side. A client can as well be a application.

colour correct the whole window" what -if did not terribly misunderstood-

It is about specifying a per window opt-out or per window source colour 
space. A compositor can still apply different per monitor colour 

also means that if Qt & Gtk+ support such, but TCL/TK does not (just examples 
here), the result would be that w/ or w/o a color correcting compositor, my 
Qt & Gtk apps just work fine whereas my very important professional offset 
print preview "POPP" (tm) tool written in TCL/TK only works WITHOUT such 
compositor (because the canvas is corrected internally and the buttons are 
all gray anyway) and fails with one.

Your "POPP" (tm) tool written in TCL/TK will hopefull adhere to the ICC 
Profiles in X spec[1]. Otherwise it's behaviour is undefined. Such bug is 
present in Gimp, when the "Use system profile" check box is initially not 
selected. Gimp behaves correctly after enabling this option.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann


Re: Re: Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 22.03.12, 22:49 +0100 schrieb Thomas Lübking:

Am 22.03.2012, 19:20 Uhr, schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann :

I was tould by the graphics community to keep the X Color Management spec
backward compatible with the ICC Profile in X spec, so we did. Thus old
style applications see a sRGB profile through the ICC Profile in X spec,
and they continue to work by converting to sRGB.

Sorry again, but does that actually mean that if I have a WG screen and an 
application which does not support the opt-out protocol or bought into a 
competing* system, it will be reduced to sRGB while the application and the

Where would be a competing system on Linux?

screen actually could do WG ... but the delete icon in dolphin looks correct?

That is correctly described and expected behaviour as developers said.

Next question: do you have approached the Wayland project on this?
In case, what do they say?

We discussed that with Wayland people and the last spec revision was 
adapted to meet their concerns. So the transition from X Color 
Management to W(ayland) Color Management should be relativele smooth.

*semi OT sidenote:
This is btw. sth. I do not like at all.
Xorg and fdo do not have the market share -esp. in that market- to afford two 
competing color management systems.
I have no idea about the technical, conceptual and maybe religious 
differences, but would suggest to iron that out by all means if you ever want 
usable CM on this Architecture.

What other substantial proposals or discussions do you have in mind?
As far as I can see there was no publically discussed *competing* concept 
of substance ever brought to the attention of the graphics community.
We only have read some nebulous and non technical statements on the typical 
level of marketing.

OpenICC [1] is the fd.o place to discuss such CM stuff or at least the 
Xorg email list. In both I am active. I will surely continue to present 
and discuss the idea with users and developers in various events.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann


Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Sorry I missed to answere you somehow.

Am 21.03.12, 10:25 +0100 schrieb todd rme:

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Kai-Uwe Behrmann  wrote:

Am 20.03.12, 21:17 +0100 schrieb Thomas Lübking:

Am 20.03.2012, 20:12 Uhr, schrieb Martin Graesslin :

A fully  color corrected compositor seems feasible to me

I'm atm. not even sure about that.

I might be utterly wrong, but my impression is that the xvidmode extension
can correct screens (eg. xcalib loads icc profiles), so a screen wide color

xvidmode gamma ramps are per channel curves. These are very limited compared
to ICC based colour correction. Those gamma curves provide better gray
balance and potentialy white point adjustment. But they do not describe
colour primaries shifts or other more complex distortions. Gamma curves must
be taken into account for ICC profiles. But detailed characterisation of
device colorimetry happens usualy in ICC profiles.

This may be an ignorant question, but can xvidmode be extended to
offer more complex correction?

That would end in a all desktop content is sRGB dituation. That would be 
fine as long as we know that wide gamut monitors are excluded, like on 
fixed hardware. Tablets could do that for their internal displays.

But I am afraid a desktop, which cribbles all wide gamut monitors by 
default to sRGB, is suboptimal marketing.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Re: Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 22.03.12, 18:41 +0100 schrieb Thomas Lübking:

Am 22.03.2012, 08:55 Uhr, schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann :

Lets hypothetical assume some effort is initiated to bring CM to Qt and
that happens during Qt 5 life time. The new design says by default all
content is considered sRGB, which is by itself reasonable. However
existing applications will initially not know about that changed

Errrmmm... how is that please different from opting out of the compositor?
Except that latter does not only hit Qt applications but also *every* 
"legacy" stuff around?

I was tould by the graphics community to keep the X Color Management spec 
backward compatible with the ICC Profile in X spec, so we did. Thus old 
style applications see a sRGB profile through the ICC Profile in X spec, 
and they continue to work by converting to sRGB.

The conflict is solveable by making the new drawing API incompatible with
the old one, e.g. requiring a colour space argument.
Or by making user code color correction calls (QApplication::setColorSpec(int 
spec)?) invalidate/override library settings?

Something like that is technical possible. But let me repeat, you get then 
a mixture of colour managed and non colour managed apps with the same 
toolkit, which is completely non understandable for users.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Re: Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 22.03.12, 07:34 +0100 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:

On Thursday 22 March 2012 07:02:27 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

Am 21.03.12, 20:34 +0100 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:

Do you have any references showing that it is impossible to add color
correction to Qt during the lifecycle of Qt 5? I'm sorry, but I don't
technical decisions on "my feeling says".

That would mean colour management appears earliest inside Qt 6. But it is
at the moment not clear if that happens at all.

Any proof for these bold statements? Anything from Qt where I can see that
this is the case (also for Wayland)? Remember nobody wants to develop for
anymore ;-)

As we discuss a equivalent of colour management in KWin, we talk about
default colour management of all displayed Qt widgets. That is a high goal
and likely coming with some API changes. Such changes need quite some
What signs are visible that with the first release of Qt 5 will have full
CM? Even if people would put CM now high on the Qt develpers or similar
agendas, CM will likely not get included soon to be ready for the first
Qt 5 release. Then logically the next feature window is Qt 6.

Sorry but I don't follow that logic. Just because it won't make it into 5.0
(which is impossible) does not mean that it won't enter any 5.x release.

And that's what I asked for: is there any reference stating that it won't be
possible to add CM to Qt in the lifetime of Qt 5?

Here my thoughts, why I think CM in Qt is not easily introduced during a
minor Qt 5 release. [Preparation of CM for Qt 6 is a different story.]

Lets hypothetical assume some effort is initiated to bring CM to Qt and 
that happens during Qt 5 life time. The new design says by default all 
content is considered sRGB, which is by itself reasonable. However 
existing applications will initially not know about that changed 
convention. There is currently no API to know that. They will play 
freestyle as before and colour correct to monitor space without knowing 
how to tell anything to Qt. These old style apps will colour correct to 
monitor and Qt will colour correct from sRGB to monitor as Qt does not 
better know. That is called double colour correction and would be a real 
design bug.

The conflict is solveable by making the new drawing API incompatible with 
the old one, e.g. requiring a colour space argument. An other way is 
verbally declaring sRGB as the default colour space in Qt, which would be 
a major API change as well and only reasonable possible during major 
version change.

Both is not easy before Qt 5. After the fist Qt 5 release a new drawing 
API could theoretically be introduced in parallel to the old one. But old 
Qt apps would then look inconsistent compared to ones using the new API. 
Not sure if that transition path would be a good option regarding code 
complexity. IMO best would be to wait for Qt 6 and then switch completely.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 21.03.12, 22:25 +0100 schrieb Thomas Zander:

Color management in Qt is a bit of a weird statement; first of all, support is
already possible as Krita proves.  Second, I doubt that 94% of the widgets

Krita does colour management inside Krita. IMO that does not belong to a 
discussion about Qt itself.

actually need color correction of the type that kwin could provide. Who cares
that their text edits and their buttons are color correct?

Many people care about that and even more are positively affected.

Its only for canvas-like widgets that this is relevant, and apps have that
option already by linking to LCMS.

It is relevant to the whole desktop experience. What people like to see
are consistent colours on displays and then on prints. And they want to 
show the same colours to their friends remotely.

At the moment KDE looks on each monitor different. No one can predict on
what colours come over the internet, being it web sites, email clients or 
application toolbars. That's not so good.

So, KWin support would just be a shortcut. A one-stop solution to make all
apps suddenly get sunglasses on.  It certainly is not a 'proper' solution, its
a shortcut. So please keep treating it as such.

Yes. There needs work on many layers. All have to play their role. And I 
see default colour management in KWin as a big step in a good direction.

When people talk about the toolkit adding support its more about convenience
APIs. Think a QPainter method to set a color transform to do correction on
following draws.

Such a API is specialy tailored to a certain audience. Photographers come 
to mind. And I am all for it, but they are only part of the KDE user base.

When people want support in the toolkit, they want the color selector widget,
the print preview widget etc, that come with Qt to natively use the monitor
Last, they want the printing to take color management into account.

Good example. The print of a screenshot should look like on screen. So the 
first thing is to make screens look consistent. Then printing has a 
chance to match that.

All of those are possible and likely even welcomed in Qt.   The only thing is
that someone has to actually do it.  So saying that it won't happen in Qt6 is
a self-fulfilling wish, and I feel its not very fair to plant that doubt in
peoples minds.

Agreed with you. And luckily no one says it can not happen for Qt 6.

What would KWin people suggest how and where to place this feature near

Well the question is whether such a feature is needed at all. I would say:
* either correct the whole screen
* or let the windows handle it

Now it becomes quite simple: there's an app doing color correction itself.
In  that case we can safely assume that the user wants the app to take
care - compositor does no longer color correct the screen.

There is no application taking care of it: compositor renders the whole

That could be a start.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-21 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 21.03.12, 20:34 +0100 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:

I think you do not know how KWin's rendering works. In a simplistic way: a
window is rendered to the screen through a shader. At runtime KWin decides
which shader to be used. As by that there is always only one active shader, so
to have color correction it has to be added to all shaders which render

Thanks for the description.

This is different to any experience you might have from Compiz 0.8. There the
screen was not rendered with shaders but plugins could use shaders.

Do you have any references showing that it is impossible to add color
correction to Qt during the lifecycle of Qt 5? I'm sorry, but I don't base
technical decisions on "my feeling says".

That would mean colour management appears earliest inside Qt 6. But it is
at the moment not clear if that happens at all.

Any proof for these bold statements? Anything from Qt where I can see that
this is the case (also for Wayland)? Remember nobody wants to develop for X
anymore ;-)

As we discuss a equivalent of colour management in KWin, we talk about 
default colour management of all displayed Qt widgets. That is a high goal
and likely coming with some API changes. Such changes need quite some 
What signs are visible that with the first release of Qt 5 will have full 
CM? Even if people would put CM now high on the Qt develpers or similar 
agendas, CM will likely not get included soon to be ready for the first

Qt 5 release. Then logically the next feature window is Qt 6.

On the other hand, Xorg architect Jim Getty told me, that compositors
are the right places for colour correction.

that might be quite true, but not if apps want to opt-out.

The X Color Management spec allows for opt-out inside compositors.
I think to demonstrated you that on osC.

and I think I explained to you why I don't think that's a good idea for KWin

kind regards

Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-21 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 21.03.12, 18:20 +0100 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:

On Wednesday 21 March 2012 08:23:39 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

There is more into it: first of all KWin currently does not distinguish
between screens during rendering. To properly have screen aware color
correction the complete compositor has to be made screen aware. The
repaint loop has to be

As a side note, during the last CLT fair there was the idea brought up, to
place ICC colour correction inside a KWin plugin. Is that recommendable?

I'm kind of confused by this question: I just wrote that the compositor is not
screen aware. How should a plugin be able to handle screen aware rendering if
the core does not?

I can only speak from the existing colour server plugin. It does handle 
per screen colour correction regardless of support in the actual used 
compositor. Of course it needs a n-screen loop for drawing all screen 
overlapping windows.

split into multiple rendering passes - one for each screen. This is quite
change in the way how KWin renders, but might be a useful change.

As a second step all fragment shaders need to be adjusted to do the color

Which shaders and adjusted for what specifically? May you point us to
them, in order to get an idea?

As KWin renders through shaders and I expect that the screen should always be
color corrected the answer is simple: all of them.

A 3D texture lookup is done usually only once inside the pipeline. The 
plugins inside the kwin/effects path might be used simultaneously.
So placing a additional 3D texture lookup into each of those plugins would 
lead to unwanted multiple colour corrections.

GSoC completes or not will be judged only by Oyranos. A successfully
completed project at Oyranos to write code to KWin does not mean that the
code will be merged into KWin.

The more we are interested to see the KWin project being involved.

Whether a project succeeds or not does not depend on KWin being involved in
this project. It's the mentor and student who have to ensure to develop code
acceptable to the requirements of KWin development.

Personally I would not make inclusion of code a pre condition for the 
success of such a project. Upstream inclusion of code is a high goal for 
contributors anywhere. Not many GSoC projects reach that immediately.

Given recent discussions on this mailinglist about Oyranos and colord I am
very unsure whether I want any color management relevant code in KWin at
the moment. I will definitely not accept any code supporting only one of
the two systems and any additional build or run-time dependency to KWin
will not be accepted.

Has KDE facities to load and apply ICC profiles? ICC support needs at
least a colour management module (CMM) like lcms.

In general there seems to be agreement that color management has to be
inside the toolkit/application and not inside the compositor. A fully

You are pointing towards osX?

Sorry, but what does it have to do with OS X?

osX is to my current knowledge the only desktop environment with 
colour correction to the whole screen. That could be seen as a hint 
towards "colour management has to be done inside the toolkit".

I think that Qt and any other toolkit will
need a not small amount of time to implement a similar engineered colour
managed scene graph. Such stuff is certainly deployed inside PDF
workflows. But my feeling says, it is a lot of work to get such a beast
inside a cross platform Qt layer. Very likely not Qt5. How long would we
have to wait for that? 5 years or more realistically 10 years or will
that happen at all?

Do you have any references showing that it is impossible to add color
correction to Qt during the lifecycle of Qt 5? I'm sorry, but I don't base
technical decisions on "my feeling says".

That would mean colour management appears earliest inside Qt 6. But it is 
at the moment not clear if that happens at all.

On the other hand, Xorg architect Jim Getty told me, that compositors
are the right places for colour correction.

that might be quite true, but not if apps want to opt-out.

The X Color Management spec allows for opt-out inside compositors.
I think to demonstrated you that on osC.

corrected compositor seems feasible to me, but one where some applications
need to start opting-out of being color corrected is nothing I want to see
in KWin as it adds significant complexity and overhead to the rendering

Opting out of colour management is a pre condition to do
* raw measurements, such as for ICC profile generation
* application side specialised colour correction

It needs to internally store the colour transform per window. If there is
none, then there is no conversion needed.

in other words: it affects all windows and adds significant rendering overhead
to it as it has to be decided whether there has to be a conversion or not.
That's exactly what I 

Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-21 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 20.03.12, 21:17 +0100 schrieb Thomas Lübking:

Am 20.03.2012, 20:12 Uhr, schrieb Martin Graesslin :

A fully  color corrected compositor seems feasible to me

I'm atm. not even sure about that.

I might be utterly wrong, but my impression is that the xvidmode extension 
can correct screens (eg. xcalib loads icc profiles), so a screen wide color

xvidmode gamma ramps are per channel curves. These are very limited 
compared to ICC based colour correction. Those gamma curves provide better 
gray balance and potentialy white point adjustment. But they do not 
describe colour primaries shifts or other more complex distortions. Gamma 
curves must be taken into account for ICC profiles. But detailed 
characterisation of device colorimetry happens usualy in ICC profiles.

correcting compositor would be only required to fix multiscreen (not 
multihead) setups which i frankly consider no case either, because a full 
correction would just mean to restrict the WG screen to the SRGB one

The X Color Management spec requires per window colour correction for base 
line implementations. Thus it is possible to specify an source space other 
than sRGB.

(yesno?!), what doesn't much sound like a great achievement to me (and is 
simply no case in at least the professional context. You don't purchase _one_ 
WG screen to use it -restricted- alongside your SRGB screen, but just 
purchase two WG screens and give away the SRGB one to one of your employees 
at home or whatever)

exactly. Thats why opting out of colour management and being able to 
specify a intermediate colour profile is a good thing.


kind regards

Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-21 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 20.03.12, 20:12 +0100 schrieb Martin Graesslin:

On Sunday 18 March 2012 20:01:01 Casian Andrei wrote:


taking it to the KWin mailinglist as that's the relevant list in case this
proposal would be accepted.

First of all thanks for considering doing a GSoC project around KWin.

I need your guidance in order to create a decent proposal. I
understand the project will involve implementing the colour management
features in KWin. As the idea suggests, this would imply making KWin

This would probably only be part of it.

Today I documented myself about colour management in general, and how
it's done in Linux. I also read about ICC, Oyranos, X color management
and related things. Now I'm not completely in the dark as before. I
looked around in the KWin code and I found the area of interest - the
compositor part, more specifically KWin::SceneOpenGL. Since shaders
will be needed, it looks like some custom shaders of type
KWin::ShaderManager::ColorShader would be able to do the job. Please
correct me if this is wrong.

There is more into it: first of all KWin currently does not distinguish between
screens during rendering. To properly have screen aware color correction the
complete compositor has to be made screen aware. The repaint loop has to be

As a side note, during the last CLT fair there was the idea brought up, to 
place ICC colour correction inside a KWin plugin. Is that recommendable?

split into multiple rendering passes - one for each screen. This is quite a
change in the way how KWin renders, but might be a useful change.

As a second step all fragment shaders need to be adjusted to do the color

Which shaders and adjusted for what specifically? May you point us to 
them, in order to get an idea?

correction. This has to be done extremely efficient. This is a rather critical
code path especially for low-end hardware (think of old Intel GPUs). Given the
constraints of the GPUs a dynamic feature activation is not possible.

What is in general important to know is that we have not had the best
experience with GSoC students doing work on the core of KWin. Given that I
proposed guidelines for future feature additions to KWin by non-core
developers [1].

Furthermore I want to mention that the project would at max be co-mentored
from the KWin team. The slot is provided by the Oyranos community and not by
KDE. This means that the main mentor will be at Oyranos and also whether the

The actual choosen slot comes from openSUSE, as they like to see a colour 
managed KDE too.

GSoC completes or not will be judged only by Oyranos. A successfully completed
project at Oyranos to write code to KWin does not mean that the code will be
merged into KWin.

The more we are interested to see the KWin project being involved.

Given recent discussions on this mailinglist about Oyranos and colord I am
very unsure whether I want any color management relevant code in KWin at the
moment. I will definitely not accept any code supporting only one of the two
systems and any additional build or run-time dependency to KWin will not be

Has KDE facities to load and apply ICC profiles? ICC support needs at 
least a colour management module (CMM) like lcms.

In general there seems to be agreement that color management has to be done
inside the toolkit/application and not inside the compositor. A fully color

You are pointing towards osX? I think that Qt and any other toolkit will 
need a not small amount of time to implement a similar engineered colour 
managed scene graph. Such stuff is certainly deployed inside PDF 
workflows. But my feeling says, it is a lot of work to get such a beast 
inside a cross platform Qt layer. Very likely not Qt5. How long would we 
have to wait for that? 5 years or more realistically 10 years or will 
that happen at all?

On the other hand, Xorg architect Jim Getty told me, that compositors 
are the right places for colour correction.

corrected compositor seems feasible to me, but one where some applications
need to start opting-out of being color corrected is nothing I want to see in
KWin as it adds significant complexity and overhead to the rendering process.

Opting out of colour management is a pre condition to do
* raw measurements, such as for ICC profile generation
* application side specialised colour correction

It needs to internally store the colour transform per window. If there is 
none, then there is no conversion needed.

This is something the Oyranos community has to decide on how they want to have
that handled.

Oyranos is only one colour management project inside the OpenICC 
community. It is true that I am much behind the concept of implicite 
display ICC colour correction. But surely more people have a interest in 
that concept being deployed inside KDE.

Kind Regards
Martin Gräßlin
KWin Maintainer

kind regards

Re: Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-19 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 16.03.12, 17:05 +0100 schrieb Alex Fiestas:

On Friday, March 16, 2012 03:09:39 PM John Layt wrote:

Here's my pragmatic take on it, without judging the merits of either project
or their champions, and not knowing what the implications for application
developers are.

At the moment I believe we are only talking about KCM Modules to configure
sub-systems external to KDE.  There is no code I'm aware of in kdelibs, kde-
runtime, or kde-workspace that actually implements anything colour
management related.  As such any KCM module to configure such a system
belongs in extragear for now.  When a distro chooses one or other of the
competing systems for their distro then they can package the appropriate
KCM for that system.


If the time comes when one or other system is integrated directly into one
of our core modules or applications and requires to be configured, then
that is the time for that KCM to move into the appropriate main module.

If they both stay alive and healthy then we may want to abstract the
abstracted alrady asbtracted so our applications only have to care about that
abstraction instead of caring about colord/oryanos/windows/mac

Abstraction++ (if possible :p)

In Oyranos users need few care about cross platform support. If extra bits 
are needed, these would certainly be welcome inside upstream Oyranos CMS.

kind regards


Re: [GSoC] KWin colour management

2012-03-19 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Thanks for posting here.

Am 18.03.12, 20:01 +0200 schrieb Casian Andrei:


I am a final year undergraduate student at the Polytechnic University
of Bucharest, Automation and Computers Faculty. I am interested in the
"Compositor Colour Management" idea from OpenSUSE. It looks like
something I would enjoy doing.

Given that colour management inside open source toolkits is a very very 
long outstanding issue, and we are still at the beginning with that, it is 
unlikely that Qt5 will allow to colour manage _all_ it's widgets by
default. That means, we will see only few graphics applications to do ICC 
colour correction themself. Consequently most other desktop applications 
and areas will look different on each monitor. In my opinion, the most 
easy path towards working end to end colour management inside KDE is to 
assume sRGB for all non colour aware applications and do colour correction 

That concept is worked out on OpenICC and used and checked on a daily base 
with CompICC. So it is no longer a experimental feature. In 
comparision, the concept to colour manage unaware colour content is as 
well common practise inside Linux and other OS printing paths. Ghostscript 
and likely Poppler will or do already colour convert the mass of todays 
/DeviceRGB colour unquestioned. They will implicitely assume that these 
colours to be meant as sRGB. I suggest we should follow that route for 
displaying inside KWin and improve colour useability on the KDE desktop.

I have acceptable C / C ++ skills and lots of experience with OpenGL.
I am also familiar with Qt. Regarding shaders, I wrote a couple about
2 years ago for an old project, and I still know how they work, so it
would be easy for me to remember. Last GSoC I worked on an OpenGL
interface for VLC, and 2 years ago I worked on capture support in

I need your guidance in order to create a decent proposal. I
understand the project will involve implementing the colour management
features in KWin. As the idea suggests, this would imply making KWin

The idea behind these two atoms is to enable per window colour correction, 
which is relatively easy implemented.
In a first step a window manager can be enabled with that feature. It is 
completely backward compatible. Graphic applications can be updated step 
by step to take advantage of the new ICC support by implementing the X 
Color Management protocol. They will profit by getting multi monitor 
aware very fast and power efficient colour correction with the smallest 
effort. Some few applications exist already, which deploy this scheme. 
Qt or KDE widgets can be created to share common code among such apps.

Today I documented myself about colour management in general, and how
it's done in Linux. I also read about ICC, Oyranos, X color management
and related things. Now I'm not completely in the dark as before. I
looked around in the KWin code and I found the area of interest - the
compositor part, more specifically KWin::SceneOpenGL. Since shaders
will be needed, it looks like some custom shaders of type
KWin::ShaderManager::ColorShader would be able to do the job. Please
correct me if this is wrong.

But I am still unsure and I don't have an exact image in mind about
what needs to be done. Clearly, more exploration is needed. I don't
know what to concentrate on - looking around in KWin / Compiz code,
concentrating on libXcm and the X Color Management spec, reading more
about Oyranos and colour management in general?

I tried the Oyranos colour management LiveCD and I saw it doing the
correction magic, but unfortunately I was unable to get compiz working
- with the open source drivers it didn't start because of missing
glx_ext_texture_from_pixmap extension, and there were problems with
the ati drivers - after installing them, the root visual was not a GL
visual (or something like that), and if I tried to do some
configuration with Catalyst, then X froze together with the system
(nothing new for me, that's why I am sticking to the open source
drivers). At least I know ICC profiles for both my monitors were
found, by monitoring with QcmsEvents.

Best regards,

kind regards


Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
Michael Pyne  schrieb:
>On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 20:43:59 Daniel Nicoletti wrote:
>> > On the other hand if there are things that a mere 'power user'
>> > 
>> > find
>> > useful (that colord will not be supporting due to scope) then it
>> > make
>> > sense to have extra U/I if Oyranos is available. Perhaps
>multi-monitor CMS
>> > would fit the bill (assuming colord will not support).
>> I'm sure you were just giving an example but as someone earlier
>> something about NVIDIA here's the explanation:
>> Multi monitor color correction works as long as your video driver
>> XRandR 1.3, which means NVIDIA proprietary driver is the only one not
>> supporting this. If we support XRR 1.2 both monitors get the same
>> correction.
>OK, thanks for the clarification. I didn't mean to further spread a
>misconception (although I can't go back and edit it now anyways).

Oyranos has a tool to do multi monitor ICC setup 
with nvidia propriarity drivers. It works as well 
without XRandR. Some projects do multi monitor 
colour correction using Oyranos this way.

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 15.03.12, 09:39 -0300 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

2012/3/15 Kai-Uwe Behrmann :

... and do caching, lookup, perhaps wrapping of CMMs and so one. Would it
not be nice to share that?

Really caching of so small files? If you cache small files you have an unneeded
overhead at best and a complex solution at worst.

Transforms are expensive, so caching makes sense. Parsing of ICC profiles 
in larger numbers is expensive too.

That is a apple against orange page comparision. But hey, here is a
better link:

You're just trying to create yet another CMS, we already have excelent ones
lcms, AngryCMS why a third?

Oyranos is a wrapper for CMM's. That way it wrappes the lcms ICC colour 
conversion engine. It could wrap ArgyllCMS's ICC colour conversion engine 
as a CMM too.

Oyranos does not do colour colorimetric stuff. It links to a CMM to do 

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 15.03.12, 13:09 +0100 schrieb Thomas Zander:
Basic design of system color management is that each input (scanner etc) and 
each output (monitor, printer) has to have assigned a personal color profile.

That is not as simple as that. You must include the driver, the colour 
related driver settings and maybe more identification informations from 
the device itself like the EDID. E.g. Modern monitors can emulate colour 
spaces, that would be written in the EDID. A simple one device to one 
profile is over simplified and ambiguous at best.

Applications that are capable of doing color management have to have access 
to those profiles so they can use them in combination with a library like 
lcms to do the right thing.

... and do caching, lookup, perhaps wrapping of CMMs and so one. Would it 
not be nice to share that?

Colord embraces that concept and provides all we need.

Oyranos makes things ... complicated.  See;

That is a apple against orange page comparision. But hey, here is a
better link:

Thomas Zander

glad to help,

Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 14:29 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:
If CUPS is locally installed this means it can just send the job color 

Am 15.03.12, 04:11 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

So far colour conversion happens on the end machine. That is the one,

which is connected to the device. That fits to what Michael Sweet says about 
early versus late colour binding, suggesting that early colour binding can cause 
gigabytes of traffic, while late colour bind will have no such issue.

Kai you keep saying that Michael Sweet don't want colord upstream,

Do you mean me? If so I did not write such a statement. I refered to your
abouve first sentence, which is now recovered.

how do I find just the opposite?

No idea how you get these two different things together. Maybe you think 
early colour binding is related to linking of code? Then no it is not 
related. Early colour binding means simply to do colour conversion early 
in the data flow, and that means on the local host, inside the application.

He even mentions that to add Oyranos that means loads of code...

Regardless of oversimplified or "non-trivial amounts of code", I still 
do not think that this would be a good route to follow. I fear a big 
maintainance effort for that scheme.

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 15.03.12, 07:34 +0100 schrieb Stas Verberkt:

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 14:22:54 Sune Vuorela wrote:
There's a few major points which I think if can be answered would
help clarify what that would look like:

Indeed, this discussion is going places, but does not really come up with
answers. As someone who has no understanding of colour managemant
and without any bias, I, indeed, see some questions to be answered, in the
hope this will provide us with some structure.

* First of all, how expensive would it be to provide a small abstraction
allowing drop-in replacement of Oyranos by colord and the other way
around, e.g. have one interface and two backends?

For device configuration a decission would have to be made to eiher 
simplify and thus cripple Oyranos or to extent colord for a common API


Profile lookup would be pretty simple. Many settings could be shared, but 
do not completely overlap. I do not know about caching in colord.

A colour conversion CMM wrapper API is only in Oyranos available. So you 
would have to recode that completely of you want complete independence 
from. All modern platforms, except Linux, support now multi monitor 
colour correction in their basic image viewers. You might loose 
partitially the ability to support that.

For cross platform support, KDE would need code rewritten for each 
platform. This includes nearly all non pure ICC components, like profile 
paths, settings, device backends and so on.

* If the platforms supported by the backend are different from the
platforms targetted by KDE, how do we cope on these other targets? Should
we answer question one with: indeed one interface, however, four backends
-- given whatever Windows, MacOSX, or whatever platform you like and KDE
targets uses.

* What of those extra features are "a big deal" for a desktop environment
(i.e. would specifically would we *not* be providing our users by
colord and not supporting Oyranos).

* Maybe reformulated to: What are the target audiences of the
applications? If one is more aimed at the default user and another at
certain professionals this calls for a different view at the situation. As

It is not that a strong division. Oyranos at least supports both mentioned 
user groups.

some people tend to say: one size does not always fits all.
Furthermore, I expect that there should be some communication between the
goals of KDE and those of the solution we prefer.

I be here around.

* What feature(s) does Oyranos support over and above colord? I think
all in agreement that Oyranos does /more/, but what specifically does that

* A feature-wise comparison, although that quite easily gives a false
impression. For example, a product may have way more features, but because
of some fundamental design decisions we do not like, or the other way
around, something may be over simplified. Thus, such a comparison requires
real expertise and no bias.
It would probably be best if the developers explained what makes there
software great and not so much what makes other software less worthy.

agreed. Again my link inside this thread to do so.

* Finally, assuming no direct support for Oyranos in a KCM, what would be
needed to allow a user to use Oyranos in a KDE Desktop? E.g. let's assume
colord is always available on Ubuntu and so KDE can interact with it, but
user wants to use Oyranos... what does KDE have to do to allow the user to
manually control their color profiles without a KDE daemon interfering?

* Maybe this should be asked for all possible solutions? Also, given the
fact that there are people working or willing to work on KDE integration
of both, this hould not be too much of a problem, I would guess.

As a final remark, please note that the diversity in the open source world
in general and the Linux world specific is, most of the time, considered a
good thing. Competing projects are generally responsible for more
innovation than monopolies.
If we can embrace this, it would be wonderful.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 15.03.12, 08:06 -0300 schrieb Lamarque V. Souza:

Maybe, that is something that needs to be discussed with oyranos'
community. By what I read in this thread elektra is still maintained and is
optional, not sure about fltk.

FLTK is optional. The core library is toolkit independent and builds fine 
without GUI code. However there is some example code using FLTK, Qt and 

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 22:15 -0400 schrieb Michael Pyne:

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 14:22:54 Sune Vuorela wrote:

I would really prefer to at least have one common gui. preferably just
one stack. But if we have to have two competing stacks until one of them
dies, then I guess we will just have to live with it. But do it with a
common gui. pretty please.

I agree that whatever we do there should be only one main KDE GUI to an
underlying color management system (CMS).

Going off-topic to discuss the thread in general, I have some thoughts on the

First off, I'm quite sympathetic to the plight of the Oyranos devs. Much like
KDE, they have tried to make a user-customizable, modular, extensible,
feature-complete system with efforts made at cross-platform functionality,
standards development and compliance, and feature implementation in a "as
correct as possible" fashion.

The problem is that the software is /like/ KDE but doesn't use any KDE
technologies. To best utilize a given subsystem we would typically use at
least a light abstraction layer, using Oyranos (at this stage) entails a KDE
abstraction layer on top of a KDE-like abstraction layer (unless KDE apps code
to Oyranos directly, which I don't see as likely in general). This API
impedance mismatch is undesirable for much the same reasons that we don't
typically code to glib or gobject APIs.

Do you suggest a KDE wrapper for Oyranos objects and functions?

Additionally I don't see any good reason to /not/ support colord. Ignoring the
other parallel about KDE-like software being reimplemented by a glib-based
"simpler application", the fact is that colord is widely distributed on Linux
and can (AFAICT) be driven over a fairly simple DBus API. If KDE is going to
support CMS at all there's no reason not to support that if it's present and

However this by itself doesn't mean KDE necessarily shouldn't or can't support
Oyranos. There's a few major points which I think if can be answered would
help clarify what that would look like:

* What feature(s) does Oyranos support over and above colord? I think we're
all in agreement that Oyranos does /more/, but what specifically does that

I hope to have adressed that already from my side.

* What of those extra features are "a big deal" for a desktop environment
(i.e. would specifically would we *not* be providing our users by supporting
colord and not supporting Oyranos).

If these extra features are things that are ONLY "professional grade" then it
may make more sense to have Oyranos configuration be an e.g.
extragear/graphics type of thing that software like Digikam and Krita could
use and/or depend on.

On the other hand if there are things that a mere 'power user' might find
useful (that colord will not be supporting due to scope) then it might make
sense to have extra U/I if Oyranos is available. Perhaps multi-monitor CMS
would fit the bill (assuming colord will not support).

* Finally, assuming no direct support for Oyranos in a KCM, what would be
needed to allow a user to use Oyranos in a KDE Desktop? E.g. let's assume that
colord is always available on Ubuntu and so KDE can interact with it, but the
user wants to use Oyranos... what does KDE have to do to allow the user to
manually control their color profiles without a KDE daemon interfering?

Oyranos makes sense to user, who have no idea that colour management 
exists. So they have no idea that it would be good for them.

- Michael Pyne

kind regards

Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 20:39 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

Like I also help with Wicd support in KDE, Kopete, and other areas of interests 
for KDE users. I do not use Wicd, but I help KDE users of Wicd even before I 
was the Network Management maintainer. By the way, I am not driven by FDO 
interests. We are using upower/udisks because there is no other choice in 
Linux, hal is unmaintained as you probably know. That is why I think we should 
have a community to maintain the software we depend upon.

Right so which community you are talking about, because
Kai likes KDE, it seems that you are putting FDO/Gnome as things we should
get away, instead of actually looking at how maintainable these two things are
and yet share code which is really important.

First you need to build the software or use the packaged version, see how
things work, now I started a replacement for system-config-printer because
it has authentication problems and is written in python. when I go to
Oyranos I found a bunch of tech I don't like, not just I don't like but
many developers don't, so who will maintain those technologies if few
people like/use it?

Few developers like to code CMMs. On the other hand many people want ICC 
support. Yeah colour management is non trivial in the basics. That is not 
new. The more useful is a API like lcms provides and a maintainer, who 
cares about the core stuff and it's necessary complexities.

And to get it right, device configuration is also non trivial. There needs
not only the device identification as requireed for profile selection but 
as well the driver and the colour settings for that driver. Oyranos is one 
of the few libraries, which supports that in a generic way, without the 
need of special setups or closed loop systems.

That's too personal oppinion and you sound like nobody likes oyranos.

It's a personal opinion indeed but this doesn't mean nobody likes Oyranos,
it simply means that looking at the code there won't be much devs willing
to maintain that. The deps speak for themselves. 

You need to maintain the same dependencies of the Oyranos device modules 
inside your KDE code. Oyranos just abstracts that out into run time 
modules. Otherwise access to monitor or printer informations is not easy.

I have never used PackageKit and said nothing about it. Are you talking about 
PakcageKit or colord here? Users can help with patches from time to time, that 
is important, and I was only a Knetworkmanager user before I started to 
contribute. Your statement is completely wrong in an opensource world.

You don't get it, I'm giving an example of how good projects dies because
from a technical point of view they become unmaintainable.

Some special guys have a tradition in declaring other projects dieing.

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 20:43 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

On the other hand if there are things that a mere 'power user' might 

useful (that colord will not be supporting due to scope) then it might make 
sense to have extra U/I if Oyranos is available. Perhaps multi-monitor CMS 
would fit the bill (assuming colord will not support).

I'm sure you were just giving an example but as someone earlier mentioned
something about NVIDIA here's the explanation:
Multi monitor color correction works as long as your video driver supports
XRandR 1.3, which means NVIDIA proprietary driver is the only one not
supporting this. If we support XRR 1.2 both monitors get the same correction.

Personally I develop mainly on a nvidia machine with two very different 
monitors in part over DP. Colour correction works to each with the Oyranos 

Even though I would prefere nvidia added support for XRandR properly.

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 14:29 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

2012/3/14 Kai-Uwe Behrmann :

It is indeed relevant because now we have a central place to configure it.

And users need to manage and error check everything themself. I would not 
use that in a professional environment, where time counts.

But colord depends on CUPS to
support it's concept of placing colord's session centric configuration
into each job on server side.

Which makes total technical sense. No color management system will work

I still do not see merit in the user session in CUPS server hook concept.
I would really like to understand why it is a good design, but no one gave
so far a satisfying answere on OpenICC. Maybe it can be found here?

Look at the details. colord is called inside CUPS server. CUPS servers can
be remote without any DBus connection, which colord relies upon. The CUPS
server is, well, a server, not client software. It takes print jobs through
a well defined communication path after lots of security checks. Now colord
breaks these security check on a local host and says to CUPS to use a

There is no security break, sorry, I know CUPS, CUPS is the one calling
an extra thing not the other way.

That is wrong. CUPS is patched to call colord. CUPS itself does not use or 
need a extra thing.

I'm not sure if this is what happens currently so I'm going to say what I would 
First regular users don't touch /etc/cups/client.conf - The file that makes
your cups calls go away. They don't need that to talk to remote printers
CUPS is smart enough to talk to another CUPS over the network.
So a process that uses less than 1MB can just be installed on each Linux
machine (as is the case today).
If CUPS is locally installed this means it can just send the job color 

You checked that? The first respond from the colord author, which I have 
read, was that the remote machine shall be configured through colord. 
Hence my above discussion of such a situation.

Now you suggest that the local client does colour correct a spooling PDF?
Are you sure? That would be a great feature and much more work than a 
small hook inside CUPS. Nothing indicated, that the colord author wants to 
support that approach.

So far colour conversion happens on the end machine. That is the one,
which is connected to the device. That fits to what Michael Sweet says 
about early versus late colour binding, suggesting that early colour 
binding can cause gigabytes of traffic, while late colour bind will have 
no such issue.

Plain simple...

The colord printing configuration architecture fits maybe to a one person
system like Android, provided that it uses a direct connection to the actual
printing device. Ironically Android does not allow for DBus.

I see no irony we do not target Android instead our users which lack CM.

Public news stated, that Qt apps are already on Android.

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-15 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 17:04 +0100 schrieb Matthias Klumpp:

2012/3/14 Kai-Uwe Behrmann :

Am 14.03.12, 15:54 +0100 schrieb Matthias Klumpp:

I also want to point you to this comparison colord against Oryanos:

Matthias, you help spreading false assertions here.

Please do a similar table for Oryanos vs. colord than the colord
maintainer did, so we can compare them. I guess that might be helpful
even for people who don't understand color management very well.

The table you link to is biased and, in my opinion, unfair. It would 
probably just as unfair if I started a similar comparison table. That 
is really a job for a third party reviewer. But instead I will list 
here the features Oyranos has right now, which I think will be directly 
useful to end users.

I think it is worth noting that Oyranos and colord aren not the only 
players. There is also the very powerful and very valuable ArgyllCMS.

Anyway, here about what Oyranos provides:

   Oyranos properties

General Concept
* cross platform API (Linux, BSD, osX, started win32)
   * abstraction from platform specific conventions
   * interfacing native OS specific CMS'es
* cross desktop
   * toolkit independent library
   * standalone front end Synnefo in Qt (similiar to KolorManager)
* selfcontained and modular design
   * most dependencies reside in runtime switchable modules
   * lightwight core
   * modules can be easily maintained, exchanged, fixed or extented
   * installations can be customised (e.g. skipping X11 module for pure
 print servers)
* adhering to existing standards and work on new ones inside OpenICC / ICC
   * OpenICC is a fd.o project
   * we help creating and maintaining proposals and specs
* Oyranos just works
* KolorManager enables even nonexpert users to configure their devices
* new BSD License

* complete CM settings like in advanced graphics applications
   * CinePaint
   * ICC Examin
   * optional, apps decide what they want to support
   * hybrid approach possible like
 explicitely syncing internal settgings with Oyranos
   * users can share CM options across supporting applications
 e.g. enabling proofing and selection of a proof profile
 That can reduce repeating settings in each application.
* clear concept of user owned and system owned settings
   * user versus system rights are much more naturaly handled
   * administrators can provide useful machine specific defaults
   * portable
* policy / grouping for easy switching, export, import of default settings
   * country specific defaults
   * company specific defaults or
   * task specific defaults

Profile Handling
* profile lookup
   * including support of platform specifics
* profile parsing
* minor corrections like profile ID assignment
* caching
* profile writing (but no own profiling like ArgyllCMS)

* colour conversion API
   * optional
   * apps can offload CM decission to Oyranos on demand
   * still fine controled settings possible
   * supports proofing, effect profiles
   * arbitrary channel count and bit depths like CMM (lcms)
   * profile and transform caching for fast access
* backend API for plugable CMMs (lcms, lcms2, GPU based are possible)
   * stand alone modules, without external requirements
   * these CMM's are selectable through the colour conversion API
* DAC based imaging for extension to HDR imaging and spectral imaging
   * state of the art, like in Gegl, Blender or other node based engines
   * 2D capable API
   * useful for adding tonemapping
* CPU based multi monitor colour correction
   * needs the above imaging DAC, the monitor module and a CMM
   * works independent of window managers
   * used in some widgets in ICC Examin
* traceable colour correction for easy debugging through users
   * unexpected results happen allways, this is a way to track processing
   * convenient for end users
   * speeds up error search by using simle tools
   * no gdb needed
* named colour support
   * used in ICC Examin
   * would be useful in KDE colour selectors
   * high precission colorimetry with native channels easily possible

Device Profile Assignment
* automatic device profile based on parsed hardware and ICC meta data
   * automatic profile selection according to a given device
* Taxi support for remote distributed ICC profiles
   * online DB for ICC device profiles
   * dispcalGUI can upload to Taxi DB
   * selection and download of profiles from remote DB by Oyranos
   * spec is shared through OpenICC for more users
* backend API for device property modules
   * for device identification and
   * most complete tracking of colour related settings in drivers
   * abstracted from apps, which do not need to care about specifics
* multi monitor support includes
   * XRandR like intel
   * nvidia drivers
   * ati drivers need more testing
   * on-the-fly fallback from EDID profile generation
* supports cameraRAW/LibRaw combo

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 22:03 +0100 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:

On Wednesday 14 March 2012, Thomas Zander wrote:

On Wednesday 14 March 2012 21.29.09 Alexander Neundorf wrote:

The wiki page somebody pointed to mentioned that colord is linux-only,
while  oyranos also works on Windows and OSX.

If we chose colord, how does our solution for Windows and OSX look like ?
Does kolormanager work under Windows and OSX ?

Matthias answered your question very well, and I agree with him.
Let me ask you a return question;  with the heavy dependency on X11 in
oyranos but with colord already starting work on wayland, how will we
support wayland soon?

That might be a missconception. Oyranos core itself does link against 
libc, libxml2, yajl, libdl and depending on the availability to 
elektra/ltdl. The X11 device support comes inside a module. So you can 
select on osX X11 or ColorSync depending on your needs. Same will work out 
for a separate Wayland module once a spec is available to implement that.

I know basically nothing about color management systems.
Don't some applications needs some kind of interface to use the color
management system ?
Or is it only for setting up X, the printer, Wayland, etc.

It can do both. Provide profile lookup, options for rendering and defaults 
and device setup.

In the first case, if applications (e.g. krita) need some way to work with the
color management system, wouldn't it be good if KDE provided one interface on
all platforms ?

Oyranos has platform abstraction for two Linux/BSD and osX. We would be 
glad to add win32 support in the not too distant future and provide a 
similar crossplatform support like e.g. ArgyllCMS.


kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 21:29 +0100 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:

On Wednesday 14 March 2012, Thomas Zander wrote:

On Wednesday 14 March 2012 18.12.13 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

Am 14.03.12, 17:46 +0100 schrieb Thomas Zander:

On Wednesday 14 March 2012 16.39.00 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

Colord - just to mention that - is also not a GNOME project, it's a
FreeDesktop project. (Doesn't mean it's "standard", but does mean
that it's not GNOME)

Well, no, having something on doesn't mean it's not a
gnome project;

Little semantic confusion here :)
He said it *IS*  a freedesktop project.  Which means it is not a gnome
project, which seems to me to be true.

It was developed specifically for Gnome Color Manager and then turned
into a Glib depending library. So it bears all the specifics in it's

Notice I still maintain that we should judge a solution on merit, not on
who pushes it.

That said; Cups also depends on colord. And IMO that has a bigger
impact than the gnome components that pull it in.

colord print CM:
CUPS does not depend in any way on colord.

This opinion seems to conflict with the facts stated by others.  Debian for
instance has 'rec' (recommend) colord for cups.[1]
Notice that colord allows components to use it without linking it in at
startup using the dbus interface for instance.

But colord depends on CUPS to
support it's concept of placing colord's session centric configuration
into each job on server side.

Which makes total technical sense. No color management system will work
100% without support in the individual components.  If Cups needs to be
patched to support a new feature, that sounds sane to me.
Does it not make more sense to have color management support in cups than
cups support in the color management software? It certainly does to me :)

It does not scale well and will likely be difficult to maintain.

As someone that is also a software developer, I disagree, with the reasons
I wrote above. :-)

Bottom line for me really is that a project that has been around for a year
has managed to grow fast and get accepted widely.
Some may argue thats because of political issues, but in the end thats not
really relevant. The end result is still 'market' acceptance.

As mentioned before, accepting kolormanager in kdegraphics is kind of a
"no" to colord. And I think thats would be cutting our own fingers.

The wiki page somebody pointed to mentioned that colord is linux-only, while
oyranos also works on Windows and OSX.

If we chose colord, how does our solution for Windows and OSX look like ?
Does kolormanager work under Windows and OSX ?

The printing concept, which we discussed in OpenICC and which we are 
intessted to introduce into Oyranos / KolorManager are design to be cross 
platform. We think that is important as we work daily in heterogenous 
environments. So we need to rely on

A) CUPS doing the right thing in the right place. And CUP's own CM appears
   fine. We can adapt our behaviour to use it for vendor and in parts for
   user configured profiles.
B) or we rely on standards for print job transportation. PDF is choosen by
   Linux as print format. PDF/X-3 is a international standard providing
   print profile embedding. That is used by osX as well. And let me
   speculate for good reasons. It is cross platform.


kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 21:10 +0100 schrieb Thomas Zander:

On Wednesday 14 March 2012 18.12.13 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

Am 14.03.12, 17:46 +0100 schrieb Thomas Zander:

That said; Cups also depends on colord. And IMO that has a bigger impact
than the gnome components that pull it in.

colord print CM:
CUPS does not depend in any way on colord.

This opinion seems to conflict with the facts stated by others.  Debian for
instance has 'rec' (recommend) colord for cups.[1]

CUPS is a cross platform solution. It works with colour management on osX 
fine. IMO that recommendation on Debian has to do with colord in Gnome and 
that colord needs compiled in support inside CUPS. No more no less.

Notice that colord allows components to use it without linking it in at
startup using the dbus interface for instance.

That is non relevant to the fact, that CUPS vendor colour management works 
since years and without colord.

But colord depends on CUPS to
support it's concept of placing colord's session centric configuration
into each job on server side.

Which makes total technical sense. No color management system will work 100%

I still do not see merit in the user session in CUPS server hook concept.
I would really like to understand why it is a good design, but no one gave 
so far a satisfying answere on OpenICC. Maybe it can be found here?

Look at the details. colord is called inside CUPS server. CUPS servers can 
be remote without any DBus connection, which colord relies upon. The CUPS 
server is, well, a server, not client software. It takes print jobs 
through a well defined communication path after lots of security checks. 
Now colord breaks these security check on a local host and says to CUPS to 
use a certain ICC profiles. colord needs special rights to take the user
configuration from a central DB. As long as the actual user is printing a 
actual job with a actual colord profile it is fine. Laptop and one 
person systems might work this way. But imagine that now on a multi user 
system. A remote print jobs comes in. CUPS prints that with the profile of 
the local user. These users are likely not the same person or account. 
That is why the Oyranos project did reject the offer to place a similiar 
Oyranos hook inside CUPS and why it is criticised inside OpenICC without 
sufficient answeres.

The colord printing configuration architecture fits maybe to a one person 
system like Android, provided that it uses a direct connection to the 
actual printing device. Ironically Android does not allow for DBus.

without support in the individual components.  If Cups needs to be patched to
support a new feature, that sounds sane to me.

There is a half new feature. The other half cuts into existing well 
defined behaviour. Colour Management for vendor configured profiles 
resides inside CUPS since quite some years. The rastertoprinter 
filters do colour correction through the respective poppler and 
ghostscript filters. The CUPS CMS configures that fine. Again CUPS does 
not need colord to do robust CM. It looses robustnes through colord 
introduced ambiguity. See above.

Does it not make more sense to have color management support in cups than cups
support in the color management software? It certainly does to me :)

That sentence covers only part of the conditions needed to judge. See 

It does not scale well and will likely be difficult to maintain.

As someone that is also a software developer, I disagree, with the reasons I
wrote above. :-)

My impression is, here are made assumptions that are based on abstract 
ideas, which do only in parts fit to the situation. That is irritating.

Bottom line for me really is that a project that has been around for a year
has managed to grow fast and get accepted widely.
Some may argue thats because of political issues, but in the end thats not
really relevant. The end result is still 'market' acceptance.

As mentioned before, accepting kolormanager in kdegraphics is kind of a "no"
to colord. And I think thats would be cutting our own fingers.

You are broadly speculating. May I ask for what reason?

Thomas Zander

Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 17:46 +0100 schrieb Thomas Zander:

On Wednesday 14 March 2012 16.39.00 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

Colord - just to mention that - is also not a GNOME project, it's a
FreeDesktop project. (Doesn't mean it's "standard", but does mean that
it's not GNOME)

Well, no, having something on doesn't mean it's not a
gnome project;

Little semantic confusion here :)
He said it *IS*  a freedesktop project.  Which means it is not a gnome
project, which seems to me to be true.

It was developed specifically for Gnome Color Manager and then turned into 
a Glib depending library. So it bears all the specifics in it's concept.

it is a gnome project, and it's widening its scope. The
reason it's used at all is that is is used inside gnome.

Projects should be judged on merit, irregardless of who pushes it.
If gnome is using it and that makes it grow acceptance, thats a good thing in
my book.  Why; *because* acceptance is growing. I don't care if its gnome or
any other player pushing it.

That said; Cups also depends on colord. And IMO that has a bigger impact than
the gnome components that pull it in.

CUPS has a own CM spec, which works for vendor side profiles. That 
CMS exists completely outside of any DE or other CMS.

colord print CM:
CUPS does not depend in any way on colord. But colord depends on CUPS to 
support it's concept of placing colord's session centric configuration 
into each job on server side. I do not know how to support per session 
configuration remotely or how to assign to the proper users.
It does not scale well and will likely be difficult to maintain. That is 
one of the major and long standing critique points. The colord author 
repeatedly said it is fine, without delivering arguments, except it is 
the fastest way to implement.

OpenICC print CM:
One idea of OpenICC members is to let users configure a per queue 
device profile with CUPS' own means. Thus it is best support inside CUPS. 
We would like to support that in KolorManager or where appropriate
The worked on alternative is libCmpx, which embedds the user selected 
device profile inside the print job PDF/X-3. PDF/X-3 as a standard will 
likely work cross platform, which will be important to scale clouds and 
elsewhere. These two concepts appear much robuster and are proven to work 
on other operating systems. Mike Sweet confirmed that for the later, while 
the other concept is deployed on Windows by some drivers.

Here some more details about the later aproach:

kind regards

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 15:54 +0100 schrieb Matthias Klumpp:

Colord - just to mention that - is also not a GNOME project, it's a
FreeDesktop project. (Doesn't mean it's "standard", but does mean that
it's not GNOME) So everyone is free to contribute to it, and the
maintainer is interested in collaborating with KDE. (which he already
does very nicely)

There's one thing about Oryanos I'd like to mention: I wanted to find
out why Oryanos is not packaged yet on many distributions. Reasons are
the strange build system it uses (looks like a custom thing to me),

That is correct. I would appreciate any help to get that cleared, as some 
packagers mentioned it to me. One offerd already a helping hand and 
started converting libXcm, which is now autotooled. Oyranos might go 
better cmakified.

which makes it difficult to build it on multiple architectures. It

Which on did not work? The recent released stack compiles on i586, 
xf86_64, armv7l, osX and win32, the later being not yet very functional.

also has dependencies like Elektra, which looks dead to the public.
(But is still developed, as it's maintainer says) Oryanos requires a

Please Oyranos, like my nick, which is oy ;-)

special version of Elektra packaged. There's also some other stuff

Where do you get that information from? Oyranos build fine with the 
last released Elektra version. For easy of build it is included in the 
source tar ball. Sorry for repeating that.

going on which needs to be clearified before Oryanos can be shipped in
distributions easily. It also has some legacy stuff, like Compiz
plugins - a KWin plugin would be better for KDE, IMHO ;-)

That is a different topic. But basically I agree. It is maybe for an other 

On the other hand, colord has a clean codebase, less dependencies and
it "just works" for GNOME. Although I don't have experience in color
management, seeing the younger project replacing the older one so fast
shows me that colord at least provides enough and well-working
functionality for color management on Linux.
Therefore, it might be a good thing for KDE to choose it.
(Maybe do some tests with it first)

I also want to point you to this comparison colord against Oryanos:

Matthias, you help spreading false assertions here.

Maybe also interesting, this comment of the Oryanos maintainer
(regarding the FAQ):

Kind regards,
   Matthias Klumpp

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 15:14 +0100 schrieb Thomas Zander:
We had a little talk about those two projects recently on k-c-d as well, 
where colord was proposed and Kai used that opportunity to plug his project.

I then went and downloaded both codebases and looked at them.

First thing that I'm worried about is that the whole project is designed 
around user roles (called policies).  As I have been involved with KDE

Policies are grouped preferences for rendering intents and default profile 
settings. The advantage is, they can be stored instead of switching each 
single option. The policies feature was recommended to implement. 
What would you suggest to improve that feature to gain more simplicity?

usability I have seen discussions and concepts of user roles a lot. Frankly, 
they don't work. There is almost no research to support them, there is plenty 
of research stating they don't work.

The policies in Oyranos are not forced other than normal settings. So each 
user is free to choose what she/he likes. There is no artificial 

Then there is the technical dependency tree of Oyranos;  this shows a 
subsection of its deps;

That comes from the device plugins being included inside the Oyranos 
source tree. However users can install a minimal Oyranos library and add 
X11, CUPS or othe device plugins later. KolorManager panel has no direct 
dependency to these device modules. The advantage is that the CMS can care 
about even complex device configuration and needs minimal device driver 

Thats a lot of dependencies;  some of them anything but easy to find 

Compare to

I guess components needs device access somewhere in the stack to obtain 
informations about the actual device. The advantage is a small core, but 
on the other side the components need to do all device interaction themself.

All of this could be ignored, as long as there is real cooperation and 
willingness to work together; so I looked at how lively the Oyranos community 

When talking about cooperation, then it is appropriate to look at the 
OpenICC channel. That is the place where colour management project 
interaction happens and many Oyranos developers, write there directly to 
get opinions from the community and discuss technical ideas.

I don't know why  colord was created instead of working with Kai on his 
mostly one-man project, it may have been for very good reasons, it may have 
been just not-invented-here.  But the end result is that the new project is 
quickly replacing the longer existing one both in developer community and in 

It might be that Oyranos core appears slow evolving. But that is as well 
due to being involved in following other ICC related projects:

OpenICC default profiles - research, creation, quality control
basICColor default printing profiles - tals with many vendors, licensing
CinePaint - ~second open source ICC graphics editor, 3 year maintainance
ICC Examin - profile viewer
KolorManager - you know
libCmpx - long long discussions for relyable print concept, implementation
CompICC - idea, mentoring, maintainance, many improvements
Taxi - idea, concept, new standards

These projects and some others belong to the Oyranos path of finding out,
what might be useful for good colour management support on Linux. Of 
course other projects can continue more easy and faster based on that 
previous work and on the experiences made. And surely they do.

And thats a good point; how many people use it in the wild?  I find the 
debian popularity contest insightful;

It was pointed out that such results are influenced by colord being 
mandatory inside Gnome.

How does that relate to (?):

If you don't have a good idea what those numbers are, compare to; or both of which have 
a lower install score than colord.

So, last time the colord and oyranos projects where mentioned on 
kde-core-devel, this amounts to the data I looked through and got my 
impressions on.
I personally came to the conclusion that KDE is probably better off by 
focusing on colord, even if there is currently no KDE gui for it.

Thomas Zander

kind regards

Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 06:01 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

  I'm actually targeting KDE SC 4.9 as gnome-color-manager is very mature and I 
  pretty much just rewriting it with Qt/KDE libs.

OpenICC colour experts have then a different view of maturity.


That including your later blog post shows a sub feature set of what is 
implemented in KolorManager / Oyranos.

It's totally clear from my message that this is a work in progress thing, if you
want to demerit my work by saying yours is better this shouldn't be the kind
of thing to discuss in kde-core-devel. Please let's try to not offend
each others work.

I welcome anyone, who works on Linux CM in a open minded way, including 

But you used GCM as a reference for your own project and surely know 
the controversial issues around colord. My answere was in response to the


About your opinion on maturity I'm talking as a developer which sees colord
as technology and still I'm really not comparing that to yours.

As you want to work with that project, how about reading the according 
threads on the OpenICC ml [1] ?


kind regards


Re: Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 14.03.12, 04:36 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:


After working on KolorManager and Oyranos in the past months for the last 
Oyranos-0.4.0 release, we feel the stack is ready to review for inclusion into 

KolorManager resides currently in Playground/Graphics:

Just a quick question, currently we have two CMS stacks, colord and
oyranos, while
I have nothing against having two of them in KDE, I wonder if this  would become
a problem for colord-kde [1] to enter in kdegraphics too? In that case
would be better
to both go to kdeextragear or is there some different policy in this case?

Would it work out to link kdegraphics components to kdeextragear?

I'm actually targeting KDE SC 4.9 as gnome-color-manager is very mature and I am
pretty much just rewriting it with Qt/KDE libs.

OpenICC colour experts have then a different view of maturity.


That including your later blog post shows a sub feature set of what is 
implemented in KolorManager / Oyranos.

Daniel Nicoletti

kind regards

Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

2012-03-14 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Request ID:

KolorManager is a front end to the Oyranos Colour Management System (CMS).

Colour Management is a important part of modern desktops. It helps 
designers to improve colour usability, artists to predict artwork 
appearance on client computers and graphic professionals to work with 
reliable colours. Oyranos is carefully designed to meet that demands. The 
KolorManager configuration front end is a KDE systemsettings panel for 
manual interaction in the otherwise automated process of configuring 
devices and providing reasonable defaults. The device configuration inside 
Oyranos CMS is a precondition to get DE colour management well working. 
Some applications like Krita or Gimp support already common OpenICC 
standards like the ICC Profile in X spec and will directly benefit from 
KolorManager being inside KDE. Other need further work to integrate 
Oyranos and ICC support.

About Oyranos:

After working on KolorManager and Oyranos in the past months for the last 
Oyranos-0.4.0 release, we feel the stack is ready to review for inclusion 
into KDE.

KolorManager resides currently in Playground/Graphics:

Someone mentioned kdegraphics would be a appropriate target place inside 
the KDE hierarchy.

kind regards

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
"Martin Gräßlin"  schrieb:
>Am 22.02.2012 20:01, schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann:
>> Am 22.02.12, 09:38 -0800 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:
>>> As Richard said Oyranos is doing all this by it self on the CPU so 
>>> it
>>> would act like a proxy between your application,
>>> and the window manager which sounds like killing performance.
>>> ( I might have misunderstood but I can't see any other way of doing 
>>> this)
>> Proxy are configurable by applications as usual.
>> Oyranos is used inside a Compiz plugin as the actual only desktop
>> colour server.
>> That does very power efficient and fast colour correction on the GPU
>> through GL shaders. Users can watch colour corrected animations,
>> movies and 3D scenes full screen with that.
>Just a short reminder that Compiz is no solution for the KDE Plasma 
>Workspaces, as
>a) our solution for window and compositing is KWin
>b) using Compiz means loss in core functionality provided by the KDE 
>Plasma Workspaces
>c) to my knowledge the plugin does not work with recent versions of 
>Compiz (aka Compiz++, Compiz 0.9)
>d) distributions are starting to drop Compiz
>e) Compiz development has been adjusted to only suit the Unity desktop 
>and has been proclaimed as dead on the Internet
>adding support to that in KWin should be fairly easy though I have no 
>clue about it and also no time for it.

We had recently a discussion on the wayland channel. The result does in effect 
simplify colour management for compositors. A KWin GSoC project was added to 
the OpenICC ideas page. Advice from KWin developers during such a project would 
be highly appreciated.

I blogged with some more details about the X Color Management protocol, which 
can be implemented inside KWin:

kind regards

Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 22.02.12, 09:38 -0800 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:

As Richard said Oyranos is doing all this by it self on the CPU so it
would act like a proxy between your application,
and the window manager which sounds like killing performance.
( I might have misunderstood but I can't see any other way of doing this)

Proxy are configurable by applications as usual.
Oyranos is used inside a Compiz plugin as the actual only desktop colour 
That does very power efficient and fast colour correction on the GPU 
through GL shaders. Users can watch colour corrected animations, movies 
and 3D scenes full screen with that.

kind regards

Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 22.02.12, 16:42 - schrieb John Layt:

On 22 Feb 2012 11:29, "Boudewijn Rempt"  wrote:

On Wednesday 22 February 2012 Feb, Nuno Pinheiro wrote:

A Quarta, 22 de Fevereiro de 2012 10:46:53 Richard Hughes você escreveu:

First, I apologise about the cross posting. Please drop any list which
isn't relevant in your replies, and please also cc me as I'm not
subscribed to either list.

GNOME has been a color managed desktop by default for two releases
now, and I deliberately designed colord to have an open Freedesktop
DBus API that could be used by both desktops. Really, KDE just has to
include a KCM module to do the 6 things on this list and also perhaps
include a simple control center panel to configure it.

Basically, I need a KDE dude. Of course, I can help quite a lot and
mentor the project, but I’ve never really coded Qt or C++ in anger, so
to speak. If you’re interested, I could maybe even set up a Google
summer of code place as well, although I’d prefer it to be an existing
person familiar with the KDE community so there is some ongoing

If anybody is interested, let me know and I’ll set up a meeting and we
can talk and discuss details. Thanks.

Richard Hughes

Use case here I want this :D, please guys help Richard. Yill make you


icons :D and mybe pay you a beer or 2.

While I agree that KDE needs colormanagement built-in, especially with

artists moving to KDE (I get almost no bug reports for Krita from gnome
users anymore, while that used to be the majority...) it's not like nothing
has been done before for KDE:


which are now, afaik, being used in OpenSUSE. There's quite a bit of

contentiousness between around this topic, and I have to say, while I don't
get the technical differences all the time, I do understand the friction I
see happening on, e.g., the openicc mailing list.

With all the respect I feel for Richard, I do think that this is yet

another of those technologies that get developed in splendid isolation for
Gnome, forced upon the Linux world by Redhat, claimed to be a standard and
which is then used to complain about KDE's lack of involvement yet again.
It makes me feel a bit unhappy.

Boudewijn Rempt,,

It's not a situation I understand or want, but the reality is we now have
two competing colour management systems which are shipping in distro's.
It's a situation I'll have to learn more about later from a Qt printing
context, but for now rather than debate the rights and wrongs we need to
think about supporting KDE users on Fedora, Red Hat, and any other distros
that choose colord over oyranos.

Fedora packages Oyranos since years.

All that is needed here right now, and all I believe Richard is asking help
for, is for a KCM to configure colord. KDE is a community know for it's
pragmatism and I think we need to be pragmatic here as it is not diverting
significant resources or making deep changes, or expressing support for one
or other solution.

An other approach is to put effort in bringing all Linux CMS'es to use
one common configuration DB. The format is agreed upon. I implemented some 
code to access it and want now to use that inside Oyranos. We have a 
OpenICC GSoC project to provide patches for all substancial CMS'es on 
Linux namely ArgyllCMS, Oyranos and colord:

I believe Alex Fiestas has expressed an interest in the past in developing
a KCM so he might be a good starting point.

kind regards

Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
Gilles Caulier  schrieb:
>If KDE include a color management based on Oyranos, what's about
>applications which have already a Color Management system, based on
>another library ?
>For ex, in digiKam we have used LCMS ver1 and we currently port to
>LCMS ver 2 (
>We will need to break all LCMS based implementation in digiKam and
>port all again to another library as Oyranos ???

Oyranos is optional. The configurations are planed to be parseable JSON.
It is up to de elopers to find value in it, e.g. it's multi monitor colour 
But that might become more interesting once Qt/KDE widgets are colour managed.

Btw. Oyranos is in parts a wrapper around lcms. It does not implement 
ICC colour calulations like lcms, qcms, ArgyllCMS or SampleICC.

>Which CM sub-system is used by Gnome Desktop ? They uses Oyranos too ?

They use colord. But that itself does no colour correction at all, just 
Gnome apps use lcms, like in Inkscape or Gimp.

>Gilles Caulier

kind regards

>2012/2/22 Christoph Feck :
>> On Wednesday 22 February 2012 11:46:53 Richard Hughes wrote:
>>> GNOME has been a color managed desktop by default for two releases
>>> [...]
>>> Basically, I need a KDE dude.
>> Our "color management KDE dude" is Kai-Uwe Behrmann from Oyranos
>> team. See "git/playground/graphics/kolor-manager" for what is already
>> available.
>> Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
>> KDE Quality Team

kind regards

Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 22.02.12, 11:52 - schrieb Richard Hughes:

On 22 February 2012 11:30, Christoph Feck  wrote:

Our "color management KDE dude" is Kai-Uwe Behrmann from Oyranos
team. See "git/playground/graphics/kolor-manager" for what is already

I gave up on working with Kai-Uwe a long time ago. Oyranos and colord
are competing frameworks that have *very* different design ideologies.

I was always inviting for collaboration and will continue so. My
proposals and standards are a living example for that. The Taxi ICC online 
DB is open for everyone, including colord users. Last year I wrote code to 
share users settings on the desktop. The code, including a formal 
proposal which was discussed on last years LGM in Montreal, is online and 
planed to be use in Oyranos. This is a invitation to use it as well in 
colord and other CMS'es for the freedom of users and application 
developers. Think, DBus is not available everywhere.
The idea of competion came not from me and I do not like to follow that, 
as it endangers collaborative work in OpenICC.

I've written a lot in the past on why I think Oyranos is the wrong
approach, which I'll not write again here. From my biased point of
view, in just over one year, colord has gone from concept to being
included on nearly all distros by default. It's pulled in as multiple
things like GTK and CUPS as a dependency. It's my firm belief that
color management should be usable by real people without having to
install or configure anything.

Hmm, the Oyranos project targets at non specialist and supports specialist 
needs at the same time. Many things are automated for easy handling and 
better control. I do not know, what is suggested with the last sentence.

I'm offering to help hackers in the KDE community build simple GUI
code on top of colord. You guys get a color management system that
works, and I get more users using my stuff. It's a win-win situation.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-22 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
Oyranos CMS is about preparing a release and then the existing KDE Color 
Management panel will be ready to continue inclusion into KDE. I 
appologies for the delay. The KDE Color Management panel or kolor-manager 
in kde git provides a front end to the Oyranos API, including 
configuration of settings and devices.

Peer reviewed ICC profile packages from well known sources are packaged 
and prepared for use with Oyranos. Honestly, the colord profiles are 
uncontroled altered from uncertain sources, falsely labled and 
unfortunately buggy. While the colord author can nothing for bad 
colourimetric quality, there was even after many warnings no attemt to 
check their quality and fix the package. So many users are now exposed 
to these profile sets.

colord as well as Oyranos are no guarantee for a colour managed desktop.
There is far more work involved, like creating cross desktop standards
and in parts cross OS recommendations, which I have put much work into.
And these conventions have to be transformed into code, which are
target at KDE and I helped with.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

Am 22.02.12, 10:46 - schrieb Richard Hughes:

First, I apologise about the cross posting. Please drop any list which
isn't relevant in your replies, and please also cc me as I'm not
subscribed to either list.

GNOME has been a color managed desktop by default for two releases
now, and I deliberately designed colord to have an open Freedesktop
DBus API that could be used by both desktops. Really, KDE just has to
include a KCM module to do the 6 things on this list and also perhaps
include a simple control center panel to configure it.

Basically, I need a KDE dude. Of course, I can help quite a lot and
mentor the project, but I’ve never really coded Qt or C++ in anger, so
to speak. If you’re interested, I could maybe even set up a Google
summer of code place as well, although I’d prefer it to be an existing
person familiar with the KDE community so there is some ongoing

If anybody is interested, let me know and I’ll set up a meeting and we
can talk and discuss details. Thanks.

Richard Hughes

Re: OpenPrinting Summit - Print Dialog and Colour Management

2011-03-17 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 17.03.11, 16:28 - schrieb John Layt:

On Thursday 17 Mar 2011 15:42:23 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

well, I'd hate to see/implement/support integration code for every
different CMS :-)

At least Oyranos targets verbaly at cross platform, if thats of relevance
for osX and Windows.

The Oyranos library API is basic C. ArgyllCMS comes with pure CLI
and colord with only DBus. Not sure what you exactly expect out of this
mixed concepts for code integration. At least there are two C APIs.

Well, I see rhughes on the OpenPrinting list talking about integrating colord
directly into the CPD, and then we'll integrate Oyranos, and then I'm sure

At this point, I am not even sure, if there is interesst from the 
Gnome side to do any colour management work inside CPD.
To add some background, rhughes belives in putting his CMS in parallel to 
the CUPS own CMS into CUPS server, as far as I have understood his posts.

The Oyranos project belives the CPD is the best place to do its work. 
It follows the idea to integrate user colour management on the client 
side and leave the CUPS vendor side CMS buisness to CUPS server.

someone will want ArgyllCMS support as well...

IMO ArgyllCMS targets at profiling and a clean and simple path to install 
the generated profiles. The other interesst is to preserve a explicitely 
non colour managed print path for ink limiting, calibration and profiling. 
That remaining functional is very important to create useful ICC profiles.

But I'm talking from a postition of ignorance here, I need to make time to
read all the doco and mailing lists and understand what it actually means.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

Re: OpenPrinting Summit - Print Dialog and Colour Management

2011-03-17 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 17.03.11, 12:17 - schrieb John Layt:

On Thursday 17 Mar 2011 11:36:08 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

I hope Hal V. Engel from OpenICC, who comes with many experience in
printing, will join the OpenPrinting meetings. He lives only some miles
away from the location.

Yes, I believe Hal will be there, in fact I've been talking to him about the
Qt version of the dialog.

We think already since quite some time how to converge for CMS settings.
Graeme Gill, the author of a pre dominant cross platform CMS, has
signaled high interesst for ArgyllCMS in such a standard, and we both
agreed to give that some meaning during this year. We feel settings in
one UI should not get irrational lost after switching to an other
standard supporting CMS.

That's good to hear, hopefully you work something out that colord uses as

The author is as well on OpenICC and can simply comment on he data base 
fundamentials and structure, as he did in the past.

well, I'd hate to see/implement/support integration code for every different
CMS :-)

At least Oyranos targets verbaly at cross platform, if thats of relevance 
for osX and Windows.

The Oyranos library API is basic C. ArgyllCMS comes with pure CLI 
and colord with only DBus. Not sure what you exactly expect out of this 
mixed concepts for code integration. At least there are two C APIs.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

Re: OpenPrinting Summit - Print Dialog and Colour Management

2011-03-17 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann
Am 17.03.2011 12:11, schrieb John Layt:
> On Thursday 17 Mar 2011 06:30:50 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
>> Am 17.03.11, 00:27 +0100 schrieb Christoph Feck:
>>> Kai-Uwe Behrmann (maintainer of KDE color management applications) can
>>> help you here. Grab him on and make sure he
>>> attends the meeting ;)
>> It would be really cool to have joined you to talk about colour
>> management with KDE. However I am very likely to be swamped with work
>> during this time.
>> With the help of OpenICC[1] some work has been done inside the Oyranos
>> project about printing. The Kolor Manager configuration panel[2] shows
>> some of these. It would be cool for CPD to deploy Oyranos device ICC
>> profile configuration to create a good user experience. I am about
>> preparing some schematic diagrams, which can give some condensed input
>> from the latest OpenICC discussions around linux colour managed printing.

> It's great to know we have someone working on this, it's a shame I didn't 
> know 
>> Thanks for your work!
>> John.
> earlier when first discussing attending the summit with the OpenPrinting 
> guys, 
> it would have been great to have someone there who knows what they are 
> talking 
> about :-)

I hope Hal V. Engel from OpenICC, who comes with many experience in
printing, will join the OpenPrinting meetings. He lives only some miles
away from the location.

> I guess I have a lot of reading to catch up on to understand how this all 
> works and hangs together, then hopefully I can make some meaningful comments 
> at the summit on what KDE would like to see happen.
> Something I think I'll need to understand is why the CPD (or any print 
> dialog) 
> would need to have direct support for different colour management systems 
> (Oyranos, colord), is there a way to abstract it via a common standard?

We think already since quite some time how to converge for CMS settings.
Graeme Gill, the author of a pre dominant cross platform CMS, has
signaled high interesst for ArgyllCMS in such a standard, and we both
agreed to give that some meaning during this year. We feel settings in
one UI should not get irrational lost after switching to an other
standard supporting CMS.

kind regards

Re: OpenPrinting Summit - Print Dialog and Colour Management

2011-03-17 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 17.03.11, 07:29 +0100 schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:

On Thursday 17 March 2011 Mar, Christoph Feck wrote:

Also on the agenda is integrated end-to-end Colour Management possibly
using colord [4], something I know absolutly nothing about, so any
feedback or suggestions people have on that will be very welcome.  For
starters the dependencies for colord are glib and policykit.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann (maintainer of KDE color management applications) can
help you here. Grab him on and make sure he attends
the meeting ;)

Well... Kai-Uwe and Richard Hughes have had huge discussions on colord 
on the openicc mailing list 
( -- too huge for 
me to follow them. This list might be a good starting place for more 
info. For what I got out of it, colord seems to be, like so many 
"generic" libraries be focussed on gnome/gtk-first, while oyranos 
(Kai-Uwe's system) is burdened by using a config system that nobody 
packages. But that impression might be outdated and is certainly 

Agreed, the discussion threads are very long. But we are about to extract 
important ideas[1][2] and turn them into proposals[3].

Oyranos ships with the needed configuration code inside its source tree 
since the last release at begin of this year.

The library comes with a CUPS module for printing, and further SANE (which 
needs patches), Xorg, Quarz monitor and CameraRAW modules.
What would be cool to have are a Quarz module for printing and make the 
library fit for Windows' WCS.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +


Re: OpenPrinting Summit - Print Dialog and Colour Management

2011-03-16 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Am 17.03.11, 00:27 +0100 schrieb Christoph Feck:

On Wednesday 16 March 2011 18:44:31 John Layt wrote:


I'll be attending the OpenPrinting Summit [1] to discuss how to complete
the Common Printing Dialog [2] and integrate it into KDE and Qt.  I'm
looking for any feedback people may have about the CPD, and any
questions you want me to ask while I'm there.

Many thanks, John, for never giving up with improved printing in KDE!

There a two main issues I see with the current approach of the CPD, and if
possible, you could bring them up in the discussion.

First, regarding the "common" part of the printing dialog, I hope that using a
common denominator of features offered in all operating systems does not
reduce the feature set again; we already went through it. (I guess you know
the existing bug reports. It boils down to the major feature loss that we got
when killing KDE 3.x printing system.)

The new printing dialog should not be shy on options, such as pamphlet
printing, customizable filters, and (most importantly) application specific
options with the ability to allow saving settings in global or application
specific profiles.

The second concern is about the D-Bus API. I hope that it will still be
possible to get a fast in-application preview with it when using the native

For example, I love how the current Qt printing preview dialog just copies
image pointers in the QtPrinter painting engine, so that the preview renders
literally the same images as the application has in memory, without copying
the actual data. The Qt printing preview is also very fast in scrolling and
zooming, I doubt it would be possible with a program that effectively "just"
tries to parse PostScript or PDF printer files just to generate the preview.

Also on the agenda is integrated end-to-end Colour Management possibly
using colord [4], something I know absolutly nothing about, so any
feedback or suggestions people have on that will be very welcome.  For
starters the dependencies for colord are glib and policykit.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann (maintainer of KDE color management applications) can
help you here. Grab him on and make sure he attends
the meeting ;)

It would be really cool to have joined you to talk about colour 
management with KDE. However I am very likely to be swamped with work 
during this time.

With the help of OpenICC[1] some work has been done inside the Oyranos 
project about printing. The Kolor Manager configuration panel[2] shows 
some of these. It would be cool for CPD to deploy Oyranos device ICC 
profile configuration to create a good user experience. I am about 
preparing some schematic diagrams, which can give some condensed input 
from the latest OpenICC discussions around linux colour managed printing.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +


colour managed KWin

2011-02-20 Thread Kai-Uwe Behrmann


the kde-usability people on IRC suggested me to write here about a project 
idea around kwin.

in short:
KWin would be great to support ICC colour profiles in order to colour 
correct the complete desktop in hardware.

Through KWin's shader plugins it is possible let the GPU colour correct 
all windows on the fly. Thats extremly efficient. Background images, 
icons, all windows of all toolkits (including native Xorg), inclusive 
movie playing, games and so on would be colour managed for each monitor.

The desktop would we assumed to be in sRGB, the standard internet colour
space. That is what nearly all theme and application designers choose 
their colours from.

To do it properly, the net-color spec[1] should be supported along side. 
It covers a communication protocol to talk to the desktop colour server and 
tell it, which regions in a window shall not be colour corrected. Thats 
important for applications like Scribus, Krita and Inkscape. They can then 
do their own colour management in one go and bypass sRGB. sRGB can become 
a bottleneck for wide gamut monitors or for calibration during ICC profile 

The whole thing can be made completely automatic. This is demonstrated 
with a recently published LiveCD[2]. It starts without knowing anything 
about the attached monitor into a full colour managed desktop with Compiz. 
Techically it asks for the EDID data from the monitor to get the proper 
colorimetry and creates a ICC profile on the fly. This is often not 
perfect, but it is a great improvement over no colour correction. Btw. it 
is on an other OS daily practice for hot plugged monitors. Most image 
content is sRGB. So most users will benefit very much.

It would be great to get feedback here and figure out if and how this 
project could come in live.

about me:
I am a opensource colour management consultant, developer and freelancer. 
On different projects I worked on the colour management side. My actual 
focus are proposals and data sets on the OpenICC project[3] and a 
according implementation in the open source Oyranos colour management 
system [4] and other smaller components.

about Oyranos
The goal with Oyranos is to obtain automatic colour management for many 
device classes. In Oyranos the most mature state is reached for displays 
on Xorg and Quarz. It would be cool to extent this to WCS, Android and get 
the other device classes to a similiar level. Automatic means in this 
context, no interaction of end users shall be needed. Manual preferences 
keep priorised for experts. Oyranos is packaged for some RPM based 
distributions [5]. The Oyranos project captures most of my free time ;-)

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

oy is in #openicc and #kde-devel @ freenode
